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paul campbell
coatbridge, lanarkshire
Plays: Guitar (2018 years)
230 posts total | IP Logged
Sorry, make that never HEAR the end of it. Jackass.
Fri May 21 '10 10:49:42 am Set this message as last read

paul campbell
coatbridge, lanarkshire
Plays: Guitar (2018 years)
230 posts total | IP Logged
Sorry again, there's nothing worse than someone who corrects spelling mistakes in what was basically a shite joke to begin with.
Fri May 21 '10 10:57:09 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....well it`s here the long weekend this town is like jammed with people already I went in for some wolfie dellisio pizza,s came home cooked one up the place is packed their isnt too much going on here man not realy any local people around nope! they dont come out when the city people are up their affraid be very very affraid! fuckn nut,s hey whats new you taken care of your hands lightning! anyways be back later wolf2.
Fri May 21 '10 1:48:29 pm Set this message as last read

David Wren
Plays: Guitar (25 years)
700 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Peeps….

Is anybody else really deflated and take back by the cost of the Club Joe Tickets….. I mean they weren’t nearly half as much last time……

I for one know you can’t put a price on meeting Satch himself, I have met him 9/10 times alreay but £185.00 on top of the ticket price you have already paid…..

How do you guys feel about that?.

Take Care, a sad and deflated Dave

Fri May 21 '10 3:01:49 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hey man I was on the canadian mental health association wesite the other day linked up to this article in the Ottawa citizen.The goverment is working with university experts to get rid of the bad stigma associated with mental illness like oh no man shes nuts right .Ayways Not for real guy yeah I have schizophrenia but it isnt something wrong with the brain .To get a schizophrenia diagnosis you have to be punch tested one of your punches has to be over 9113.2 pounds per square in withing so many punces second it has to girate like vary in the next round of punchs to get a schizophrenia diagnosis their is nothing wrong with the brain except it lossed psi in some punches so antipsychotic to keep the brain from becoming irrationaly pathed thinking from the psi varying only diagnsosed if you use muscle pertaining to life a queston their is nothing wrong with my brain one punch was 149000 psi then she fluctuated so thats how you get the diagnosis schizophreni diagnosis is only the strongest people has been since 2002 in this country everything else is alie and that my friend is the real deal and the truth so bad stigma realy isnt a good thing glad there working on it bored shooting the breeze with the best bro BRO JOE LATER wolf2.
Fri May 21 '10 3:34:57 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
Fatape - I agree , I was watching It Might Get Loud just week, great moment with Jimmy.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Fri May 21 '10 3:35:33 pm Set this message as last read


231 posts total | IP Logged

tgif...happy friday evening to all.

peace; thanks for the lnk. always interested in reading anything about Joe.

thanks to my crazy Redhead wife, we just won 3 nights @ Ballys Atlantic City, with airfare and limo to the voucher, free admition into the grand opening of Sammy's new Beach Bar on the boardwalk. my wife woke up at 6am this morning to get on her facebook and dedicated the rest of the day until 2pm, refreshing her page every few seconds waiting for the contest word "Cabo" to be posted. so now we're going to AC for the holiday weekend. woo hoo!

Fri May 21 '10 4:47:28 pm Set this message as last read

Marcin Ziêtek
Plays: Guitar (29 years)
3 posts total | IP Logged
The european tour is coming!!! We are waiting for you somewhere in Eastern Europe!!!
Fri May 21 '10 4:53:21 pm Set this message as last read

hervey bay, queensland
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
33 posts total | IP Logged
hey joe and internet dudes is there an australian tour coming up?
Fri May 21 '10 4:54:28 pm Set this message as last read

Mystical Robot
Plays: Guitar (17 years)
147 posts total | IP Logged
Hey Hey hows everybody doing haven't been on in a while have to catch up on lots of pages
Fri May 21 '10 5:21:19 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Fatape, you mean this? I didn't know about this dvd. I'm gonna have to put it on my list :-)

I can relate to their faces. I make that face when I watch L.Z. Mothership. It's like watching the soundtrack of my teens come to life


Don, Dar could possibly be more obsessed over Sammy than Tracie is over Joe! Is that possible??? lmao! Crazy wimmins! Congrats!

njbeast, I said it before. It makes it an unfair playing field. If ya got money, ya get good seats. If ya don't, row 20. F*** presale. It doesn't matter. Ya get screwed cause better tix are let loose later...maybe? Not a fan of this club shite at all. I can buy my tix the second they go on sale, and get row 20. Just my 2 cents on the matter...not that it matters...

Fri May 21 '10 5:36:06 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

UGH!!! You gotta be effin kidding me!!!! These people need to be dealt with! Where's the effin mafia when ya need 'em?

WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH To Picket RONNIE JAMES DIO's Public Memorial Service? - May 20, 2010 According to the official web site of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) — an independent Baptist church and hate group known for its hatred of homosexuals and its protest activities (which include picketing funerals) — WBC is planning on picketing Ronnie James Dio's public memorial service on Sunday, May 30 at 2:00 p.m. at The Hall Of Liberty located at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills, 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles, California. What will presumably one of WBC's standard "peaceful sidewalk demonstrations" is meant to "remind you who worship that old Serpent, Satan, that your time is very short," according to a post on the "Upcoming Picket Schedule" page of the web site. The post continues, "You know 67 year old, Satan-worshiping (or at least one of their enablers) Ronnie James Dio (of showing his devil horns to the world each time he goes in public) BLACK SABBATH fame is dead, right? We'll be there! Just because the chances of any of God's elect being amongst this group of heavy metal sycophants is slim to none does not mean they should not get some good words."

The post goes on to say, "Yes, it is true that Ozzy Osbourne did 'accidentally' bite off the head of a bat, but THAT is the least of their sins (little nasties!), they currently do not do that, but they throw raw meat to the audience and encourage violence of EVERY FORM!"

The WBC web site then proceeds to list "admitted sins of this now dead and in hell pervert: 1) He hates his neighbor(s) starting with Ozzy Osbourne, and continuing down to his pornography star niece Gen Padova! 2) He hates God. Pay especial attention to the fact that he changed his original sir name from Padova to Dio, which means God in Italian. 3) Ronnie the simpleton enabled, and encouraged Sorceries: everything he was about including the little finger horn thing (he got this from his mother which is an incantation to ward off the 'evil eye') to the drugs, bloody raw meat and his fellowship with those pentagon necklace wearing freakish band members."

The post concludes: "Yes, Ronnie James Padova (NOT DIO) is currently residing in hell. When all those who worship him and his false gods meet him in hell it will be just like this: Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: Isaiah 14:11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. Praise God all ye, His people. The Great Day of the Lord draws nigh. AMEN!"

According to, the members of the Topeka, Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church filed a legal brief with the high court last year indicating that they "believe it is their duty to protest and picket at certain events, including funerals, to promote their religious message: 'That God's promise of love and heaven for those who obey him in this life is counterbalanced by God's wrath and hell for those who do not obey him.'"

The congregation is made up mostly of pastor Fred Phelps and his family. The pastor has 13 children, and at least 54 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. He described himself as an "old-time" gospel preacher in a CNN interview in 2006, saying, "You can't preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God."

For more information on the Westboro Baptist Church, read this entire article from June 2009.

Fri May 21 '10 5:48:49 pm Set this message as last read


3 posts total | IP Logged

Joe, When will you be playing in the states again? Preferably Maryland and or Virginia? Also, how much extra are the club Joe upgrades?

Thanks, Shawn

Fri May 21 '10 6:40:59 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

About an hour ago...

Al says - "in bangkok 2 mins and already sweating my balls off 15 hours down, 15 to go"

"...meetin a friend then a plane, bus and boat! 15 hours left!"

A Passage To Bangkok

Bangkok weather -

Mostly Cloudy

90° F

Feels Like: 97° F

Wind: From W at 7mph

Edited Fri May 21 '10 7:20 pm

Fri May 21 '10 7:03:02 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

I'm a week or so behind on posts, but I skimmed quickly and I didn't see this posted by anyone else:

Stream the new STP album on Billboard

I haven't listened yet, but...


Fri May 21 '10 9:39:59 pm Set this message as last read

David Wren
Plays: Guitar (25 years)
700 posts total | IP Logged


Thank you for your input…. You know your right…. I had such a crazy ordeal getting the tickets I have…..

I get all my tickets through Ticket Master, All, and the pre pre sale was two days before general sale with them and you know what….. they would not let me go for the pre sale tickets because I have new bought ON-LINE with them…… regardless of the £1000’s I have spent with them I just prefer to do it over the phone….. And All after taking the morning off work to get some good seats……

So I got my tickets through “Pre” sale on (Ticketline) and got something like Row M….. and I did thins for all 3 shows I am going to….Man, Lon, Birm….

So the morning of the general sale came….. I thought I would see what the selling rate is…. (tickets on sale at 9:00am)….. waited until about 10-30 / 11-ish and you know what………. I could have got Row C…..

Not Happy With That…….

Take Care, (Still Deflated) Dave

Sat May 22 '10 1:19:21 am Set this message as last read


52 posts total | IP Logged
Just seen live in Paris and the edditting is an eye saw. You can't see what Joe is playing because it's all blurred up
Sat May 22 '10 1:43:58 am Set this message as last read

rui silva

Plays: Guitar (15 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged

thank you for coming to portugal

you are the best

i love you satch

Sat May 22 '10 2:36:54 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
holy fouck man! what happened? woke up feeling with a head like a football with either sparklie`s sparkles like or brake dust from the ATK on my face.You know man I bought this cool new part for it at canadian tire up north ,in their dirtbike section yOU KNOW HOW DIRTBIKE,S HAVE THE VENTTUBE FOR AIR THAT COMES OFF THE GAS CAP. ignition this company has a real nice one way vale it allows air in but no gas will flow out it was around 15 bucks IGNITION makes it fit,s all bike,s since I installed this i have not needed to buy fuels you can go to the rockies man and she will be down about 3 millimmeters in the tank you cant notice any fuel comsumption it,s just a small piece of black hose with the valve on the end that goe,s on your gas cap to replace the old ventubes that leak out fuel!im sure this sparleie`s on my face is brake dust from the atk rear brak the countershaft rear disc it,s on the front sprocket for enduros like the six day endurothatmy bike model was the champion of it,s so it cant get broke! anyways doing the morning gig more coffee later wolf2.
Sat May 22 '10 4:21:06 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
BobCliffe - There's a strong rumour he's playing a guitar.

Edited Sat May 22 '10 7:37 am
Sat May 22 '10 7:37:11 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Morning Satchland....hope every one is having a wonderful week end!!!!

Don- Congrats to your wife on scoring an awesome fun! I never win anything......but then again I am not as determined as Darlene must be.. Thanx for the feed-back on the Satch article I really like how that one was written. The author is a total fan & the article was very flattering but TRUE ........... I love to read about Joe myself & hope everyone got a chance to read that one.........

Michelle- Those WestBoro Baptist folks make me very sad..when I was reading your post I actually teared up........I feel very bad for Ronnie James Dio's family and loved ones if those hate-mongers show up and do what they are saying they will...... The God I love is not a God of hate.........if believing in an all powerful God of love condemns me to hell so be it....... So prayers for Ronnie James Dio's family and loved ones may they find the strength to endure this vicious onslaught.......

njbeast- Sorry about your ticket probs....I had a similar prob at a recent concert attended with my concert tickets, although the meet&greet was a pretty good value.....

And ....I hope that young Mr. McKenna stays safe in his latest adventure.... seeing the world.......

And............. I am gonna be a Gramma unplanned but its all good ............... ;-)

Edited Sat May 22 '10 8:37 am

Sat May 22 '10 7:52:35 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

njbeast, my point EXACTLY!! It's sooo nerve wracking buying tix! I've done the same thing! Bought tix on the pre-sale only to find way closer seats after, BUT, do you take that chance? Ticket buying used to be FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED, but now it's WHOEVER HAS THE MOST MONEY WINS. As always, money talks, bullshit gets row M.

Click on WATCH AGAIN. Totally friggin awesome!

Cappy, it's nice nice to spread rumors.

PL, I just can't get my head around these WBC people being free to do this without the law being able to stop them. WTF! They're some of the saddest human beings on earth IMO. I absolutely can't wait for their judgment day. It ain't gonna be perty!

OH, and happy Gramma again status to you!! Congrats!

Austin, thanks for the link. Listening now :-)

Edited Sat May 22 '10 9:06 am

Sat May 22 '10 7:59:25 am Set this message as last read


2 posts total | IP Logged
is there any way of sending midi files because i hav a few to send?
Sat May 22 '10 8:57:58 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey had to go get my mom man!.I went out on The atk right man come home no mom seen she`s at her place up north so I ride the atk through the bush to her place get her to come to my place. Like NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON WITH HER LAWN UP THEIR MAN i took lawnmower gas up their last week her grass is like a foot high man ,dont know why after telling her to go to my place I went rideing from up north this atk has been acroos the country a couple times to petrborough today stoney lake coehill lake st peter up north the rockies the other day and it still hasnt burned any fuel .The fuel level in the tank hasnot gone down how much fuel was going out the vent tube before I installed the ignition products one way valve. Brand new engine and transmiion rebuilt shock fork service new sprockets new brakes new brake cliper front new swingarm bearing .Recent tune up oem factory spark plug cap and spake plug fresh pji brand new can black label chainlube one way vent on fuel cap hasnot burned or the fuel level hasnot changed since and I done all that ridieng becky was barbecueing her moose meat she always does mom was here when I got home she made pottatoe salad devibled eggs smaon cheese and pickle I had a platter full mom just radio,d me from the wolf den saying i just their now shes here shes napping now be back later wolf2. would that tune up make this thing not use any fuel? must have later wolfie.
Sat May 22 '10 11:59:01 am Set this message as last read

Mark Railton
Plays: Guitar (16 years)
196 posts total | IP Logged

Here's my new theory behind the creation of our universe!

What do you think?

Edited Sat May 22 '10 12:04 pm

Sat May 22 '10 12:02:39 pm Set this message as last read
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