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231 posts total | IP Logged

happy friday to all! getting ready for the big weekend trip to atlantic city thanks to Sammy Hagar's Beach Bar and Bally's Casino and Hotel!! if anyone here lives in NJ and is going to Sammy's this weekend let me know and maybe we can meet up and have a Waborita or two!

good to see folks still debating the AZ law, bad to see people having hurt or angry feelings during the debate. even when you disagree with someone, you should respect their opinion. even if YOU think they are totally out of their minds, THEY think you are. the only way to change someone's mind about something is through intelligent and unbiased conversation. at the end of the day no matter who is right, it's the consequences of our actions that determine success or failure.

i put in my 2 cents before, none of this would be happening if we had a semi-competent government. change that and we can change the world!

have a great weekend all. I'm goin to AC for free WHoooooo HOOooooo!!!

Fri May 28 '10 9:33:08 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged

That's the trouble with you Yanks, you only want a semi-competent government. What you need is a competent government!

I passed through Glagow recently, Scottistan is well and truly on the way!

Fri May 28 '10 9:41:46 am Set this message as last read

Joe Satriani

256 posts total | IP Logged

Turbo, I am not trying to hurt AZ, just warn people about an unconstitutional political power grab at the state level that hurts all Americans. This may help explain the protest:

"The danger posed by laws such as Arizona's is not really that it will be used as a bludgeon against Arizona's Hispanic residents, whether citizens, legal immigrants, or illegal aliens. We can all recognize the issue there: aggressive harassment of non-white Arizonians. Some people find this unpleasant, some are enthusiastic about it. Some of the enthusiasts are racists and xenophobes, others honestly believe that illegal immigration is such a problem that the ends justify the means.

What is more alarming is the concept that in the name of fighting illegal immigration, a law like Arizona's is passed which infringes on the rights of every American. A law that provides law enforcement with a pretext to pull over anyone they find suspicious, and to detain them in the name of verifying their identity.

The Arizona law, for example, provides that law enforcement will verify the detainee's immigration status with federal authorities. However, it does not specify a time frame in which this verification process must take place. The seeming protection of rights actually becomes a mechanism of oppression itself.

Imagine this scenario: You are a 2nd generation German-American living outside Tucson. You moved there recently and don't know your neighbors particularly well. Your father immigrated to the United States about 30 years ago and, after years as a lawful permanent resident, became a citizen a few years ago. Your cousins from Frankfurt are visiting and they've been chatting loudly in your yard. A cruiser pulls up, lights flashing. The cop is friendly but stern. Apparently someone called in to report possible illegals. Your cousins produce their passports. When your father comes out of the house, the cop asks to see his id. In his still accented English, your father explains that his documents are still enroute from Texas, where you previously lived. More police cars arrive. The neighbors are staring. You wonder which one of them called the police. After a hasty huddle, the cops ask your father to come down to the station so they can verify his identity.

What happens next? Maybe your father remembers his social security number. Maybe that's not good enough. (Remember, the Arizona law doesn't specify how you can prove your identity.) Maybe the cops need a passport. Maybe they keep him in a holding cell for two days. Maybe he misses an important meeting. Maybe he gets out right away..."

It's up to us to keep America great, and the land of the free... Joe

Fri May 28 '10 9:44:25 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Couldn't resist making a Joe sammish!
Fri May 28 '10 9:51:38 am Set this message as last read

336 posts total | IP Logged

Joe Satriani How is your cd project coming along?


Fri May 28 '10 10:00:56 am Set this message as last read

Joe Satriani

256 posts total | IP Logged


"Within Arizona, opponents of the bill are making their voices heard. The sheriff of Pima, Az. has said he will refuse to enforce a law he calls "irresponsible." U.S. Representative Raul Grijalva of Arizona called for an economic boycott of his own state. The city councils of Tucson, Flagstaff, and San Luis voted to sue the state over the law; the mayor of Phoenix would like to do the same, but is being blocked by the city council. Police officers from Phoenix and Tucson have also filed suit, requesting that local police be exempt from enforcing what they consider an unconstitutional law."

...and from President Obama:

President Barack Obama denounced the bill, saying: "Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others, and that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe. In fact, I've instructed members of my administration to closely monitor the situation and examine the civil-rights and other implications of this legislation."

Fri May 28 '10 10:02:11 am Set this message as last read

Joe Satriani

256 posts total | IP Logged
TheHawkGuy, thanks for asking! We will start rehearsing next week, and be in the studio recording on the 6th of June. Jeff Campitelli-drums, Allen Whitman-bass, Mike Keneally-keyboards... Joe
Fri May 28 '10 10:05:42 am Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged

Artists Against Arizona List Your a fish out of water in this scenario, Joe. I read this list and you stick out like a sore thumb.

I get what your saying about the profiling, but it has to be done. You have to weed 'em out. Just like a filter. The good ones can pass, but the bad ones have to step aside.

It's always the bad people who ruin it for the good. It happens to everybody eventually. Because life isn't perfect.

You can never know the answer, unless you ask the question. -Got a birth certificate?

Fri May 28 '10 10:08:50 am Set this message as last read

Eric Gratteau
Colorado Springs, CO
Plays: Guitar (30 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
I want to do the Satriani DVD Exchange, but I'm getting no answers from Sony or Epic (their operators suck). Do I just send the DVD or the DVD and the case? I can't find any answers anywhere.
Fri May 28 '10 10:23:22 am Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

Joe - Any chance Mike Keneally will play keyboards out on the road with you as well? And if so, what are your thoughts on playing some Engines Of Creation material again? It'd be great to hear something new like Flavor Crystal 7 or Champagne? :-)

egratteau - You only need to send the disc in an envelope...keep the case with you.


Edited Fri May 28 '10 10:45 am

Fri May 28 '10 10:44:41 am Set this message as last read

Eric Gratteau
Colorado Springs, CO
Plays: Guitar (30 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
Thanks Austin. I appreciate the feedback.
Fri May 28 '10 10:50:25 am Set this message as last read


778 posts total | IP Logged
Agree to disagree with Joe.
Fri May 28 '10 10:54:34 am Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged
@Do The Stu-funny that you mention Engines Of Creation. I was cleaning the other day and all of the sudden, a little tune clicks in my head. I knew it was by Joe but I couldn't remember right away what song it was. I eventually remembered and it was stuck in my head ALL day. I've had it on my iPod for a year now, but it has nevered really clicked. But it finally has. All of Joe's songs come 'round. This one has taken the longest though since I first synced it with my iPod.
Fri May 28 '10 11:07:51 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

OOOoooo I SO wish I was a fly on the wall in the studio on June 6th!!!

Great news Joe, and have fun recording....although I recognize it's very hard work. Hope it goes smoothly for you and I can hardly wait for the new album to drop!!

Fri May 28 '10 11:22:50 am Set this message as last read

Anthony Stevens
3 posts total | IP Logged


I must say I'm very disappointed with your attitude on the new Arizona law, have you actually read the bill? It is exactly, word for word the same as the Federal law, that by the way is not being enforced. I work in law enforcement and I see first hand the criminal activity on the border. The poor illegals are the majority of the victims by the way, rape, murder, kidnapping. Were you aware that Phoenix has the 2nd highest kidnapping rate in the world? Arizona is trying to protect itself from the criminal activity that is increasing at the border and as a result in our cities.

There is a lot of misconceptions on how this law will be enforced and people just don't get it. There will not be situations as you described earlier about the German citizen. This is something Arizona law enforcement already does! There will be no change in how illegals will be identified and people are insane who think that Arizona cops will be walking up to Hispanics and asking for their papers.

I just wish American citizens would wake up and see the writing on the wall and support fellow Americans! It is a shame that people like yourselves would boycott a state and punish fellow Americans over illegal imigrants. I have been a fan of your for 25 years and now I feel the need to boycott you.

What a shame!!!!


Fri May 28 '10 11:36:53 am Set this message as last read

Marci Strato
Ciudad Real
Plays: Guitar (38 years)
6 posts total | IP Logged

Hi Joe. We hope you come to play in Spain in 2010. Will you? I'm looking everyday your tour dates... waiting for a new concert in Spain...

Thanks for all you do. You're the very very best.

Fri May 28 '10 11:49:39 am Set this message as last read

336 posts total | IP Logged

Please Respect Joe Satriani

I've only lay one request, not going to back n forth on this thing .....

Peace lily? where your peace sign? we need a sign for peace

Fri May 28 '10 11:51:59 am Set this message as last read

Mark Hybers
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
547 posts total | IP Logged
RIP Gary Coleman. 42 years young....
Fri May 28 '10 11:54:25 am Set this message as last read

Jose Martinez
El Paso - Juarez, TX - Chih
US - Mexico
Plays: Guitar (38 years)
514 posts total | IP Logged

Pima651: You say that there will be no situations as the one described by Joe in his post. That my friend is a very bold statement. How can you or anyone else within law enforcement be absolutely sure it won't happen?

And for the record, on this same page, in between your 2 posts look for a post from OXLEY11 with a link that says Artists Against Arizona page. Open it and on the third article, it describes a very similar, real-world scenario to the one Joe posted. So it is already happening. And it will happen again. And again, regardless of whether this law exists or not.

There are definitely lots of misconceptions. One of them is highlighted by you on your final paragraph. These artists are not supporting Illegal Inmigration. They are supporting civil rights.

Fri May 28 '10 12:17:20 pm Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Joe Satriani - While it's good for you to stand up and be counted for an issue you care about, I wish you could 'chat' in here more about things musical and your feelings about the musical projects you have on the go or planned for the future.

Edited Fri May 28 '10 12:34 pm
Fri May 28 '10 12:19:09 pm Set this message as last read

Jose Martinez
El Paso - Juarez, TX - Chih
US - Mexico
Plays: Guitar (38 years)
514 posts total | IP Logged

I think this has not been made clear enough.

Sound Strike is NOT supporting illegal inmigration.

Sound Strike IS supporting civil rights.

I applaud Joe for taking a public stance on something he believes in.

I applaud everyone here who has expressed its opinion, negative or positive, it's always good to see all the sides to every story.

In the end, we all have to live with our decisions. So we better be comfortable with them, at all times.

I personally don't agree with either camp, and knowing that Mike Portnoy will have an in-store appearance in Phoenix one day after I see DT in Albuquerque, I 'm quite tempted to take the drive. My decision whether I go or not will definitely NOT be made based on this law.


Fri May 28 '10 12:26:52 pm Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

cappy....pick a topic, ask Joe some questions or a question about it...ya never know what will spark a discussion!

I'm tickled Danny thought to ask Joe about the new album and recording....we got a tidbit of info that way from Joe! It's exciting, and reminds me of good things to look forward to. I need that cuz the minutia of day-to-day life can be so enervating and soul-sucking sometimes.

Holiday weekend coming safe folks! I'm spending the day with Chris tomorrow and looking forward to it! On Monday I'll be thinking of loved ones that have passed. I do that at other times too of course, but always on Memorial Day.

Love ya Joe! Hugs to ya, especially on Monday.

Fri May 28 '10 12:38:14 pm Set this message as last read

Joe Satriani

256 posts total | IP Logged


Early criticism of the S.B 1070 brought about last minute changes that made it less vague before Gov. Brewer signed it. A perfect example of how protest, political and public outcry can all help to inform our government. My hope is that this boycott will be brief, serving to more fully focus the details of the bill, or, perhaps re-write it before it gets implemented.

I have read the bill many times, here it is for all to see:

I would like to see the Fed do its job and respond to the needs of the border states immediately, as its neglect created the need for Gov. Brewer to act on S.B. 1070 in the first place.

This is an open forum and I respect and consider all opinions posted here. Cheers to all who have displayed the courage to speak their minds.


Edited Fri May 28 '10 12:48 pm

Fri May 28 '10 12:47:52 pm Set this message as last read

336 posts total | IP Logged

Thank you tracie, yes I'm very glad that I've made you smiled and made your day hun

hugs to you


Fri May 28 '10 1:03:09 pm Set this message as last read


778 posts total | IP Logged

Unlike many of you here I have had dealings with the INS. I am a legal immigrant to the US. In the 80's I lost my greencard. I spent two years in limbo unable to collect unemployment or get a job due to the INS mishandling of my paperwork. I finally had to go through my Congressman to get a personal appointment at the INS in Los Angeles in order to replace the documentation that proves my status. Were my civil rights violated? Did I go crying to the media because I was asked for ID? No and no. I am required to provide my greencard to obtain mortgages seek employment and open bank accounts amoung other things. Does immigration need reform? Yes. The INS is inept, inefficient and seemingly unaccountable to anyone. I thoroughly resent millions upon millions of people coming here illegally and then having the nerve to demand rights and special treatment. My family was subjected to background checks and physical examinations. We paid fees and provided paperwork. Not only that, shortly after we relocated, my Father was drafted.

No free passes!

Fri May 28 '10 1:05:07 pm Set this message as last read
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