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Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Lots of interesting things to read on here guys.... this place is always a fascinating read one way or another, and informative

Studio time & rehearsal sounds good, and I'm excited for that

BTW Joe - are those the longest posts you've ever made? Enjoyed those video snippets the other day. How many songs do you have for the album to narrow down to the actual track list or is that already done?

Hope everyone is well - and 2nd/belated birthday wishes to Do The Stu & Anibur in case you missed your tweets

.... and it's now 4am. What's that west coast time, 8pm? Im so tired

Edited Fri May 28 '10 7:55 pm

Fri May 28 '10 7:53:00 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

turbo236 - It's really the start of a slippery can insist the law has good intentions and people won't abuse power, but if they do abuse power, well, the law is already in place and it'll be hard to bring things back to the way they were. I personally don't have a problem with "reasonable suspicion"...that's a concept that's been around in law for a while.

I saw a good example shortly after the law was passed, I think it was in the New York Times. If you get pulled over on the freeway for having a busted headlight, a cop will give you a ticket but can't (or, shouldn't) ask you about your immigration status. On the other hand, let's say a cop pulls over a van for speeding on a freeway a few miles north of the border. The van is crowded with passengers, the driver doesn't have a license, and no one else in the vehicle has an ID. In that case it might be reasonable to suspect the people are in the US illegally, and ask about their status.

I have mixed feelings on the law, but I think I'm for it more than I'm against it. And if a lot of law enforcement officials start abusing their power (like in the first example I gave), I'll be one of the first people to stand up and say that's not right. I don't think I'd be alone in doing so, and I have a feeling a lot of people who are against the law don't realize that.

With the example Joe posted earlier, well, freedom has limits. If a neighbor calls in a noise complaint, yes, that could lead to someone being jailed if they can't prove they're in the country legally. But if you're in the US legally it doesn't give you the freedom to throw loud parties, either...if the person in the example is a citizen, he'd be hit with a fine for being loud. I'm not saying being deported is equal to paying $150 for a noise violation, but in both examples the person is doing something he shouldn't be doing.

In the end, I think those opposed to the law would be better heard if they were calling for specific changes/clarifications instead of saying the entire law is bad news. I don't think a boycott (like Sound Strike, or what the city of LA has done) will change the law, but I think a group of people saying "Hey, here are some things a lot of people are concerned about..." and an organized petition might get something done.

Sorry for the long post, but I haven't commented on this in a while.


Fri May 28 '10 7:57:47 pm Set this message as last read

death cube k

6054 posts total | IP Logged
Joe Satriani thanks :)
Fri May 28 '10 8:08:58 pm Set this message as last read

Kelly Ritchotte
Boise, ID
Plays: Guitar (44 years)
294 posts total | IP Logged

HI Joe, and all: I just wanted to say thank you for your input on the 'new' happenings in AZ. As a former resident, as well as someone who worked in Mexico, I am not happy by the way the governor as well as some of the people are approaching this issue. It is very sad for me, as a matter of fact, and everyone should take a moment to understand what this truly means, and how it affects everyone. No 'knee-jerk' reaction is going to be the best solution to any problem, and it certainly is of the poorest solutions in this case.

All I can offer is that if any one of you (U.S. citizens) have ever worked and or lived in Mexico, or any other country for that matter, with the awesome human beings that I worked with, you'd surely have a better understanding of life. We are all just human beings trying to get on as best as we can, and we definitely do not need more government oppression. We need to focus on the larger picture, folks. Please consider this as you are bombarded with all the fodder that the media/govt. has to offer. Think about who's trying to control and manipulate you...

We are not that different from one another... We are ALL important, in the grand scheme of life...



Fri May 28 '10 9:21:33 pm Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Austin - I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you for the post. Your examples illustrate pretty much what I was trying to get across with my snippets from the actual law. Hopefully those who choose to abuse their power while enforcing the law do not do so with this one if for no other reason than it's such a hot topic.

I don't see where the sound strike or boycotts are going to accomplish anything, but I've already covered that.
I was wondering earlier, too, with this sound strike... is Joe Satriani just not going to play anywhere in Arizona or has he totally boycotted the state and removed all of his music from all stores there?

I thought it was kinda funny earlier that the CF DVD was filmed in Phoenix and released on May 4th, when SB 1070 was signed (I believe) in late April....


Fri May 28 '10 9:43:42 pm Set this message as last read


206 posts total | IP Logged
Speaking not as an American, but as a citizen of it's closest friend and ally, I have to say that this AZ issue puts American "democracy" to the acid test. Will this bill become enacted despite the most egregious public outrage?? If it does, then I think Americans need to ask themselves if they are truly living in a democracy. Is it truly a goverment by the people? I suspect the answer will result in some serious soul searching among it's citizens.
Fri May 28 '10 9:48:28 pm Set this message as last read

Kelly Ritchotte
Boise, ID
Plays: Guitar (44 years)
294 posts total | IP Logged
Exactly... We can no longer live in the world we thought existed: the world we took for granted. We must become involved with what is happening, now. Forget about TV, and media, and do what is in our hearts. What is right and what is wrong, as human beings.
Fri May 28 '10 9:55:57 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged
minimoog, i think you should look at the polling data. a huge majority are for this new law. and remember it is no different then the federal law we already have. democracy, for once, is working. the people spoke and a law was crafted to deal with the problem. a recent poll asked if you wanted the number of illegal aliens to go up, go down or stay the same. 75% want it to go down. only 2% want it to go up. in a recent meeting with republicans, the president, seeing there is a huge problem here asked what do you want. they told him seal the border and then we can talk about what to do with the people that are here. he said you can forget about that. now if you want to talk about democracy not working, what about the health care law that was rammed down our throats against the will of the people. most of America did not want gov't run health care but they didn't care, they gave it to us anyway, and conveniently, that law takes effect after a possible second Obama election. most Americans care about the poor but there is a limit to what we can do. it is easy for rich people to stand up and say why can't we help these people? they will never run out of what they need to live. but us working class think maybe we want to send our kid to college but it costs so much and then we see an illegal alien getting tuition to go paid for with tax dollars. something seems wrong there.
Fri May 28 '10 10:25:24 pm Set this message as last read


206 posts total | IP Logged
"a recent poll asked if you wanted the number of illegal aliens to go up, go down or stay the same" What kind of absurd red herring poll question is that? Of COURSE people are going to say that they wish the number of illegal immigrants to go down. Did the poll question carry with it any discussion of the means by which this objective would be achieved???
Fri May 28 '10 10:51:04 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

I also think this immigration bill is part of a larger problem in government, as others here have said. I think this could have been used as a starting point with input from everyone.

How often do Republicans vote against a sex ed funding bill because it doesn't promote abstinence? How often do Democrats vote against late-term abortion restrictions because they don't make exceptions for rape? How often do either of those parties criticize a bill "because it doesn't go far enough"?

That's what the problem is. What's wrong with approving a basic bill that everyone can agree on, and then working out additional details later? I'm not being too optimistic, am I? It seems lawmakers are more concerned with making sure another party doesn't get credit for something than they are about making things better...argh.

minimoog - The majority of Americans actually approve of the bill, according to recent polling. Most media coverage doesn't seem to reflect that, though.
Anyway, back to music...

Joe, if you happen to be reading this, is there any chance you could share some new pictures of your home studio? You mentioned in a recent interview that you rearranged everything, and I'm wondering what it all looks like now.

For everyone else:

- Ozzy scares wax museum visitors

- The band once known as Black Country now has a slightly different name and a new website: Black Country Communion. Go there and sign up for their email list.

Listening to: Dave Weiner - On Revolute (current song: Blue Fade Silver)


Fri May 28 '10 11:11:12 pm Set this message as last read

Jesse Kennemer
Grants Pass, Oregon
Plays: Guitar (24 years)
27 posts total | IP Logged

And ill be seeing you in Tahoe Joe! CHICKENFOOT

was going to get the package so i could bug you! but sorry, i got to go to Boston for, Battle for Berklee!

Fri May 28 '10 11:14:05 pm Set this message as last read

Jesse Kennemer
Grants Pass, Oregon
Plays: Guitar (24 years)
27 posts total | IP Logged
This whole Arizona Bill thing, i dont really think we can do anything about it. Or can we? It is the way it is, this world is so f'd up, and the government has control over everything, so i think we should just go with the flow... ya know? We have right to stand up for our selves...... but over alot of other things... i would say not.
Fri May 28 '10 11:43:27 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

On a lighter note, how's this for smokin' watch from 1;30 Rock and Roll from Cabo

edit...these link are so tricky!

Edited Sat May 29 '10 2:18 am

Sat May 29 '10 2:17:22 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Cheese - Thank you for you post! Sorry I won't be seeing you in Tahoe this year, too. It's probably better for me this way, anyway, as money has been kinda tight since I got outta the Military, and the job market around Boise is not too good right now. I kinda figured they would be playing the same set (for the most part) anyway, but maybe you will get lucky and they will try out some stuff from CF II on the crowd there.

Michelle - Like I said before, I didn't mean to start such a fire when I first brought it up. I know this isn't a political forum. But at the same time it has been kinda cool to see the board so busy, and it is truly nice to see that everyone here can agree or disagree over something and not argue and call each other names like a bunch of moody teenagers. You see that a lot on other sites, really whether people disagree or not. Just because it's the internet and they feel like they can I guess. Anyway, thanks for the AC/DC!!! My favorite first rock band, they brought me over from the world of country music during my high school days and I haven't looked back!!

Austin - More good points... Yet another reason I don't like the political world.
Anyway.. I was expecting Black Country to make a little more effort at changing their name than that, since there is already a band named Black Country. I'll judge them by the music though. Hopefully an album is coming shortly? Also, I got an email from the Bonamassa crew last night about a limited edition signed "Blue and Evil" lithograph. $250. One comes with 4 tickets to any show of your choice, an opportunity to meet Joe B., and a cert. of authenticity. The other is the same price, and comes with 2 tickets and a meeting with JB at any show of your choice. They are only releasing 100 of them. I would post the link from the email, but it goes to a broken page.
Thanks for the info on BCC.

Good night/morning everyone....


Sat May 29 '10 2:38:06 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

turbo - I've made a sandwich I see.

Let's dance to this cool song by Dave Matthews - grab your friend or loved one.

Sat May 29 '10 2:58:26 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Ah, Skippy.. one of my favorite songs on the album, next to Baby Blue!! My girlfriend is a huge DMB fan, but she's in bed as it's almost 4:30 A.M. I'll see if I can get the dog to run around in circles with me, ha!
We are going to see Dave here in town on August 31st, hopefully he plays some of the songs I like. There are only a handful so I'll probably just hear the ones off the new album. Should be a good time though. I need to head to bed myself, otherwise I'll sleep all day...


Sat May 29 '10 3:26:08 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

LMAO well, you and the dog rock it out turbo! Lucky you to see him, he's not touring in 2011 at all.

Sat May 29 '10 3:32:45 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

DMB before work! Sweet! Thanks for that :-)

~~~Let's all sway to the music ~~~

Sat May 29 '10 3:43:53 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged

what the bejesus is going on here!

IN cambodia at the minute, its unbelievable, 1 usd for food, beers 50c cocktails for a dollar... 1 hour away from a pub crawl in a really cool hostel, evenhas a pool rocking it up alrite

all good so far bangkok was awsome, a 12 hour bus journey to cambodia was not but worth it as usual, its mad, tuk tuks are awsome people are nice, even ended up in a bar surrounded by hookers playing pool then met some american folk, good night, some mad ones in bangkok too, met this canadian guy played in a bar grows his own weed and mixes pcp into his speed, didnt do it since we had a bus to catch in a few hours but we do have to go back to banfkok in a few weeks! madness over here!

all in all amazin trip so far, gotta get my JS ticket though for dublin, whats the deal is the club joe an add on package thing this time round? so ill jus get me ticket sort it out wen i come back


Sat May 29 '10 3:54:15 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Blue Moon - Ah, Al, memories of 1991 there...............

Sat May 29 '10 4:20:55 am Set this message as last read

Glitz Man
Grant Stieglitz
Fort Wayne, Indiana
434 posts total | IP Logged

Hi Everyone:

Here is how I did in the 12K:

Time: 47 minutes and 20 seconds (I think that's my fastest time for this run).

Place: 23rd out of 190+ participants

Age Division: 5th out of 19.

It was warm & humid out and there was some competition with some elite runners, but I was glad with how I did.


Sat May 29 '10 7:24:26 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
Well done Glitzy! I watched a movie and drank red wine whilst you were running :)

Currently have Warehouse by Dave Matthews Band paused.
Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Sat May 29 '10 7:41:34 am Set this message as last read

David Wren
Plays: Guitar (25 years)
700 posts total | IP Logged

This we know: All things are connected

like the blood that unites us.

We did not weave the web of life,

We are merely a strand in it.

Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

-Chief Seattle

Take Care, Dave x

Sat May 29 '10 8:58:46 am Set this message as last read

steve clark
beaverton, oregon
Plays: Guitar (59 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Joe, Any chance we will see the cocert you did at the grove in Anaheim on Bluray disc with Dts-HD audio? I just saw the concert on palladia in hi-def and it was spectacular! Thanks! Steviec1
Sat May 29 '10 10:22:53 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
I`m back by popular demand.Did the cottage thing for a couple day`s heavy duty remote wilderness man at my moms your lucky if one car goe,s down her road a day me and my mom went up stayed over cleaned relaxed watched entertainment tonight up their man im good all the water is working their hey i had to dig up the water line find the break and replace that section pade a plume to start her up but mine line is mint! the water come,s from the creek their hey we have 30 acres with a creek running threw the propery it,s nice man reaql rural up their your allowed to ride 4 wheelers on the road thats how rural it is theses roads arent even grave l their just dirt dirt road man friend of mine dropped o us off picked us up the next day did all the maitenance stuff it was agood time I was glad to come home though man the cottage is the cottage the water their is filtered hey man oh you cant drink it no prob i drink it staedy when im up their whats new with you went to the dump up north near my mom,s had to take some stuff their 5 bucks to get rid of a truck load .Mint hey ! im haveing roasted chicken tonight for supper moms stuffing him right now anyways later wolf2.
Sat May 29 '10 10:24:15 am Set this message as last read
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