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7 posts total | IP Logged
Thanks Joe, and everyone for your kind messages and the poem thats nice i am coming to the meet and great in birmingham but have a question can you tell me meaning of flying in a blue dream it came on the planetrock radio when i was driving home from the hospital would like to know if it had some meaning cheers mark
Mon May 31 '10 4:03:23 pm Set this message as last read

Alexandre Caetano
Caldas da Rainha, Estremadura
Plays: Guitar (32 years)
764 posts total | IP Logged

MICHELLE - Thank you so much about your words, lovely words indeed :)). And that means a lot to me :). My Daughter Matilde has now almost 9 months of age, next June 2nd she has the 9 months :). Her face is like mine when i was a baby, she has the beautiful dark green eyes of the mother and she is very pretty and with lots of energy :). The first 3 months there were tough for us, new things to do every days and you must learn very fast :). But now we are ok and Matilde is our sunshine. Next week we have the first holidays in family farway of home but i`m excited about it :). You are right, they growing up very fast, Matilde has 9 kgs, heavy :). Hope your family is ok and the cats too :). Good luck to all stuff about oil and hurricanes, scary things :-/. Happilly for now we don`t have that kind of problems here, but sometimes the weather changes very fast and small hurricanes appear very quickly. About Portugal we are under a deep economic crises and the political guys are lying all the time. Every years the same thing and now i don`t care about political stuff and crises. My concern is work very well day by day to pay the rent of my home and all the things and enjoy the moments in family with Matilde and Sónia :). Sometimes i go a few concerts.Next november 22th i will see the Master Joe in Lisbon ;). My perspective about the World and about the Humankind changed a little bit but my love for the Joe`s music and for this forum is the same. Pure thoughts, happiness and truly friendship are always in my mind when i`m here. I had a sad childhood but when i discovered the Joe`s music i found that you can be what you wanna be if you work and if you are strong on your convictions and goals. The song I Believe was so important about it :). And Joe`s music show me every time if the world is crazy, the music can be comforting in relation about the bad things :).

From the heart, thank you so much, glad that you are my friend and you are here to listening my words ;). That´s very important these days.

Love, happiness and good things to you. Muito amor para a familia da Michelle :)). Btw Very good Portuguese ;).

Nice video, cool drummer lolol :).

Later and be happy :) !!

Alexandre Caetano

Edited Mon May 31 '10 4:24 pm

Mon May 31 '10 4:20:17 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
Peace - thanks for that link I was waiting on that guy's full report. So Joe said Chickenfoot is recording all September with the Tahoe show too, then Oct and Nov are booked and he thinks he will book part of December and maybe a little of January. But which part of January???? Logically the latter half I guess. Interesting comments about the music industry too. It was YouTube that prompted me to check Joe out again 3 years ago.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Mon May 31 '10 6:29:46 pm Set this message as last read

Joe Satriani

256 posts total | IP Logged


For the record, I do not support illegal immigration or illegal immigrants.

President Obama and the US Attorney's office is challenging AZ and S.B.1070 precisely because it infringes on OUR civil rights, the rights of you and me and all citizens of the USA. AZ's own attorney general is against the bill. This boycott is a symbolic gesture to help focus people on the problem when local police are forced to get into the immigration business and how that infringes our basic rights as Americans. We want the Fed to help the border states with this serious problem right now.

Please read this few times so you fully understand my position.


Mon May 31 '10 7:25:30 pm Set this message as last read


643 posts total | IP Logged
Hey there Michelle! Glad to see a familiar face.I moved back to florida last year after the big break up I told you about.A month after being back in Fort Lauderdale,I was playing golf and not one but two 5 pound coconuts fell on my neck,really damaging my spine and nerves.Things just keep getting better for me huh?..I am always in pain & it is really hard for me to stand & play the guitar....On a better note, How are you?
Mon May 31 '10 7:30:10 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Atta boy Joe!

alexandre, 9 months already! Time goes so fast. Matilde is a very good weight and the way you describe her, she sounds like a beautiful angel. So happy to hear you are going to see Joe in November! I know you'll have a great time. As for Joe's song I Believe - I have an angel tattoo on my arm, and above it it reads I Believe. It's a song with deep meaning, and the words I Believe stand for so many things. I'm happy to hear you are doing well my friend. Keep in touch!

jblaze, not such a lovely bunch of coconuts, huh? Man, I can count the times I've heard that story on one finger! What are the odds? Sorry it messed up your neck so bad. Nothing hurts worse than a spine injury. Hope it heals up for you and you can get back to normal living.

AGH!!! Feckin' Blackhawks!! I was swearin' like a sailor the last 5 minutes of the game & talkin' smack to Davy Knowles. lmao! I'm gonna wind up in Chicago with a glued on beard watching the parade ferchristsakes!

Night peeps!

Mon May 31 '10 7:58:40 pm Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

All I can say to that is.....



Loud and clear Joe :)

Mon May 31 '10 8:12:22 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Skippy-I was waiting for this interview too... kind of funny just got home from camping and got on the computer and there it I enjoy his interviews, I follow him on twitter too. Youtube got me hooked on Joe too, when i first "discovered" Joe I spent way too much time on Youtube watching Joe vids...still do ...probably always will....

Camping was great fun....the mountains were soooo green and full of wildflowers and the air so clean and full of that wonderful mountain can just breathe deep and be so glad to be alive ........ We rode alot of trails saw some deer & 2 cougars from quite a distance away on a ridge ...needless to say we got the heck out of there and put some distance between ourselves and the Anyway lotsa fun and time spent with friends and family...I just feel really blessed today...........laterz SatchFans :-)

Mon May 31 '10 9:00:53 pm Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Joe Satriani - I'm not sure how this law 'forces police to get into the immigration business'. I have read the law as well, particularly the part about police stopping someone for breaking a law and suspect that the person is in the country illegally should (when practicable) obtain proof that the person is in the country legally. Don't quote me word for word on that as I don't have the law pulled up in front of me right now, but you get my point. I did not find anything in the law that authorizes law enforcement to go on a rampage and 'raid' towns and villages asking for proof of citizenship like opponents of it seem to be afraid is going to happen.
If we do not give local and state law enforcement power to confirm citizenship status, then who can we reasonably expect to do it, or how do you propose it be done? Which leads me to my next question: What are the members of the sound strike actually DOING other than plastering your names on a list for the world to see? Have you proposed a solution to the Arizona or Federal Government?

And criticism from the President is just that, and maybe the Attorney General has finally gotten around to actually reading SB 1070.

I, too am afraid that all you are accomplishing here is alienating your fans from Arizona, as has been shown by a couple posts here and comments on stories I have read covering the sound strike; and for me, personally, tainting beloved music with the stench of politics.

Before you say you are standing up for all Americans' civil rights, you may want to consider that a large portion (and growing) are actually in support of what Arizona has done. Granted, I am not in Arizona right now, but I certainly do not feel like my rights are at stake from the passage of this law; even more, I am troubled that those opposing it are comparing Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks to its passage.


Edited Mon May 31 '10 9:08 pm

Mon May 31 '10 9:06:20 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
~"No amount of legislation or coercion can accomplish the well-being of society, as it depends on the inner attitude of its members"~ Dalai Lama
Mon May 31 '10 9:29:20 pm Set this message as last read

Dream 3
jamie anderson
melbourne, victoria
Plays: Guitar
650 posts total | IP Logged
Awesome One Man Band.

Mon May 31 '10 9:55:34 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Peace - sounds like a fantastic weekend.

Michelle - Davy is really cool the way he tweets back to ppl he's clearly a Twitter addict and it's great that he takes the time to reply.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Mon May 31 '10 10:08:07 pm Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Speaking of Davy.. how many of you have his DVD? Is it worth the money? I know he's an awesome player, but is it a good DVD- is it put together well (visually), sound good, will it give me a seizure when I watch it, etc.??


Mon May 31 '10 11:01:37 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
Turbo - I have 2 of Davy's DVDs both are shows from his home on the Isle of Man 2006 and 2009. Production is pretty good. Both very good and heartfelt performances. Hope that helps. Are you catching on of his shows I can't recall who it was who said they were going to see him. He's joining a couple of Grateful Dead members in a band called the Rhythm Devils too.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Mon May 31 '10 11:10:36 pm Set this message as last read

Janet MacLagan
Roodepoort, Gauteng
South Africa
1 post total | IP Logged
Joe.... please come and do a concert in South Africa, anywhere in South Africa!! You have quite a fan base here and it would be indescribable for us should you grace us with a visit! Bear it in mind please???
Tue Jun 1 '10 12:02:36 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Skippy - I can only find the 2009 DVD from the Gaiety. Is your other one a bootleg or rare copy?

I know he is performing in Driggs, Idaho, which is on the other side of the state, and also Salt Lake City, Utah, which is actually a little bit closer at about 5 hours by car. I would love to see him again it will just depend on finances at the time. I am on a set income from the military until my medical situation either clears up or stabilizes and they didn't set it high enough, lol!! I don't know how even people with high paying jobs can afford to see 20 plus shows a year, some of them are so expensive. It doesn't help that nobody ever comes around here and we have to travel to Tahoe, Salt Lake City, Reno, Portland and other big cities and then get a hotel room on top of the cost of tickets. I'm lucky to see two shows a year.

Totally off topic, but there is a local band here in town that I have followed for a couple years (mainly the guitarist) that is starting to schedule shows again. The guitarist, which some of you that went to Tahoe last year may remember as the guy in the front row in the chicken suit, is a big fan of Joe's, so he plays quite a bit of Joe's music at his shows, in addition to his original stuff. The first time I saw them he opened with Back to Shalla-Bal. They have a street block closed off June 12th here in town and a bunch of local bands are gonna be playing, including these guys, and they say they are gonna be playing some Satriani. I'm quite excited about that. I haven't seen them since 07....


Tue Jun 1 '10 12:05:30 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

turbo - you can buy the 2006 show DVD here 2006 show it's $25 + postage for US peeps.

Cheese - I just had time to go back and watch the vid of Joe explaining the pedals. I have no idea on how they work but its great to see him explain which ones were used to make different sounds on different songs, nice find mate! I sent it to someone I know who is a gear reviewer, he'll go sick over it.

And....there's a new message from Joe on the home page.

Edited Tue Jun 1 '10 2:12 am

Tue Jun 1 '10 1:57:14 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged

Looking forward to the next "Batch of Satch".

I wonder if Chris and Belan will be guesting on it. ;-)

I considered linking to Apollo Poetry but don't want to take sides, different country.

Edited Tue Jun 1 '10 2:40 am

Tue Jun 1 '10 2:23:55 am Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

Rush's new digital single is now available on iTunes and Amazon. The songs are Caravan and BU2B (Brought Up To Believe).

The songs are also on YouTube, but I bet they're removed soon:


Both songs are HEAVY...Caravan reminds me of Counterparts-era Rush, specifically Stick It Out. And BU2B has...keyboards! :-)

Snakes & Arrows was a strong album, but these songs blow away everything on it...this is the best I've heard from Rush in years.


Tue Jun 1 '10 2:37:49 am Set this message as last read

John Naismith
Plymouth, Devon
Plays: Guitar (14 years)
3 posts total | IP Logged

Hi Joe

My 19 year old son Ollie Naismith was killed in a car crash on 6th December 2009. He was an amazing guitarist, inspired by you. He played “Until We Say Goodbye” as his audition piece for college and blew them away with it.

He and I were at Bournemouth in 2008. He spotted you in your wig and shades behind the sound desk while Paul Gilbert was playing and I took a photo of him with you before security took you away. I treasure that photo of him with you.

Following his death I have decided to learn to play. I am still very much a novice but have just bought a JS100 just in case I get good! My goal is to be able to play “Always With Me, Always With You”. Such a beautiful piece of music and so poignant to me. The song means so much to me that I have the opening bars tattooed along the inside of my forearm.

I have tickets for the middle front row at Bristol Colston Hall on 18th October. The reason for this message is to ask that you keep “Always With Me, Always With You” in your set for this tour and if you were able to dedicate it to my Ollie in Bristol …. It would mean everything to me.

Thanks for taking time to read this.

John Naismith

Tue Jun 1 '10 2:49:24 am Set this message as last read


52 posts total | IP Logged
John Naismith, your son sounds like he was a great guy, I can't imagine how you felt (are still feeling). I will also be at the Birmingham concert somewhere in the front stalls. Mabey we will meet?
Tue Jun 1 '10 3:18:34 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
John - I sincerely wish for you to have a wonderful time at Joe's concert, I'm sorry you have lost your son. He sounds like a talented boy.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Jun 1 '10 4:52:36 am Set this message as last read

Satriella Walker
Sudbury, Suffolk
United Kingdom
1783 posts total | IP Logged



1. My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:
Marrying you has screwed up my life.

2. My love, you take my breath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?

3. Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;
This describes everything you are not.

4. Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,
But I only slept with you 'cause I was pissed.

5. I thought that I could love no other
-- that is until I met your brother.

6. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.

7. I want to feel your sweet embrace;
But don't take that paper bag off your face.

8. I love your smile, your face, and your eyes
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!

9. I see your face when I am dreaming.
That's why I always wake up screaming.

10. My feelings for you no words can tell,
Except for maybe 'Go to hell.'

11. What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts vodka, one part lime.


Tue Jun 1 '10 6:08:29 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey ,everyone is loosing it on me today man!the radio station at the wolf their all talking about me saying that I am Old .even my girl friends are going your old this year you will be 34 in december their asking me like how old are you man and shit like that people are .Well I am old I do alright well not bad I walk to town for grocerys once a week thats amuch as i can do it nowbut like I was hit by acar on bicycle in toronto when i was 9 years old had abroken femir they told me I would never walk again my leg acts up from walking plus I have a second degree electrical complete heart block plus schizophrenia plus a 15% dillusion disorder and more detereoraton of the jaw bone etc o i ride sometime like last night the ATk thats why it,s important that eric my half brother doesnt come here because he doesnt go to the store my mom is 65 not allowed in the store i have to get all the food and i can barely function like my leg allows me now to walk to town once a week closer to 34 now im feeling different again but yeah 34 is old sort of later wolf2.
Tue Jun 1 '10 6:21:35 am Set this message as last read

Gerard Walls
Whalley Range, Manchester
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
Hello Joe. How's things?! I'm a huge fan of your guitar playing and songwriting. I've been trying for years to write my own instrumentals with the amount of care and attention to detail of someone like yourself. I've learned a lot of your back catalogue which suprised me as I have a very similar style to your playing. Im currently practicing the tricky part of 'The Mystical Potatohead Groove thing' (Great title!) but not up to speed yet! Anyway, my question is, what for you is the biggest deciding factor of releasing a piece of music. Im quite proud of some of the stuff Ive done for sound and production. There are others i like for the technique involved. I'm gonna release an ep with three songs on it and find out where to send it. Any advice on how to choose the best one's would be greatly appreciated. Ps. Great site. Im new to it and looking forward chatting to everyone out there. Keep up the good work Joe!
Tue Jun 1 '10 6:47:26 am Set this message as last read
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