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3965 posts total | IP Logged

Okay oxley, lets try this again and mebbe u'll believe me this time ;)

The 2005 Anaheim show was one Joe did for a webcast. It was originally scheduled for very late in Dec 2004 or very early in Jan 2005, but Joe developed pneumonia and had to cancel the last week or so of shows for that tour. He always meant for that show to be filmed as a webcast, so when it was re-scheduled in April 2005, a webcast it became. You can see the whole webcast over at I believe, if it's still up and running there. No pro dvd was ever put out of this show but if you keep your eyes and ears open, you sometimes see a dvd of it go up for auction at ebay.

The setlist from this show is amazing and actually, Joe played about 5 or 6 additional songs that didn't make it to the webcast. The live show was almost 3 hours long, and was a part of the Evening With Joe Satriani tour he did for his record "Is There Love In Space?". He played a lot from that album but also pulled out some older jems that hadn't been done live in years, like Psycho Monkey, Moroccan Sunset, Strange, etc. It was our most favorite setlist of all we've ever seen Joe do, just because of the variety he offered up...songs from many of his albums. He was totally on FIRE!

And yes, we were there so saw it first hand. We actually had the priviledge of seeing 6 shows from this particular tour, starting with the 2 back-to-back shows he did in San Fran Dec of 2004 (we call those the "pneumonia shows" cuz Joe was incredibly sick both nights and yet did both shows in their entirety) and then saw Anaheim, Ventura, Portland and Reno in April 2005. Good times man!!

And the same day of the Anaheim show is when Austin (Do The Stu) got to interview Joe after winning the contest put up here on t2j. This was later shown online and I believe may still be available to watch. He took questions from fans and did a great job overall. He was in line with us outside before the interview, then caught up with us inside after the interview, before the show. We all pelted him with questions, but he did a great job of keeping most of the details under his hat so it would all be a surprise :) He got tons of swag too, LOL!!

All in all, it was a fantastic day, and a fantastic tour. Good luck on scoring a dvd of's out there....keep watch :)

Sun Jun 13 '10 3:27:35 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

and I was just gonna say it was a webcast. lmao!!

You go T!!

Sun Jun 13 '10 3:30:13 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

What they said. ;-)

I really, REALLY loved the setlist from that tour. I was making an "Intro to Satch" mix CD for a friend the other day and thought back to how awesome Up In The Sky was as a concert opener...definitely my favorite at any Joe show I've seen.

Since I'm talking about it, here's the mix I made (I had to swap out Up In The Sky for A Train Of Angels to get it under 80 minutes):

Banana Mango II
Always With Me, Always With You
(You're) My World
A Day At The Beach (New Rays From An Ancient Sun)
A Train Of Angels
Flavor Crystal 7
Ten Words
Tears In The Rain
The Souls Of Distortion
The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing
Out Of The Sunrise
Ice 9
Dreaming #11
One Big Rush
You Saved My Life
Until We Say Goodbye (techno mix from Additional Creations)

I like the variety here, so I kept it as a playlist on my computer. I made tracks 5, 10, and 15 acoustic songs to break the CD up into four groups of four other songs that I all feel kind of fit together. Aside from that, I went for as much variety as I could. Anyway...just sharing.


Sun Jun 13 '10 4:07:02 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
..hey!man am I ever sick right now,it,s like weird brain sickie man i need liquid running into my brain is what i feel like i needit feels like the medcation failed or something and i have to be careful that jackie doesnt do an examination if she doesnt think im well like check all my stuff and not let me fight!I havent been this sick in years man my mom hey! shes sais toi me when i told her i been sick for a week schizophrenia seen havent been this bad in 7 years she sais atleast your alive right? thats agood thing.I like you your good to me can you live here forever please! she said the only other place you would be is living at kingston penitenatrie just saty here o come on please never leave she said maybe if you went for a ride you would feel better! Its just medication failuer the medciation only alows you to do so much then it dont work! it has to pick back up aagin it failed about a week ago just after later the police check my stuff like the formula mx to make sure it,s alright because im aboxer that evrything is done properly they been doing this since i was 11 years old man later wolf2.
Sun Jun 13 '10 4:41:24 pm Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Not that anyone should be surprised, but it looks as though from the video that Joe is sticking to his Marshalls for the solo record as well. It almost seems as though he wants us all to know that he is using Marshall amps now with the way he is set up in the vid!!

It would still be nice to know what ever "officially" happened with the whole Peavey thing last year. We always figured it was just a sound thing, but as I remember, Peavey seemed pretty pissed about it, which might make one think that it was kind of a sudden move..... We never did get that explanation, or maybe the time still isn't right???


Sun Jun 13 '10 4:57:26 pm Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Webmaster - hi Jon. Was the latest video message from Joe recorded on a Thursday? Lol : )

Did somebody say Up in the Sky .....

That was shameless. Ah well

Hope everyones having a good weekend

Sun Jun 13 '10 5:03:07 pm Set this message as last read

Great White

85 posts total | IP Logged


Is your solo tour coming to NY when you get back on tour after Europe ends!!! I love the Facebook message cant wait for the new Chickenfoot record!! Hope to hear from you soon!!!

Sun Jun 13 '10 5:26:35 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....hey my doctor is! man.The other night as soon as i walked in he said wait! theirs nothing wrong with you you dont need the medication your weights the weiders it sais on the box cures schzophrenia it,s cured he said believe me they might cut you off did you do sunshine check he said wolf2 you just got back in the ring again i dont give afuck what you take he said you tell me you take 10 miligrams understand then he said your so fucked up off them now you need motios okay he said i understand your suppose to be reassed to see if you need medicine i cant do it psychatrist send you to one go home tell me later you take this fucking medicine! he said theirs many things that cure schzophrenia your weider is one be good dont get cut off dissabilty i didnt take the 5 mg tonight and im fine later wolf2.
Sun Jun 13 '10 6:11:30 pm Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged
rip Rory a million miles away crank some!!!!!
Sun Jun 13 '10 7:04:58 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Love these tunes!! Devil's Swing & War & Peace

Fav songs to drive to at the mo.

Sun Jun 13 '10 7:24:28 pm Set this message as last read

Randell Mulligan
Dublin, CA
Plays: Guitar (50 years)
926 posts total | IP Logged
JOE: WOW! new stuff on the way! I know how it feels to get a good recording going. Just did one the other day but forgot how to get the drums in the boss br-8 to track the rhythm. I'm gonna have to figure a way around that, and will soon. Nice to hear from you Gotta have JOE: How are you woman? Still play that Ibanez pro? Getting it back togehter should be pretty simple. let me know if'in' you need help with it.
Sun Jun 13 '10 8:59:13 pm Set this message as last read


79 posts total | IP Logged

Hello Satch and SatchLand!,

God, it's been so long since I have been here... So much has happened... New wife, new baby girl, Joe with Sammy and Michael....., and now a new album on the way... Can't wait.. Didn't get to see theFoot on tour cause they came no where close to Oregon but I am hopin' Joe makes it back to Portland on the solo gig.....

Good to be back! Have a good one all!

The Fireman

Sun Jun 13 '10 9:19:20 pm Set this message as last read


206 posts total | IP Logged

Cappy: you are quite the confusing guy. In the past you posted how we should be sensitive to terms like "African American", while in a more recent post you refer to people of German decent as Kraut's.


I also found it interesting how you could brazenly refer to Peace Lilly as "Pee Silly" then get all touchy when someone calls you "Crappy Steve" You are quite the complex dude aren't you??

Sun Jun 13 '10 9:36:21 pm Set this message as last read

Millicent Moritz
Santa Clara, California
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
876 posts total | IP Logged

Wow! All right, Joe! Way to go! First overseas gig is in Dublin, Eire! Won't Al Mc be happy about that! And what makes him happy makes me happy, yeeessssss!

Michelle--As to American (pointy-ended) Football.....I'm curious as to the origin of the sport....It sure has evolved over the decades! And when the players collide....It gets my OUCH! reaction every time. There's something about the skill and timing of Futbol that gets to me deep down. Plus, it's played all over the world! AND it's a sport with ROUND BALLS! Something in the way it's played....attracts me like no other sport.......something in the way it draws me in.....I don't wanna live the scene. I love it if you know what I la, la, ..NA, NA, NA!! :-D

Joe......I'm glad your making new music. I really, really need it because it satisfies my soul!


Sun Jun 13 '10 10:07:45 pm Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged

Hi Joe,

I know you receive hundreds of mails and posts, but this ine is quite important.

My name is Alexander, I am from Pavlograd, Ukraine (little-known place:)). and you are definately one of mu gutiar icons, as I try playing guitar myself a little. I read in the Internet that you support charity as well, and I I have one project that I would like to discuss with you.

Could you just reply me with one line at, and then I will talk more about the project?

Thanks, and hope to hear from you!

Regards, Alex

Mon Jun 14 '10 12:38:51 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Mimimong - If you paid a little more attention to what I put you maybe wouldn't find me so confusing. Firstly I didn't say we should be sensitive to the term 'African American' that's not for me to say, I gave a point to ponder. My alternative nicknames are almost always meant to be humorous and friendly, as a matter of fact Peace Lily told me she thought her new nick was funny and appreciated the humour. Occasionally folk haven't liked their new nick and I have apologised immediately and desisted from using it again. As for the krauts and the bombing of the chippie, it's a very old joke and most people would realise the post was in fun after Skippy's post. So there you are young lady, hope you're a little less confused now. Have a nice day.
Mon Jun 14 '10 2:08:29 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

GG, don't we all prefer round balls over pointy ones?

I'm just sayin'....


Happy feckin' Monday peeps? Where'd the weekend go? Somebody stole mine!

Mon Jun 14 '10 3:41:20 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...hello! i got this medication thing rembered and figured out.Well sometime,s I go to like Alberta right man and the only way people that are diagnsoed with schizophrenia in onatrio are allowed out their or they get arrested is if their above 9 milligrams so i kept haveing my doctor increase it from 5 milligrams so that i can ride to my babes place in alberta with no questions from the royal canadian mounted police man you have to incereaseonce every 8 to 10 days until at 10 remebre me telling you this when i did it get it to 10 let it sit in the drugstore comuters until the rcmp does their check.Anyways fuck them i took my 3milligrams lastnight and i will take 3 milligrams this morning and thats alot i dont even need medicine formy stuff anyways doing the moring gig 8 am 3 milligram 8 pm 3 milligrams man fouck im in alberta all the time though hey man foucke em! later wolf2.
Mon Jun 14 '10 4:29:22 am Set this message as last read

Satriella Walker
Sudbury, Suffolk
United Kingdom
1783 posts total | IP Logged

woooo hooo!!

no reason for that...just saying...that's all!!

Hi Joe

Hi all

Hugs n bounces Satriella xx

Mon Jun 14 '10 6:32:52 am Set this message as last read


7 posts total | IP Logged
I'm thrilled that Mike K. will be playing keys on the new record. I'm sure that change will add a lot.
Mon Jun 14 '10 6:52:40 am Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged
@turbo236-Joe is using very stealthy subliminal messaging to tell us that he is sticking with Marshall. lol But those of us who are not hypnotized see the small steps he takes to create this image in our brains. I'm sure you saw the Ice 9 Overdrive Demo By Joe. You can clearly see the Marshall insignia, plain as day, on the left side of the screen. COINCIDENCE?! I THINK NOT!!!
Mon Jun 14 '10 7:09:25 am Set this message as last read

paul campbell
coatbridge, lanarkshire
Plays: Guitar (2018 years)
230 posts total | IP Logged
Joe Bonamassa is playing in Glasgow the very same week as Satch, Jeff Beck and Alterbridge, i really hate it when theres so many great gigs in the same week.
Mon Jun 14 '10 7:20:05 am Set this message as last read

paul campbell
coatbridge, lanarkshire
Plays: Guitar (2018 years)
230 posts total | IP Logged
Me again, just realised its took me 4 years to rack up 200 posts, i dont always feel the need to come on and say something, but i like to look in and see what everyone else is up to, theres a lot of good people on this site and i suppose i'm just glad to come on and tell a daft joke or catch up on the latest on Joe, keep smiling everyone.
Mon Jun 14 '10 7:27:26 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged
campbell - nicely said that last post
Mon Jun 14 '10 11:53:44 am Set this message as last read

Mark Hybers
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
547 posts total | IP Logged

Here's an interesting little read:

Sorry, it's a cut and paste link. Couple of extra clicks in there. The usage of the fingers will help burn calories! I'm all about fitness!! Ok, maybe I have just never mastered the link process here. lol.

I am very much looking forward to hearing tidbits on Joe's new cd. Joe, your head must be swimming with ideas. Putting a couple of ideas down with Chickenfoot and then right into the solo work. Nice.

Mon Jun 14 '10 12:48:40 pm Set this message as last read
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