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death cube k

6054 posts total | IP Logged
scubadaz pickups are fun .. one of the things i really enjoy about gear , and all the different magnets can change each the sound of the winds .. its kinda weird .. the A2 , sounds different for A4 , sound different for A5 .. sounds different from A8 , there is A3 but its never( i can not even name one pickup that uses A3 Mags) .. then the different guage of wire changes it as well and the resistance of the pickup . lots of fun stuff
Tue Jul 6 '10 5:30:44 am Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged
Looking for memory leaks now

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Jul 6 '10 5:49:42 am Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged
Oooh! That was a big one!

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Jul 6 '10 5:53:04 am Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged
Speed and stability test.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Jul 6 '10 6:35:11 am Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged
Yes! I am both fast and stable!

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Jul 6 '10 6:35:43 am Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged

Heya Joe! Long time no hear! Hope you are enjoying your studio time. Cannot wait for your next satch installment and another serve of chickenfeet.

I am still having fun trying to learn your songs, I laugh out loud when my fingers trip over themselves. It so much fun... But I see improvement every time I pick up the "tropical roo", the pride of my collection.

Cody is now 9 yo, and wants to come to a concert next time you're down under. He goes to sleep each night to various chickenfoot songs. He has them on his iPod and I hear him every night when he goes to bed, puts his iPod in the stereo dock and starts up with learning to fall or my kinda girl, or whatever he decides each night.

Also looking forward to trying the new ice 9 pedal.

Also, not sure if you knew, but I purchased curtis's satch collection, wow - he had more stuff than I did! I will eventually get around to cataloguing it, over the next few years.

Hope everyone is doing well, take care.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Jul 6 '10 6:55:55 am Set this message as last read


206 posts total | IP Logged
skippygirl: That's hilarious! I can't believe their motorcade got that far.
Tue Jul 6 '10 8:08:38 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
aeolian island nice grooves..sounds like a lil Joe and Jeff Beck together and thats always good..!!nice guitar as well..right..?

Edited Tue Jul 6 '10 8:21 am
Tue Jul 6 '10 8:20:16 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Went past the bank at 11:20 a.m. and the temp was 95 already! (that's 35 to some of you) It's supposed to go up to 101 today. I remember the days with no AC, and my heart goes out to the peeps without any relief.

The main thing to remember is to conserve energy any way you can. Don't run the dishwasher till later in the evening or not at all, same with washer & dryer and whatever else can be spared until later in the day. With all the power pulled in by the businesses and corporations during the day, it's best to wait till they shut down a bit so we're all not sucking to much power out of the grids. A blackout would suck oh so very, very hard.

Don't forget to check on elderly parents and neighbors.

Listening to Davy Knowles Coming Up For Air in the car the past few days. Excellent cd! Great DVD too!

Taking away your freedom to be hot dog eating champion - well, ya just gotta fight for that right! lol! Being a gluttonous pig is very important to some people! *rolls eyes*

Tue Jul 6 '10 9:24:55 am Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
well I postponed getting the JS20s so I can make sure I have enough money for college in the fall, god being responsible sucks, but I did get the drums, they were half as expensive so my parents agreed to let me get them. I went with the Alesis DM6 Electric drums just waiting for them to arrive. been watching videos of them, they sound pretty good. Listen to the drums!
Tue Jul 6 '10 9:55:04 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
thx, i didnt really mean it to sound like anything in particular, just playing whatever happens off the top of my head, funny how something comes together in a few minutes

Heatwave in the US and lots of storms and rain in China... worlds ending soon.. maybe that 2012 prediction aint far off!
Tue Jul 6 '10 10:51:50 am Set this message as last read

Zinc Master
Zinc Master
Crown Point, IN
3563 posts total | IP Logged



Think about it.


Read until the'll laugh....

This two-letter word in English has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that word is 'UP.' It is listed in the dictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or [v].

It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP?

At a meeting, why does a topic come UP?

Why do we speak UP, and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report?

We call UP our friends, brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen.

We lock UP the house and fix UP the old car.

At other times this little word has real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses.

To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special.

And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP.

We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night. We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP !

To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look UP the word UP in the dictionary.. In a desk-sized dictionary, it takes UP almost 1/4 of the page and can add UP to about thirty definitions

If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more.

When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP .

When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, it soaks UP the earth.

When it does not rain for awhile, things dry UP.

One could go on & on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now time is UP ! more thing: What is the first thing you do in the morning & the last thing you do at night?

U P !

Did that one crack you UP?

Don't screw UP. Send this on to everyone you look UP in your address book..or's UP to you.

Now I'll shut UP

Edited Tue Jul 6 '10 12:45 pm

Tue Jul 6 '10 12:44:02 pm Set this message as last read

Zinc Master
Zinc Master
Crown Point, IN
3563 posts total | IP Logged

An Israeli doctor says,

"Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in six weeks."

A German doctor says,

"That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks."

A Russian doctor says.

"In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks."

An ILLINOIS doctor, says.

"You guys are way behind. We recently took a man with no brains out of ILLINOIS, put him in the White House and within SIX MONTHS, half the COUNTRY is looking for work."

Edited Tue Jul 6 '10 12:54 pm

Tue Jul 6 '10 12:53:49 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
not sure if you've heard of him but this is the winner of Guitar Idol 2009, Jack Thammarat This guy is brilliant. he also has a few Satch covers,If I Could Fly and Flying In A Blue Dream
Tue Jul 6 '10 1:27:47 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

minimoog - yes that stunt was hilarious and completely embarassed all the police and security for the APEC Summit. The two guys who were the main players (Osama and the tall security guy) were charged by NSW police but when it went to court, the court said they did not breach any law (including the special exclusion zone law) because they had been waved through and allowed in and told to proceed, therefore they hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, they had actually stopped themselves and got out of the car because they were in the red zone and nobody had realised they were not delegates.

Guitarman77897 - he's a great guitarist, I do think Howaiti's version of If I Could Fly is still the best I've seen other than Joe's.

Tue Jul 6 '10 3:05:03 pm Set this message as last read

Randell Mulligan
Dublin, CA
Plays: Guitar (50 years)
926 posts total | IP Logged
Zinc Master: I love "UP."
Tue Jul 6 '10 3:58:15 pm Set this message as last read

thomas Arena
East Windsor, nj
1 post total | IP Logged
Say it isn't so, Joe! I was very disappointed to read that Satch is supporting a liberal group called "The Sound Strike", calling for a boycott of Arizona due to their new immigration law. Joe has not been outspoken politically, in fact politics has never been part of his public persona. I've been a Satch fan since "Surfing With the Alien" came out in 87, have all the albums he's done other than Chickenfoot. This is simply a bad cause to join, Arizona is right to enact a law (nearly identical to federal law) with actual plans to enforce it. Illegal immigration is destroying Arizona, and making it far less safe -the whole country actually. The open borders crowd is frightening, and hate to see Satch lumped with such crazies. But he will be now that this list is made public. A real shame. I just hope he's read the actual Arizona law, many against it have not. The vast majority of Americans support this law, near 70%. Even in Arizona, the legal hispanic population is in strong support. I'm listening to Crystal Planet as I type this, I have no intention of boycotting joe's music. But I'm just really disappointed and hope he comes to his senses. Still a fan, always will be, but I'm flabbergasted by his inclusion with this group.
Tue Jul 6 '10 4:31:49 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Whazzzz! up! What a day man.MYchauffers husband is in the hospital so one of the things you have to do when your involved with things like this is pay attention so we went to visit him in the bed beside him their was this lady Irene who I have known for 25 years so we visited her two went to the native reserve bought 10 cartons hit mc donalds in walmart .My chauffere is loosing it I didnt know the way to the hospital hey to take him down so she had this gps unit this thing was mega back roads with nothing no houses no stores nothing deffiently cant use that in the winter right!.Hey I like major roads i havent been to the hospital like that in over 20 years o i go their but I know my way when im in peterborugh and stuff hit giantiger on the way home yeah the gps wasnt working because she took it in the hospital with her foucks shit up like that it works now for her but buddy whoever programed this thing is brutul man ! about 35 degrees celsisus here today tommorow ride in get my money order in the moring pedal bike and order my parts tryed to today but couldnt bought some new boot,s for winter their an insulated rubbere boot for like in the bush oh i had them before i had them order my size i need boots evry year man bought juice baon coule things got the smokes keep them close to my heart ! not ! anyways thats today later wolfie.
Tue Jul 6 '10 5:43:50 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

Yanks2010 - Joe has read the law, and he's actually talked about it here quite a bit. If you click the "Joe Messages" button at the top of the page and then read pages 8 and 9 you'll see everything he's had to say.

I'm glad to hear that you're still a fan even though you disagree with him.

Welcome to the site, by the way... :-)


Tue Jul 6 '10 5:47:25 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

I posted a link but the page was moved ....oh well ...not very interesting any way................

Hope your all having a great day ! :-)

Edited Tue Jul 6 '10 6:15 pm

Tue Jul 6 '10 5:55:48 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

WHYYYY... Why must love hurt so bad.

I really hate this feelin

: (

Tue Jul 6 '10 9:45:38 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
JOE SATRIANI- thanks so much for your beautiful music! Having the love of my life break my heart has been killing me... your music is keeping me going buddy! thanks for having something for everything! Hope all is well with you Joe.. love to you and the family
Tue Jul 6 '10 9:47:06 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

solo at 2:28 is one of the greatest solos ever.. seriously SOOO much freaking power in that... geeezas

Tue Jul 6 '10 10:23:02 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

The Batch of Satch is in the mixing stage according to Joe.

Six drops of the essence of terror, 5 drops of sinister sauce, when the stirring's done can I lick the spoon? Of course! Haha of course!

Wed Jul 7 '10 12:53:25 am Set this message as last read

Mark Hybers
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
547 posts total | IP Logged

So I was in the attic this weekend getting ready to cut a couple holes in the ceiling to install some in ceiling speakers and I ran across an old box of cds that I hadn't had out for many years! I found one of my all time favorite cd's from back in the 80's. Kingdome Come's In Your Face. Man, what a great cd. Lenny Wolf just has one of those voices that screams 80's rock! I think Lenny Wolf and Sebastian Bach were my 2 favorite rock singers from that era.

Feelin for you guys back east. My brother called me yesterday. He's a roofer in Maine. Said it was 103 up there yesterday. That's more like the weather in Oklahoma, not Maine!! It was only 87 here!! Wooohooo.

Wed Jul 7 '10 5:10:35 am Set this message as last read
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