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2103 posts total | IP Logged

Peace - thanks for the words, woke up with a headache and little achy shoulders today but nothing really. Nobody injured, but the car is 50/50 I reckon they might put it down. Hope your week improves, mine can't get any worse at this point.

Scube - thanks hun. I have never had a bingle before, I think you might mean when you drove all the way down to London for Joe's show and I said "drive careful, don't have a bingle"?

Michelle - thanks, I don't feel so bad when I read what's been happening to you :0) lawd you've had a bad run girl, you must be way overdue for some good luck.

Pip - thanks mate, yes I have the option of a hire car which will probably be a rollerskate on wheels haha, also a friend has a spare car (Subaru) so I might take that option. Will be a massive pain in the bum if I have to go buy another car.

Hi to everyone else, hope you all have a great weekend! Me I'm wrapping in cotton wool and taking up Pip's suggestion of a nice glass of sav blanc.

Edited Thu Jul 22 '10 6:59 pm

Thu Jul 22 '10 6:58:26 pm Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged

Joe, you said that "the Arizona law doesn't specify how you can prove your identity" in regards to why you do not support 1070.

I just wanted to let you know that the text of the bill ( says that:

"A person is presumed to not be an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States if the person provides to the law enforcement officer or agency any of the following: 1. A valid Arizona driver license. 2. A valid Arizona nonoperating identification license. 3. A valid tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification. 4. If the entity requires proof of legal presence in the United States before issuance, any valid United States federal, state or local government issued identification."

I just wanted to make sure that you were aware that there are guidelines as to how to prove citizenship, and they are not very invasive-- I carry my drivers license at all times, and a green card or any other type of i.d. will work.


Thu Jul 22 '10 9:14:49 pm Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged


In addition to the letter and comment I have already addressed to you, I fully respect and understand your position regarding illegal immigration. I honestly believe that Arizonans and everyone else who supports 1070 would support action at the Federal level, but as the statistics in my letter show, that is not happening. I also respect your ability to speak out against a law you do not agree with. My opposition to your signature on the boycott is due to the obvious exaggeration employed by Zach de la Rocha in order to get support for his boycott. He says that the law "legalizes and sanctions racial profiling. Straight up." You have read the bill and you are obviously an intelligent man, so I will not question your intelligence and insult you, but I am sure that you saw that it explicitly says that profiling based on skin color is not appropriate. I realize that you are nervous that this law can still lead to profiling, but I would encourage you to speak out on your own with your opinion and to not sign on to a statement that so obviously exaggerates the truth in order to get a following. You know as well as I do as well as Zach de la Rocha does that it does not legalize and sanction profiling, and that is the kind of misinformation that takes an opportunity for change and turns it into a divisive war. I hope you understand my issues with your signature on the SoundStrike boycott and look forward to a response.

Thank you, Ben

Thu Jul 22 '10 9:24:39 pm Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged
PLEASE....this is not a place for political debate. you have your opinons and so does joe as well as all the rest of us. thanks.
Thu Jul 22 '10 9:31:54 pm Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged

Hey everybody!!!!

Just catching up on the comments.

I started getting into Metallica recently. By recently, I mean the past three days. So anyway, my friend is a pretty big Metallica fan and he's been trying to convert me since the past year or so. So i finally went on Youtube to give some of their best songs a listen. I've heard some of their songs here and there and I liked what I heard. And I knew they were good and all but...... DAMN!!!!! I REALLY like they're music. I've put about 8 or 9 of their songs on my iPod since Monday. I bet your proud of Kirk, Joe. Actually have been. For quite some time.

Anyway, I was listening to Fade To Black and I was hearing that the solo sounded close to Joe's solo from Moroccan Sunset. Except Joe's is more bluesy while Kirk's is more metal/hard rock. It may be just me or it's written in the same scale or somethin', but I hear a similarity.

Life it seems will fade away, drifting further every day. :)

@axeshredder- You've never heard the term Saint Joe before??? I knew that was one of his nicknames, but i just didn't know who called him that.

Edited Thu Jul 22 '10 10:44 pm

Thu Jul 22 '10 10:43:12 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Moroccan sunset is Bmin if i remember correct and fade to black is Amin... top of my head there but i think thats it... Im sure metallica play with Eb live too

always thought the fast climaxy bit in fade to black solo was a rip off of the sultans of swing solo also at the climaxy bit of that song, pretty similar the way it works, sultans is in Dmin but yeah they're both pretty similar the way they go!
Thu Jul 22 '10 11:40:17 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Mornings are so much fun when you both forget to set the alarm for work the next morning. Jayzus!

Fri Jul 23 '10 3:51:05 am Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged
man. you should hear all the weather reporting types down here in so. fla....."ts bonnie is coming.. OMG. we are all gonna die". sheesh. it is just a bad storm. a little wind, a little rain.
Fri Jul 23 '10 4:25:13 am Set this message as last read

Satriella Walker
Sudbury, Suffolk
United Kingdom
1783 posts total | IP Logged

Well...I am feeling older, happy and sad all at the same little baby girl is getting married on 14th August!

Its a very hard time for me though as I am not allowed to be a part of it...because I am living with someone...I can go to the wedding and watch, but not be a part of it or go to the reception...although I might just turn up anyway and see what happens.

I am so pleased for her though...I love her so very very much!

Hope everyone here is well and having a good life.

Hugs to you all.

Cant wait for the new album JOE...glad the mixing is going well...see you soon!

Satriella xx

Fri Jul 23 '10 5:46:44 am Set this message as last read

Christian Escobar
Santiago, Region Metropolitana
Plays: Guitar (26 years)
2 posts total | IP Logged
Master SATCH When you come to Chile?
Fri Jul 23 '10 7:28:55 am Set this message as last read


206 posts total | IP Logged

tikimon: "this is not the place for political debate" Not that I agree with Ben's position (I actually don't), but Joe kind of opened the door for debate on the topic with his posts did he not? This is why I think it is perilous for a person in Joe's position (career-wise) to involve themselves in politics, and boycotts etc. You always run the risk of alienating a segment of your fan population. This is why Bono makes me roll my eyes. If you have strong feelings about something political, it's best from a professional standpoint to just express yourself through music and allegory. Let the listener interpret the meaning. Admittedly, that's a little more difficult to do in the absence of lyrics...but when you embark down a road that involves boycotts and public statements on policy, you are entering dangerous territory as a musician. You've now entered an arena where you find yourself having to CONSTANTLY defend your position and engage those who oppose it. Joe, frankly, I wish you had never gone there. That's just my opinion.


Edited Fri Jul 23 '10 7:44 am

Fri Jul 23 '10 7:31:17 am Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged

A very happy birthday to..............................SLASH!!!!!!!! He is 45 years old today. Man, there are a lot of famous guitarists' birthdays this month. I have to put it. Sweet Child O' Mine

Now remember kids, if you are birthday is in July, BECOME A GUITARIST!!! lol

@Blue Moon-They're both in Minor and off one note in key. No wonder they sound similar. And I get what you're saying about The Sultans Of Swing format being similar.- Vocals played at the beginning to rhythm of chords and arpeggios. Small little solo. Back to vocals. And then more intense powerful solo to fade out. All in the same key. I never thought of it but, WOW. It is pretty close. But thing that didn't make think of that is, The Sultans Of Swing is set to a swing beat, is it not?? But I do agree.

Fri Jul 23 '10 8:53:22 am Set this message as last read

Joan Jove
Mollet del Valles, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (44 years)
488 posts total | IP Logged
This Irish Air made me think about someone here, the she-singer is called Mae McKenna
Fri Jul 23 '10 9:57:44 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

scubz, congrats on the raise, that ALWAYS feels good :)

skippy, sorry about yer "bingle"...I hafta say I love that word, LOL! But don't love that in this case it means u were in a car accident. Glad yer okay, but the messed up car sux monkey balls for u. Hope it's all sorted soon.

tiki, batten down and hold on tight, it sounds like a lovely big storm....afterwards, can u take me and a metal detector to de beach pretty please? :) I'm just positive I'd find buried treasure from some shipwreck.....

What else is happening...hmmm...beside my chelle having a really crummy month of July. It's gotta be on the upswing now, it's just GOTTA!!

Okay, so for the European tour, they got to know 5 months in advance. By my calculations, December is now 5 months (or less) away and that's when Joe said a US/Canada tour might commence soooooo......mebbe.....mebbe.....we'll start to see some dates soon? T'would be loverly :)

TGIF totally dudes! Where's some damn Calgon when I need it!

Fri Jul 23 '10 10:57:10 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

My parents celebrate their golden anniversary this weekend. That's 50 years right? Blimey... and they're both big Joe fans so tought I'd post

I've managed to get them to go off on a short break (so that I can raid their fridge! as the twit peeps will know by now).... but they don't know theres a table booked and we're all turning up tomorrow, and that I bought them a new camera to go play.

They're about 200 miles away now so not the best plan hey!

Anyway, if anyone thinks it's worth a congratulations to them please post it - it'll tickle them for sure as I'll print

Scuba - just quickly, I've had tickets from ticketline, ticketmaster, live nation etc etc and now none of them seem to send until around 2 weeks before... I dislike it given they take the money so early but it is what it is. Have a good weekend - GP ahoy

Skip - I've been given a couple bottles of wine so I'm going to go open one and say glad yer ok! Hope you're already feeling more chipper

Cheese - "washing machines live longer with Calgon"??

Have a great weekend all

Edited Fri Jul 23 '10 11:13 am

Fri Jul 23 '10 11:11:28 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

Pip, a VERY BIG AND HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS to your lovely parents on reaching 50 years together!! That's SUCH a milestone and well worthy of a celebration! Plus, I think Joe might owe yer lil mum another kiss on the cheek fer that, LOL! Hopefully at the show this fall, she can collect, and a nice handshake/hug for your dad :) Please also tell them I hope they'll consider traveling over for the US tour with you and Mrs. Pip, we'd love to meet them and congratulate them in person :)

Oh and mum and dad, put a padlock on yer fridge while yer gone, that son of yours is a bottomless pit and you'll have nothing left when you get home!! I've seen the pictures of what he can do, it's devastation to all food groups, LOL!!

As to the rest of yer post to me Mr. Pipster...ermmm, WHAT? lol! Who said Calgon has aaaaanything to do with washing machines!! U must of hit that bottle of wine early mister! LOL! I need a massage, bubble bath and down time STAT! I might get the bath later, too bad fer the rest of it, lol!

Fri Jul 23 '10 11:42:29 am Set this message as last read


206 posts total | IP Logged

Pip55: congrats to your mom and dad! That is quite an accomplishment!

Here's a few jokes on the subject of marriage to give them a smile...

Wife: I wish I was a newspaper, so I'd be in your hands all day.

Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper, so I could have a new one everyday.


Doctor: Your husband needs rest and peace. Here are some sleeping pills.

Wife: When must I give them to him?

Doctor: They're for you.


Wife: I had to marry you to find out how stupid you are.

Husband: You should have known it the minute I asked you to marry me.


Husband: Today is Sunday & I have to enjoy it. So I bought three movie tickets.

Wife: Why three?

Husband: For you and your parents


Wife: What will you give me if I climb the great Mount Everest?

Husband: A lovely Push.

Edited Fri Jul 23 '10 12:32 pm

Fri Jul 23 '10 12:29:00 pm Set this message as last read


52 posts total | IP Logged

Minimoog: Great Jokes!

My tickets for Octobre haven't come either so are all of them coming just a few weeks before the event?

Fri Jul 23 '10 12:34:10 pm Set this message as last read

Mark Hybers
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
547 posts total | IP Logged

Joe - Wow!! What a nightmare it must have been putting together Flying....And saying that it turned out pretty special is one of the understatements of the year!! Phenomenal. It's amazing how things like that take place and the thousands of people over the years that have bought and listened to that just hear the finished work.

You ever think about putting together an autobiography and sharing your journey with the world?

Truly sorry to hear about your music teacher.

Hope your new album is going great. Can't wait to hear any news about it via podcasts or a 30 second little mp3 on the site or something.

Fri Jul 23 '10 1:19:09 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
Off to the hydroplane races...could be fun. Got my Joe tunes packed and ready to go . Hope ya-all have a great week-end ............. :-)
Fri Jul 23 '10 2:26:24 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
that irish air songs pretty cool, and that chicks hot... ive been to a fair few of the places andpubs in that vid too!
Fri Jul 23 '10 2:27:36 pm Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged

satriella, happy and sad for you. its your daughter, go.

minimoog, you are correct. but it is tiresome for this debate to go on and on and on in this forum. in the 60's when i grew up, every band just about had a political message. unfortunately in this situation there are deplorable things happening and something has to be done. not every1 crossing over is a bad guy BUT the coyotes certainly are. i don't like alot of actors/musians ideology, but it doesn't make me NOT want to listen to them anymore. enough said by me.

cheese, its just going to be a big rain storm. nothing more. the good treasure is offshore, underwater. lots of people find lots of expensive stuff lost on the beachs.. come on down.

Fri Jul 23 '10 3:05:40 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

Is anyone here going to the Aerosmith gig in Oakland tonight? Sammy Hagar is opening...I wonder if Satch will make an appearance.

I'm seeing Aerosmith on Thursday in Irvine, with Cheap Trick opening...I can't wait (still)!

Listening to: Aerosmith - Rattlesnake Shake


Fri Jul 23 '10 5:04:15 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hey Man do you remeber my kitten now cat pengui!?Anyways he lives outside now right 2 days ago he stopped by sort of out ,of knowwhere from under my deck he flys out jumps catchs a Black Bird to eat man no shit! he ran off with it.My 2 new cats are penguis too ones pengui blac and white ones pq his name .Man fouck im good the big ATK is working beautiful Joe.Three rides today unsuspecting little cop chics got it too now thats fouck the POLICE desk seargent clerical women it was 14 dollars u.s for the rebuild kit for the rear caliper Im certifed for rebuilding braks from my old high school hey man after you rebuild a caliper they do whats called guideing.Like they dont just clamp and fullon stop you know you see you have to use compressed air to get the pistons out that push the pad .Now it doesnt ruin them it makes the differenceing in the caliper from the factory is like a membrane in the vein for the brake fluid for pressure when you blow the air threw the meberane is gone that activates the fluid postif like makes it work.Mine they work sometimes better then others they slow the engine down not tottaly stop you their is no brake pedal pressure you hold it keep it held it come on you have to watch ahed of you keep your head in sync with the throttle arm and brake foot and gear foot.Tod day I was in the kiddle of the bush got pulled over by afemale conservation officer she checked all the brakes lights evrything my hunting licence even took my bike for aor aride it was lac something some up north french named lake they just name it man their was no name before whic is why i cant rember she said the bike is 4700 x better then when it was new no problesm she sent me on my way I was out 3 times today on the atk man anyways lac blonc lake white later wolf2.
Fri Jul 23 '10 5:15:55 pm Set this message as last read

frozen in time...
Plays: Piano
354 posts total | IP Logged


Livin' for you

Tell me

Edited Fri Jul 23 '10 5:20 pm
Fri Jul 23 '10 5:19:48 pm Set this message as last read
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