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Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
My uncle sent my cover of Motorcycle Driver to the Chief Marketing Officer of the Harley-Davidson HQ. Can't wait to see what happens.
Fri Mar 18 '11 1:47:48 pm Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged
Austin, you, me, and Joe have read "Red" ;) What did you think? I enjoyed it, especially learning about Sammy's roots and what his earlier life was like. One of my co-workers grew up in the same area as Sammy, so she was enjoying paging through the book yesterday and looking at the pictures. I also had no idea what Sammy went through being in Van Halen...really sad. But amazing that Sammy is still such a positive guy after everything that's happened in his life. I don't think there's any one thing that he talked about that was really earth shaking, if there was, it wasn't revealed in this book. But I noticed he only briefly mentioned about each of his parents dying...u know that had impact. Sammy came from being dirt-poor....and put a lot of hard work into making his life what it is now. Now he makes it all look so easy but it sure as heck wasn't, not at all. Despite some of the rougher parts or edges of his life...he seems like a good guy in the end.
Fri Mar 18 '11 1:54:14 pm Set this message as last read

Mackai Daddy

22 posts total | IP Logged
Ya, that keyboardist Ronald Jenkees is pretty bad-ass. You all should check out some of his stuff on you tube--crazy stuff. Guess he also has a CD out.
Fri Mar 18 '11 2:14:02 pm Set this message as last read

Suzanne/Suzi Rugg
Riverside, CA.
Plays: Guitar (27 years)
103 posts total | IP Logged

How can I purchase a Joe Grey Hoodie jacket that was on sale during the tour?? None in the store, cant find on Ebay either...

Anyone seen this jacket for sale anywhere??? It's light grey with the red and black design on the back. LOVE IT. NEED ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!


Fri Mar 18 '11 2:34:42 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
Do The Stu- Austin, I have not picked up a copy of "red" yet, on my list though!!!
Fri Mar 18 '11 2:58:49 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

slanshroom - The situation really has changed in the past 24 hours or so. I hope everything is under control soon, but panic (especially from people halfway around the world) doesn't do much to help. And really, someone saying there's "no possibility" of a disaster is just as wrong as someone on CNN/Fox/wherever saying people halfway around the world need to buy iodide tablets. I wouldn't believe either extreme at this point.

The steam that is (very slightly) radioactive that was vented at one of the plants shortly after the earthquake has reached the west coast of the US by now. I've seen some doomsday reports, but I wish people would stop and think. I get more radiation from the smoke alarm in my apartment than I'll get from walking outside today.

Anyway, back to the main point, things need to get better really soon.

cheese101 - I really enjoyed the book. Sammy has always been pretty straightforward, so you're right...there aren't many big surprises in the book. It was great hearing about his early life...I knew a bit about his dad, but I had no idea he was so poor at times growing up.

I also didn't know that Sammy was such an entrepreneur earlier in his career. We all know about the tequila, but mountain bikes, clothing, fire sprinklers, and a travel agency? Pretty cool.

About Van Halen, it almost seems like Sammy hates DLR more than he does EVH. I don't think the words "David Lee Roth" appear in the book once, do they? Sammy just calls him "Roth" or "the previous singer", or talks about "before I joined the band". I thought that was odd.

I really think the book could have been 50 pages longer. It would have been nice to have more background on Chickenfoot, maybe by going into more detail about Planet Us before the VH reunion. And personally, I would've liked to hear more about how/why Jesse Harms left the Wabos. I liked him a lot.

Did you catch the part about Mick Brigden driving around Sammy and Montrose in France way back when? Or that the Bone in San Francisco was the first to play Sammy's demo tape? I thought those were cool tidbits, for Satch fans.


Fri Mar 18 '11 3:00:49 pm Set this message as last read

Tarek Hassan
Cairo, Cairo
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Does anyone know where does Satriani teach guitar.
Fri Mar 18 '11 3:38:38 pm Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged
Austin:Fingers crossed, those poor people have been through enough, wouldnt trust what they say either way t be honest, but you cant hold it against people from panicing when nuclear scientists give doomsday reports, just pray it doesnt go t full meltdown!, got t admire those brave souls staying behind to try and keep things under control

Edited Fri Mar 18 '11 5:05 pm
Fri Mar 18 '11 5:04:46 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Tsunami of Tohoku Earthquake Before Wrecking the Coast

Fri Mar 18 '11 5:11:35 pm Set this message as last read

Jack MacDonald
Fort Collins, Colorado
1 post total | IP Logged
Hello to you Joe from the Rocky Mountains. Long time fan, new to the site. Thank you for the class and respect you bring to this music. I hope you tour again soon. We in Colorado are waiting to see you again.
Fri Mar 18 '11 6:55:39 pm Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

slanshroom- no worries... reading over my original post a second time I realize that I didn't make my point very well.

This isn't really a good place for a non-musical debate, either!

Fri Mar 18 '11 7:10:16 pm Set this message as last read

Mikey D in da house
Satch = ZEN
Land Of The Rising Sun
Plays: Guitar
3312 posts total | IP Logged

Joe rocks in more ways than one! Thank's for your help and concern!

I hear ya Roy san and Do The Stu, it is really getting hyper in the news, and the contrast between the "I am almighty Anderson Cooper" and the low key, noble Japanese reports are like night and day..just goes to show you the difference in our societies....

It has been a remarkable week of suffering and hope, despair and anxiety for the Japanese people, but they are holding the fort down with their graceful demeanor and wonderful kindness..we can learn a lot from them, and I have. I pray they can get the nuke plant under control, and the heroic actions that are going on to stabilize it are beyond comprehension. Let's all hope and pray this comes to a miracle ending....

Zen san, good on the group, and Godspeed....

michelle, how awesome of Marty..he is one class act, and he was just here in oki earlier this month. And that video was from the Japanese Coast God, really gives you a sense of the destruction that was coming!!

Btw, wolf2 is one dedicated mofo..I await the day he finally explains that it was all a long running 10 year joke on T2J, lmao!

Here's to a positive attitude everyone and take a moment to cherish what you have..keep the Japanese people in your thoughts, and all the people around the world that may be suffering....

Edited Fri Mar 18 '11 8:42 pm

Fri Mar 18 '11 8:39:13 pm Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

Ovation 1:I heard that Mikey san, hope this nightmare comes to a close, we,ve had nuclear scientists truth talk live tv here and while the truth is scary its better the government be forthcoming with information than keep people in the dark.I believe the authoritys are paranoid people will run from their posts and too be honest i dont blame em a mass exodus from Japan would not be in the countrys better interests.Fingers toes crossed Mike they regain control of the situation, thinking of ya all across the pond

Turbo:Its the perfect place to debate, i,ve learnt an enormous amount of non music related information on this forum through the years and met some seriously switched on peeps t boot, Cube for example is a walking gear library

Sat Mar 19 '11 3:23:40 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Hi all

Have I really not been here since my Birthday? Wow.... thanks for all the wishes folks! Nice of you

Joe - classic! Your stories are always great..... Oakland A's National Anthem .... is this the scene recreated for Moneyball?

Scuba - great link, thanks for posting

Ovation1 - good to hear from you and amazing positive attitude there. Hope everything is as good as it can be for you

Cheese - hey up, dont you owe me an email :-b

Turbo - guitar looks nice... have you secured it? I have a 1000 with Joe's setup on it. It's LOWWWWWWWWW.... and a lot of fun

Slansh - loving the new work and the youtube stuff. When are the next lessons going up? Does the cat mind you standing on it's tail for some of the outro audio???

In other serious news, I have a cold..... : (

...and still can't type

Edited Sat Mar 19 '11 4:45 am

Sat Mar 19 '11 4:26:28 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Paul Gilbert hair tips - what not to do

Nunos cool road story on meeting Jimmy Page

Sat Mar 19 '11 4:58:43 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

pip:couple o weeks time Phil, been a strange fortnight, good for practice but got sod all recorded, busy being housedad, i,ll post when i,ve more uploaded ;)

Sat Mar 19 '11 6:07:04 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged

Arround 10 years without listening anymore to Hendrix.

Yesterday, i gave time to Cry of Love album. Marvelous album.



Concert of Christophe Godin yesterday night with his band Gnô. Joe, if you still go on with G3 project, you should seriously think about this guy. His energy is insane, & the fun is real.

Sat Mar 19 '11 7:55:53 am Set this message as last read

wanilda santos
campo grande, mato grosso do sul
1 post total | IP Logged
Olá, estou feliz em saber que aceitou a minha participacao neste site. Meu filho gosta muito do seu estilo de tocar. Segue a apresentacao que ele fez o ano passado> Tchau, obrigada!!! .
Sat Mar 19 '11 11:23:34 am Set this message as last read

Mark Hybers
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
547 posts total | IP Logged

Just read an excerpt from Sammy's book. I guess it was the first chapter and also Mike's prologue. It's as good a page turner as Decision Points. Definitely think I'll be headed out to buy it today.

BTW, There are a couple of reasons that the US is always out taking the lead for every crisis on the planet. One reason is that we've been doing it for over a half century. It's just become an expectation that something happens and the US is out there to clean it up. There is a HUGE humanitarian reason also. There could be over 10k people die before this is all said and done, and that's if the nuclear reactors don't melt down and leak out of the containment areas. But the biggest reason we're over in Japan ready to do anything and everything is the economic reason. Someone else in the forum already mentioned it. Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world. The entire global economy is depending on Japan not imploding economically. Hell, we've already shut down GM plants in the US due to the lack of parts coming from Japan. We are extremely dependent on the Japanese. At least no one will use the old water cooler argument on this one...."we're there to take over the oil!!" Bwaaahahahaha. I cringe everytime I hear someone say that. It's astonishing people haven't educated themselves better at this point. But that's another post............

I also think we should stop with all the relief effort to Africa. There are MANY prosperous countries in Africa. We need to stop sending food, water and medicine to Africa. We need to go move all the people out of those regions and into the prosperous countries. There's nothing we can do for the desert villages. EVER. Nothing can grow there and there's no water!! Get those poor people out of there, educate them and that will be the end of the African relief.

Today’s Lesson:: Arithmetic.... Count your blessings not your problems

Sat Mar 19 '11 11:44:29 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

I am proud to report that one Transparent Red JS100 has found its proper home and is currently resting peacefully!!

The previous owner was a big fan of Joe, but not a fan-atic, as I had to bring him up to speed about the release of BSAWW and the JS2400. I could have talked for days, but didn't want to overdo it.. As a little "thank you" for throwing in the hardshell case, I left a Bonus Track edition of BSAWW on his front porch on my way out. Nice little surprise for him the next time he leaves!

This guitar is far more beautiful than the pics made it out to be; it honestly looks like it has been in the case since 2001.


Edited Sat Mar 19 '11 12:06 pm

Sat Mar 19 '11 12:01:58 pm Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged
Zen Christophe is a helluva nice guy, funny and insane BUT he is a serious musical monster
Sat Mar 19 '11 12:06:37 pm Set this message as last read

el flacovai
nelson alejandro
ocumare del tuy, miranda
Plays: Guitar (26 years)
3 posts total | IP Logged

hello ... joe I'm participating in a guitar contest in Venezuela I take the dare to do a cover of your song circles. I leave the link so that you take a look, I hope you like it

Sat Mar 19 '11 12:09:30 pm Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged
Mike _ yeap Mike.. yeap. That's the point with Godin.
Sat Mar 19 '11 12:17:38 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Water funnel caught on camera in San Francisco

Sat Mar 19 '11 12:46:44 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Economic reasons are always a large part of the issue... China owns a ridiculous amount of U.S debt, and a similar case with Japan. It's very much in a lot of peoples interest shit doesn't get fucked over there for many reasons.

You can't just ship a billion people (almost 1/7 of the planets population) from a place that's almost 3 times the size of the U.S!

Sat Mar 19 '11 1:29:30 pm Set this message as last read
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