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4324 posts total | IP Logged

Vintage Modern 2466 raw demo


Ovation _ Will check about MK later on.. busy now.

Edited Mon Jun 27 '11 4:44 am

Mon Jun 27 '11 4:42:36 am Set this message as last read

Mikey D in da house
Satch = ZEN
Land Of The Rising Sun
Plays: Guitar
3312 posts total | IP Logged

Zenfish: Thanks for posting that link of you demoing the capabilities of the clean to crunch..fits from 1965 all the way to present moment, and covers all genre nicely..especially The Doors..I like it :-)

Mon Jun 27 '11 5:20:04 am Set this message as last read

Al Surfer

72 posts total | IP Logged
Dang I'm tired! ... but happy!! Joe was fantastic Saturday night - perfect lineup for me. Drove 2 hours home, slept, woke up, a bit of yardwork, drove 2 hours back to the same venue and rocked out with Rush last night!! Great 2-night'er, but recovery is getting tougher (& that's alcohol free), ha! Good times. Next Joe gig - 9/24 right in my back yard. :-)
Mon Jun 27 '11 6:59:06 am Set this message as last read

Satriella Walker
Sudbury, Suffolk
United Kingdom
1783 posts total | IP Logged

Ovation - ta muchly

Glitz - ta muchly too

Skippy - Am I getting the feeling that you got a bit of thang for a certain member on here...cough cough naming no names?? Yes It was a very happy smiley day and yes he is very cute and handsome and sweeeeet! LOL

Hugs to all

Satriella xx

Mon Jun 27 '11 7:16:21 am Set this message as last read

Mikey D in da house
Satch = ZEN
Land Of The Rising Sun
Plays: Guitar
3312 posts total | IP Logged

Al Surfer: Joe & RUSH in 2 nights.... That is I can die now phraseology, lol, awesome! ;-)

Satriella: :-)

Mon Jun 27 '11 7:30:56 am Set this message as last read

Al Surfer

72 posts total | IP Logged
Mike/ovation1 - Good to see you around T2J! Seeing Steve play as well was just more icing (or make that ice9). Take care! ... headed out the door (for a 3rd straight day through the bay area!) now.
Mon Jun 27 '11 7:38:54 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged
Ovation _ I've done a small mistake during recording riff with octaver.. microphone at 1 cm of cab.. would have been better at 10 cm.. & mp3 mashing the middles.. i let you imagine how it sounds for real.. but the purpose of the demo is to make hear clean to crunch, with no effect, yeap. Nice amp.

Edited Mon Jun 27 '11 8:27 am
Mon Jun 27 '11 8:26:38 am Set this message as last read

Mikey D in da house
Satch = ZEN
Land Of The Rising Sun
Plays: Guitar
3312 posts total | IP Logged

Enjoy Al san, you have a deafening good time now, ya hear!! ;-)

Zenfish: No problem mate, I like how you tried each setting, and that amp really sounds sweet!! Kudos bro, and keep up the great work!

Edited Mon Jun 27 '11 8:28 am

Mon Jun 27 '11 8:27:11 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged

Glitzy man - Thanks

Peaceful person - It certainly does

Mon Jun 27 '11 8:44:35 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Al Surfer, what's the 9/24 Joe gig about? It's not on the road any deets or intel? :)

Edit: OHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh, never mind, got it :)) Great place for a show, we were there in 2005!! WOOT!

Edited Mon Jun 27 '11 1:16 pm

Mon Jun 27 '11 1:10:13 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Best quote of the day:


If you don't like gay marriage blame straight people. They're the ones that keep having gay babies. Support love not hate. Love who u want.

Mon Jun 27 '11 3:05:43 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Satriella - yes of course lol.

Its our turn for a tour Joe!!

Currently have Until We Say Goodbye (Techno Mix) by Joe Satriani paused.
Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Mon Jun 27 '11 3:36:45 pm Set this message as last read

death cube k

6054 posts total | IP Logged
michelle i am all for gay marriage .. means Al can get married .. also i like that they will then pay the same taxes as me ..
Mon Jun 27 '11 4:31:57 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride...

Mon Jun 27 '11 7:38:35 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
IM outraged by this new commercial released there the other day

Orange soda.
Tue Jun 28 '11 3:25:24 am Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged

ovation1 - this is my fav. Bible study site GraceThruFaith

i found this question & answer interesting:

Why Is Satan Still Free?

Q. After Satan’s fall, why did God allow him to deceive Adam and Eve, and to continue to run rampant throughout the earth destroying lives when God could have simply cast him into the lake of fire from the beginning and have it done with, sparing mankind (including Adam and Eve)?

A. Like the angels, man was created with free will. God specifically told Adam and Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit. In listening to the serpent they were consciously disobeying Him. Remember they had no sin nature at the time so they could have resisted. Therefore God did not “allow” them to be tempted.

If there was no evil in the world we would not have free will. We could only do and be good. Because of Satan we can love God and live in a manner that’s pleasing to Him by choice. This makes our love meaningful to Him. Otherwise we’d just be mindless robots.

Also, though the Bible only hints of this, I have concluded that had Satan not rebelled against God, mankind would not exist. When you get right down to it, there’s really no purpose for our lives other than to choose which one of them will be our god. There’s nothing we have that God needs, and as it says in Job 35:6-7, our righteousness doesn’t help Him and our sinfulness doesn’t hurt Him. They only impact us and those around us.

Jack Kelley


i just bought a Satch longbox on ebay. 'The Extremist' still sealed >=:) and i'm starting to think the 'Dream Song' promo cd that i bought isn't a fake. i've been told Sony do release cdr promos O_o

Edited Tue Jun 28 '11 7:01 am

Tue Jun 28 '11 6:52:15 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hello Their!.Well Canada post was forced back to,work by the government never mind,the union and more money government said woork or no job,s and no union.Still no mail for me though im exspecting mail from dissabilty and my insurnce cards and policy and a follow up cardiolgist appointment for cardiolgist apperently my insurance things got mailed out dissabilty cards should be here by friday .Im not doing too much maybe it,s my special fuel I run I dont really remeber my rides on the 406 atK i USE special fuel hey when necessary when I dont want to waste my oney or have to make pit,s stops when im out I order a load right from SHELL CANADA no word of a lie the gas truck come right too my house with gas and several dfieerent oils for fuels and for transmision of ll my bikes it was 300 .00 for fuel and 280.000 for oil everything was empty including the formula mx this is special fuel you can only by direct for farm use that replaces lead becuase you cannot by leaded gas anymore in Canada it very rarely goes down like fill it you can cross the country usually 17 x before you need to add 3 cupps 2 or 3 cups. every bike has a different mix i the tank ,the truck has a pump on it that sucks the oils right out of the transmissions so you dont need to drain them no empty bottles nothing thats from bluew ave energy shell distributor in bacnroft.I been traveling steady she hasnt even gone down a drop and it probbaly wont on dirt like in the bush,maybe alittle if you go down on the pavement. thats all im gonna pick up 10 or 15 bucks worth of shell gold high octane in my 5 gallon can today it has a bit in it`! like,but the truck nozzle doesnt fit in the cans it you have to leave the bikes down maybe well the atk a little bit from the truck cmha meeting today satying around here gas cruise around have a coffee thats all just cruised by to say hi! Mom came home from her grandaughters my nieces on sunday I had fuel delivery thursday or friday this fuel like for the 600 dollars totatl you get about 12 million miles to 14 million miles of travel with this special farm fuel anyways thats all talk to you later wolf2 probbly 15 bucks gas today just to have before the price goes up for canada day and doesnt come back down have my own castrol oil later wolf2. no poop she wont come off the full line until around 4 million miles wolfie thats the 406 later wolf2.
Tue Jun 28 '11 7:15:06 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Al, nice beets! ;-)

Did someone say Free Will



SONG OF THE DAY Andalusia Such a killer tune! Man, I love that song!

Edited Tue Jun 28 '11 7:45 am

Tue Jun 28 '11 7:40:56 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged


Since you mentioned it, I have to weigh in on gay marriage (shocked, aren't you?)

I don't think gay marriage should be sanctioned by the state. That is because I don't believe any marriage should be sanctioned by the state.

The state sanctioning of marriage creates different/special classes of people through benefits, tax breaks (or increases, in some cases), and default contractual obligations/protections.

I have seen cited by several activists for gay marriage that it is not the pomp of the ceremony that they wish, but the state sanctioning and the resulting benefits thereof.

As a believer in free will and liberty, I believe that if you have a desire to enter into a contractually binding agreement with someone, assigning rights and or benefits, you should be able to do so without the state sitting in on what is and should be a religious ceremony.

While, as a Christian, I believe certain acts to be a sin, I also believe G_d loves everyone, and that we are all sinners. While we could debate for centuries on what ceremony G_d may or may not sanctify, if two people can find clergy to perform the ceremony why should the state have any say in the matter, regardless of the participants?

Furthermore, the state "profits" (state profits - another oxymoron for those keeping score) from many acts that are considered sinful or taboo by Christianity, Islam, and Judaism alike; why is the moral sanctity of marriage so holy to the state (note the small 's') in some cases? Is it because of the benefits that such sanctification implies, creating another form of dependency on the state? It seems that the nature of the state is to work to supplant G_d and become the faith of choice.

Removing the intrusion of the state in the marriage ceremony would be one more step toward true equality and liberty for all, even singles. I'm sure some enterprising lawyer would come up with a software package, much like those currently available for basic wills and estates, that could effectively handle most of the basics of the benefits currently offered by state approval of marriage for those who chose to enter into such arrangements.

$.02...spend it as you will.

Tue Jun 28 '11 10:00:26 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged

Ovation : i will try to do a better demo when i'll get time.

Tue Jun 28 '11 10:19:04 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
I've missed you Cuthbert.
Tue Jun 28 '11 12:08:53 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

cuth, it would have been nice if we could have all drank at the same water fountains, but we couldn't until the state said we could - and even then it was hell for most. It would be lovely if gays could just find someone to marry them without the state being involved. What's the state of the state you're in? In one scenario, what do you say to the little boy who, from the time he could walk & talk, has had more female traits than male, and doesn't want anything to do with boys? Is he a sinner? Is he going to hell for being born with a brain that betrays him, or does it only betray you? Same with a girl. Being different isn't a sin. Being hateful is. America is and probably always will be slow to get with the program. Why the state must be in yer business is the way it's always been, and probably the way it's always going to be. I don't like it, but whatcha gunna do?

Tue Jun 28 '11 12:23:53 pm Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged


Apples & Oranges.

water fountains => state intervenes in private matters of discrimination; mutual consent of parties not present

straight marriage => state grants state-created status and benefit to select group

gay marriage denied => state withholding state-created benefit and special status

gay marriage allowed => state grants state-created status and benefit to another group, decreasing the number outside the group, but still separating people and setting liberty at an imbalance.

any state involvment in marriage => state intervenes in private affairs of mutual consent

state uninvolved in marriage => no special status, benefit, or group created.

It's a quick shot, and a bit dirty, but it hits the main points of my issue with your analogy.

Tue Jun 28 '11 1:34:58 pm Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Yep, missed you indeed.
Tue Jun 28 '11 3:06:58 pm Set this message as last read


778 posts total | IP Logged
Boy, logic can sure take the fun out of an emotional comeback.
Tue Jun 28 '11 3:46:38 pm Set this message as last read
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