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84 posts total | IP Logged

Michelle OP was poorly worded...I didn't intend to imply that no one is against Obama for racist reasons...just that if anyone thinks that is the only reason (or even the main one), that person is a fool.

Regarding Hitler and Stalin, you haven't been paying attention...Bush II was compared to Hitler...Clinton was compared to both...I think even Bush I got a few Hitler comparisons.

Again...many messes may have come to light during the Bush years, but to think they are all Bush's fault or that Obama can clean them up on his own (or, for those so inclined, that Romney could clean up what you consider to be Obama's mess) is very short sighted.

Both parties have buried this country fiscally over the course of decades. It will take a long time to dig us out. Obama's basic plan of digging deeper won't work. Whatever plan Romney and Ryan have to dig us out won't work either; it's too little too late.

Only one man who was in the primaries came close to understanding what level of cutting would be needed to have a chance to prevent default. That man is out of the running.

Sadly, we live in interesting times.

Tue Aug 21 '12 8:13:29 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Is that our man Ron Paul?

Tue Aug 21 '12 8:35:48 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

Boy...a quote function would be awesome...I have been spoiled elsewhere...

Anyway, on NOLA, most of my point wasn't about the feds. Other than the trailers, the problems to which I referred were due to state and local agencies or entities, such as the National Guard, under their control. Though the trailers were from them and could have been Bush's fault or, more likely, the result of massive and distant bureaucracy trying to address a local problem.

I'm not hung up on who the president is when government screws up...for state and local issues it never matters, and for federal issues, sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't.

The point is, when that happened, government of all stripes dropped the ball, while private entities actually came in an helped people, except where government forcibly prevented them from doing so. Which do we really need more of?

Tue Aug 21 '12 8:44:01 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

Yes, I've been a supporter of Paul since before he threw his hat in the ring in February of 2007.

He's not man is. He just has a firm understanding of economics. I firmly believe that misunderstanding (or, manipulation if you prefer, but I'm fresh out of tinfoil) of economics is at the core of most problems this country (most of the world, in fact) faces.

He also understands that much of the world is not as enamored of our nation's military adventurism as many here seem to be.

I gave up on him getting the nomination a long time ago (it was never more than a faint hope). What is even more sad is that he is retiring from Congress; no more "Dr. No"....who else is going to give Bernanke or the next Fed chair the hell they so rightly deserve?

Tue Aug 21 '12 8:52:02 am Set this message as last read

alejandro saldaņa
panama, panama
1 post total | IP Logged

hi joe, I saw that the g3 tour to South America is in October, and I was wondering how do I know the prices of the show to see the possibility of a presentation of g3 in panama city for those days?, excuse my English



Tue Aug 21 '12 9:21:37 am Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged

I saw a political commercial last night saying since Obama has no track record, he is resorting to lies and attacks because he has nothing else.

Eat THIS Obama haters

I don't get how anyone can hate him after watching this.

Tue Aug 21 '12 10:43:23 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Wow, Cuth posts are like buses. You don't see one for ages then lots come all at once. I for one have missed ole Cuth's rants. Care to share what you do for a living htuC?
Tue Aug 21 '12 11:05:39 am Set this message as last read

Granada, Andalucia
Plays: Guitar (24 years)
1714 posts total | IP Logged

I reckon that initiating a withdrawal of US forces from the Middle East counts as spending money to try and put the pieces back together.

The economic impact of moving all those soldiers and all those resources out of hostile territory is far smaller than the economic impact of keeping them there.

That is possibly the biggest difference made, for the benefit of American citizens, by your current president.

I also believe Obama's current comments on women's health(care) and on alternative energy sources are worth taking note of. They'll make a massive difference to the quality of life of the average American citizen in the long run.

I can't claim to know a whole lot about Romney, apart from having read the usual political propaganda....I just think it's sad that so much criticism is so readily leveled against Obama. As a leader on the world stage, he's really pretty damn good, and that makes life better at home. I'm positive that a large number of the proposed improvements would be successful, but I doubt if enough people will be patient enough to vote for them to happen.

Oh and "planned parenthood. We're going to get rid of that". WHAT?!? Someone please enlighten me as to how this constitutes progress!

Edited Tue Aug 21 '12 11:13 am

Tue Aug 21 '12 11:10:15 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

Care to share what you do for a living htuC?

Political rants on Satchweb are basically it today and yesterday...I've been home sick.:?)

At other times I do IT stuff. Effective root cause analysis and logic are big factors in my ability to stay afloat.

Tue Aug 21 '12 11:37:06 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged


"Paid For by Obama for America" chance for bias, skew or overstatement there.

I don't hate him...just most of his policies and proposals and thinly-veiled innuendo for future plans. That said, Romney doesn't thrill me either.


I reckon that initiating a withdrawal of US forces from the Middle East counts as spending money to try and put the pieces back together.

The economic impact of moving all those soldiers and all those resources out of hostile territory is far smaller than the economic impact of keeping them there.

Getting out of the ME is definitely a good thing...I was against going in in the first place, even though I had voted for Bush in 2000.

I also believe Obama's current comments on women's health(care) and on alternative energy sources are worth taking note of. They'll make a massive difference to the quality of life of the average American citizen in the long run.

I don't believe the government should have any role in health care, aside from preventing fraud and being an uninterested arbiter in the case of negative outcomes (the courts).

Most people who would take issue with this stance would point to the exorbitant cost of healthcare as proof the government needs to get involved. This is static analysis, and fails to take into account the failed policies of government intervention in the health care markets from the time of the Johnson administration and before.

Again, the root is economic. Government involvement has caused distortions of price in the market. There hasn't been a free market in healthcare, even in the US, for quite some time, with few exceptions. One notable exception is in Lasik surgery. With Lasik being relatively unregulated, innovation has compounded, outcomes have improved, and prices have (GASP!) dropped. This is due to competition between providers, and a lack of government stepping in to choose winners and losers, as it has in so many other arenas.

I can't claim to know a whole lot about Romney, apart from having read the usual political propaganda....I just think it's sad that so much criticism is so readily leveled against Obama. As a leader on the world stage, he's really pretty damn good, and that makes life better at home. I'm positive that a large number of the proposed improvements would be successful, but I doubt if enough people will be patient enough to vote for them to happen.

Ah...on the world stage he may not be that bad, but by the standards of liberty and the Constitution, he is very poor and possibly among the worst we have had (yes, he ranks up there with W, for different reasons). Going back to bringing the troops home, I'm all for fact, I'd bring them home from far more places than Obama would ever hope to dream....domestically, however, this cat is an economic nightmare.

Oh and "planned parenthood. We're going to get rid of that". WHAT?!? Someone please enlighten me as to how this constitutes progress!

Since he can't eliminate Planned Parenthood per se, I would guess he was just referring to their federal funding (YMMV), though I would actually question whether a PotUS could do this on his own; he likely anticipates (assuming he wins) a cooperative majority in both houses.

If I am correct in interpreting his meaning, I see it as a worthy goal. Catholics should no more be expected to fund Planned Parenthood via their taxes (yes, I realize all the dollars are fungible) than should a Planned Parenthood supporter be forced to fund Catholic abstinence education or screeds supporting the Quiverfull movement.

People on "both sides" (see: Nolan Chart) of the aisle seem to consistently ignore that power in the hand of their champion would scare the hell out of them in the hands of their opponent.

Every government has as its only tools force and threats.

Tue Aug 21 '12 12:08:48 pm Set this message as last read

Granada, Andalucia
Plays: Guitar (24 years)
1714 posts total | IP Logged

Sorry, I'm not meaning to incite a dispute here, over matters of opinion, but: Every government has a 3rd tool - Cooperation.

Force and threats are not the only way!

Tue Aug 21 '12 2:57:07 pm Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

Sorry, I'm not meaning to incite a dispute here, over matters of opinion, but: Every government has a 3rd tool - Cooperation.

Force and threats are not the only way!

I think you misunderstood my meaning.

While cooperation is possible within the confines of government e.g. while establishing law or regulation, once said law or regulation is codified, enforcement relies upon force, or the threat thereof.

<edit> Cooperation may also occur between separate governments, of course. </edit>

Think about any scenario where there is a law, moral or otherwise, with which you disagree. You choose not to comply based on your beliefs. Your refusal causes no harm, explicit or implicit to any person, entity, or object not your own. What is the end result of continued non-compliance?


There may be civil interactions along the way; there will be threats along the way; but the end result of your continued refusal to yield to the power will be force.

The sovereign maintains a monopoly on the legalized - whether legitimate or otherwise - use of such force, and will not hesitate to employ it, up to and including the theft of your property, life, or liberty when that sovereignty is threatened by refusal.

This is more evident in dictatorships, but is no less true in a monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, or even in a constitutional republic.

Edited Tue Aug 21 '12 5:17 pm

Tue Aug 21 '12 3:31:09 pm Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged

Peace Lily - sorry to hear that your family are being cruel to you :( *HUG* Jesus is my Lord & Saviour but i will not listen to any christian leader about how i should vote. Billly Graham told christians to vote for Nixon and look how well that turned out, not only was he a crook but he used the Lord's name in vain, the same name that those who voted for him hold dear.

your vote is your choice and it is personal and your sister was wrong to share what you told her. there is not one candidate that can hold a candle to Christ therefore christian leaders, pastors etc. should not be saying 'vote for this man'. everyone, esp. christians should vote with their heart and with what they are comfortable with. no politician has Jesus's stamp of approval.

in the next Australian election i have two choices Gillard or Abbot. i like neither of these people and both parties fall short on many issues. the best i can do is vote for the one i think is the lesser evil so to speak.

Wed Aug 22 '12 1:11:27 am Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged
oops doppel post, darn interweb >=:P

Edited Wed Aug 22 '12 2:59 am
Wed Aug 22 '12 1:14:52 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

And now for something different.

Wed Aug 22 '12 5:29:34 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged
My God, if you need something to lift you up, check this out! I had tears!!
Wed Aug 22 '12 11:47:19 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Cheese- Definitely uplifting!!!, Thanks for posting . Needed some uplifting.... seems like most of my loved ones are facing some tough challenges right now.... wearing me down with worry a wee bit...

Big Bunny- Thank you !!! :-)

Wed Aug 22 '12 6:42:08 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
I hope Joe releases more official backing tracks. I downloaded all ten of them and play them everyday. Some more would be really cool!
Wed Aug 22 '12 10:25:36 pm Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged

Everybody's all tense and at arms with this political dispute.

I think everybody should chilllllllllllllllll out and listen to this.

Thu Aug 23 '12 12:59:40 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

cuth, my son is a big fan of Ron Paul. We just tucked him away at college across state over the weekend to finish his last 2 years. One of the first things he did was to register to vote...and changed his party from Dem. to Independent. lol! Atta boy!

Chee, that was cute! Looks like he had a LOT of fun doing it too. Great idea!

Peace, I'm sorry you and your fam are going through the wringer. Sending cyber hugs and good vibes your way!

Oxley, the political discussion is the most action the board has seen in a while. lol! I think eventually the webby is going to do away with it because everyone waits for the next person to entertain them instead of contributing something themselves. So much going on in the music world, but nobody says much, so maybe a few current event topics can get something brewing? What the hell and why not?

And on that bout those naked pics of our lovely Harry! He sure knows how to have fun! lmao!!

ReMachined - A Tribute to Deep Purple's Machine Head EPK Have a go at that! Joe's in it! WOW! Actually Joe has a nice part in this vid - and Highway Star is goosebumps on goosebumps!!

LOVE that album!

"This title will be released on September 25, 2012."

Edited Thu Aug 23 '12 6:45 am

Thu Aug 23 '12 6:10:22 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

I have missed it...the naked pics of prince Harry....sigh....

Peace, good vibes and hugs yer way for all that's happening, sometimes it feels like there's no end to negative stuff...but it does eventually end. I hope.

I'm with you chelle, there's posts on the board again, WOOT! lol! I'll check that vid out when I get a chance, any chance to see Joe is a good thing :)

It's Thursday people, what shall we do with it??

Thu Aug 23 '12 6:48:37 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey Holy Moly Man!.Im glad I dont do that to often sort of,!.Fired up my 1975400wr husqvarana today just listen this thing is scarry man .First I changed the forkoil it had the forkoil that they put in after i unloaded off the ship right back in the day.i put 10w30 shell in the forks works beautiful she pretty well fired right up! i rebuilt the motor part about 15 years ago it got stolen by a police informant hey man years ago he had to pay 80,000 restitution to me he stole it with eric my half brother they blew it up i had some spare parts spare cylinder piston you know i made the base gasket for the cyclinder from gasket material from JAND R HEADERS FEL PRO GASKET i believ thats fine i made the gasket for my old 250 t`nt can am wheni bored it and did the piston in the original motor for the old can am the thing is Like i went for a ride on the husky man she worked good.Heres what i need to fix sometime, when i was igniteing it i notice gas leaking out around the inatake manifold right after the ride she reallly started reving like screeaming sucking air! i believe it,s where the manifold is leaking the fuel when you start it! it needs special new bolts from the stihl chainsaw shop stil guarteed for life bolts then somme specail sealant thats gas proof whic i can no longer get around here anymore need canadian tire the stihl shop use to have gas proof stuff wheni built the rotax 406 but no more i need to get a good torx on the fiber bolck cover it with gas proof silicone put new torx head bolts use my ratchet three eiths and tighten her real good.i believ thats what it is almost certain the bike was brand new wheni got it from sweden off the ship1 it cant be the base gasket because she fires right up the fuel leak when starting most certainly is running it sucks air their after it heats up the jr headers headman gasket is nice man theirs like a finber block spacer gasket on the manifold directly bolted to the cylinde r did a ride were good everything of mine runs hey they have cable lokc master locks threw all the wheels in a locked garage everything I own bike wise and the snowmobile was directly from the factory their stamps bike they built that wouldnt run1 that I got going! thats that Im just leaveing itt who knows mybe for another 5 or 7 years or something to do when im bored but ohenstly andd truly Im scareed of it hey Joe so it just sit when its coool she dont suck air thats that the kicksrat is on the left you start it with your right leg holding the bike to the side all my bikes are like that but this thing is crazy scary plus you cant buy parts so you cant really use it rotax parts i can get any year from rotax parts center in california so i run my rotaxs and cycle salvage doesnt have and husky parts so i dont use it any husky na Nothing Goes through The Woods like a husky take care that was today later wolfie2.
Thu Aug 23 '12 10:31:36 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

I find the Prince Harry "scandal" hilarious....

How could his security team let this happen?

not sure why I find it so amusing.........

Michelle- Watching ReMachined !!! good stuff - Thanks for posting... :)

Edited Thu Aug 23 '12 11:39 am

Thu Aug 23 '12 10:48:31 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Just as well I'm not a prince
Thu Aug 23 '12 2:31:20 pm Set this message as last read

Frits The T2J heretic.
The Netherlands
Plays: Guitar (1007 years)
657 posts total | IP Logged
Matt Bissonette
Thu Aug 23 '12 3:13:46 pm Set this message as last read
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