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Tamas Chlumetzky
Tamas Chlumetzky
Plays: Guitar (20 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged


anyone knows if there is going to be a g3 2012 dvd? i was there and i would like to see the show again. They streamed the show in the theater during the show so there were cameras. ( i couldnt find any news on the net about a dvd )

best wishes Tamas

Mon Sep 24 '12 11:09:59 am Set this message as last read


2 posts total | IP Logged
Some one help! Been trying to figure out how Joe gets the sounds he does out of the Digitech 33B for the song "Why" I just got one and have not been able to figure it out! Please help!
Mon Sep 24 '12 4:35:22 pm Set this message as last read

dave schock
manheim, pa
46 posts total | IP Logged


Pretty darn well said, that pendulum business.

Good to see people here that get it.

Mon Sep 24 '12 7:57:15 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

thwclw, nice post. The key to life is - everything in moderation. To swing hard to the left or right is never the answer. My beliefs follow more to the Democratic way of thinking. The greed of big business is killing America. If you are a successful person and work hard for your money, that's fantastic, It's the American dream, but you don't have to crush and destroy others to get there. When our hard earned money has to bail out Wall Street companies so they don't collapse, then they turn around and give themselves MASSIVE bonuses while people are losing their homes, businesses, families, and life dreams...I wonder how they sleep at night? These corporations manipulated the mortgage market and literally raped innocent hard working families of their American dream. I'm not talking about the yahoos who spent way beyond their means and lost everything. They reaped what they sowed. I mean the banks that covered their shit smelling contracts with rose petals full well knowing they would get that very same property back in default in a few years. It's also the huge corporations that are poisoning our foods with GMO's and spraying their crops (our food included) with Round-Up weed killer that gets into the soil and into the very plants that grow our foods. With all their manipulation of our NATURAL source of food that used to be pure and healthy as far back as 15 - 20 years ago, it is now giving more people more diseases, cancers, deformities, autism, and an entire range of health problem in epic proportions. Bigger crops, Bigger cows. More milk production, more hormones, more, more, more. The farmers are lied to, threatened, or bought out in hostile takeovers. Farmers were the heart of America. Now corporations run a lot of farms poisoning the food and animals for profitable gain. Cramming livestock into small spaces and feeding them genetically modified organisms that make them sick, and us sicker. They make more money, as we get sicker and sicker, and our kids and grandkids are born more jacked up then ever before.

The bottom line is GREED. It is the root of all evil. When people only think about themselves and what they can gain, regardless of how it may hurt others, that's not a world I want for my family or yours.

There are bad ideas and practices in both parties, just like their are bad ideas and practices in all religions. Nothing is perfect - and moderation is the key.

Let's dance

Edited Mon Sep 24 '12 8:36 pm

Mon Sep 24 '12 8:35:09 pm Set this message as last read

Terry Williams
Plays: Guitar (55 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged


Here's our government at work:
Big agribusiness have resources to deal with the government - small family farms do not. Family farms have personal pride in their produce and we never had the problems you cite when they were the primary source of food.
Crony Capitalism and the necessity of eliminating small business to promote socialist agenda did them in. The same way that local banks have been lured into selling their mortgages to real estate investment vehicles by the government regulations crafted to exactly that - get rid of the little guy and promote the megacorps - the big boys have the resources to support a fascist socialist government.
The last thing the government wants is productive small business!

Edited Mon Sep 24 '12 9:52 pm

Mon Sep 24 '12 9:43:10 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Here's a longer video. WATCH THIS!

Share it with your friends. People deserve to know the truth.

Tue Sep 25 '12 7:29:51 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
Food Inc. Montesanto watch that if you wanna freak the "F"'ll make you go veggie..YAY JOE...!!
Tue Sep 25 '12 2:09:27 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Monsanto's GM corn is in everything, and not just your food, but the food you feed your beloved pets too.

Watch this movie if you want to be totally blown away - Genetic Roulette Movie

It's insane the FDA covers for them and let's them kill America. That's big business. The FDA lets companies poison people, which feeds the insurance companies, which feeds the pharmaceutical companies, which feed the hospitals, and round and round it goes - all at our expense.

Of course their food is also more affordable than organic food, so we can't afford to buy the healthy chemical free foods. It's all ass backwards.

Tue Sep 25 '12 3:44:40 pm Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged
Dear Joe, I am asking permission to post a video clip on Facebook of my husband Joe catching a fish with a clip from Ice playing in the background. It is one of many of our favs! If you ever what to go fishing your welcome to fish with us in Corpus Christi anytime! Janet

Edited Tue Sep 25 '12 7:44 pm
Tue Sep 25 '12 7:39:53 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
totally michelle..thank god for the people that see it..and produce and sell organic food..many folks even do there own farming and gardening too..which is what should all be doing..but not everybody can..cuz they live in an apartment..but just think its all about supply and demand..with gasoline for instance..if enough people rode the buses or biked..again not everyone's just might make a difference to some of these fatcat company bottom lines..and thats all they respond to..if we really understand that it's our consumer dollars..that controls these inflated prices..we can change it..if enough people quit buying certain things prices would change..certain things we cant live without sure..look at cigarettes..i'm not a smoker but 8 bucks a pack..? to slowly kill yourself..? are you kidding..? it aint that hard to quit..lay em down walk away..if enough people did that prices would drop..fuck being a slave to corperate profits...!!
Wed Sep 26 '12 6:15:51 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
How are you today!? Im good here man much better im officially not hearing things now!.You want me too tell you what the problem was? W ell I live in apsley onatrio man and the radio station the rock n roll station come from peterbprough onatrio right theirs alot of rock here hey brother like about im a n hour away from peterborugh at maximum road speed by car,now about 25 minutes away from perterborugh the canadian shield starts whic is rockMy radio was all screwy man ,you here me ineterfearance micxed up words makeing me think im hearing things.This is how I fixed my problem it,s been fixed since yesterday i put rabbbit ear s on my stereo man like for televisions i bout a new set yesterday in bancroft up north, now the new set had coaxial cable so i put it to the tv and took the old two wire rabbit ears from the tv and put thm on my stereo you tune in now they even tell me im gettting over 100% reception and im not being drove crazy by it man or think im hearing things man. my healths coming back too now it was really makeing me sick , man hey joe and your not yours at inanez diaddario dimazario or vox you your siclian friend man thats why I was sick if you can belive that thats the ohenst to gods truth.I picked up a pack of 5 good year like the tires cloths man washable for like dirtbike stuff snowmobile whatver. I just checked the mail the little dissabilty thing isnt their yet my statement shortmonth shold be their by friday I would think they pay the last buissness day of,the month! I checked the mail and parcel was their from dennnis kirk the front brake shoes i ordered for my husky my 1975 400 wr husqvarana brake shoes for the front i did the reas this spring from dennni kirk in minnnesota as well it uses the smae on the front and back hey they onlyhad one set at the time. so I had to wait and do another order went to the dentist man had my dentist checkup and a cleaning 3 month well actualy,janusray 4 mnth back their for a filling and a cleaning january 25th my body is starting to relax now from fixing my stereo and not hearing thing,i have rabbbit ears hoojked up to the tv even though the stelite is hooked up sometimes the dish is on sometimes not ist sort of law for me to have to sets of resistors when you ride a 2 cuycles heres how it works in canada man if you travel more then 700 miles threw the bush on a 2 cycle motorcyle their suppose to give you free radio and televison accces by way of resistor whic is just rabbbit ears the ministry of natural resources doe it and it stay free for like 10 years every so many hundreds of miles its so people can talk to me do litttle things on tv or radio if I was just their or whatever this is true man so i would thing cbc chex tv will b free for about 25 more years even though everything is digital now my dish is connnevcgted but they migt try bill scams like puttting it up 10 bucks a years or something so im ready rabbit ears chex tv mani just listen to the wolf101.5 fm reallly thats all rideing my ight be over man im in good shape in my brain and body maybe to healthy to communicate threw forest now like too healthy to know my way will see glad to be normal hey thanks for your healp lettting me shooot the breeze and such maybe will make another guitar together sometime from here by compuetr from the library thats all later wolf2.
Wed Sep 26 '12 8:01:30 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Mr Wooley, I have to give thanks to my friend JP. I didn't know much about this stuff until she told me about it. Now I just have to figure out how to replace foods, and what to replace them with, in a way that's affordable. It's a massive process, but even little changes help. I'm not about to go all Joe and go all bat shit crazy and give up everything. lol! Baby steps. bruv, baby steps. lol!

I got the new Deep Purple cd yesterday. Let me just say, Joe's bit in Highway Star put a huge smile on my face this morning. It's so cool hearing my favorite guitarist cover one of my favorite songs. I've only got as far as The Flaming Lips, but I can't wait to hear the rest of it. Good stuff, man!

Wed Sep 26 '12 9:23:20 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Joe up against EVH In GW contest...... thats' a hard choice. WELL not for me but maybe some others .


Wed Sep 26 '12 11:43:15 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Need a laugh?

Vote for Joe

Wed Sep 26 '12 12:07:01 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
EVH is gonna win because he is more widely known. Thats how they set up the Rolling Stones top 100 is by how popular they were not skill or talent. If they went by talent, then Joe would definately be up there next to Jimi Hendrix (who rightfully deserved #1) Without Hendrix, Joe might still be a drummer :O
Wed Sep 26 '12 12:09:05 pm Set this message as last read

Zinc Master
Zinc Master
Crown Point, IN
3563 posts total | IP Logged

Saw Prince in Chicago last night (the good concert, not the one on Monday where there were issues).

Idea - it would be neat to have a G3 with EVH, Satch and Prince - 3 great guitar players. That would be an interesting show.

Wed Sep 26 '12 1:30:09 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
Joe's gained percentage wise since last I looked at the poll Yay :-).
Wed Sep 26 '12 4:01:17 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

Skippygirl - It looks like Brad Whitford from Aerosmith plays rhythm guitar on Lazy as well. Looking at the album as a whole, there are really a lot of great names involved...everyone should really pick it up. The magazine that comes with it is put together very well, too.

Zinc Master - I saw Prince at the Forum in LA last year...he put on a great show. He's been bringing out a lot of guests, and we got Larry Graham (bass player for Sly and the Family Stone) at that show for Thank You (Falletinme Be Mice Elf Agin) and another song. Very cool.


Wed Sep 26 '12 6:37:29 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

I listen to Sly & The Family Stone on Spotify & cd all the time. One of my fave old time bands. STAND

I would love to see Prince do this thang with Larry!

Oh, and now I found Stratus

Red Baron

And one for Brian - RTF

I stood about 2 feet from that prism guitar - unattended in it's stand, & took a few crappy phone pics of it when DiMeola came to a Jazz Fest here in town. Also got a pic of Al & my hubs after the show.

Good times.

Wed Sep 26 '12 9:15:28 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged



Edited Thu Sep 27 '12 6:27 am

Thu Sep 27 '12 6:21:49 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
so who got Joe store goodies..? whatchoo buy..? Strange Beautiful shirt for me..wasn't that the Kings X Dream Theater thing..Joe's set was short but it was still killer..
Thu Sep 27 '12 3:31:43 pm Set this message as last read

Brian Currier
Newberg, Oregon
349 posts total | IP Logged

Thanks Michelle...I love RTF , it is hard to believe that tour was 4 years ago , I'll have to fire up that dvd again!

Hi Joe...I miss you too!

Thu Sep 27 '12 8:13:07 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Mr Wooley, I read your question, and the first thing that popped on my head was this. lol! I heard it in the car with my daughter the other day. lol! I always forget about that show with King's X. We saw that one in Camden, NJ. I think that might have been the gig that changed venues at the very last minute. It was supposed to be in Philly, and wound up outside in Jersey!! I think a lot of people missed it because they didn't know it changed venues. I think that's also where I bought a 16 oz bottle of water for FOUR dollars!! Then the bitch wouldn't even give me the lid! I pay $4 for a f'n sip of water, I at least deserve the lid so I can sit the bottle down or tuck it somewhere & not spill it. She said they don't want the bottles to become projectiles. bout the girl selling $4 water? LOL!




Edited Thu Sep 27 '12 8:47 pm

Thu Sep 27 '12 8:40:54 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...hello hows it going? Im not doing too much ,just chilin man it,s preetty cold here im at the library rode my mountain bike in im wearing a snowmobile jacket man and work gloves.I have to hit the grocery store I need 2 jars of nescafe instant coffee cream cheese bagels and a loaf of bread . man I bought some fire wood hey didnt have any last years i had to buy it and cut it I get my woood from well his name is glen tucker right hes related to tuckers marine and my old friend gord who sells me property etc now glne thought I was looosing it man me not doing my work for him so he didnt have enough wood o sell so i went to work for him i cut 1248 bush cords whic is about 25 hundred truk loads of cut and split maple tree firewwod so i bought 2 bush cord i been so cold hey I know what it,s from man i do alot of work with my chainsaw hey i have my own saw it,s the one i built years ago do you remeber when i did it that was about 10 years ago its a 42cc poulan pro man superclean air injection i run a bored out cylinder awitha 272 husqvarana piston ported and polished i took it apart brand new bored it at r and j machine myself sent the cylider to deker raceing enterprises that who does the formula mx and so it,s reallly a 72 cc huskvarna sort of it,s 42 cc but with a 72 cc husqvarna piston it goes constantly hey man i work for police women ladies daughters of some cool old guys they know man their the same customers i have always have right like im talking from 30 years ago man they know my chainsaw they would call it wolfies special chainsaw right their pretty smart man i think the chills is from running a cold saw normally i have a big husqvarana too hey but i dont need won with my custom saw man if i buy a big husky thats too big thats when people come for me for agricluturel work im happy with my littttle 60 buck jobs you know sometime i cut some loads of loga like transport truck loads with the poula n and sell them up around bancroft thats all the poulan is nice brother it,s good because normmmaly their would be sawdust in your airfilter the pros a re super clean man they blow air threw the filter so the filter never gets dirty i had to do a litttle edit seeing how im at the library but it is indeed true well off to the store later wolf2.
Fri Sep 28 '12 7:47:06 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Uh-ohs! Voter fraud.

What what??

They hired a firm that had already been accused of dumping the oppositions registration forms. Say it ain't so! That would be...BUYING THE VOTES??

Let's dance!

My husband saw Three Dog Night once, but there was only one dog, and he was drunk.

True story.

You can't make this shit up!

Edited Fri Sep 28 '12 12:49 pm

Fri Sep 28 '12 8:58:31 am Set this message as last read
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