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Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged


"Uh-ohs! Voter fraud.

What what??

They hired a firm that had already been accused of dumping the oppositions registration forms. Say it ain't so! That would be...BUYING THE VOTES??

i thought you said that voter fraud was a myth. i may have got you confused with one of the liberals where i work. they claim there is no such thing as voter fraud. i am glad the firm was fired. i doubt that the democrats would have a big problem with it though because they think it is ok to break the rules as long as they get the results they are looking for. i was still hoping you would comment on the candidate spending links i posted that shows obama outspending the other know it is a myth that obama comes from a poor background. after his murky beginnings living abroad, he went to the best schools and became a rich man. now that is ok by me, but don't attack your opponent for being 'out of touch rich guy' when you are one also.

switching gears, i had the opportunity to see Flying Colors in their first ever live performance earlier this month. this is a new band with steve morse, neal morse, dave larue, mike portnoy and casey macpherson. they were pretty good, i got to see them at the Armstrong theater in Torrance. i wondered if austin lewis might have been there since its in the neighborhood?

Fri Sep 28 '12 4:22:23 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Obviously it's not a myth for the Reps. Looks like they're actually a lot better at it then the Dems. Funny you didn't address the news that they got caught, and that's not to mention the second link I posted where their groups are trying to tell registered Democrats in college that their paperwork isn't legal because they didn't have their dorm room number on their forms, or sending threatening letters to legal voters, mostly black, over pathetic housing "issues". Seriously? It's like some crazy made up witch hunt! Even the judge is laughing at them the way they're crying wolf. The desperation to steal this election is going above and beyond anything since women and blacks were first allowed to vote! There's a party to be proud of! As for the money issue, as I said before, i don't care how rich you are, it's the attitude behind the money.

I see that as of Aug 31, Obama raised $439.1m - DNC raised $215.5m - Primary Super PAC Priorities USA raised $35.4m . Romney raised $261.0m - RNC raised $275.3m - Primary Super PAC Restore Our Future raised $96.7m

What that tells me is that 64% of Obama's supporters are giving whatever they can directly to the Obama campaign, as to 41% giving directly to the Romney campaign. The DNC raised 31% , as opposed to the RNC's 44%, and the Super PACs raised 5% of Obama's money, as compared to 15% of Romney's.

I've also seen that 55% of Obama supporters have given $200.00 or less, and 14% of Obama supporters have given the max of $2,500.

21% of Romney's supporters have given $200.00 or less, and 48% have given the max at $2,500.

Super PACS - Obama $35.4m to Romney's 96.7m

Yep, I've seen the numbers.

Fri Sep 28 '12 5:47:06 pm Set this message as last read

Terry Williams
Plays: Guitar (55 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged

Let me preface this by saying that I am not a Republican or Democrat - I am as independent as they come and choose to pick candidates that I feel are in the countries best interest - not neccessarily my own, I feel like being a member of either of those institutions is like belonging to either the Crips or the Bloods.

I believe the operative word in the LA Times hit piece is "accused"

After reading the story, I found not a single statement that documented any actual wrong doing.

Every time there is an allegation, it is preceded by "possible", "accused", "allegations", "seemed to", "potentially", "he said", "started an investigation."

The only certain, positive statements were those made by the lynchee:

Sean Spicer, spokesman for the RNC, said the party had "zero tolerance" for voter fraud and cut ties to the firm Wednesday. "We severed our relationship," he said. "We acted swiftly and boldly."

"creating fraudulent voter registration forms would not help the Republican Party"

Here are some of the actual statements from law enforcement:

"None of those allegations have led to criminal charges."

"The Justice Department started an investigation, which did not lead to any charges"

This is nothing more than propaganda being passed off as news.

Notice how they skillfully used innuendo and he-said she-said tactics to deliver their political message. Yep, the election is drawing nigh.

That being said, I am sure that if the tables were turned and the republicans had total control over the american version of "Pravda" they would be just as smarmy and low-life as the democratic/progressive/socialist/communist apparatchiks are.

They are, after all, human beings and as such, left to their own devices will take the low road every time.

Now - on to what this board is really about!

Still no word on the winners of the Satriani master class contest - do you suppose Satch got too busy over the last couple of weeks? It drives me nuts that there is no resolution to this contest of skills, and believe me, if you listen to the links I provided in an earlier post, there are some AWSOME new talents waiting to fill the void that will be upon us when the great guitar instrumentalists decide to kick back and relax. You know, they are not getting any younger and there's very few out there willing to take up the calling!

Fri Sep 28 '12 7:49:48 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

My last word on politics.



Or just a few guys havin' at it

Sat Sep 29 '12 12:09:34 pm Set this message as last read

Terry Williams
Plays: Guitar (55 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged

Look at that Premier 7 piece kit that McCarty is playing back in '68 - compare that to Peart or Portnoy's rig today - Back then, it was all bell-bottoms, brocade, paisley and patchouli. They made real music with the bare minimum that has stood the test of time (even if their style of clothing didn't).

These icons are fast disappearing and with them goes tribal knowledge that will be lost forever - I hope that Satch and his compadre's have the foresight to preserve the heritage now while they are still young enough to take on some apprentices.

Sat Sep 29 '12 11:16:04 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
those dudes were amped on
Sun Sep 30 '12 10:05:17 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


Mon Oct 1 '12 5:56:02 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Hello from sunny Zakynthos in Greece. Hic, time for another beer.
Mon Oct 1 '12 1:38:38 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Oh that's just what we need here - a Greecey Toosh! Aye?

Let's dance!

or just bounce

One of my faves from Re-Machined

Gotta admit, it's a catchy mofo.

Chickenfoot's Highway Star has the best energy of all the tunes on the album...and I smile from ear to ear when Joe's guitar start the song. Every single time I say out loud "That's my Joe!' You betta rakanize!!

Edited Mon Oct 1 '12 7:05 pm

Mon Oct 1 '12 6:40:56 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Lol.... a Greecey Toosh! ....

Michelle does that humor just come to you in a flash or do you have to work at it?

first time I've had a chuckle (belly laugh actually) in days.....

Sooooo where in the world is Joe now days? Touring ? Between tours? in the states

out of the states?

Just wondering when Joe's gonna have some time off touring.

I'm ready for another solo album. :-)

Mon Oct 1 '12 8:22:20 pm Set this message as last read

Terry Williams
Plays: Guitar (55 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged

Is this where it's going?

I've never seen anything like it before - pretty awesome!

Edited Mon Oct 1 '12 8:49 pm

Mon Oct 1 '12 8:48:45 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
That was great! Thanks for posting!
Mon Oct 1 '12 9:23:03 pm Set this message as last read

Dava 1978
Davor Bogunović
SPLIT, Dalmatia
Plays: Guitar (37 years)
1 post total | IP Logged

Hi Joe,this is my first time that i am using this chat. I am listening to your music since your first album and i just wanted to tell you that you got a lots of fans in Croatia.You influenced my playing a lot and therefore i made a song 1995 when i was 16 years old and from that moment i am trying to find a way to give you this piece of music on cd for a gift.I hope that you will read this message because i am just a regular guy and nobody famous and it will mean a lot to me.Keep up with a great work.Greetings from Croatia.

Tue Oct 2 '12 5:19:19 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


Tue Oct 2 '12 7:39:55 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

I dig Dave Grohl. Foo's are going away for a while. Better to take a break than to break up.

A lesson from JP.

Edited Tue Oct 2 '12 10:47 am

Tue Oct 2 '12 10:43:26 am Set this message as last read

Diane Lebrun
Ruston, Louisiana
United States
1 post total | IP Logged
Hey Joe! My name is Diane Lebrun! I Emailed u abt.8yrs. ago about a js10 #3 chromeboy. Told u my son took it to a guitar store n huntsville Alabama to have the strings intonated. The ppl. at the guitar store cracked the chrome paint when they put the guitar strap screw back on. U called me n Ruston Louisiana and we talked.for a little while about my son Jacob Hogg I informed u that he had been listening to u since he was 9. I told u that at that time he could play several of ur songs note for note. U asked me which songs he played and I told u Baroque. U asked me for the phone number to call and listen to him but there was a bliock on the phone and u could'nt get thru. A really big missed opportunity for my son and u to c what ur influence has on him. Jacob Hogg is his name. He has been thru some ups and downs trying to find himself and has gotten himself and me into financial trouble. So the guitar is n Ed Romans Guitar store n Las Vegas Nevada. was wonderring if the #2 and#3 were part of ur personal collection. It is so have to sell it. Was hoping may b u would buy it and may b keep it and hopefully may b by some great miracle u could help him to hone his musical genius mind to do something with his talent.He has a low self worth and it has caused him to make some bad choices.I know he gas what it takes to make it n music. He just lacks the confidence He was devastated that day u tried to call him twice and couldnt get thru b cause of the block on the phone.Would give n e thing for him to b able to make a place n the great guitarists of the world!!!!! I know u have a very.busy life and I hope that may b someday he will get an opportunity to meet u n person. I got him tickets to c u at New Orleans blues bar. He was right n the front mesmerized!!!!! He is 33 now but i dont think age is a factor.n any occupation!!!!!Would love to c u 2 come together at some time n my lifetime!!!! U R truly Phenomanal!!!!! Thanks!!!!!
Tue Oct 2 '12 8:29:41 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


Wed Oct 3 '12 6:47:47 am Set this message as last read

Steve Royle
Illingworth, Halifax
Plays: Guitar (28 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged

Hi My name is Stevie, I have loved your music since my Dad brought a G3 video home over 10 years ago, I watch it about 8 times that day. I know this is going to sound like a stupid thing to say but I am an airbrush artist ( and!/groups/48368157646/ ) sorry to post these sites but having you look at my work would mean the world to me, most of my work has been done whilest listening to your music, it seems to open my mind.One thing I have always wanted to do is airbrush a guitar specially for you, i know its silly but your music and personality really help me be who I am, I know this will never happen but guess you never know unless you through the ball out there and hope it bounces back, I would like to make sure you understand this has nothing to do with money as I would not feel right charging as it is as much for me as for you. Anyways I hope I have not wasted your time and thank you for all you and your music have done for me, I will not be affended by your reply to this or if there is no reply, I just hope you get to read this and to a degree hope you would honer me with doing this for you, I recently lost my art studio as money for an artist is very poor, however all I needed to do was place one of your CDs on and decided I was not going to give up, I am now producing more work that is not for customers but for myself and hoping the public like this change, I am also writting a book all because of sticking your cd on at a very low point in my life so thank you for the power to continue on this hard path i have chosen. I've rambled on too much now, once again thank you and I hope you and your family are well, I hope I hear from you :)


Edited Wed Oct 3 '12 7:40 am

Wed Oct 3 '12 6:57:40 am Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged


On "Light Years Away" there is a really cool solo near the end of the tune where you finger pick arpeggios of minor and (I think) half diminished chords, which sounds awesome. I am wondering what effects you used to get that tone. It's one of my favorite parts from your Black Swans and Wormhole Wizards album.



P.S.- When are you coming back to Philly??

Wed Oct 3 '12 7:12:17 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey I am here man ,I was sort of sick but not really it was from rideing have you been talking to amanada heart1 from the rock band heart I just rode to her were good! just listen i had alot of thinking to do man .Well my big bike was starting to wear man gears runs beautiful i ,picked up my mail the other day last wweek dirbike magazine was their this was an amazing dirtbike magazine man but I almost made a mistake I almost ordered a new husqvarna dual purpose like road and dirtit motorcycle man dissabilty said i could have it hey just listen this deal is too good to be tryue,hey bro 2013 husqvrana made in italy man with a 650cc bmw motorcycle engine in it dual purpose full lighting man perfect for me to sneal to my properties onn adn occasionaly to public crown land right 6000.00 man nust hey the chain on the right on it man whic is what i have to have for my leg from after my surgery and just listen im really still in the united states army hey bro and i really do work for the ministry of natural resorce still anyways but then i said well i will fix the gear sin the atk man it uses alot of same parts as a new can-am 800 cc 4 cycle 4 wheeler i have a girlfriend who has a can-am dealership man up north in bancroft iso i bout all new gears man you here me she gives me parts at cost it was about 900.00 cash for all my parts some parts for the 406 the 125 and the 250 rotaxs they wanted the 406 as a trade in at the husqvrana dealership tey wanted to give me 3000 for it whic would make the new husqvrana only 3000.00 right but just lisetn these gears were only behine the clutch cover it needed them since i built the transmison sort of replaced them before with some used ones.I did some srious rideing man i had to go help someone who was in an emergancinitive state man it takes me about 3 hours to get their man i take my back pack she takes hers then i take her to the store the closest store good store man is havelock foodlan whic take sme with her on the back 3 hours threw the bush man i do her litttle gorcerys when knoowne can go out their shes cool hey she has no ovaries hey man she get dissabilty so needless to sya we dont do it!!i had some extra money the butcher their is siclian man he cut me some roast beefs for her after that i went out to amanda ann wilsona man from heart and joan jetts the new geras are causeing some pain nothing out of the oridanry for such a big ride really with brand new gears all the work I have to do on the computer is done hey joe so im seriously only here to talk to you1 sometimes well im posting to you i could be doing 2 more bluepring copmuter desighns for jeans guitars ktm atks dirtbikes anything i juats picked up milk and treats thats all talk to you later wolf2.
Wed Oct 3 '12 11:24:05 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

The Presidential Debate Drinking Game

Wed Oct 3 '12 4:54:55 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
The only time romney wasn't lying in that debate was when I had the TV muted. If romney wins, I'm moving to Canada.
Wed Oct 3 '12 7:34:58 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Go to and see who's saying what. with the Truth-O-Meter.

Wed Oct 3 '12 8:56:50 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
Sammy Hagar was on American Restoration. Neat!
Wed Oct 3 '12 9:04:11 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Hello peeps,

Good luck to everyone in the Whooznt contest thingy. What a fantastic thing to win. I do find it hard to watch the improvs over Joe's songs though, that's because I'm biased toward the originals :).

Well who woulda thought I'm turning 49 tomorrow, it sure came around fast. I only feel about 30. One more year to 50 by crikey. So I figured with one year to go to a milestone birthday like that I'm going to go nuts and do some really great stuff over the next year. Look out I say!

Joe - I hope you are having a fab time doing whatever it is you are doing. A tour to Australia next year would be just the ticket for my big 50, if you need help arranging anything just let me know and I'll swing it.

Thu Oct 4 '12 1:44:26 am Set this message as last read
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