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8476 posts total | IP Logged

How does he do that?! Like this!

How low can you go?

Edited Tue Oct 9 '12 8:41 pm

Tue Oct 9 '12 5:13:27 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hello,how are you? Im fine sort ofI just went and got the flu shot they do everything here swine flu im just waiting for a prescription of tylenol no2 with codeine.their really is not too much going on yesteday I had my cmha meeting .Went up to Bancroft had to get grocerys hey joe no frills no one from here in apsley goes up to bancroft hey joe.Noe the bancroft people beat the hell out of the apsley people me I dont have no problem I can take anyone up their plus I have buddys and girlfriends their had to buy coffee treats fish etc massive beef recall here so I bought some wild pollock fillletts had to buy a socket becuase i had a broken one 12 milimeter deep socket and another new set of metrci allen keys hex hey both were lkfietime guaranteedd carquest for the scoket and home hardware in bancroft for the hex keys metric.I been busy fixing chainsaws for logging compnays yesterday I bought a new primer for the formula mx the factory primer 23.99 got that here at tuckers in apsley they had it,in stock the cheapppy canadian tire one thats on it is just ababout dafunk!. so sometime need to install thats thats no big deal man tinsas been comeing around hey shes seem to be cool she phones once and a wile and stops by were good man just listen I have about 7 women that look identical hey they all look like tina so who knows ,this one i dont know their names man but this one is eriously some old girlrined dont know if tina wa her name man but she has the scar so it must be her. b tina is the only one of all the 7 women that look the same with this littttle scar man shes been comeing around we been doing it! i been doing some rideing 406 shes working good it,s cold here now man like 8 ,9 degrees the new dennnis kirk 2012 crdcd rom cataloga s are good the disc has every catalog on it i checked out some of the off road.What ARe you doing? nuclear knew cle ur test oct 31st get the results everything that day.Did i Evr tell you about my bush cat! im not kidding man I have a litttle outside wild cat man that followed me home from pure bush about 7 kilometers behind my house hes wild shes wild she doesnt come inside but I put food and milk out for her shes cool buster I call her she showed up last winetr for food she was sort of a kittten shes fixed now man the places that advertise on the wolf jackson creek and cavan hilss take care of my animals hey i dint well, wasnt tooncool with this outside cat for a while she catches birsds mice etc then want to play with me right so i had them come vacinate her with some special stuff goofd for 7 years so that I could pet her thats that. well have to hit the bank need to deposit alitttle american cheuqe from dennnis krik overpayment 5.00 checuqe cd romsa are feree with your order so they sent me a cheuqe for 5 bucks drugstore bank then home my classic snowmobile ofsc permit application just cam in the mail I dont know i f im buying one new motor man bmuight be a couple years before she really hit the trails maybe the odd team aane race i really do race in team aaen hey im suppose to get this trailer man 2011 jayco very small for me to do my litttle team aaen work in like i blueprinted the carbueartors in it for the brand new motor in coe hill my mom doesnt rewally want me to have it because i would be in it and she would be alone it,s in coe hill at my moms place arics taken care of it i already bought it and was lettting my other brother benny stay in it at trailer parks i j
Wed Oct 10 '12 7:20:14 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Why is it that when I see a post from Wolf this song always plays in my head?

Wed Oct 10 '12 12:15:19 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hello ,! Me again im just at the library had to hit the foodland fora roast pork. well it,s not roasted yet but it will be the butcher their is cool hey man anyways yeah my team aaen trailer im suppose tom have it to do my litttle works in for my performance team Team AAEN performance I might not do any races this years olav aaen should be coming by with 11 million i thnk twice within the next three years .Listen people the guy I walk to the bank with carrying the big like hockey bage black sack gym bag of money is the owner of aaen performance and the bag is pure cash ,for my winnnings so far I made 91 million raceing for team aaen thats not includeing the two bags of 11 mill each he will be bringing. what happppens is I register my race with olav aaen at team aaen performance who and what brand im going against if i loose i pay whic has never happpened when they lose they pay olav their team or factory pays olav then olav gives me my cuti get like 11 million out of 24 million. Picked up a new primer for the formula need to install it factory original maybe even bettter made in u..s.a. 23 .99 here at tuckers marine in asley the trailer thing isnt my mom doesnt really want it at my place hey she thinks i will be out in it too much leaveing her alone it,s in coe hill right now erics taken care of it I just have to give benny some cash for it like it is mine he gave me some money to give back to him it,s cool stereo tve etc i use it for blueprinting componets for my 1985 formula mx have you ever checked into team aaen it,s only ski-doo formula their big in oval raceing with the formula chasiss the flu shot is great hey joe not kidding,i have always got them hey except now here their free years ago they were like 9 bucks 6 bucks etc it,s cool man like who wants the swine flu.You know something their was something pretty cool that I never told yeah back in september i did some hunting right I got a naice ring neck pjheasant a big malei used the brabecue chicken rotttiserie oven at the grocery store too cook it rotttiserie pheasant not kidding and my mom was down and she knows i dont like wasteing any wild meat right so we made soup stock from all well from the bones the unateaten bones of course and had pheaseant soup anyways im just gonnn head home knew cleaur test oct 31st in epterborugh results same day radiocatcive injeacetions and picture of my heart again I was born with it hey man but they sort of want to keep me alive and these are precautionary measures yours later wolf2.
Thu Oct 11 '12 7:47:18 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Posted today on facebook by Joe Satriani Forever

Joe Satriani - Midnight (Live at MTV Hora Prima. 1996)

I had not seen this I'm sharing :-)

Thu Oct 11 '12 10:46:28 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
I do enjoy old mtv clips of actual music

16 and pregnant is what we've come too
Thu Oct 11 '12 11:24:58 am Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

'How low can you go?'

did you read the letter?

i think this points out the reality of our country. those who sacrifice and work hard will reap the benefit. he specifically told his people to vote what is right for them. he then spelled out the reality and consequences of that choice. the same way my union spells it out for me. they say 'vote for this guy or you might lose your benefits or job'. i assume you have no problem with labor organizations 'helping ' its members to make the right choice. this is no different.

here in california we are being forced to choose between raising taxes or cutting school budget. they list all the things that may be cut if we don't vote for higher sales tax (a regressive tax that hurts the poor), higher income tax that applies to all. all the items listed could be considered to be vital services. they omit things like the not needed high speed rail. the rail project is very stylish however. our democrat governer is making us choose higher taxes or else. a threat.

so i would read the letter again if i were you and look at it from a different perspective. maybe put aside your class warfare mentality.

Thu Oct 11 '12 11:45:05 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Class warfare? FAIR is the key word, not class or war. Don't project your preconceived notions onto me. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, and stop trying to pretend you do.

When you insinuate in an email to thousands of your employees that if Obama wins they will be fired...that is not a GENTLE GUIDANCE, it is blackmail.

He also says:

"The Queen of Versailles" depicts the dashing of Siegel's mansion dreams after the recession hit. But just months ago, he restarted construction on his personal Palace of Versailles (with the intention of selling it for $100 million) and told Reuters, "We're the most profitable we've ever been."

So in other words...his business tanked under the Bush administration, and rebounded and is flourishing BETTER THAN EVER under Obama. WHY would he need to fire anyone if his business is doing better than ever??? It's blackmail.

Rat Race

Thu Oct 11 '12 3:38:28 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged

Thu Oct 11 '12 4:04:18 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

i re-read the letter again and it sounds exactly the same as the kind of letter i get every month from my union. they say 'we urge you to vote for your jobs, vote democrat!' he didn't say he would fire people. he simply said this president's policies are bad for his company and it may not grow in the next 4 years and it may in fact shrink.

now remember you are the one who threw that link out there with the caption 'how low can you go' . it seems to me there are 2 ways to read that letter. one is the conservative way, one is the liberal way. more and more it seems the liberal way encourages people to think of the earners, the people who work hard to attain wealth as evil or wrong or undeserving. i prefer to look at it as a success story. someone who decided to risk his fortune to build a business that employs thousands of people.

using your logic, if Siegel's business is doing better than ever under Obama's regime than why would he threaten his employees to vote the other way? more than likely, he judges what the current president's plans are for the future and determines if it will help or hurt his business. just like labor unions do, spending millions to influence electors to vote for this candidate and that proposition. in this case, the president believes in income redistribution, he has said so. he intends to raise taxes 1 trillion dollars, joe biden said so. this causes siegel's taxes to go up, the people who buy his product will buy less because they have less. then he would have to lay-off workers or pay to have them sitting idle. if it were your business, what would you do?

Thu Oct 11 '12 6:29:48 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

I am a business owner. I can guarantee you we do not influence our employee's politically.

I would not even consider it.

Thu Oct 11 '12 7:47:25 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


Joe got his Irish on! lol!

Thu Oct 11 '12 7:52:55 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


True11 (18%)(11) Mostly True14 (23%)(14) Half True15 (25%)(15) Mostly False9 (15%)(9) False8 (13%)(8) Pants on Fire3 (5%)


True3 (12%)(3) Mostly True5 (20%)(5) Half True6 (24%)(6) Mostly False7 (28%)(7) False2 (8%)(2) Pants on Fire2 (8%)

Thu Oct 11 '12 7:58:08 pm Set this message as last read


Plays: Keyboards (17 years)
96 posts total | IP Logged
Brazilian Gold
Thu Oct 11 '12 10:39:56 pm Set this message as last read


7 posts total | IP Logged
Hey Joe I just returned from a clinic withthe awesome Paul Gilbert in Australia. There is a strong rumour that you might be next. Yes/ No?
Fri Oct 12 '12 4:18:15 am Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged
David Siegel is a regular guy
Fri Oct 12 '12 5:35:47 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
Joe had a pretty "space" vibe going then huh..?
Fri Oct 12 '12 7:01:59 am Set this message as last read

Paulo Vinagre
Barreiro, Setubal
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
2 posts total | IP Logged

Hi, joe   I'd like to know if it is planned to launch a JS Guitar like you used on radio station WDHA's Studio D. That blue is beautiful. The Pickups are Dimarzio? When you come back to Portugal?

Best Regards

Fri Oct 12 '12 10:45:59 am Set this message as last read

336 posts total | IP Logged
Happy Birthday Paul Clark AKA Clarky
Fri Oct 12 '12 1:27:59 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

tiki, David Siegel really is just a misunderstood regular guy. After all, he was only trying to guide them for their (HIS) own benefit, right? Is that what unions do? "Guide" their employees like that? If I ever worked for a compny like that I'd guide their lips straight to my ass. ;-)

I wonder if the job apps for these places state "If hired, we will assume possession of your soul and dignity."


Edited Sat Oct 13 '12 5:16 pm

Fri Oct 12 '12 1:35:42 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


Fri Oct 12 '12 8:38:47 pm Set this message as last read


Plays: Keyboards (17 years)
96 posts total | IP Logged

Joe has gone through so many various stages of extreme fashion...I think he's been reading from the Blue Man Group Rock Concert Manuel over the years.

He's done nearly everything suggested there

Fri Oct 12 '12 10:12:32 pm Set this message as last read

mickey 6
michael amigo
domaguete, negros oriental
Plays: Guitar (54 years)
9 posts total | IP Logged
hello joe my guitar is only masterd this okey? im using zoom g1x...amps stag....
Sat Oct 13 '12 12:37:44 am Set this message as last read

mickey 6
michael amigo
domaguete, negros oriental
Plays: Guitar (54 years)
9 posts total | IP Logged
hello joe im from dumaguete Philippines
Sat Oct 13 '12 12:40:12 am Set this message as last read

mickey 6
michael amigo
domaguete, negros oriental
Plays: Guitar (54 years)
9 posts total | IP Logged
hi very make me very happy in your music..everyday after work i go play my all your backing tracks...hope you can srnd me message in my face book...michael pfleider amigo...i always do love your music,,my dream to mett you someday....and keep saving i ill buy ibanez also..heheheh....very happy for you joe from Philippines dumaguete..god bless you bro...
Sat Oct 13 '12 1:24:16 am Set this message as last read
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