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3965 posts total | IP Logged
Well chelle-belle, looks like Joe is coming right to yer back yard on tour, Upper Darby, Tower Theater, woot!! Check the road page!
Fri Apr 26 '13 7:49:26 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
No Chicago show? wtf Joe?
Fri Apr 26 '13 9:59:19 pm Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged
When does Joe usually start the podcasting? A week before the album's release? Or does it depend on how many song are on the album? Would it be 11 days before? I'm getting super pumped and each day is dragging out long enough.
Sat Apr 27 '13 12:14:11 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
Not sure that there are podcasts this time. Might be something different.
Thanks for coming to Mebourne Joe xxx

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Sat Apr 27 '13 1:17:03 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
gotta be more dates coming
Sat Apr 27 '13 5:55:06 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey I just got out of a funeral here in town hey joe my friends mom his name is Frank to hey Lenters just listen man their was something wrong with this though I was the only friend of his their man no word of a lie man.hes toast now he was takeing care of his mother hey hes about 60 himself I do litttle rides to his place just outside of town we had a band man the other guys from out old band were not their man Nuts hey we were callled wheelin dead we played like the armoursys whic here is legion parties places where you go to drink idf you were connnected to a canadain soldier from a war we jam coochie plays anibanez im sort of upset knwone lese wa their listen too me man I really do have no idea why these police wer at my place they left a card I just came back from Sudbury on monday I left mionday moring JUts listen This is serious .I might reallly be dyeing man because my heart you hear me couldnt even make it walking to town because my heart I dont know if I will live to my next heart appoing you could try to buy I banez if I die man you here majorly though man you need to get the stuff the things ive mad and diddaario and dimazario if I die and Marshall amps man they wont be makieng them the same i own all your compnays man you know that get the stuff man Their some kind of I believ pulminary arteriey the big bone tube from the lung to the hear is haveing difficultys man I can only come to town once a week once evry two weeks and only if im setttleted and rested nearlie died this moring again I did listen to me In sudbury way up north is my real girlffriend her name I s June man like the month thats what the new formula engine was for to ride to her Lisa my first wife has been comeing around for 10 years or more again we dont do it first wife nah I need her though for team aaen she gaet few hundred thousand every so many wins jusen i giev her hockey bags full of cash we stiill had snow i the bush here on monday new belt then flew the formula works beautiful I nbeen going out with juen for over 30 years shesa model of mine im the only person whos ever made love to her. tina did not have sex with her whic is why I have no record for that givea sperma sample still looyal to june the formula is beauitful but im nearlie dead man somehow this thing does something to your brain or scalp man the brand new powewrbloc clutch does something to you or something like i say if i do die man or die in jail do the clear out grab your cash and go and hopefully everything is alright iwth you and sony take care will talk next week later wolf2 not kidding european power two stroke under 409 cubici centimerters legal with general level one licnece in opp police later wolf2 .
Sat Apr 27 '13 9:33:51 am Set this message as last read

js black dog

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
223 posts total | IP Logged

JOE - you have to come to Calgary again please,please,please!!!! No and's, if's or but's about it !!!!!

Thanks !!

Sat Apr 27 '13 2:28:09 pm Set this message as last read

Dennis XXXXX
grimes , Iowa
1 post total | IP Logged
Hi Joe, I have been a fan sense the first record and have never looked back. I own everything that you have put out. All cd's and dvd's. I have turned on countless people to your stuff. But in all the years you have come to Iowa "1" time and it was a small venue. And again with your latest cd about to come out you have but one date in midwest Denver Co. But dozens of dates up and down the east and west coast. Could not a few of them been for us here in the heart of the country. I can't afford to drive 800 miles for a show. How about a little time for us here in Iowa.
Sat Apr 27 '13 4:58:39 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
Joe you gonna do Austin City Limits..?? that would be outta this planet..!!!
Sat Apr 27 '13 8:47:55 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Amazing shuttle launch video

What must the astronauts feel as this thing takes off and hurtles upward?

Sat Apr 27 '13 9:35:29 pm Set this message as last read


Plays: Guitar (21 years)
1 post total | IP Logged

Hi Joe,

I am your big fan from Turkey. Undoubtedly you are a genius and an important ecole in electric guitar and rock'n'roll.

I have been playing electric guitar for about ten years and I mostly try to performance your songs.Here is the one of them my satch boogie performance :


I would be very happy if you could listen and comment.



Sun Apr 28 '13 2:59:15 am Set this message as last read

Cybernetic Shadow

Somerville, Tennessee
United States
1 post total | IP Logged
Hey Joe. I'm not sure if you'll see this but I'll try anyway. I saw on a video that you were looking for a white hagstrom III. This was about four years ago so I don't know if you ever found one, but I found one on ebay. It might not be exactly what you're looking for but I thought I'd let you know anyway. Here's the link:
Sun Apr 28 '13 5:51:30 am Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (32 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Hi Joe , see you on Stage on 6/27/2013 in Cologne/ Germany
Sun Apr 28 '13 1:10:26 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
man..ready for the fresh will be a miracle if Joe hits my town it looks like..the mans gotta rest sometime right..? the current dates carry him to the end of the year (sigh)
Mon Apr 29 '13 6:35:36 am Set this message as last read

made of
vipin thomas
kozhikode, kerala
Plays: Guitar (26 years)
19 posts total | IP Logged











Mon Apr 29 '13 7:55:58 am Set this message as last read


3 posts total | IP Logged
Hi Joe, Looking forward as always to your newest music. I know this is along way out but I was wondering if you ever given any thought of putting a Christmas CD together much like what Gary Hoey did? I think it would be Kool to here your Artistic take on some of the Classic Christmas song. Like I said just a thought!!!! let me know what you think. Thanks Joe for giving me my Satch fix for the year and Congrats on your new CD I've already pre-order it. I'll see and meet you in Boston Sept.28th!!!! Keep Surfin!!!! Loyal Listener, Tom
Mon Apr 29 '13 9:15:51 am Set this message as last read

Dave Cole
Pitt Meadows, BC
1 post total | IP Logged

Hey Joe! Looking forward to the new music and tour. I hope you come back to Vancouver again. Steve Morse is a great choice! I haven't seen him play since he was with the Dixie Dregs back at the Old Waldorf in San Francisco maybe 30 years ago. Here's to hoping!

Mon Apr 29 '13 10:07:23 am Set this message as last read

Tim Sawyer
Newton Falls, New York
Plays: Guitar (17 years)
1 post total | IP Logged

Hey Joe, I imagine your way to busy, but do you ever find the time to give lessons? If so how much!?!? Haha, Anyway, I'm starting to work on the different modes and I'd like to know any little tricks or anything that may make it a little easier. Maybe you or somebody on here could point me in the right direction, some specific literature, a good website, even a good lesson on YouTube would be great.

I'm probably thinking to much into it, everyone talks about how difficult and confusing the modes are so it's got me a little intimidated. However, I'm sick of my current soloing style, and I think the more I learn the more I can get away from the pentatonic!!!!

I saw one lesson on YouTube, that explained the modes as basically just the major scale in different keys? It doesn't seem right to me but that's why I'm here. Any help would be greatly appreciated by my band as well as me!

Mon Apr 29 '13 1:02:54 pm Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged
Hey...Been waiting for 2013 tour dates and sadly I dont see any Canadian dates. Any coming??? Fingers crossed and its hard to play like that!!
Mon Apr 29 '13 1:49:56 pm Set this message as last read

Jason Ramsay
planet nowra, NSW
Plays: Guitar (48 years)
1207 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Joe thanks for coming down under, sorry I missed you this time, you ever get much time at home,with family??

its just starting to get cold now here in Sydney... winter on its way!!

Mon Apr 29 '13 10:29:37 pm Set this message as last read

Steve Buonincontri
Orsnge, CT
Plays: Guitar (46 years)
6 posts total | IP Logged


Are you touring in CT in 2013?

Or did you forget about your biggest FANS?

Tue Apr 30 '13 5:02:09 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey! How you doing budd still here man everything is good in the hood.I just had to come in to hit the bank machine hey man I owe my mom large man like rent plus only because I didnt want to pay more bank fees so i WASNT USEING THE BANKS.. im just chillling takeing it easy man this formula thing isnt it really must have done something to me man you here me those clutchs on snowmobiles sometinmes you can feel them hey man no kidding dont know healdight or something or just nearlie took myself out rebuiling the engine. im not gonnna renwe the insurance man im gonnna walk for a few years not kidding like i ride the snowmobile in the winter ridei a mountain bike or walk to town this new snowmbile engine is a warm weather liker stilll winetr but plus temepratures its made from different materail then the type 486 origineal the original was pure silver minus doesnt efffect it this new motor is a type 467 excatxct same thats just what they callled the newer ones i done some serious rides man after i rebuilt the engine and installled the new cdi right out behind my moms thats my property hey it,s fedral government registered like with parliment! their was tons of snow out their last week and part of this week man this heart thing isnt .Im working with my family doctore well,my doctor for my schizophrenia right now but im sure its just formula sickness headlight maybe you see it feels like my medcine is not working right but it is you take more its too much my doctor sais we need a rest from it instead of the usual 10 mg every day 10 one day 9 the next for a week or two scizophrenia sort of disaapears when you hit 40 hey the conditions subside get less etc so you need less medidine I hope thats all it is because it takes like 5 years to get a psychatrist here even with the candian mental health associtaion so im just useing my Gp the heart thing isnt man what the heck it felt like it was rippping right out of me man on the corner on the left side and brain going same time !.Only since i fixed the formula man so like what shes nice man I built her like a rotax dirtbike engine its very dangerous hey man it,s a high performance ski-doo not meant to be rode by anyone other then a profeesion the warning stcikers are on it its a Liquid man and when temeprature and evythngs perfect it goes out and you dont know im being serious man I come here to the libray man taklke to people ohnest girlfrined shell tell me i was just their on the formula and my thing smells like her dont even really know it went out theirs no trace except you sick my mom tell me about the formula and dirtbikes that nothing happppened hey man to keep pressure of my brain so I dont go crazy I guess for kinsgton penitenatrie I think to keep me at their strength levels thats all litttle cigarttte outside go home mountai n bike pay rent and debts owed later wolf2.
Tue Apr 30 '13 11:45:16 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Kevin Chown Brain Surgery/Recovery Fund

Kevin Chown - bass player for Chad Smith's Bombastic Meatbats

Give it if you got it to give.

Tue Apr 30 '13 5:25:39 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Who got tickets?????

Wed May 1 '13 4:37:47 am Set this message as last read

Sheila Brocato
Chandler, AZ
Plays: Other (2024 years)
63 posts total | IP Logged
So today is the day! Pre-Sale! Yay! So I go to purchase and still not available... waaaaaaaaa!
Wed May 1 '13 6:21:02 am Set this message as last read
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