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Ethn Hayabusa

1205 posts total | IP Logged
Regarding Gary Moore-I didn't care if he didn't like Joe, but it was annoying that he went out of his way to comment. In the interviews I read he wasn't asked about Joe, he just started complaining about Joe playing to many notes or whatever. No class.
Sat Mar 20 '10 12:23:17 am Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

Everyone, this forum is what we make it. There have never been any rules here...we can't tell others what they can and can't talk about, but we can be proactive and steer conversations in certain directions or start new discussions entirely.

It's easy to skip posts that don't interest you. If you find yourself skipping the majority of the posts, instead of complaining about it or even staying quiet why not ask a question or start a conversation about something you like?

There are a few people posting here who I've met 10 years ago, and we've become friends and concert buddies. There are other people here who I've never met, and we talk more about other bands/sports/hobbies/whatever than we do about Satch. And there are the newbies who answer my questions about their favorite Satch songs but then never come back to the site. ;-)

I talk about different things with each different type of person, and none of it is off-topic here. And I think that's what makes T2J really cool.


Sat Mar 20 '10 12:26:34 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

Ethn:imo Moore sided with the blues police "who love complaining about 2 many notes" i think in partial, because he realized he sucked so bad by comparison at time young guitar YJM Joe Vai rising behind him, felt threatened and scurried back into the shell of his little blues bubble, which i also happen to love...end o day its an ego thing

Austin...totally...its what makes this forum enjoyable, wonder how Cuth is these days n okinawamike, was thinkin about those guys earlier this morn

Sat Mar 20 '10 12:47:16 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

axe says " screw you with your weak little words because you wouldnt have the balls to speak to me that way if i was in the same room with you. you both look like the biggest assholes ive ever met on the net...and if ever in person...well..i surely owe you guys something. so bring it me some more names..tell every why i should be removed from this site...clearly thats your intentions here...speak up"

Nice threat Mr "nice guy". Do me a favor and look up the word jealous. You're using it wrong if you think anyone admires you.

Anyways, before The Situation and Snooki come down here and beat me up.... lol!

Have a great weekend peeps! The weather is beautiful. Get outside and enjoy it!

Sat Mar 20 '10 3:41:48 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

mama M:Its officially the first day of spring today:)

Scuba...y,ll be happy t hear winter death has gone at last "looks up"

Sat Mar 20 '10 4:33:55 am Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged

Never right to criticize another member of the fraternity but GM's comments re JS were before 1990 when every body was full o themselves....(and jealous of fame n album sales) after SGTB became a gold rekkid, GM mellowed considerably as one would expect......

a little controversy is good fun too!!! Remember YJM in the listening room??? Fekkin classic, YJM slagged Joe as well and ended up on G3, go figure lol

Edited Sat Mar 20 '10 5:01 am

Sat Mar 20 '10 4:59:17 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged
steady Mike y might unleashed the FOCKIN FURY!
Sat Mar 20 '10 5:20:47 am Set this message as last read

death cube k

6054 posts total | IP Logged
mikesb i always loved those YJM rants ,, they cracked me up .. I just figured he was joking and kinda sarcastic.. at least thats how i read em .. good comedy ..
Sat Mar 20 '10 5:37:09 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Scoob!!!!!!!! How is the new place?

Do the Stu - what you said.

Glitzy - we must arrange a time to chat after you go to the in-store pls- I'm a detail glutton, and if you could post about it ASAP that would be great I'm keen to hear how it went.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Sat Mar 20 '10 6:01:30 am Set this message as last read

Mark Hybers
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
547 posts total | IP Logged

FM DTS: - "And there are the newbies who answer my questions about their favorite Satch songs but then never come back to the site. ;-) "

I think you should stop asking newbies what their favorite Satch song is! lol. JK. When I first got on this site it's the first thing you asked me. I had been reading on this site for about a year before I actually posted my first comment....

Personally I like a good rant on this site once in a while. I find it better to run off on a rant here because you're going to get a mixed bag of comments back (if any at all). If you go to a specific site, say if you're either for, or against health care, and you start to rant...well you're not going to get any comments from both you're not learning anything new... But that's me.

Scubadaz - OUCH! Man, I'm glad I don't own a Rottweiler. LOL.

We are gearing up for a blizzard here right I might put my headphones on with LIP playing....strap the Maltese up to my heavy duty dog chain and go for a run!

Sat Mar 20 '10 6:01:34 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
aw, I'm getting attacked attacked again, thats very disappointing, where do you get these random irrelevant ideas from! its a good laugh to read.... each further post confirms that your a bigger douche than i thought

This all jus started cause i said a guitar design was like the js the was recently seen now for the Hendrix shows

don't forget to bring your lil' tripod and yer cam for the shows, or look around for some posters with typos so you can bitch to sony about it... seriously sort yerself out

nothing worse than waking up in the morning and going downstairs half dressed, walk into the living room and theres a bunch of people there... just happened, and im not one bit pleased about it
Sat Mar 20 '10 6:38:39 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

Happy first day of Spring y'all!! The birds are sure feelin it, what a ruckus!

JSTony, CONGRATS!!! I know you've wanted to meet Joe for a long time, I'm glad it finally happened for ya!! Nice pics....did you also get to see the show? Hugs to that beautiful lil Jenna! Before you know it you'll be taking her to her first Joe-show, lol!

Distorted Soul, are ya back walkin on the ground yet? lol! Joe has that effect on people :) Glad to hear you enjoyed the show AND got to meet Joe and the rest afterward....did you tell Joe yer t2j nickname? You have a cool one, whereas I....well....I'm not responsible, LOL!! Have fun at Sweetwater!!

Is "Sweetwater" (where Joe is appearing) an actual store full of gear? Chris gets their catalogue and drools, it's bad enough to take him to a Guitar Center to see Joe, I don't think we'd make it out of a Sweetwater alive, LOL!!! GEARHEAD!!

I need more coffee....have fun in St Louie tonight Joe!!! And please EAT SOMETHING!! Okay, something MORE!! :)

Sat Mar 20 '10 6:38:59 am Set this message as last read

336 posts total | IP Logged

Good Morning cheese

How is your weather going lately over there up in oregon, lately its been bird singin the blues and lots of spring around here lately

Hoping all is well with you


Sat Mar 20 '10 6:59:59 am Set this message as last read


778 posts total | IP Logged

I think there is some kind of lesson in this recent experience.

I am late paying my father's assisted living bill because I was afraid to open the envelope. Last month, no bill came but I sent a check anyway. Had a feelling I was up for a big increase because he has gotten so much worse. The bill came this month and I could feel there was a letter in it. I finally got the courage to open it yesterday. There was indeed a letter. A letter thanking me for always paying on time and even when no bill was sent.

Sat Mar 20 '10 7:33:31 am Set this message as last read

Glitz Man
Grant Stieglitz
Fort Wayne, Indiana
434 posts total | IP Logged

Distorted Soul: Rick, yes. I will be there. I registered early so I get a seat in the performance hall to see Joe perform live. How about you? Wow, glad you enjoyed the Hendrix Experience.

Skippygirl: That would be nice. We will have to arrange something soon.

Axeshredderjc: I saw your guitar on Facebook. Wow, I think that is really cool. I really like it.

Hybes: Hope the blizzard doesn't cause trouble for you. You run? Sweet!

GoldenGirl2: Thanks Millie, I try to maintain a positive attitude every day, even if I'm not in a good mood. I'm glad I can make you happy with my posts. As for the diet and exercise, all I can say is to get up/out and do it. I try to watch what I eat. I've been trying to eat for fruits & vegetables and drinking more water, plus I try to watch my calorie intake. I even thought about going vegetarian (not sure though). A lot of people say I am underweight and I'm all flesh and bone. As of right now, I'm in the 150s.

TheHawkGuy: Danny, what's up dude!?

Cheese101: Tracie, this is Sweetwater. I live about 15-20 minutes away from there. It is a really great place and it's one of the best music industries/businesses in the United States.

I'm in the chat if anyone wants to join.


Edited Sat Mar 20 '10 7:46 am

Sat Mar 20 '10 7:37:04 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

Cube:remember this he hee You've releashed the FOCKIN FURY!!!!" classic windgin Malm.Was an interview somewhere on youtube that had me rollin, see if i can find it

edit ok Here its the way we looks at him when he introduces himself right at the start bwahaha

happy spring T-bone

Edited Sat Mar 20 '10 7:48 am

Sat Mar 20 '10 7:38:04 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
havnt heard that yngwie thing in ages, cant do that kinda shit anymore friggin cameras everywhere and it woulda been on youtube in minutes
Sat Mar 20 '10 8:24:21 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

This news article made me chuckle Topless gardening: A human right or wrong?

Yikes............... no pruning of the rose bushes..... I'd wager.

Sat Mar 20 '10 8:31:41 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
more old folks ...not gardening though
Sat Mar 20 '10 8:36:26 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
Incorrigible word for the day LOL....
Sat Mar 20 '10 8:39:43 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

YYYYYyyyyyyepppp Grant, that's the "drool-fest" place, lol! It must be a fantastic place to wander around in, even if yer not in the market to buy. Chris could literally live there happily, ferget food and water, lol!!

hybes, great sense of humor, lol! Batten down fer the blizzard...that's hard to compute when it's sunny and very springy here! Hope it comes and goes really fast. We've actually had a very mild winter here this year, mixed blessings....great not to have to fight with too much snow and ice but it's gonna be hell fer the farmers to irrigate this year. I believe the govenor may have declared an official drought.

Mornin's lovely up here too, I bet spring in San Francisco is so pretty :)

You too Slan....nice winter vid u sent, but I'm glad for yer sake it's turning "springier" there :) As to anything YJM....he's "unique", LOL!!! The first time we sat down to watch the G3 Live in Denver dvd, Chris was really enjoying Yngwie...until he smashed his guitar. That totally turned him off right there, it upset him so much that anyone would do that. He wasn't alive in the 70's and 80's to see performers doing that regularly, so it was a shock! Since then, he has calmed down over it, but holds a grudge about it to this day, LOL!

Mckenna....typical, lol!! Half nekked and don't know what's goin on!!

It's a total RIOT in "bird town" on my back porch, good thing I'm not trying to sleep!! SPRING!!

Sat Mar 20 '10 8:43:09 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

Al: yip web tech can be scary

T-Bone...that was a mental 24hours in Barca never in ma cream puff have i witnessed such change in weather so quick it was Siberia t Florida in a day! John loved it, first time snow experience, amazing what y can relearn from kids, as adults we can take way 2 much for granted

Edited Sat Mar 20 '10 8:55 am

Sat Mar 20 '10 8:46:51 am Set this message as last read

Glitz Man
Grant Stieglitz
Fort Wayne, Indiana
434 posts total | IP Logged

Tracie: You're welcome. If you and Chris ever come to Fort Wayne, let me know and we can all go there and check it out. I enjoy going there.

Roo: Andrew, you got e-mail.

Well, time for some running, and then work at the restaurant in a few hours. Later peeps.


Edited Sat Mar 20 '10 9:00 am

Sat Mar 20 '10 8:58:08 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
aww i searched for san francisco in that site... i wana go back :(
Sat Mar 20 '10 9:01:56 am Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged

Gotta find that YJM listening room again it was classis, they played him one of the Seattle sludge bands and he said " I make better music on the toilet" LMBFAO.....

Gotta have big balls and chops, YJM, like him or not, has vast quantities of both.....

Sat Mar 20 '10 9:22:38 am Set this message as last read
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