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Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged

The exchange between Churchill & Lady Astor: She said, "If you were my husband I'd give you poison." He said, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it." =================================================

A member of Parliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease."

"That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace your policies or your mistress." =================================================

"He had delusions of adequacy." Walter Kerr ===============================================

"He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. Winston Churchill ===============================================

"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow =============================================

"He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway). ==============================================

"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it." - Moses Hadas ===============================================

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain =================================================

"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.." Oscar Wilde ==================================================

"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill


"Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second .... if there is one." Winston Churchill's response


"I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here." Stephen Bishop ===================================================

"He is a self-made man and worships his creator." John Bright ===================================================

"I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial." Irvin S. Cobb ====================================================

"He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others." Samuel Johnson ===================================================

"He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up."

Paul Keating ==================================================

"In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily." Charles, Count Talleyrand ==================================================

"He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." Forrest Tucker ==================================================

"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?" Mark Twain ===================================================

"His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork."

Mae West ====================================================

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.." Oscar Wilde =====================================================

"He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts ... for support rather than illumination." Andrew Lang (1844-1912) ======================================================

"He has Van Gogh's ear for music." Billy Wilder =======================================================

"I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." Groucho Marx

Wed Apr 21 '10 4:27:13 am Set this message as last read

Satriella Walker
Sudbury, Suffolk
United Kingdom
1783 posts total | IP Logged

HAHA...I just ordered some Bruce Bouillet (who strikes me as a darn fine guitarist from what I saw on the 2007 G3 with Joe) albums from a company called CDBaby...this was my delivery note...which made me giggle muchly...


Thanks for your order with CD Baby!


(1) Bruce Bouillet: Interventions (1) Bruce Bouillet: Unspoken

Your CDs have been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow. A team of 50 employees inspected your CDs and polished them to make sure they were in the best possible condition before mailing. Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CDs into the finest gold-lined box that money can buy. We all had a wonderful celebration afterwards and the whole party marched down the street to the post office where the entire town of Portland waved "Bon Voyage!" to your package, on its way to you, in our private CD Baby jet on this day, April 20, 2010. We hope you had a wonderful time shopping at CD Baby. In commemoration, we have placed your picture on our wall as "Customer of the Year." We're all exhausted but can't wait for you to come back to CDBABY.COM!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sigh... We miss you already. We'll be right here at, patiently awaiting your return.


Wed Apr 21 '10 5:15:40 am Set this message as last read

matt king
Matthew King
Brick, New Jersey
United States
Plays: Guitar (35 years)
941 posts total | IP Logged
i've had a week of nastalgia~ was using crystal planet as a teaching foundation with some of my more dexterous students. took me right back to 1998~
Wed Apr 21 '10 6:11:57 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Nostalgia, lovely, but it aint what it used to be.
Wed Apr 21 '10 6:18:03 am Set this message as last read

matt king
Matthew King
Brick, New Jersey
United States
Plays: Guitar (35 years)
941 posts total | IP Logged
ya i completely fail at spelling~ lol
Wed Apr 21 '10 6:43:37 am Set this message as last read

Zinc Master
Zinc Master
Crown Point, IN
3563 posts total | IP Logged

Glitz Man

Hey Speedy !! My running hero.

I found this article yesterday on Yahoo and thought of you and wondered what you thought about running barefoot.

I have thought about doing it, but have not yet.

What are your thoughts about barefoot running?

Here is some of the article - I had to edit it, to make it fit.

Running is ready for a barefoot revolution

By Ted McDonald – We are the first generation of runners who have worked with the hypothesis that more cushioning and support equals safer running and reduced impact. We have concluded that modern surfaces, hard and unforgiving.

Have you ever wondered why you have so much feeling on the bottom of your feet, so much information sensing capacity? Like race-car tires, the soles of your feet are supposed to feel the road. But putting an inch or two of foam, air, or gel between your skin and the surface of the earth dulls sensation. And this dulling seems to set in motion a series of unfortunate events that ultimately leads to inefficient movement and injury.

By taking off your shoes, you give your body a chance to reuse some amazingly useful, built-in systems that help you move in a way that need not be jarring nor pounding – regardless of the terrain.

It’s a way of movement that more effectively captures and releases stored energy through elasticity in our bodies: the splaying of our forefoot, the arch in our foot, tendons in the lower legs, calves and quads, and form, all positioned ideally to absorb and recoil the energy of movement, smoothly and efficiently.

With barefoot running, your feet and mind are synced-up, communicating in real-time, by tapping into a kind of primordial physical intelligence, which is our birthright.

So, why did we give up our state-of-the-art – and totally free – feet for expensive sneakers?

My hunch is that we got unplugged – detached – from our own bodies, from our own feet. That disconnect has led to gait patterns and running styles that are unique to a generation of runners. We are the first cohort in the history of the world to run distance with cushioned, high-heeled shoes. We now run the wrong way!

Watch barefoot youngsters run: They know how to do it. Small, quick, light steps, landing on the forefoot, all while keeping good posture. Now watch how some adults run these days wearing $150 sneakers: big, slow, heavy steps, landing on the heel, all while slightly hunched. Ouch. It is even painful to watch.

Our padded sneakers represent a case of the cure becoming worse than the ailment, the ailment being hard surfaces and tired bodies, trying to continue moving when the safe form of moving has exhausted itself and the feet and legs would normally protest about continuing.

Simply take off your shoes and start listening to your feet.

The paradigm shift away from the over-engineered shoe is connected with other shifts in thinking about our bodies and being human. In your bare feet, you are more connected to your body, better balanced, more aware, mindful, present. Those characteristics are good qualities to mimic in your mental life.

The logic behind giving up your cushioned shoes is likely to travel to other parts of your life, getting you to give up other bad or less-than-the-best habits. You’ll see.

In this past generation, running has been primarily defined by performance and weight loss, driven by the desire to become healthy and happy, yet it often missed the mark with overly ridged training schedules and pushing through the pain.

Through barefoot running, you begin to find movement patterns that chime with your mind’s and body’s needs because you are listening to your body, tuned in. Running becomes more joyful, more meditative, healthier.

Becoming healthy in mind and body is an incredibly effective way to experience authentic happiness. And it can begin by simply slipping off your sneakers and moving freely.

Edited Wed Apr 21 '10 7:42 am

Wed Apr 21 '10 7:42:01 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Do The Stu- I remember reading that you liked Dredg ...but I don't remember linkies. Could be that I missed it some how . Any way went to Dredg Myspace page and listened to the music. What is your favorite album of theirs?

Satriella- Thanx for sharing the CD Baby stuff ...very amusing!

Skippy- I do not have "Valley Of Neptune" ...I had it and Slash's newest in my cart but then I put" Valley Of Neptune" back . ... let me know if that was a bad move I keep forgetting I want to read "Scar Tissue also.

Castle49- I work mostly by myself in the office but I get more done when I am not free to check on t2j when ever I feel like it.......Some days I lack the discipline to stay away..... :-)

Zinc Master- I read a little about barefoot running ....I don't think that would be good on some terrain . Around here we have puncture vine or goat heads in alot of areas... Definitely not something you want both feet full of....

Wed Apr 21 '10 8:40:21 am Set this message as last read

Spirit of Fire
Flávio Pierobon
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
25 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Joe!! I should have said this about months ago, but I've been really busy with college lately... better late than never.. Just wanted to say I can't wait to see your upcoming shows, and I'm hoping we will be able to see the winner guitar design for your contest there. I made a design myself, but unfortunately I couldn't get all the details I had in mind done within the deadline stated on the contest rules. I guess I'll finish it up later, when I have some free time to do what I want. I hope you still like it!

Anyway.. Keep ROCKIN', because we want to hear more from you !!

I'm off to travel now... Will be away from my guitar till Sunday to visit my relatives. They need me there more than I need my guitar right now and that's a lot. =/

Wed Apr 21 '10 9:06:44 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

puncture vine or goat heads - I have no idea what either of them are, but I'm not running, walking, or sitting anywhere near them - not even with boots on! lol!

I've been on a reading kick. Scar Tissue was a good book, but I didn't like the way he ended it. It was kind of "Well, I'm out of things to say so I guess I'll just wrap it up now." lol! Slash's book was a better read. Just finished George Carlin Last Words. Good book too. Motley Crue's The Dirt was pretty interesting. lol! My fav was Sully Erna's The Paths We Choose.

Last cd's I bought were Joe's LIP & MJ's This Is It. Gotta save up for May 4th! Godsmack, Chickenfoot, & Dave Weiner. WOOOOO!

Wed Apr 21 '10 9:31:25 am Set this message as last read


778 posts total | IP Logged
Peace Lily - Now I wonder how I kept myself amused with not internet at my desk for all those years. Numbers can be deadly dull.
Wed Apr 21 '10 9:48:50 am Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged

@Weekend Rockstar-How is the Time Machine working for you? I want to buy one really badly but I don't have enough money for it yet. :(

I was listening to Curtis Sliwa this morning, and they were shortly discussing The Dark Side Of Oz. ??? I checked it out and it is some pretty interesting stuff. It's called a sychronicity when you synchronize the movie with the CD. Here is a website that explains how to do and what effects you get from it. The Dark Side Of Oz Apparently they deny doing this on purpose. But you never know. Led Zeppelin still denied that they sing for Satan.

Just got Joe's single, Dreaming #11, on Monday off of eBay. I love it!!! Never heard Hordes Of Locusts live before. I must say it is a powerful performance. I looked forward to it when I found out that it was on the CD.

Edited Wed Apr 21 '10 10:01 am

Wed Apr 21 '10 9:54:44 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

I also read Scar Tissue (thanks chelle!) and was amazed that Anthony is still alive after all he's put his body through. I hope he's truly kicked his demons for good, because I can't imagine him being able to survive another run of drugs. :(

Bought tickets to go see Nickelback live in Portland on May 8th, taking Chris. We're in the nosebleed section of the Rose Garden, but that's probably the safest place to be, lol! Should be a great show, been wanting to see them live for some time. (Yes Mikesb, NICKELBACK!) LOL! We also wanna see Evanescence and Godsmack live, so maybe will make those goals one day. And of course, as much Joe and Chickenfoot as we can manage!!

I wonder if there will be naked boobage at the Nickelback show like there is on their dvd? Course, we're up so high we might not even notice, but if we do see it, we shall report it, lol!!

Happy Wednesday!

Wed Apr 21 '10 10:48:15 am Set this message as last read

Conor Craig
Plays: Guitar (16 years)
26 posts total | IP Logged
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if any of you know what website Chickenfoot's live broadcast is going to be on, on Saturday?
Wed Apr 21 '10 11:49:23 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Some of my CD's got a little crumpled recently..... ; )

So I've re-purchased:

Extreme - waiting for the punchline
Z (Dweezil Zappa if you didn't know) - Shampoohorn
Live 2006 - Satch
LISF - Satch

Struggling to find Dweezil Zappa - Confessions in good condition and not over £40 odd quid. If anyone knows for a copy, pref brand new & sealed please let me know.... love that album. Especially the parody at the end

Craigy101 - check for details on the Chickenfoot website in a couple of days - am sure there'll be more news and a link then

Edited Wed Apr 21 '10 12:09 pm

Wed Apr 21 '10 12:08:20 pm Set this message as last read

Zinc Master
Zinc Master
Crown Point, IN
3563 posts total | IP Logged

Peace Lily

Yes - interesting idea (barefoot running) - but not sure it is for me.

I would like to try - but afraid of injuries, ect.

Wed Apr 21 '10 12:11:06 pm Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged
Joe, Just an Idea for a G3 Blues Tour.....You, Walter Trout and Gary Moore.....That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Think about it.
Wed Apr 21 '10 12:54:57 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

I saw This Is It on the plane when I was flying back to Long Beach from New York after the Clapton / Beck gig. It was a free movie, because our flight was delayed four hours. I didn't like it AT ALL, but that's more a criticism of AEG and the people who made the film instead of a criticism of Michael Jackson. It bugs me because there wasn't enough footage to make the kind of documentary they wanted, but they did it anyway.

Too many performances had audio from the original studio albums or from the production band, and it bugged me to see footage of Orianthi and the rest of the touring band playing but hearing other audio. I know they did that because the Orianthi audio doesn't exist, but it doesn't seem right. I'm picky, though. ;-)

Ethn Hayabusa / mikesb - Thanks for the suggestions. I'll probably go with Dogman next, just to get a taste of something different.

And mikesb, that George Bernard Shaw exchange about the play is one of my favorite Winston Churchill quotes.

Satriella - Yeah, CD Baby's shipping emails are awesome...I love that company. :-)
Peace Lily - My mistake...the old post I was thinking of was directed to hybes. But here it is. My answer to your question is the same today as it was last year.
michelle - Have you read George Carlin's Brain Droppings? I love that one...
oxley11 - I did the Dark Side Of The Rainbow thing over a decade was a lot of fun. And it was hard work back then, synching things up correctly. It's so easy nowadays; I bet you can find the whole thing on YouTube.

It's a cool effect, and some things line up so perfectly that it's hard to see it as only a coincidence (like the black and white portion of the movie being the same length as the first side of the album...and then noticing that the album cover goes from white light to color). And then it's cool how the album fades out with the bass drum when Dorothy is listening for the Tin Man's heartbeat.

But I think the people who start the album a second time after that are just looking for things that aren't there.

Craigy101 - Go to can enter your email address and they'll send you the link.


Wed Apr 21 '10 12:56:22 pm Set this message as last read

Frits The T2J heretic.
The Netherlands
Plays: Guitar (1007 years)
657 posts total | IP Logged
exciting and varying like a morque
Wed Apr 21 '10 1:30:04 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
And yet we keep coming back for more........... ;-)
Wed Apr 21 '10 2:13:35 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Make a contribution...or not.

Wed Apr 21 '10 2:59:28 pm Set this message as last read

Joe Axeshredder
Long Island, NY
United States
Plays: Guitar (45 years)
534 posts total | IP Logged

lol@GuitarVibes comment

Glitz- thanks...feeling better than ever...sleeping better too

Jeff Beck and Steve Vai will be performing tonight on America Idol gives Back

It was cool that Joe mention Eddie Van Halen and Jeff beck as the 2 he would like to get in G3 on "that Metal Show".....that would be a freekin awesome line up ....Both their Egos are to big

Edited Wed Apr 21 '10 3:25 pm

Wed Apr 21 '10 3:23:40 pm Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

It was nice to hear Joe mention EVH again as a possible G3 candidate. This is the first time I've heard him say that since Chickenfoot got going. I'm glad Joe is still open to the idea, but EVH has been vocally opposed to it for years...and I'm sure the fact that Joe is in a band with Sammy and Mikey won't make things any easier. Argh...still, maybe someday.

I'd love to see Jeff Beck do G3; I do think that'll happen eventually. I'd also like to see Jimmy Page, but that's probably a bit of a stretch.

And I've said this before, but I don't like the idea of repeating past guitarists on future tours (including Steve Vai, as much as I love his playing).

I'd like to hear Andy Timmons, Buckethead, or Robert Fripp (I don't think he's ever been a proper "G" in the US).


Wed Apr 21 '10 3:47:37 pm Set this message as last read

Randell Mulligan
Dublin, CA
Plays: Guitar (50 years)
926 posts total | IP Logged
DoTheStu: I agree on Andy for G3. Rusty Cooley for G3!! How about Orianthi? any way....more later....
Wed Apr 21 '10 4:50:24 pm Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged


Go to Amazon here and check out the used Dweezil cd's there....there's one for $10.99 US that's marked "like new"...and I think overseas shipping is around $7, so it depends how much ya wanna spend, and how many weeks ya wanna wait fer it :) Sorry fer yer recent crunchy coulda been worse and I'm glad it wasn't!

Well, woke up to several inches of snow here this morning, FFS!! People were in shorts just a few days ago! Made skating to work this morning sooooooo much fun!

Peace, sorry about yer dad honey, I hope he gets through this latest patch okay. Life sure ain't a barrel of laughs most of the time, is it.

Austin, I just hafta say stores are like yer porn, aren't they? LOL!!! U have one of the biggest collections of music I've ever seen, or even heard of fer that matter! So I have a question for u....would u rather take yer last $20 and buy new music, or one last meal? OOOOoooo the agony of the choice!! LOL!!

Wed Apr 21 '10 5:35:09 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged
Steve Vai was on American Idol playing Stairway to Heaven!
Wed Apr 21 '10 7:04:06 pm Set this message as last read
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