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Richard Barnes
Plays: Guitar (20 years)
75 posts total | IP Logged

But hybes, can you not use your freedom of expression to express your complete hatred? Although, i cant see why you would live in a country if you hate it so much that you want to burn the flag.

Black dog: Hi five for anarchism! lol..

Fri Jul 8 '11 8:24:23 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged

For California U.S.A haters possibly...
Fri Jul 8 '11 9:09:48 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Never mind anarchism, there's a wave of apathy sweeping across the nation!
Fri Jul 8 '11 9:13:45 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Quote of the week 'sweep picking's for cissies' Al De Meola - Total Guitar.
Fri Jul 8 '11 9:32:32 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged
Hybes, I agree with your posts 100%.
Fri Jul 8 '11 9:32:57 am Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged

Zinc - i heard she's being let out monday, someone on another forum said on July 17th. and as you said she will be taken somewhere unknown.

no justice for Caylee in this world :/


for everyone talking about flag burning. i think if you burn the flag of the country you live in then you should just leave. there's a sticker here in Oz that you can buy which has the map of Australia on it and in the middle it says 'Love it or fuck off!' >=:)

Fri Jul 8 '11 11:54:05 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

While an argument might be made for flag burning being "aid and comfort", I think any prosecutor who tried might have the judge channeling Inigo Montoya. Also, death, or even a minimum 5 years/$10,000 seems a bit harsh; YMMV

Should it be illegal? I say no.

Though I find such activity to be despicible, the flag is -- while highly revered -- merely an icon. It represents the government, the country, both, or something else altogether, depending upon who you are.

It is not, however, a person. It is also not (unless stolen) the private property of another.

Its destruction, therefore, violates no one's rights.

Rights of any kind, by the way, do not owe their existence to any form of thuggery; they were long before any government came into being, and will continue even after they have been outlawed.

Whether you believe in creation or natural law, the concept of rights demand that they exist regardless of the powers that be or the absence of the same. Anything less renders them mere privileges.

But I I often do.

As I was saying, no harm is done to anyone's rights when a flag is burned. Some people get upset...very upset....and I'm not saying they shouldn't.

However, if flag desecration were made illegal, on what justification would it be so?

It is the offensiveness of the act, which is a representation of thought (i.e. form of speech), that triggers the emotion and lights the desire to see someone punished.

If flag desecration is made illegal in and of itself then a thoughtcrime has been created.

When such laws are made, society tells the actor "You have not harmed anyone, nor have you harmed anyone's property, and therefore have not violated any rights. You have violated sensibilities, you are a criminal because of your thoughts as expressed through your actions."

Who decides what is venerable enough for legal protection against such thought crime?

The federal government only?

Maybe the states?

Maybe Alabama could pass a law against desecration of the Stars and Bars.

Maybe, instead, the waving of certain flags could be outlawed; I'm sure there are some locales that would love to eliminate the same Confederate battle flag, or maybe rainbows, or Lord knows what else that a large enough group (laws don't take a majority, just enough pressure on and fear in the legislature) could push for and win.

Thankfully, while flag burning bills and even Constitutional Amendments have, from time to time, been proposed at various levels, in most cases the governing bodies have, as a general rule, recognized the slippery slope below.

Big Brother help us when they lose sight of that; you can rest assured he will.

Edited Fri Jul 8 '11 12:46 pm

Fri Jul 8 '11 12:34:23 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

'Love it or fuck off!'

I like that!

There are sooo many places on earth less desirable than the U.S.A. If you don't like it here enough to piss on our flag, it's time to GTFO! I bet a huge percentage of the people pissing on the American flag would find the exact same bullshit to whine about wherever else they go too. It's how they're wired.

Love it or fuck off! That's a good saying for life in general :-)

Don't be an angry trout.

The Flag

Fri Jul 8 '11 1:23:14 pm Set this message as last read

js black dog

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
223 posts total | IP Logged
I seen that js1000 on ebay i think the bid is at $3500.00 + usd the thing i dont get is the seller has 97.5% rating ya would think it would be an auction house or something with 100% rating!! Any one know if it might be a scam??
Fri Jul 8 '11 1:25:22 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Probably best not to take a whiz on anyone's flag

And I'm sure the seller is ok, checkout some of the other auctions that are listen, it's all gravy I' sure

Aww yeaaaaaaaa
Fri Jul 8 '11 1:57:10 pm Set this message as last read

js black dog

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
223 posts total | IP Logged
Ya i guess their also selling steve vai and paul gilbert's guitar amongst a shit wack of pedals and stuff!!
Fri Jul 8 '11 2:38:28 pm Set this message as last read

336 posts total | IP Logged
Michelle favorite music of the day is.. Metallica "Master of puppet"
Fri Jul 8 '11 2:59:22 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Actually, it's more like THIS!


Fri Jul 8 '11 4:15:33 pm Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged

michelle - there were some teenagers burning the aussie flag a few years ago, pisses me orff! you don't have to like or agree with your government but the flag of a country represents the people of that country.

i'm an aussie and we lost another digger in afghanistan 2 days ago. he was one of the best, a west aussie. i see the photos of these fine men on the front of the newspaper and i know they are fighting for me, for the country i live in. so if someone is going to burn or desecrate the flag that he wears on his arm i want them shipped out... make a special ark for them and they can live on it \m/

Sat Jul 9 '11 2:28:27 am Set this message as last read

roy marchbank
Scotland, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (51 years)
3677 posts total | IP Logged

So many people back home in the UK complaining about immigrants....guess thats what they get for colonizing and raping countrys that werent theirs then eh...feckin monarchy, 400 years of tyranny and corruption, its all their doing, same shit different year

Sat Jul 9 '11 3:01:00 am Set this message as last read

Richard Barnes
Plays: Guitar (20 years)
75 posts total | IP Logged

slansh: Yeah i know! Most other countries have had the sense to overthrow their monarchies, so why not us? The royal family weren't even given their land to start with. They went around killing people and taking over the country, and now we have to pay for them to sit around all day in their massive palace! It's just stupid... They don't even do anything anymore. The queen is just a figure head for britain.

America got the right idea when they did it.

Edited Sat Jul 9 '11 3:21 am

Sat Jul 9 '11 3:19:26 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Blue Moon - ah, no cam gotcha. You missed the pun. Don't make them better than my versions hey there's a good chap. Look forward to them as ever. Have a nice hol

Do The Stu - if I was over there then I'd grab the ticket in a heartbeat. Have a great time

Have a good weekend all, hopefully I'll catch the live stream tomorrow

Sat Jul 9 '11 5:04:03 am Set this message as last read


Plays: Guitar (15 years)
13 posts total | IP Logged
Who likes wrestling?
Sat Jul 9 '11 5:57:39 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Pip - ditto the show ticket. Unfortunately I can't watch the live stream either cos it's 1pm Monday - bugger.

Austin - have a great time buddy, say hi to Joe for me, ta.

Sat Jul 9 '11 6:03:30 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

BigB, that's exactly it, when you piss on the flag, you're pissing on the people.

Sat Jul 9 '11 6:25:50 am Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged
Joe Bonamassa brought Jack Moore, Gary's son on stage to jam gary's Midnight Blues...what a class act Joe is....
Sat Jul 9 '11 6:45:17 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....hello their!.I`m just surfing the web this moring,been doing lot,s of rideing the 406 ATK they have a 700 intimidator they have in limited quantities you can order. new street bikes etc .My 406 with the new motor I built will probably run for about 27-30 years I usually get about 27 years out of a rotax I build before I have to do anything. I had to put a special plug cap on the 406 I had a new factory oem ngk one on it but it was getting alot of radio interferance even though it was resistor so I did the only right thing bought 2 resistor high performance NGK R resistor caps universal 90 degregee high perfrformance from the yamaha dealer I had a new wire put in the 406 motoplat ignition coil hey man took it too an electricl shop like, electric engine and electricl equipment she works beautiful their really isnt too much going on it was nice talking to you in person blues fest in ottawa is going primo hear it,s the best in the worl d and your playing it ,any more chicken foot? you been doing dualllys with john fuschetti alot of people are checking it out thats good I seen him play before anyways just did some work on the compueter monday doctor blood test sugar etc with the medication I take , you have to check it plus pull her for the heart havent had a blood test in about 5 years so chcolesterol energy b12 etc my doctor wants it he just got back my holter monitor report still looks like we dont need a pacemaker whic is good ATK 406 S GO FOR 91 MILLION NEW HEY THE FRONT SUSPENSION ALONE IS WORTH 14 MILLION.i DID SOME WORK TO HER A 2011 HUSQVARANA TXC 450 IS THE IDENTICAL BIKE JUST 4 STRAOKE SO i MATCHED ALL THE SUSPENSION VALVEING WITH WHAT i HAD AT MY BUISSNESS OHLINS OF SQWEDEN RACE SUSPENSION INSTALLED IT ALL IN MY 406 FRONT AND BACK SAME GEOMETRY SET UP THE ENGINE THE SAME DID ALL THE SUAPENSION WORK SHES PRIMO NOW THATS IT PUT NEW LIGHTS IN MY KITCHEN AS WELL AFTER THE PAINT OB STRIP THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT SHE LOOKS KILLER i USE STUFF FROM THE HOME HARWARE BUILDING CENTER HEY MAN It.,s all for building new houses but it works primno on mine new taps lights plumbing etc she looks killer now my houese look,s like a mansion inside new curatinsa well drapes keith gave me the owner of American dirtbike their he was in the old atk factory and their atk drapes nice hey about 1000.00 worth anyways talk to you later wolf2.
Sat Jul 9 '11 6:52:05 am Set this message as last read

Robert Antonichuk
Richmond Hill, Ontario
2 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Joe... You are coming to Casino Rama next friday. I saw you play in 88 in Winnipeg before the montreal taping and was the best concert I have ever seen. I will be bringing my wife to the concert at Casino Rama.

For her 30th birthday I took her skydiving and had it videotaped and laid the surfing with the alien track on the video as she parachuted out and down to the ground. The most appropriate track to use. I was hoping you might drag her up on stage and let her dance to that song as she loves it so much.

She just turned 40 and this would be so perfect. I'm not sure if you can pull it off but her name is Michelle and I will be sitting in row 2 seats 13 and 14. You are a god... Thanks for the memories.... Robert

Edited Sat Jul 9 '11 8:08 am

Sat Jul 9 '11 7:43:09 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
I suppose it depends on how the flag is burned vis a vis whether it is done in front of people in order to insult them or not. If it is done with the intention of insulting people then surely it can be classed as a hate crime.
Sat Jul 9 '11 9:16:31 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
What if the flag got burned from a vicious, callous and dispassionately elusive lightning bolt that cause to flag to be inflamed faster than the Hindenburg disaster

Where do we stand
Sat Jul 9 '11 10:05:18 am Set this message as last read
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