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Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged

I usually don't talk politics, especially online, but I don't get why anyone would vote for Romney. Obama has done so much damage control after the mess Bush made, then managed to get some work done.

Romney just wants to be president so he can create laws that make HIS life easier and other RICH, WHITE, MEN. while middle class suffers for it? why on earth would I vote for him?

Obama is a hero in my opinion. A president has the responsibily and duty to take care of the many, not the few. And so what if he's black? a black hero is infinitely better that a white crook. racist bastards...

Sat Aug 18 '12 1:16:12 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

'So all the people who voted for McCain in that election because he was white (soooo white) is not the same in what way? '

people vote for many reasons but i don't think you can say they voted based on skin color. i would vote for any conservative with a good plan regardless of skin color. it just doesn't matter. what does matter is that socialism is a failed system. it has never worked in the long run because once the majority realize they can vote themselves money from the treasury, the system collapses. google the real story of thanksgiving and you will understand why socialism can't work.

Sat Aug 18 '12 1:20:45 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

'A president has the responsibility and duty to take care of the many, not the few.'

i would have to disagree with that statement. the duty of the president is to execute and enforce the laws written by us, the people.

it is every persons own responsibility to take care of themselves. it is the price of freedom. when someone else pays the bills they have a say in how you live your life. think what your parents said to you 'as long as you live under this roof, you will live by our rules'. it is no different with the gov't and the people.

the Bush policies did not lead us down this path. the democrats took over congress in 2006. it took them 2 years to destroy the economy so they could get their guy in.

Sat Aug 18 '12 1:49:03 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

woodman, I disagree with you on all points, and strongly on most points. IMO, it's the "every man for himself" way of thinking that is the problem. We could go back and forth till the end of time. I will never agree with your way of thinking, and I believe you will never agree with mine. Fair enough. I don't do conspiracy theories. The government has lied to it's people since the beginning of time. The church has lied to us since the beginning of time. It's what they do. It's the citizens of the US that spread fear and hate through lies and bullshit that "gets my panties in a bunch." If that doesn't pisss a person off, then there's something wrong with that person.

Peace, that happens in churches worldwide. Brainwashing and manipulation "for the good of God." Shame on them.

Chunky, yet satisfying

Sat Aug 18 '12 2:32:26 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
1..2..3 store..!! I need an "Extremist" t-shirt..!!
Sat Aug 18 '12 3:50:35 pm Set this message as last read

General Mago

1 post total | IP Logged
Hi Guys, can someone please answer me. Is the vip upgrade in american dollars because i am from Argentina and the simbol that appear in this web site is similar to the Pesos form here.
Sat Aug 18 '12 4:12:59 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Sat Aug 18 '12 8:21:05 pm Set this message as last read

Matt S
United States
Plays: Guitar (21 years)
560 posts total | IP Logged

Thanks for the comic relief Al. lol

I've been waiting for Jack Thammarat to do another Joe cover!

Love Thing

Edited Sat Aug 18 '12 10:34 pm

Sat Aug 18 '12 10:11:42 pm Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged

A message from oblivion :

The free on line album Birds Believes (T2JSinfonie) gets a new cover.

You can check it directly on my website

I ring a bell to remind that this contemporaneous sinfonie for guitar is in big part a daughter of this forum. You can download it onto Jamendo.

Still thanx to all the musicians who accepted to give form & life to this project.

Sun Aug 19 '12 12:21:02 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged

My first youtube videoELEKTRA : Sigh of the music's cunt

Just funny.

Sun Aug 19 '12 11:09:27 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
you REALLY like Electra's back side dont you..?
Sun Aug 19 '12 11:38:38 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged
yeap, looks like..
Sun Aug 19 '12 11:53:34 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged
Hum, the "clip" looks better like this : Elektra's Sighs
Sun Aug 19 '12 5:34:08 pm Set this message as last read

Gary R
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2 posts total | IP Logged
i messed about with some of Joes tunes :O)
Sun Aug 19 '12 10:54:32 pm Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged

An other clip : Omen Spiritual at Crossroad

This one is all about Blues.

Well, i think that's enough pollution.

Good sunday_

Mon Aug 20 '12 2:56:00 am Set this message as last read


98 posts total | IP Logged
WOODMAN300 _ Your 100% correct. What about all the money he’s spending?
Mon Aug 20 '12 5:15:26 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

In his best Diamond Dave voice...I hope you missed me...I'm baaack

Wow...a sh*tstorm about Obama vs. Romney on Talk2Joe...I guess this place is still part of the real world ;?)

Seriously though, I think they're both turds; still debating whether I'll hold my nose and vote for one of them (hint: it won't be Obama) or someone who hasn't a chance in hell but more closely (if not perfectly) represents my ideals.

If you have a problem with Obama because he's black, then you're a racist. If you think that Obama is disrespected or feared by some merely because he is black, you probably don't want to hear the substantive arguments against his policies, and may simply not understand economics through other than the failed lens of Keynesianism.

If you have a problem with Romney because he's rich, then, at best, you're jealous, and not much better. If you think Romney is being panned by some merely because he is a rich white guy, you too are wearing blinders, and wish to ignore the fact that this guy has had more positions on important issues than adult film stars have in a career.

If you're not in love with either of them, but merely think of them to be the lesser of two evils, consider making your vote count by voting Libertarian, Green, or even Socialist Workers party, if that's your thing.

You might also consider not voting, as it's biggest real function is to legitimize the current system.

BTW...belated happy Birthday Michelle

Edited Mon Aug 20 '12 4:53 pm

Mon Aug 20 '12 4:48:31 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Bring back Bill, he was a good laugh
Mon Aug 20 '12 11:41:38 pm Set this message as last read

Granada, Andalucia
Plays: Guitar (24 years)
1714 posts total | IP Logged

"it's the "every man for himself" way of thinking that is the problem"

Quite. A society cannot function this way. I can't understand why some people still think it can.

IMO, USA is lucky to have Obama methodically tidying up the ruin left by the Bush regime, and is lucky to have a presidential figure who can think broadly, for the normal people, rather than aspiring to make improvements for the rich.

Why can't any guitarists come to Spain? There hasn't been a single Spanish tour date on the Euro tours of any of the people we all love to listen to. No Satriani, Vai, Johnson, no KWS band, no Lukather.

Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Not a sausage. :-(

Tue Aug 21 '12 4:09:25 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

I don't believe in "every man for himself". I also don't believe government to be the appropriate helping hand when the time comes. It is the entity most ill-informed and ill-suited for the task.

Look at NOLA during Katrina...who showed up to help people first after the fact? Private & not for profit organizations...the Red Cross, even the EVIL Walmart. What happened when government entities showed up? People were given all the help they didn't need, and more, their rights were run roughshod over (forceful evacuations and or gun confiscations ring a bell?) and thousands of temporary housing trailers sat empty for months, turning toxic with mold, because the bureaucracy couldn't be waded through quickly enough for anyone to move in.

Also, much like Bush didn't make the financial mess in this country, Obama isn't fixing it. Trust me, I'm no Bush fanboy, but to think that the real estate and other bubbles happened on his watch and on his watch only is to be ignorant of over 100 years of U.S. economic history.

Bailouts don't work...GM and all the banks that were bailed out should have been left to fail...this is the only way for the malinvestment to be cleared...instead, both Bush and Obama (and the relevant congresses, Republican and Democrat alike) chose to put the little guy on the hook for the connected rich guys in the banks and the auto manufacturers.

The malinvestment of which I speak was spawned, for the most part, by the reckless interest rate policies of the Federal Reserve.

Interest rates are prices for borrowing. As with all prices, if they are not market driven, those participating in the market don't have the appropriate information necessary to make rational decisions regarding the allocation of their capital.

This is why price controls of any sort at any time are always (yes, I said always) horribly destructive. Looking back to my earlier example of Katrina, one might be tempted to ask "What about after a hurricane? What about water? Surely you would advocate price controls for such a situation...". Quite the contrary...imagine price controls on water after a Hurricane...a politician, in his infinite wisdom (and infinite ignorance of economics) declares that water prices will not be allowed to rise, and that anyone found to be "gouging". What happens next? Hoarding and shortages. Price ceilings always lead to shrotages, and price floors (think minimum wage - a control on the price of labor) always lead to gluts.

Simon, you mentioned that Obama was methodically unraveling the mess left by Bush. I ask with all seriousness, from your perspective, what were the issues, and what has Obama done to fix them?

Again, while I, like Peace_Lily, voted for Bush in 2000, I haven't voted for a Republican for president since. In full disclosure, I have never voted for a Democrat. That said, I am always amazed when anyone highly lauds the policies or outcomes of either party. Both stand for increased control, albeit over different targeted areas, of one's life.

Social safety nets, over time, trend toward social hammocks for the "cash" payout systems, and tend to lead to shortages and reduction in quality where government intervenes in service delivery (think's coming).

Suggested Reading: The Road to Serfdom - F.A. Hayek

Edited Tue Aug 21 '12 6:06 am

Tue Aug 21 '12 5:57:36 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged
The 2012 Presidential race in a nutshell
Tue Aug 21 '12 6:31:40 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

As for the money Obama is spending to fix the mess here in the US - how much did Bush spent to make it? The money spent on the war alone, and the aftermath of what becomes of all the broken soldiers coming home. Their short term and long term healthcare. Their mental healthcare, which will take longer to heal than their physical wounds, not to mention the physical and monetary toll it takes on their families. Add all that mess to the infrastructure of the US. The roads, bridges, and all the sewer, gas, water and everything else that's rotting under the ground and needs repairs. Water pipes are breaking and causing giant sinkholes all over the place over here in the tri-state area. You can't 'rebuild" America without spending money.

cuth, " If you think that Obama is disrespected or feared by some merely because he is black, you probably don't want to hear the substantive arguments against his policies, and may simply not understand economics through other than the failed lens of Keynesianism. "

If you're in denial that his being black hasn't swayed people's way of thinking about him, well, I don't have enough hours to debate that one. I've heard the most ignorant, unbelievable, and just mind blowing statements from people who have fed and spread the lies and fear tactics spread by hate towards the man. That doesn't necessarily make them racist (some truly are), but it does make them ignorant. Do you remember the blatant disrespect by some of the republican members of congress, and the S.C. congressmen who called him a liar during one of his speeches? They've even stooped so low in their hate rally as to compare him to Hitler and Marx. HITLER! Are you f'n kidding me?

I don't ever remember in my 48 years on this planet (who knows where I was before that?) such vile hatred and disrespect for any president, or hearing anything like this for any before my time. What has this president done that is so outrageously different than any other Democratic president before him that would cause so much disrespect and hate??

As for people not liking Romney because he's rich, hell, Obama is rich if you think about it. How far does a person who isn't rich get when running for president? Not to damn far. It's not that he's rich, it's that he's completely out of touch with how most American live on a daily basis. He's out of touch with pretty much everything except stepping on people to better the top half, or "thinning the herd". He's grown up in a very privileged lifestyle. Yay for him. It's not that's he's rich, it's his CHARACTER that is the problem.

Thanks for the birthday wishes :-)

962, if I had a thumbs up icon, I'd use it now. lol!

As for NOLA - that was, once again, one of the biggest messes Bush created for the US with his lack of action, total disrespect for the people of Katrina, and the unbelievable way he tried to "make up for it" by "helping". That was the gov't under the watch of Bush and his people. Since Obama has been in, has there been any natural disasters that have been handled anywhere near that badly? Any? Not playing tit for tat, but there was a LOT of bad shit that went down in the 8 years on Bush's watch that the next prez had to deal with - no matter who they were.

Anyways, happy Monday y'all!

Edited Tue Aug 21 '12 7:05 am

Tue Aug 21 '12 7:03:21 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Were good!! we made it you and me excelllent man. m hm don`t know my pipe is fine man my welde is beautful like i been to sudbury timmins northbay etc with it threw the bush no trail atk 406 originallly what happpened to my new 406 works pipe is,their might have been a Grizzly man i was rideing and theer was some thin slate diamond shape rocks sticking up long and high on the right hand side they hit the pipe these rocks looked like they were moved by a bear man looking for food or barrricadeing his terrritory or for hs memory,. where I welded it is fine their some sort of crck like the crck i welded their a crack comeing out of the end of that weld same line that i welded i even took the welde over further but you cant see the crcks mann if their not through like not deep etc it cant go anywhere this crack its comeing out from the weld and if it gets longer it hits another weld so it cant go anywhere I paid 20 bucks to use the welder at the shell and it took and hour to do were good shes working beautiful its suppose to warm back up here it,s been like 5 degrees in the moring on the 406 the other day when i went to subury i was wearing an old husqvrana sweater and undershirt and a team aaen sonowmbile jacket that how cold it was midday. i dont think this crack is threw on the pipe i think it,s from the outsidee you see i run 20 to one oil gas mix thats a lietr of oil to 20 lietrs gas so it makes oil in the exhaust their no oil from exuast comeing out of the cracks so it means their not threw and from the outside. were good i just came to taklk to tou hit the general store for milk.this might sound nuts man but i cant be arrrested for rideing my dirtbike no its my us ramy code after i filmed first blood all i need is proff that i know sighns learner licence you see every one of my rambo movies has codes that run therw the onatrio provincial police cars put mental in my body hey joe because i have a body and shoulders from artilllerys of war pabement etc makes mental go in my muscle trambo 3 i got a code to ride a snowmobile or rambo 2 i think i dont know the new codes attached to my last rambo movie man but ille find out eventually thats all milk at general store buy a single colt whiskey cigar then home later wolf2.
Tue Aug 21 '12 7:41:12 am Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged

Michelle OP was poorly worded...I didn't intend to imply that no one is against Obama for racist reasons...just that if anyone thinks that is the only reason (or even the main one), that person is a fool.

Regarding Hitler and Stalin, you haven't been paying attention...Bush II was compared to Hitler...Clinton was compared to both...I think even Bush I got a few Hitler comparisons.

Again...many messes may have come to light during the Bush years, but to think they are all Bush's fault or that Obama can clean them up on his own (or, for those so inclined, that Romney could clean up what you consider to be Obama's mess) is very short sighted.

Both parties have buried this country fiscally over the course of decades. It will take a long time to dig us out. Obama's basic plan of digging deeper won't work. Whatever plan Romney and Ryan have to dig us out won't work either; it's too little too late.

Only one man who was in the primaries came close to understanding what level of cutting would be needed to have a chance to prevent default. That man is out of the running.

Sadly, we live in interesting times.

Tue Aug 21 '12 8:13:29 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Is that our man Ron Paul?

Tue Aug 21 '12 8:35:48 am Set this message as last read
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