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Tue Sep 18 '12 5:56:59 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...hey it,s suppose to be real rainy here soon hey every day after today so I came back in to talk today.this moring man I got a good score anitfreeze from the general store yeah just listen i thought i may have needed it for my ski-doo this morining I fired it up man it takes along time to warm up anyways i have snow on some of my property like just alitttle jaunt in the woods I um rode to the yukon and northwest etrrritorys on the formula mx with the brand new engine in it this moining .dont listen to any of those old joan jett tunes on the wolf man thats from when she just use to be around now joannii is up in the yukon i was at her place today the yukon is sort of in the arcti like it,s the barrrens anyways i didnt neeed the anitfreeze i bought but i bought it before the price goes up and it,s sort of my favourite brand of coolant peak is first but very exspensive 27 dollars agallon maybe more i got this fifty fifty mix guaranteed to minus 37 clesius turbo power brand for 14.99 plus tax it,s already mixed with water but this stuff is real goood man its good to minus 37 clesius already diluted 50- fifty fifty percent antufreeze fifty percent distilled key word here didstilled water normallly you cant even get pure straight antifreeze to be good to minus 37 clesius and i bought abag of milke we have united states army bags here like are milk come in a bag with 3 other bags inside. so did that ride took about and hour vist three girlsup their the formula seems to work beuitful it was codl enough this moring then just a few litttle throtttle hits to the snow thats all been doing some litttle work you see i get some good deals at the general store man because up here this district the store is only alllowed to change their price on certain things like once every 9 -11 years antifreeze of any kind anywheere like 50-50 from caadian tire is over 20 dolllars man so were good this was old and dusty but good thats all oct 31st heart doctor did i tell you what happpened i have to have a nuclear test again because the specialist thinks one of the pakistanian guys conducting one test may be raceist and giving th head doctor wrong information so my cardiloligist want to confirm this with actaul white candian doctors and if this guy is trying to kill me fire him because i have the power for a potentail lawsuit they told me this is true man next tuesday cmha meeting dentist up north so maybe wednsday of next week wil talk again maybe sooner if nor rain later wolf2.
Wed Sep 19 '12 11:28:39 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Michelle- I just read that This Guy holds office in your beautiful state.

I'm sorry...

*edit - Thanks for the hugs! :)

Edited Wed Sep 19 '12 3:17 pm

Wed Sep 19 '12 3:15:06 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Peace, crazy thing is, the lazy trash that does you think they even care to vote? Probably not. These well to do idiots know exactly what they're doing. It's been on their agenda along with blocking everything Obama has tried to accomplish over the past 4 years. They blatantly admit it, They are the NO Republicans and signed a pact to say NO to everything the President tried to pass. The maddening part is when they say Obama hasn't done they smugly read down the list of every gaddamn thing they successfully blocked. Their plan since day one of his presidency!! And this. And this. I've always had to show my ID before I voted, but I have a drivers license. If people can and have been using the ID that has gotten them through life all this time, WHY should they suddenly have to have something different right before a major election? Change the law AFTER the election so they have 4 years and not 6 months to get it done. My kids college ID's, and well as most college ID did not have expiration dates on them or a place for a signature. They also are well aware that the cards senior citizens and disabled people carry also don't meet their criteria. It's bullshit x 10! Voter fraud is practically non existent. The only voter fraud that's being done is by the Republican party, Ryan, and Romney! The Koch brothers are 4th & 5th on Forbes 10 wealthiest Americans list with a net of 31 BILLION dollars each. I don't begrudge anyone for having money, but i do for trying to buy this election and stack the political deck in favor of their kind.

Have you see the extended version of that video? Ooooh hell, wait till you hear it all, and I'm sure this is only a small part of the hate and ignorance he says as he sits amongst his silver spooned peers. It's his own words, and his own voice - and that don't lie folks! You want a guy in office who believes that, then you need help. Unthinkable to have 20,000 troops in Iraq (there is no draft in effect), but absolutely fabulous idea to have 20,000 young female Chinese" prisoners" make your fucking small appliances for a mere pittance, surrounded by barbed wire fences so they couldn't leave, "maybe" 10 rooms with12 girls in a room, all sharing a bathroom at the end of the hall! He thought this was just lovey as recently as 1998! What a bunch of dedicated young women they must have been! If he could only get lazy Americans to work like that, he wouldn't have to buy businesses overseas!

C'mon people!!

Edited Wed Sep 19 '12 8:17 pm

Wed Sep 19 '12 7:14:43 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

i am not sure what you expect republicans to do. we believe that the policies of the liberals will destroy the country eventually. so we try to stop it. just the same way the liberals would try to stop any conservative efforts. why does this bother you? i guess anyone who is well to do is an idiot. does that include rich liberals?

we don't have to show id in the people's republic of california to vote.

""Section 303(b)(2) specifies the ID requirements for voters who vote in person or by absentee ballot.

"In person" voters must show a "current and valid photo identification" or "a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows the name and address of the voter."

"Absentee voters" must submit with their ballot one of the documents listed above.

The Secretary of State, in accordance with Elections Code section 14310 (e), has promulgated emergency regulations defining the documents a voter may use to prove ID to vote (see FAQ #3 --- Standards for proof of residency when proof is required by HAVA – Section 20107 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations). Is there any way a voter can avoid having to show ID when he or she votes?


First, the requirement only applies to voters who have never voted in the county in a federal election. Persons who were already registered as of January 1, 2003, or who change address within the county and re-register, are not required to show ID to vote.

Second, voters who do not register to vote "by mail" are not required to show ID to vote.

Third, Section 303(b)(3) states that if the voter provides his or her driver's license number, or the last 4 digits of his or her social security number, on the form to register to vote, and the elections official can verify the number is correct, then the ID requirement does not apply.""

i think the citizens are concerned that those who get public assistance may not have a legal right to vote, but are still voting. it is very easy here in california to get a fake id, even a fake social security card. we all know which side they will vote for. i live near a sanctuary city where there are millions of illegal aliens. i have heard reports that voters in democratic districts have gone back to the polls after closing and witnessed them stuffing the ballot box. there is indeed voter fraud.

i don't know why you hate the rich so much, but hate will burn you from the inside. in this country we are all still allowed to make our own way in life. some are happy with little and others want to have more. take another look at the richest list and notice that some of them are rich liberals who give to the obama machine.

check out the links, they show how much was collected and spent by each candidate.

Edited Wed Sep 19 '12 8:18 pm

Wed Sep 19 '12 8:14:45 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Is there ANYWHERE in my post where i stated I hate the rich? Anywhere??

I said I don't begrudge anyone for having money. THAT is what I said. To BUY an election with Super Pac money is bullshit, and that is what is happening. Money talks - and if you even try to tell me it doesn't, then you know nothing about how America has been working since day one! Super Pacs should be done away with on both sides! The presidency should be won by debates and speeches, not hate filled commercials and mailings full of flat out lies and half truths by whoever has the most money to saturate the airwaves. That goes for BOTH sides!

People have been voting the same way for years. Stuffing ballot boxes is a flat out bogus lie spread by haters and fear mongers to advance their party. Blame the Mexicans! Blame that blacks! How about blaming the Ftards who are spreading racist lies to scared white folk with their fear campaigns! Was the "hearing" voter fraud BALLOT STUFFING AFTER HOURS ever documented in police records? Ever documented by a newspaper whereas names of people were stated? Ever documented in any voter registration district news? Was there EVER any absolute truth to what you HEARD. probably not because it's the hate and LIES that are being spread in the FEAR TACTICS that they are using to scare the other side!

And how dare you say everyone with a fake ID and SS# is a f'n Democrat and will vote for Obama? How dare you! WHY? Are they all black? Latino? On government assistance? Guess what? How many white UPPER class R. kids get a fake ID? NONE? How many white R. people steal SS#'s? Do you also know which side they will vote for?? If you're stealing SS# and making fake ID's, are you really going to be stupid enough to even care to vote and have your name filed with the government? THAT'S NOT HOW CRIMINALS WORK! It's a FEAR TACTIC!!

Believe it or not...and this might be a secret, but their are black and Latino republicans out there. Not all of them are low life voters who only vote for a person because of the color of his skin and the advancement of their people, as has been the rhetoric of the other party.

You can't run for a political office without money. The sad part is, the money shouldn't be used for spreading hate, fear, and blatant lies. It should be used to promote the candidate on whatever they plan on doing for our country! It should be used to promote their beliefs and ideas to make this a better world, and I mean the entire planet! You can't be the POTUS if you know squat about foreign affairs and tell other countries "Hey, you're on your own! F off! We're the big bad USA and we're the best!" Um yeah, sometimes the best at being the worst!

Wed Sep 19 '12 8:55:58 pm Set this message as last read

dave schock
manheim, pa
46 posts total | IP Logged

OK, politics, Yer in my wheelhouse now.

Damn right the Rep's are trying to block the POTUS efforts, Thank God.

That piece of garbage had two years of a Dem. House and Senate and got EVERYTHING passed that he wanted. All of his Progressive/Socialist agenda.

Wanna see Romney's tax returns? I WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE FAST AND FURIOUS DOCUMENTS that the Pretender and Thief is hiding under presidential privelege. returns, a diversion from the real criminal activity.

POTUS grew up in Indonesia, a Communist country. Mom and dad, Communists. Later grew up in Hawaii, a state that most people don't know, the natives do not like the US for taking over their island. BHO hates this country.

BHO IS A CARD CARRYING MEMBER of "the New Party", a euphemism for "Socialist". Look it up. He wants redistibution of wealth, and once said something like "Whoever decided that greed was a virtue" (paraphrase)? I want to know who decided that taking what does not belong to you is a virtue.

He has stated that the Constitution is a flawed document. Oh yeah? His first and biggest lie as POTUS was "I promise to protect and defend the Constitution of the US". He's been pissing on it ever since he got in.

He is a Communist, a criminal, a traitor, and an enemy of our nation.

That Obama sticker on back of your car might as well say, "I'M STUPID".

Wed Sep 19 '12 10:01:32 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

If you're stealing SS# and making fake ID's, are you really going to be stupid enough to even care to vote and have your name filed with the government? THAT'S NOT HOW CRIMINALS WORK! It's a FEAR TACTIC!!

they're fake ids. they don't use a real name. and yes i think some illegal aliens do vote. there was a local congressional race a few years back, don't remember exactly when but there was a town hall type meeting and the democrat running for re-election was asking for the crowd to vote for her on tuesday. one person said she couldn't vote because she didn't have 'papers'. the candidate said 'there are ways around that'. i remember that because it was taped and i heard it played. i really think that some people will commit voter fraud because they think the ends justify the means.

i don't think it is racist to expect that people who want to come here from other countries should follow the rules. it cost a lot of taxpayer money to educate their children, treat the ill, food stamps, transportation etc. way more than most of these people can possibly earn. i certainly don't want them to vote, because of course they will vote for the guy who will keep the services coming and not lift a finger to deport them. maybe you have to live here to understand the way it is.

as for whether you hate the rich, it just sounded like it to me from the tone of your post. i apologize if i was wrong. i agree with you that the money situation poisons the election system. i had an idea that we could ban all spending for the candidates and give them all the air time they would need for free. the airwaves belong to the people after all. you should check out those links i posted before. i think you will see that obama outraised and out spent the others by a wide margin.

Wed Sep 19 '12 10:34:39 pm Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Come on in htuC, it's getting nice and warm here.
Thu Sep 20 '12 2:24:29 am Set this message as last read

78 posts total | IP Logged
hi JOE!news by the new album?
Thu Sep 20 '12 9:11:25 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
lets try this..I'm John Wooley and I approve this message..Joe Satriani for president..a guitar in every house and a chickenfoot in every pot..!! furthermore,Mitt Romney can "F" off sideways..!! because to suggest people that rely on disability benefits or other federal programs are political suicide..I dont see how he can spin his way around what he said..I'm sure he'll try though..I have had Cerebral Palsy since birth and conquered plenty in my years trust me,I have a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and an Associate of Science in I work and pay taxes..but there are times when I have needed benefits to help get me through certain times,for a myriad of reasons..and know plently of other people who lead challenging lives..and depend on the help they receive..they are anything but lazy trust mother depended on benefits for her leukemia meds..and sometimes after her chemo she went to work..!!! does that sound lazy to you..?? It's a lesson that NO ONE should make blanket statments about a certain segment of matter what..Romney thought he wasn't heard and he got busted..and now he's backtracking,cuz he frickin knows he alienated scores of people with those shows you what the real truth is..when the flashbulbs stop,and the phony smiles are over..the doors close..they say what they really think..anyway to get you to punch the ballot for them..bought and paid for puppets,who dance to whichever way the spin and rhetoric requires..thats just how I see it..oh yeah looking forward to Paul Gilbert's new stuff..out in US 3rd week of October yeah boy..!

Edited Thu Sep 20 '12 10:10 am
Thu Sep 20 '12 10:07:45 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

brownbow, thank you for being the perfect example of EXACTLY the hate/fear monger I was talking about in my previous post! Brilliant! Also love the way you have to add the H for Hussein when you speak about the POTUS to make him scary and attempt to remind every one that somehow everyone with the name Hussein is a crazy lunatic terrorist tyrant. That was an awesome add right there. The rest of your post doesn't even deserve a response.

woodman, "one person said she couldn't vote because she didn't have 'papers'. the candidate said 'there are ways around that'. i remember that because it was taped and i heard it played."

Did you hear her say there are ILLEGAL ways around that, because that's not what I saw you write? Do you think maybe she might have instructed her on some other form of ID or paperwork to make it allowable for her to vote? It sounds like you heard what you wanted to hear. It's pretty hilarious how ONLY Democrats are alleged vote stealers and ballot stuffers low life bottom feeders using government money to live because they're to lazy to fend for themselves.

Is it some sort of hushed and hidden fact that every senior citizen, disabled person, military veteran, anyone who's ever received help after a natural disaster, got energy assistance, got a school grant, needed living assistance, collected a social security check, got an education or training after job loss, OR TOOK OUT A LOAN is LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT! it just those nasty welfare recipients who are stuck in the system because the only minimum wage jobs they qualify for wouldn't even pay for daycare and bus fair, let alone give them any money to live on when it was all said and done.

Either way, they all must be Democrats, because Democrats all live off the government and do nothing to help themselves, right?

Sure, some people abuse the system. Before Obama came in to office, I heard so many stories about people getting college money from the gov't., going to 2 or 3 classes, never even buying a book, then dropping the class and using all the money they took from the government for their own personal use, and NEVER having to pay it back! OBAMA STOPPED THAT! If you drop the class, you have to pay all the money back where before it was "free money." My daughter is 23 and has $25,000 in college dept., and that's not counting the college debt. my husband and I are responsible for for both our kids. WHY? Because the middle class people, who stay married, own a home, and save a bit of money and try to do everything the right way are the ones getting screwed! If you think it doesn't piss me off that there are people abusing the system, and people who need the system but can't get help, you're off your rocker!

The kind of rich people I despise are the Romney and Trump type with the boys club attitude. Their self centered greed and pompous arrogance oozes out of every pore. If you have less than they do, you're pathetic and useless. I have no tolerance for that. In fact, they are the ones who might have it all when you look at their resume and bank accounts, but when when you look into their soul, there's a black hole.

I don't want that running my government.

Mr Wooley, very well said!


Food stamps and welfare are okay if I need it until I get back on my feet, but if you need it, you're a lazy bum. LOL! Um..okay??

Edited Thu Sep 20 '12 10:58 am

Thu Sep 20 '12 10:46:13 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hello man im zonked just listen big error man after the husqvarna man i took the ATK out the 406 theirs way too much power man im Zonked with a capital Z man their air cooled hey joe so right now it,s sort of chilly here so their running at peak you can just imagine man a 406 cubic centimeter 2 cycle engine in a dirtbike I just cam einto town for a couple things man sugar etc and pepppers for spagetthi sauce i bought a couple of enegry drinks italian ones cheetah their callled d` angelo brands make them here in canda cafffeine free these are so i drank one drink one more on my way home i keep saveing money hey man like i dont need anything really like evrything of mine runs and my car even my 85 z28 i even have a brand new kit for it years ago i knew i dint want to drive man you here men i had big plans teamm AAEN performance for my formula mx in the winetr and train and crossa train all summmer but i did buy an camaro z28 indy kit off red stallion red stallion has trucks that go around hey like it,s mint and runs beutiful but it needs new brake s and new brak caplipers drunms on the back discksa on the front i bought total complete brakes for front and backs the brakes and their actuarto components right all new ignition parts for a tune up etc new wipers everything the kit was 1100 dollars if I was to get a pacemaker man sort of reallity would be that i would have to drive right now i dont i use my off road motor bikes and my ski-doo but from what i gather you can not run them with a pacemaker yo need autmobile ignitio their different like i knew all of this 20 years ago well 15 before all my diagnosis so i could just ake the z28 to john at the shell have jhim put the kit on and drive right it may be 300 dolllars or something labour or just by a small car the thing is is cars get me in trouble like the police never bother me with my bike im off road either on my own property or be taken care of by the ministry of natural resources but the z28 can go like with a phone calli save all my money hey not to move out i could mov e out but ten no rideing initailly i was saveing for anew atk or husqvrana believe this man if you can all of my stuff could very well run for the rest of my life man no lie the ey might wear out what after 30 or 40 years im gonna try to make it to 40 rideing and staying in good shape um thats that i may look into husqvaran to see if they have anything that can be used with a pacemaker more inquiry needed anyways drink my cheetah energ drink in town have a cigartte pedal a mile and ahalf home later wolf2.
Thu Sep 20 '12 10:50:37 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

This thoroughly covers my feelings on the subject

Chaos on Bull-sh*T Mountain

Thu Sep 20 '12 5:49:46 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Peace, i saw that when it aired and i was thinking how do people NOT see this bullshit being twisted around? It literally comes out of his mouth, we hear what he says, but somehow what he says from his own mouth turns into people who seem to be only hearing every third word on a cell phone with bad reception and making up their own story. You expect this kind of behavior from people living at Asshole Cove, but not Bullshit Mountain!!

"It's like Romney Jazz - it's the words you don't hear!" LMAO!!

Thu Sep 20 '12 6:24:20 pm Set this message as last read

dave schock
manheim, pa
46 posts total | IP Logged


FYI, If I was talking about ANY POTUS I would have used JFK, LBJ, RMN,GHWB, WJC, GWB. It would seem I can thank you for being the typical Liberal who can twist and take offense to anything that is said. H IS his middle initial, duh. Mmm...Walker, scary name.

As far as not wanting to respond to the rest, that is typical liberal too. It's facts: but I wouldn't want to confuse you with them. Go ahead, check on it. You won't like what you find, because the man you defend IS a Marxist, by his own words.

He has surrounded himself with self proclaimed Marxists in the many Czars he has appointed and advisors. Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, David's an exhausting list.

If you dare, look up a man named Frank Marshall Davis. He would be BHO's mentor as a young man. This guy was on the FBI's (is Bureau a dirty word?) watch list in case of a war with Russia.

It's not hate or fear mongering. I hate what the man is, not necessarily him, He was brought up that way and doesn't get what it means to grow up "American". If I am stating fact, it's not fear mongering. It's just a hope to enlighten those who swallow the lies that he and his regime feed us.

You may not like what I say, but I DO KNOW what I'm talking about. I have heard the words come from HIS mouth, not just some right winger talk show host. I weigh, I investigate. This guy is a bad dude.

And now for something completely different. Voter ID. There IS NO reasonable argument against it. Regardless of any evidence or lack thereof, of voter fraud, we have a one man one vote system. In this day and age of technology, cheating is easy. Why not have safeguards? Our electoral system has been the envy of the world. Let's protect it. The ONLY reason to fight ID's is to protect the efforts of those who would cheat. It is really that simple.

You need a photo ID to get a credit card, a fishing license, cash a check or any of a myriad of other things. Nobody's crying discrimination over that. So get over it. Show your ID, cast your vote, and be glad that there might be a safeguard to our system, and that your vote might actually count, once.

By the way, no one ever accused me of being tactful.

Thu Sep 20 '12 7:23:48 pm Set this message as last read

dave schock
manheim, pa
46 posts total | IP Logged

PS Michelle,

Hate? I believe I see you used the words, kind of people "I despise", when speaking of Romney and Trump.

Ever heard the one about glass houses and throwing stones?

Thu Sep 20 '12 7:41:52 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

brownbow, the word tactful wasn't even in the running.

You're pretty much off the charts, so I'll just let you be with yourself. I feel you are the dangerous type, and when pushed could be a loose cannon. Your ideals are so...just...WTF that my head would explode if i tried to even banter back and forth. I would go point for point with you, but that's not possible with your type of right wing brainwashing. Obviously we are on polar opposite ends of the spectrum, and I will no longer have any discussions with you about anything. I have nothing more to say to you. Have a lovely evening.

Gotta go. WJC - aka Bill Clinton is on Jon Stewart, and as a Liberal, I'm compelled to be in front of the television!

peace out home slice!

and yes, there are way more people I despise than Romney and Trump, but I do not put all rich folk under one blanket as you claimed i did. I could back track like you did and say "Oh, I don't hate the man, I hate his behavior". LOL!

Edited Thu Sep 20 '12 8:25 pm

Thu Sep 20 '12 8:21:56 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

Did you hear her say there are ILLEGAL ways around that, because that's not what I saw you write? Do you think maybe she might have instructed her on some other form of ID or paperwork to make it allowable for her to vote? It sounds like you heard what you wanted to hear. It's pretty hilarious how ONLY Democrats are alleged vote stealers and ballot stuffers low life bottom feeders using government money to live because they're to lazy to fend for themselves.

it was pretty obvious, if you heard it. she was instructing an illegal alien how vote. as far as stuffing, you may remember jfk and the alleged voter fraud in illinois. isn't that where bho used to live? hmm. isn't that where the governor tried to sell bho's vacated senate seat? i said before, i think democrats (read liberals) have no problem breaking the rules because they think they are doing the right thing. its because so many people out there think of republicans as evil. no problem breaking the rules because you have t stop the evil republicans before they take away you free stuff. i can't see how one rich conservative is worse than one rich liberal. liberals want to take from people who earn a living and give it to people who don't. they certainly don't want the poor to not be poor because without them, they can't win the election. bho is essentially buying votes with our tax money. that should piss you off.

all we want is for the people we elect to follow the law. the constitution limits the power of government greatly by design. if you actually read the document, you will find that most of the govt programs we have now are not allowed.

for the record, i am not apposed to Americans availing themselves of programs they are entitled to, but am apposed to the millions who were not invited here and take the free stuff. think of the United States as your house. the border is your front door that you left open. some guy just walked into your house uninvited. he stole your books to get educated, he took your food and ate it, he took your medicine. now you have to borrow 16 trillion dollars to get food medicine and books for your kids.

my motto for elections from now on is vote American. and for those in california, 'if its Brown, flush it down'

by the way 'The kind of rich people I despise' despise is another word for hate.

Edited Thu Sep 20 '12 10:05 pm

Thu Sep 20 '12 10:02:20 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

PS Michelle,

Hate? I believe I see you used the words, kind of people "I despise", when speaking of Romney and Trump.

Ever heard the one about glass houses and throwing stones?

well said,' haters gonna hate'...

Thu Sep 20 '12 10:07:52 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
and now back to our regularly scheduled programing..forget the election shit for a minute and remember no matter what..all americans are free to say and go..and be what we choose..and we are free to ROCK OUT!! and praise god this is not Cuba or edit: hey was the crowd cheering at the waitress with beers or Joe..?? YOU DECIDE..heehee..JOE..holler at us bro..we miss you here..!

Edited Fri Sep 21 '12 3:27 am
Fri Sep 21 '12 3:23:04 am Set this message as last read

dave schock
manheim, pa
46 posts total | IP Logged

How to confuse a liberal:

Use facts and logic.

If they don't like what you say, attack with empty BS.

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

Fri Sep 21 '12 5:36:39 am Set this message as last read


643 posts total | IP Logged
Tisk tisk people. There are three things you never try to argue with. 1) Religion 2) Politics 3) Michelle....Religion is why there will never be peace in the world...Politics is why there will never be peace in the U.S..let alone the world....and Michelle will just bitchslap you into the next millenium.So don't even go
Fri Sep 21 '12 7:52:26 am Set this message as last read


98 posts total | IP Logged
JUST REMEMBER: “Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder”
Fri Sep 21 '12 9:44:15 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

I'll leave ya all to your discussion ....

gonna go on a little coast trip with my daughters and kiddo's. Gonna be fun got my JOE tunes packed ..ready to go . NO INTERNET for 3 days..... :-)

Fri Sep 21 '12 10:22:24 am Set this message as last read
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