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Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
62 posts total | IP Logged

'The only time romney wasn't lying in that debate was when I had the TV muted. If romney wins, I'm moving to Canada.'

we'll get a collection going for you expenses. you'll love it there. they have socialized medicine. you only have to wait about 18 months for major operations.

obama didn't have a teleprompter for him to read. its not his fault. no one could have won that debate against romney. the altitude was too high, obama has been too busy meeting with world leaders and fighting global terror. his wife won't let him eat the way he wants

Thu Oct 4 '12 4:47:55 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

At Last Night’s Debate: Romney Told 27 Myths In 38 Minutes

One of the reasons I will never vote for MITT

Edited Thu Oct 4 '12 6:08 pm

Thu Oct 4 '12 5:42:30 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Romney looked like he was getting a mentholated enema or a prostate exam every time it wasn't his turn to talk. I'm just sayin'.

"Thank God someone is getting tough on Big Bird," the president said derisively. "We didn't know Big Bird was driving the deficit."

CBS News Fact Check

Thu Oct 4 '12 8:59:07 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Actually my husband was set to vote for Romney ( he is a Republican ) but after the debate was totally disgusted with Romney's lies and arrogant & smug demeanor..... He said & I quote " I will NEVER vote for that *-hole ...just watching him talk makes me angry"

Sooo Romney supporter down......


Thu Oct 4 '12 9:36:18 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
yo Joe's facebook has a pic of a signature Marshall head..sorry if its a repost..but it didn't have time to read 15 pages of post..have a good weekend everyone..
Fri Oct 5 '12 3:36:07 am Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged
pictures of mittens are showing he was using cheat cards which were not allowed. tsk tsk tsk.
Fri Oct 5 '12 5:44:42 am Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged

Hi Joe,

I came to know about you because of my boyfriend. He is a big fan and a musician too. When I first heard the song "LOVE THING", I told him, "THIS IS GOING TO BE OUR WEDDING SONG....Period."

His birthday is on October 9 (Tuesday). I am thinking to give him something from your store but I won't be purchasing anything until the end of the month. So, I thought of asking a greeting from you to be sent to his email ( if that is not too much to ask from you or from your assistant who administer your website. I just want to make him happy on his special day. I am from the Philippines by the way. The IP add just says Korea because I work for a Korean company. (wink wink)

Thank you and more power!!!!


Edited Fri Oct 5 '12 5:46 am

Fri Oct 5 '12 5:45:17 am Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged
mittens cheating

Edited Fri Oct 5 '12 5:54 am
Fri Oct 5 '12 5:52:20 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Also, his private talks and fear mongering hate speeches must not be for public ears... Romney on '47 percent': I was 'completely wrong'


A bita humor

Edited Fri Oct 5 '12 6:50 am

Fri Oct 5 '12 6:21:26 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
hey hows it going today.Im not doing too much, woke up this moring man heard they just had some massive snow storm in manitoba theirs no hydro nuthing ,I just got back from manitoba like last friday i took the 406 out their rode it their first I did the clutch and the kicksrat and idler gears it was real exspensive man you see i could have got aclucth aftermarket barnette maybe phone them direct or phone tony murphy instead i used some internal transmion clucth plates for an 800 rotax rnenegad can-am 4 wheeler i replaced 3 friction plates i miced them used a micrometer to see whic ones were worn that needed to be replaced it needed 3 plates the idler gear was weak the kickstart an it was a dicey useing that gears and my spares werent that great so smome can-am 4 wheeler gears the clucth plaetes man were like 60 dollars eache or something and the gears were around 80 bucks eache i think one was80 and one was 112 dollars but she was prepared for war.of courese while i was away my mom went to her place up north coe hill I had to get her to come back downI was sick for alitttle while clucth flu when you do a rotax 406 clucth man they foul you hey they make you weak and sick with pain im better now its a clucth foul it,s because all the exertion is built up in the clutch so when you diesct them they make you alitttle fouled for a while everything is good ,here with me just checked my email checked my mail my new dennis kirk 2012 offroad cd rom is here couple sports illustrated man im useing this reakl nice computer here brand new hewlet packeark man shes nice this thing works like your touching satin man no word of a just gonnna ride hom sever pain i had to man fromm the grip of the clucth like in my groin area i was trying to do that ride for a while ecxpect couldnt get the parts ,my woman wasnt their so i talked to her on line told her what they were the same as and she had them it took me almost 2 years to get the parts myabe even 3 years i think thats allim just sticking with the atk 406 hey man no trae in and no new bike anyways will talk later wolf2.
Fri Oct 5 '12 8:26:21 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Comic Relief

Obama's Debate Apathy & PBS

Colbert Nation ;)

Fri Oct 5 '12 9:04:50 am Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged
Hey Joe This Is my first post.Thought you might like to hear from someone who knew you before you became"Satch"! I attended Five Towns College in Merrick'76-'77.Some teachers there were Neil Vineberg(guitarist &arranger)Chuck MymitPiano)& aguy named Don with I think an L-5.You at the time were playing a Gibson Black Beauty.I was the kid from Yonkers with all the hair(as described by one of the faculty).I was playing a Gibson ES 175D.You at that time were not hair challenged either!When i saw Surfing in store,I remembered your name &was blown away.Just a note of thanks for many years of inspiration.God Bless& keep on rockin!
Fri Oct 5 '12 5:36:21 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Atta girl Hannah!!

Stop the madness! Godsend my ass!!

Fri Oct 5 '12 8:24:09 pm Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
*ahem, clears throat* *adopts cheesy french accent* I point my greasy toosh in your general direction! You know who you are! lol (don't you Conch) ....and FAAAAAAAARRRRRT.

Edited Sat Oct 6 '12 5:52 am
Sat Oct 6 '12 5:51:43 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Thanks Toosh! So glad there's no wind today! So now I could be walking down the street one day next week, and this could happen!

Sat Oct 6 '12 6:39:33 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
Mitt Romney Style - Gangnam Style
Sat Oct 6 '12 9:56:11 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Gotta watch more than once to take it all in.

Just a small announcement from the Erna's. It's a few days old, but... I could watch the little Sully dance aaall day long. lol!

Edited Sat Oct 6 '12 1:39 pm

Sat Oct 6 '12 11:41:56 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

P. Lily, have you seen this/ “This is why we are proud to announce the newest member of the Sesame Street family — ‘Big Oil’.”

Big Oil is a lovable, mushy fellow who finds his way into the neighborhood when Elmo accidentally tips over an oil tanker outside Hooper’s shop. Everywhere Big Oil goes, he leaves a trail of toxic ooze that his friends “The Lobbyists” paper over with actual dollar bills. This creates such a disgusting mess that even Oscar the Grouch will be convinced to clean up and get on antidepressants, which will be provided by one of several new corporate sponsors also set to join the Sesame Street family.

Edited Sat Oct 6 '12 7:58 pm

Sat Oct 6 '12 7:58:01 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Michelle - Did you watch the "The Rumble in the air-conditioned auditorium ? Can catch it HERE


Sun Oct 7 '12 11:36:56 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Peace, thanks for that! Heard Jon mention it, but haven't seen it. I'll be sure to watch it as soon as I can. I bet it's awesome! lol! Jon Stewart is one of my favorite people, and these days I need all the laughs I can get.

Sun Oct 7 '12 5:17:46 pm Set this message as last read

js black dog

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
223 posts total | IP Logged

Happy thanksgiving to the canadian's on here!!

Mmm mmm mmm turkey!!!

Sun Oct 7 '12 5:50:44 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Happy Native American Day!

Also happy 21st birthday to my son :-)

Edited Mon Oct 8 '12 7:53 pm

Mon Oct 8 '12 7:51:54 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Happy birthday John Entwistle

9 October 1944 – 27 June 2002

Tue Oct 9 '12 4:48:15 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

How does he do that?! Like this!

How low can you go?

Edited Tue Oct 9 '12 8:41 pm

Tue Oct 9 '12 5:13:27 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hello,how are you? Im fine sort ofI just went and got the flu shot they do everything here swine flu im just waiting for a prescription of tylenol no2 with codeine.their really is not too much going on yesteday I had my cmha meeting .Went up to Bancroft had to get grocerys hey joe no frills no one from here in apsley goes up to bancroft hey joe.Noe the bancroft people beat the hell out of the apsley people me I dont have no problem I can take anyone up their plus I have buddys and girlfriends their had to buy coffee treats fish etc massive beef recall here so I bought some wild pollock fillletts had to buy a socket becuase i had a broken one 12 milimeter deep socket and another new set of metrci allen keys hex hey both were lkfietime guaranteedd carquest for the scoket and home hardware in bancroft for the hex keys metric.I been busy fixing chainsaws for logging compnays yesterday I bought a new primer for the formula mx the factory primer 23.99 got that here at tuckers in apsley they had it,in stock the cheapppy canadian tire one thats on it is just ababout dafunk!. so sometime need to install thats thats no big deal man tinsas been comeing around hey shes seem to be cool she phones once and a wile and stops by were good man just listen I have about 7 women that look identical hey they all look like tina so who knows ,this one i dont know their names man but this one is eriously some old girlrined dont know if tina wa her name man but she has the scar so it must be her. b tina is the only one of all the 7 women that look the same with this littttle scar man shes been comeing around we been doing it! i been doing some rideing 406 shes working good it,s cold here now man like 8 ,9 degrees the new dennnis kirk 2012 crdcd rom cataloga s are good the disc has every catalog on it i checked out some of the off road.What ARe you doing? nuclear knew cle ur test oct 31st get the results everything that day.Did i Evr tell you about my bush cat! im not kidding man I have a litttle outside wild cat man that followed me home from pure bush about 7 kilometers behind my house hes wild shes wild she doesnt come inside but I put food and milk out for her shes cool buster I call her she showed up last winetr for food she was sort of a kittten shes fixed now man the places that advertise on the wolf jackson creek and cavan hilss take care of my animals hey i dint well, wasnt tooncool with this outside cat for a while she catches birsds mice etc then want to play with me right so i had them come vacinate her with some special stuff goofd for 7 years so that I could pet her thats that. well have to hit the bank need to deposit alitttle american cheuqe from dennnis krik overpayment 5.00 checuqe cd romsa are feree with your order so they sent me a cheuqe for 5 bucks drugstore bank then home my classic snowmobile ofsc permit application just cam in the mail I dont know i f im buying one new motor man bmuight be a couple years before she really hit the trails maybe the odd team aane race i really do race in team aaen hey im suppose to get this trailer man 2011 jayco very small for me to do my litttle team aaen work in like i blueprinted the carbueartors in it for the brand new motor in coe hill my mom doesnt rewally want me to have it because i would be in it and she would be alone it,s in coe hill at my moms place arics taken care of it i already bought it and was lettting my other brother benny stay in it at trailer parks i j
Wed Oct 10 '12 7:20:14 am Set this message as last read
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