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Nikki Lee
Cochrane, Alberta
1 post total | IP Logged
Many thanks for a truly awesome night in Calgary. Thanks also for taking time out in the morning to talk to Martyn and sign some CDs for me for my 40th birthday - unforgettable x
Sun Jan 9 '11 3:15:21 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
sounds no joke man, wear earplugs at every concert! Got a few pairs onme rite now, the simple foam ones ar mor than adquate
Sun Jan 9 '11 3:30:09 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...It`s ,Bagged Man!!.The formula mx she sung her swan song today.It well the engine is totaly worn out .Need`s to be pulled out and taken to R+J machine again for a total rebuild i got about 7 or 8 years out of the rebuilt engine I supply the pistons and gasket and seal kit they do all the crank bearing bore machine the cyliders for the larger pistons put in all the new crank seals and ssemble it!.I dont even know if r and j is doing engines any more last time I was by their the marine medics sighn was down hey will see probably though .It will be a while before Im running it again it may cost around 2000 2500 plus tax to have the engine remanufacture last time I had it rebuilt was back in 1998 and that was athousand with me sullplying pistons seals and gaskets I been running it with licnece on both it and me for 5 years before that it was all crown land you know total ministry of natural resources seen same as with licence but licenced she hit,s some trail or where it has to be !.There not too much going on here so no rideing now until spring summer ATK 406 might not even ride that will see I drove the mx until it quit running she quit running right in her spot like her parking spot and No never ever did run 10w30 in it shell adbvance premium oil castrol super snowmobile oil thats all I put about well on the rebuilt engine that just worn out about maybe 400,000 miles no word of alie man so it,s deffinetly ue most of the time the odometer is unhooked for long rides 70,80 90 ,000 miles etc few years ago she had 330 ,000 miles on it so maybe even over 700,000 miles the last 5 years this engine tottaly worn out man give up the goat completely bagged! like im sure the cylinders clearance is to much from use and wear the bearings are probably wabbely etc I roda it to my girlfriend before it had it,s laust rev today told her it would be a while the engine is worn out so could be another 8-12 years hey they come here when my engines blown same as always anyways 8 pm risperdal hopefully this engine wearing out doesnt do anything weird to my brain or body man this is the second time shes been tottaly worn out anyways 5 mg risperdal atk 406 will most likely be their and you yeah you dont be up too anything R+j can turn my engine around in 3 days so whatever whenevr we could be their so im not re writing my licence test do that some other time not feb now need to cancel my insurance too and it,s non refundable paid until september ! anyways later wolf2.
Sun Jan 9 '11 4:48:49 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Congrats Unca Al!!! Hope you shake the cold. Have a great time at the show.

Kayla - hope you dont keel over before you get to see Joe.

Its our turn for a tour Joe!!

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Sun Jan 9 '11 4:52:03 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

I think I posted this before, but it's pretty funny so I wanted to post it again. I've had this problem many times before. lol!

Sun Jan 9 '11 6:31:18 pm Set this message as last read

Millicent Moritz
Santa Clara, California
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
876 posts total | IP Logged

Al, Congratulations on Unclehood! You deserve a niece who will charm you no end! ;-)

See ya in Oakland in a few days!


Sun Jan 9 '11 6:44:54 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

Thank you so much Joe!!!

rigt now I'm waiting for you to come on stage!

words can't describe it :)

Sun Jan 9 '11 6:52:26 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Michelle-LOL!.....Thanks for sharing....I had not seen that one before.

Congratulations to Uncle Al !!!

We had a birthday party for our son today.He turned 19 years yesterday......lotsa family came.... we ate Pizza & Dairy Queen Icecream cake... played goofy games with the grandkids.. TODAY was a very good day. :-)


Edited Sun Jan 9 '11 8:41 pm

Sun Jan 9 '11 8:20:00 pm Set this message as last read

death cube k

6054 posts total | IP Logged
Congrats AL . on being and uncle and your future date with millie
Sun Jan 9 '11 8:32:09 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Kayla - Come on spill the beans!!! Whoa to go. Seeing our Joe.

Its our turn for a tour Joe!!

Currently have Wind In The Trees by Joe Satriani paused.
Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Sun Jan 9 '11 10:34:53 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

Oh my GOSH!!! Where to start!

I get to the venue about 2-230 ish, it was FREEEEZING outside, Since Micheal and I had talked a few times (thats the manager of the venue) he knew who I was and let me into the building, even though there was already a couple people out there, my and my friend I took were the only ones let in (I felt bad cause it was soooo cold). Got to hear sound check, that was super cool. First person I see was Jeffy- I didnt get to get a picture though and was really bumed, but I saw him and my face lit up and I just said "Hi Jeff" with a HUGE smile on my face and he said hi back and talked for just a quick sec, Then it was Mick Brigden, He is SUCH A COOL GUY! We talked and I got some pictures, Then was the MEET AND GREET, Joe came out and my heart RACED, I have never felt it race so fast, We went straight to questions, I introduced myself asked my question, few other people went then I was trying to ask another and FORGOT!!! (how embarrasing). After the questions we had the pictures, and I ACTUALLY GOT TO TALK TO AND HUG JOE. That was an absolutly amazing moment, I was shaking so bad and was soooooo nervous. I cant even begin to explain the over all excitment I had! It was SO amazing to get my "Joe hug". After that but before the show, I got to see Galen and give him a big ol hug for making all that possible and providing me with Club Joe pass.

The opening act came on, Ned played a few songs, then JOE!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! THE SHOW WAS INCREDDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was SOOO much engery and excitment. I thought the sound was PERFECT! It wasnt to loud, and I was pretty close to a speaker! It was absolutly AMAZING!!!!!! at the oncore, I went up to the stage and ROCKED OUT!!!! I was jumping up and down, screaming, dancing, it was SO MUCH FUN!

At the end, Joe wished me happy birthday!!!! :).


JOE SATRIANI- thank you for everything, and thank you for the birthday wish at the end.. that was so amazing! There was SO much emotion in all the songs! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come back again next tour!

I have a TON of pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go through them and post.

Im off to bed but I will post more details tomorrow


oh and- I have 2 Satch guitar pics and Jeff's drum stick that he played with :D:D:D:D, OOOHHH And Galens pic :D

Edited Mon Jan 10 '11 12:12 am

Sun Jan 9 '11 11:53:10 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

I cant believe its already over, I want to do it again!!!!!!!!!!

I can post for days how amazing it was!!!!!!!

Edited Mon Jan 10 '11 12:29 am

Sun Jan 9 '11 11:54:47 pm Set this message as last read

Ryan Young
Camino, California
Plays: Guitar (18 years)
23 posts total | IP Logged
Hey Joe!! Cant wait to see you in Reno on Friday!! I know its gonna be awesome as always. I think it would be cool if you played Souls of Distortion, ive never heard you play it live and i know it would rock. And why not sneak Made of Tears in there also? just my opinion... anyway, see you then!!!!
Mon Jan 10 '11 12:22:01 am Set this message as last read

North Lambton/Newcastle, NSW
Plays: Guitar (54 years)
468 posts total | IP Logged


I too have lived with tinnitus since birth,having been born with perforated eardrums.mMy parents were told at the time that by the time i reached my early to mid teens I would be completely deaf.I had operations to see if they could graft the eardrums but it was unsuccessful.I managed to reach the age of 35 before my hearing really started to deteriorate.I have worn hearing aids for both ears since then.

At the age of five I started learning guitar,so my hearing was,and still is very important to me.However,I DO like my music loud.The bonus,if you can call it that, is that hearing aids have built in compressors that can be set to your needs,so volume levels can be generally kept to acceptable levels. I have been to a Satch concert and found no problems with volume,but I have also been to an Yngwie Malmsteen concert at the very same venue,and even with the aids switched off,I must say my ears were still ringing for 2-3 days afterwards.

Apart from that,I have never had a problem with loud music.And i STILL stand by the mantra: If it's too loud ,you're too old!!!! And i'm 47years old last December!!!! Cheers. :-)

C'MON AUSSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mon Jan 10 '11 12:51:01 am Set this message as last read

Joe Axeshredder
Long Island, NY
United States
Plays: Guitar (45 years)
534 posts total | IP Logged
Im really Happy for you Kayla...sounds like it turned out great!..Happy Birthday!
Mon Jan 10 '11 5:36:22 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged


At 11am ET, I call on Americans to observe a moment of silence to honor the innocent victims of the senseless tragedy in Tucson, Arizona.

Mon Jan 10 '11 7:59:29 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

*skip this if you don't care what's going on in the world*

A year ago, we introduced a new school curriculum, Civil Discourse in the Classroom and Beyond, with this urgent call: "There is a pressing need to change the tenor of public debate from shouts and slurs to something more reasoned."

The tragedy in Tucson this weekend reminds us that it's a call that politicians and pundits would do well to heed.

We may never get a clear picture of what was going through the confused mind of the Tucson gunman. But as my colleague Mark Potok explained on NPR this morning, with all the vitriol on the airwaves, it's not surprising that someone has taken deadly aim at an elected official.

Tea Party darlings like Sharron Angle talk about using "second amendment remedies" to change the course of the country. The shameless Glenn Beck feeds the lunatic fringe with talk of the government herding Americans into FEMA concentration camps and of imminent violence from mysterious forces "from the left." Sarah Palin uses phrases like "don't retreat, reload" and shows the districts of various Democrats in Congress, including that of Tucson's Gabrielle Giffords, in the crosshairs.

The problem isn't so much a lack of politeness. We should expect sharp elbows and a healthy degree of ridicule to be thrown around by those in the political arena. The problem is the incendiary rhetoric, with its violence-laced metaphors, and the spinning of paranoid fantasies. The problem is the non-stop demonization one hears from political opportunists trolling for votes and their media allies trolling for ratings.

The sheriff in Tucson put it this way: "When you look at unbalanced people — how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain people's mouths about tearing down the government — the anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous."

With six dead and 14 wounded, the sheriff would have been justified in using much stronger terms.

Politicians of both parties have condemned the attack and begun to ask themselves questions about the overheated rhetoric that may have contributed to it. Speaker Boehner has postponed the normal business of the House for the week so that he and his colleagues can reflect on what should be done.

Let us all hope that the week of reflection is more than a brief interlude in what has become a vicious political season.


J. Richard Cohen President, Southern Poverty Law Center

This message is also available on the SPLC website.

Mon Jan 10 '11 9:42:18 am Set this message as last read

Mackai Daddy

22 posts total | IP Logged
Right on Kayla! Isn't the meet and greet the best thing ever!! I will cherish my photo with Joe forever. Also got a great pic of him with me and my old man who is almost 60. While in Denver(traveled 6 hours in snow to get there) I got see the King Tut Exhibit while it was at the Denver Art Museum. All I could think about the whole time was The Golden Room(although that was one of the few songs he didn't play off the new album). Had a blast; saw the best concert ever and got to meet Joe. Best Holiday EVER!!
Mon Jan 10 '11 9:43:01 am Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged

In my opinion, the difference between a star and superstar is the way that a celebrity treats their fans. Everyone involved in the Kelowna, BC concert on January 6 is a superstar. Joe, his staff, the band, the crew, Dave Martone’s band, the fans and even the venue staff (including security - believe it or not) were great.

Even though the show was late to start by a couple of hours, it was well worth the wait.

The equipment truck was stuck for hours waiting for the Roger's pass to open up. I think the band was there, too, but I didn't hear that directly. For those of you in warmer climes, the highway from Calgary west through British Columbia goes through a mountain pass that often closes due to avalanches and snow control. Have a look at the Roger’s Pass camera:

I've been a Satch fan for almost 25 years (wow, I'm getting old) and still talk about his concert I went that I attended in the late '80s. Now my 10 year old daughter has taken an interest in his music so I was really excited to take her to the show.

We arrived at the venue 90 minutes before show time to find the crew still unloading the equipment truck! I thought for sure the show would be cut short, the crew would be testy, or the band would be a little off just because they’d be tired. If they were, it didn't show. I'm pretty sure they still did the meet and greet. The music was, as expected, incredible. The people around us were kind and considerate to my daughter -- Big thx to the guys that gave her the pick that Joe through into the crowd, it went to school for show and tell. Thanks to the guys in front of us who made sure she could see, I hope you get your big break and maybe open for Satch someday.

We didn't have meet and greet tix so we took our chances after the show and waited around in hopes of getting an autograph. We met two others doing the same – we even met the pizza delivery kid bringing super for the band. Thanks to the crew for chatting, thanks to security for being decent and to Joe's staff (personal assistant and road manager?) for inviting us in from the cold. Of course, thanks to Joe for taking a few minutes after a long day to shake hands and talk to us. It meant a lot to me and my daughter was thrilled. Because everyone treated us like real people instead of just a cash generating fans, the evening turned from another concert to a life time memory.

....and yes, I finally have my AUTOGRAPHED "Surfing With the Alien" LP jacket framed and on the wall. It looks great.

Edited Mon Jan 10 '11 10:15 am

Mon Jan 10 '11 10:11:25 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

:-) Great stories peeps!

Mon Jan 10 '11 10:14:44 am Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

Thanks gus :). Words can not even describe how AMAZING it was! Honestly. The meeting with Joe was GREAT! I really LOVE listening to Joe talk, he is such a smart, cool, and passionate guy! Mick Brigden was super cool too! Got to talk to him a few times! Everyone in the band was SOOOOO cool! it was definietly the greatest night of my life!

I didt happen to capture a little bit of video. I got a little of each song but its only like 10 seconds worth of each song haha. I was to scared to record any, I caught my meet with Joe on video :D.

Best way to describe how I feel right now is I feel born again!!!

Mon Jan 10 '11 11:27:54 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

Just being with Joe, even for a minute, makes life infinitely better :) Good that you had a great experience you know how the rest of us have felt for a long time!

See ya soon Joe, Oakland and Reno...bit of a drive to get there first, hoping the weather kinda holds. So far, it looks pretty nice in San Fran!

Mon Jan 10 '11 11:45:12 am Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged

Chad- Of course! LOL.

"MAKE MY EARS BLEED" LOL..... Joes response was funny! Then leads into Solitude and Little... SO GREAT!

Then of course me, yelling off the song titles before they are played :S... LOL... ahhh.. What a great night! I think I have whip lash though from last few songs! My voice is gone for sure! haha.

Mon Jan 10 '11 12:47:19 pm Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Thanks, and yes I am looking forward to the Shows, in SF now, the flight here was probably the worse flight ive ever been on!

7 hrs to get to NY then 5 hr wait, then another 7 hrs on a packed plane stuck inbetween 2 people at the back near 2 crying kids with the worst sinus/headache ive ever had! ...took an hour sitting on the plane before we took off, i was about to combust, it was dire

but overloaded on pills, smoothies, vitamin C, ibuprofen OJ fruit all sorts and feel better today... so its ok

bout it, pretty nice day here today having some fun!

pity no one we know got the passes for the show, boo urns, but its all good

Edited Mon Jan 10 '11 1:06 pm
Mon Jan 10 '11 1:04:52 pm Set this message as last read

Mackai Daddy

22 posts total | IP Logged
I have some good pics from the meet and greet with Joe in some sky blue colored shoes. Also have some backstage pics of mike manning? stringing the inferno orange guitar before the show! Also some other pics of Satch onstage that were posted on a review of the show at or Will try to post them all soon.
Mon Jan 10 '11 1:15:39 pm Set this message as last read
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