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3965 posts total | IP Logged
Thanks Deb, she was a jewel.
Tue Jan 18 '11 11:15:43 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Hey Is logic? coming over me? .It`s like this hey Joe my ski-doo cost me a trail permit ,insurance licence on it whic is around 1200.00 a year now maitenace varies with me doing it myself it can be betwen 1,400 -1,600 a years dollar wise sliders and braks are just I just say their fee couple hundred for that! Fuel can be as high as wellthis year for me 17,045 dollars then you need oil at pump and things oil can run around 4-6000 dollars .Plus the 5 years driverlicence fee .Now I do my own income tax man so just got my tax package in the mail today income tax return gst cheques and ostc cheques over the year are aroun 1200 I will get back the just the form for the formula the 1200.00 save do you see wha I mean if i give my mom 250 every month just my tax return can pay that plus i will have all the form from the formula save so it,s a free year wont have to work or go to any buissness for money for fuel repais or gas and oil on top of it all!it,s around 600 ayear just for my insurance 250 trail permit 200 licence sticker then my drivers licence 200 so about 1200 before anything else saved.I mean Im far better off to shoot someone 50 60 buskcs for alittle ride in a truck then ride the formula.The reason it,w wering me down hey im tired the rideing catchs up with you the ATK is a different story they cost bewteen 300,000 and 450,000 dollars ayear to run so i might not be running that for a while either I`m shook man just penetrated from power of rotax 2 stroke engines need to recover whic could take years anyways thats all money saveing,less work, and rest before I wear myself into the ground wolf2.
Tue Jan 18 '11 11:22:09 am Set this message as last read

Plays: Guitar (46 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Joe, thanks for visiting Reno GSR last Frid 14 Jan. I have experienced you and your exceptional band now 3 times in this Venue and always look forward to your return! Please email your set list from that night. I remember most songs, however can't remember all of them in your 2+ hour set. Thanks again and Rock ON! Hope to see ChickenFoot sometime when you tour again. Sincerely, Steve M Reno
Tue Jan 18 '11 11:41:37 am Set this message as last read

Matt Dorado
Portland, OR
Plays: Guitar (53 years)
1318 posts total | IP Logged

So Earth to Ashes has booked our first real gig. We will be playing an outdoor festival in July. More details as they come about. Also, we will be entering the studio in mid Feb to record a 3 song demo. When it's ready I will post a link for all interested to get it.

Long live Rock! \m/ 00 \m/

E2A on FB

E2A Official site

Edited Tue Jan 18 '11 12:52 pm

Tue Jan 18 '11 12:51:07 pm Set this message as last read

Suzanne/Suzi Rugg
Riverside, CA.
Plays: Guitar (27 years)
103 posts total | IP Logged

Peace---hi and thanks :) Lol, so you hacked into my photobucket anyways huh? lol no need for a "highlighted" link for you! :-)

Well, it would of been so much MORE enjoyable had I been able to stand on my feet and rock out like I really wanted to from the second he took the stage. Still, had a blast just in complete awe of Joe of course., i sure hope my next Joe show im not in front of someone like that again. I relize it was a theater and it was all seated, so.....guess thats just the way it is with a Satriani seated Venue show i duno, still, found it strange. Because I've been to plenty of seated concerts and many people on thier feet and no problems. Guess, it just all depends. And it being LA and everything, the rowdy bunch it usually is, i was really suprised.

Well, I'm missing jojo for sure now :-( And kicking myself for all the little things i could of said to him and didnt, bieng shy and nervous just sucks. I laughed out loud today remembering how tounge tied i was when it was my turn to take a pic with him and everything. lol, i kept stuttering! lol

Cheese-----that's sad. My condolences too....I consistenly worry about my parents aging and having to face that fact of life. I just dont think I am going to be able to hande it. take care

Tue Jan 18 '11 2:16:21 pm Set this message as last read

Suzanne/Suzi Rugg
Riverside, CA.
Plays: Guitar (27 years)
103 posts total | IP Logged
(sorry for double post here) Blue Moon----Hey AL, we never met up! That's 2 fellow T2J'rs I didn't meet Sun. nite.....i hope better next time .... Im interested to hear if you chose Southern Califiornia for your Joe travel's purposely so you could thaw out. It was perfect for that actually because it is abnormally warm right now, so great timing....I had the fan back on high and back to shorts. So perfect for you and thawing out.. But was quite smoggy for this time of year on Sunday...., it is super gorgeous on a clear day here. Have you been to CA before? Where were you seated at the show? zzzzzzzz, sleep tight :)
Tue Jan 18 '11 2:27:06 pm Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged
RIP Don Kirshner :(
Tue Jan 18 '11 2:35:23 pm Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

My pics from Reno. I think I deleted all of the blurry ones, and actually got a couple decent shots this time around. My fave is the one where Joe has his hand in front of his mouth, he was just finishing the tapping section in "Satch Boogie" and was reaching for the pick in his mouth.

Also, someone asked for the setlist from the Reno show; here you go.

Last but not least, here are the best pics from Spokane. If you want to see all of them, click here.

Links are exhausting!!


Tue Jan 18 '11 3:49:11 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....Don`t worry every girl,cop chic daughetrs I just drank my protein Your Dads yours knoowne moved dad doesnt move your dads girls but seriously feel for me I did ohnestly just turn 309 years old this year My daughetr Sue she might not be living in the sameplace anymore dont know their may have been some legal problems like statures with her house she didnt aske me to take care of anything probably didnt want to bother me because im o old now but things look differenta round her place or old place let me tell you something away from dad is the worst thing anyone of them can do umtheirs law because each child has some birth perfects anyways thats stupid who knows it will cause her alot of problems eventually.You see sues a physics child when she was born it means she her body doesnt do things in line with her brain if no dad all my daughetrs are like that sometimes they need to mapagein me feel my muscle to become stronger and things anyways I realy never did have sex with Tina Im her real father anyways later wolf2.sue thinks funny every once and a while o it cool its just adolesence wolfie.
Tue Jan 18 '11 4:07:07 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
the government doesnt know why i got schizophrenia at 300 years old their doing a study wolfie.
Tue Jan 18 '11 4:08:13 pm Set this message as last read

Great White

85 posts total | IP Logged
I wonder if Joe likes the Hendrix sing "Hey Joe"... LOL!!
Tue Jan 18 '11 4:27:03 pm Set this message as last read

Gustavo Diaz
Plays: Guitar (16 years)
2 posts total | IP Logged
Looking forward for next weeken's show in Mexico City!!

Edited Tue Jan 18 '11 5:34 pm
Tue Jan 18 '11 5:14:15 pm Set this message as last read

Rob Waller
Yakima, WA
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged
I'm a Taurus now? WTH? I wanna be a Gemini again. I'm sure there is a twin out there, that's no bull.
Tue Jan 18 '11 5:15:55 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Turbo- Great Pics!!! So many awesome shots....

Rythymsteady- Don't feel bad 'bout be'in tongue tied ...I was too. In fact after JOE signed my stuff I started walking off with out getting my pic taken.. Joe looked at me funny & said' Don't you want your picture taken? I was like" OH yeah!.... of course" ...I felt so silly.......but its all good . :-)

Tue Jan 18 '11 6:35:31 pm Set this message as last read

Paul S.
United States
39 posts total | IP Logged

"and the next G3 line up recommendations "

I would like to see Buckethead on a G3 tour

Tue Jan 18 '11 7:52:29 pm Set this message as last read

frozen in time...
Plays: Piano
354 posts total | IP Logged
hero...fight scene...

"marital arts and music share the same principles...both wrestle with complex chords and rare melodies..."

seven minutes and fifty seconds of some of the best video out doesn't get any better than this...chess, the rain, respect, skill, and old blind man playing sweet tune in the backround and some good ole sword fightin' ...I challenge anyone out there to find a better fight scene...if you watch the whole scene there is a part where they fight eachother with their minds...nice...

michelle awhile back you posted the new, that stinks...I have always looked at myself as an aries...the ram...the pyro...I am not a pisces...missed it by one :/

Edited Tue Jan 18 '11 8:19 pm
Tue Jan 18 '11 8:01:59 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged
iceman, check this out! The whole thing has been debunked. I'm a Leo one way or the other, but like the one guy in the video says, changing yer zodiac sign is like changing yer religion! lol! I look at my horoscope every day, and sometimes it's so ON it's stupid. lol!
Tue Jan 18 '11 9:00:55 pm Set this message as last read


tampa, florida
Plays: Guitar (56 years)
445 posts total | IP Logged
excellent post ice. great movie.
Tue Jan 18 '11 9:05:52 pm Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

Suzi, thanks. And yes, I know what you mean about worrying about aging parents, I has them too :) I count myself lucky for every day we have together, they are precious.

Ian, really nice pictures, you did a great job! Your wife is such a sweetie to go to shows with you...I told her in Reno she was surrounded by Satch-fanatics so we're gonna pull her into our obsessions sooner or later if she keeps coming to shows, LOL!!

Chris got a kitty yesterday...he's black and white with golden eyes, long silky hair and a huge fluffy tail. We went to the shelter to see who would pick him out, and vice-versa...."Thompsen" totally laid claim to him right from the beginning, cuddled right up on him, kneading dough, snuggling, and giving him pats with his paws, and kisses on the neck. Never left his lap, even when surrounded by 5 other curious kittehs, lol! They chose each other, and Chris named him....

Otis :) He likes the name on it's own, but also cuz Mike Manning's nickname is Otis, lol!! Otis is a wonderful, loving kitteh, who is also a bit overwhelmed and skerred in his new home. Chris called this morning in a panic cuz he couldn't find Otis ANYwhere and he thought he'd gotten out. Which couldn't have happened cuz he hadn't opened his door. Otis slept with him most of the night, then *poof*...disappeared until about 2ish this afternoon. We were both getting concerned...

So, turns out he's the perfect cat for Chris cuz guess where he found him, finally.....curled up and asleep in an empty speaker cabinet, LOL!!! We should put a a sign on it that sez "Otis's House of Blues", lol!!! Chris was sooooo relieved when he found him, he'd looked everywhere 12 times, except the speaker :) I went over after work to visit and check up on the new baby, he was hiding under the chair but we got him to come out and then he went back and forth between Chris and me, purring and snuggling....but wanted Chris the most. The boys are bonding :)

A happy time for Chrispy!!

Tue Jan 18 '11 9:07:35 pm Set this message as last read

Debbie Currier
Newberg, Oregon
12 posts total | IP Logged

I am totally exhausted from working a 12 and half hour day today. I am also still trying to catch up on sleep from the great week last week. 4 Fantastic, perfect "10" shows. Joe your the BEST! It was sooo much fun and I am with Cheese that I am very sad it is over.

PIP -we missed you in Reno!!

It was great seeing all the peeps in Reno and a big thank you for helping with the "10's"

Peace- it was really great seeing you in Portland floating on the cloud Joe from your meet and greet. You are such a nice person hope to see you again soon.

Cheese - my sympathy goes out to you for your loss at work.

Now for some ZZZZ's

Tue Jan 18 '11 9:24:09 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
The problem with so many beautiful songs, is trying to choose one to listen to!
Tue Jan 18 '11 11:29:00 pm Set this message as last read


40 posts total | IP Logged

Hey T2J'ers! I would like to see John5 on the G3 line up. He would bring a unique style and different quality to the set-up. Great session player. I envy you guys in the US talking about the wormhole show's. Mine in the UK, seemed like such a long time ago. :-( I just reminisce...

"if you're gonna boo, f**king boo in key!"

Currently listening to Ceremony by Joe Satriani
Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Wed Jan 19 '11 12:14:45 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
You can leave your hat on !.Morning!,just sitting around drinking coffee have cigarette`s put my garbage out shoirtly after 6 am .It has to be out by 7 am I had 2 bags and a full recycle bin I didnt put none out last week .Well I was probably even sicker then I am today! 8 am risperdal time5 milligrams I get some siclian pain hey bro my little siclian things o you get them in cycle every so many years most of them is like pain strength! like from not being afraid of guns and shit or tazers etc.What happenns is your brain makes you not affraid then it has to prep the body for the same the way a siclian works is the brain controls the body to keep you in contact with yourself for like a justice thing anyways I was just wondering do you have the same things ? wolf2.if my garbag isnt out it means im too sick with my schizophreni wolfie.
Wed Jan 19 '11 4:41:19 am Set this message as last read

Mark Thomas
Arlington, Texas
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
44 posts total | IP Logged
Yeah the Dallas show was finally last night and this morning already seems light years away reminiscing...:) I wish I could get away from the office today I'd cruise down to Austin to see the Wiz again, I would if it was on the weekend! When the tour started in the UK I dreamed of taking a trip there and see all the UK shows...I just might do that next time around! I hope Joe puts together more G3's last one in 07 we drove to Pheonix and thru the grand canyon for spring break it was an amazing time...for Satchafunk we drove out to the Albuquerque show after Dallas...on the weekend ;)

Edited Wed Jan 19 '11 6:06 am
Wed Jan 19 '11 5:57:14 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

Thanks Debbie, I appreciate it.....and I'm having trouble getting back to normal, if there's such a thing, too!! Tired and out of sorts and going through withdrawals, lol!! We all love our Joe soooooooo :)

At least it's Wednesday. Tour is almost over, just a few more days for Joe and vacation right??? At least a few hours break before the next project! LOL!!

Hope you get some rest and get recharged Joe....yer gonna need it in the studio with Sam and Chad :D

Wed Jan 19 '11 6:37:38 am Set this message as last read
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