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6365 posts total | IP Logged
....well ,we made her! yeah thanks to sue and melissa .Man every so many years I almost die hey man and lisa helped with the shovel thing lisie is shove anyways I start to die hey and it doesnt matter what the hell anyone else in the world wants from sue or melissa they show hey mellissa does her thing dad your brains gonna quit again she starts doing all these little sexy moves man sue shows dad all this is true you really are that old melissas out their going crying going no dad you cant die please! anyways melissa didnt think her and sue and lisa were gonna be able to save me this time but they did my brain just shut off man tottaly stopped for a while then started working again sue man doesnt matter shes like 50 years old or something boyfriend husabnds kids doesnt matter my dads doing the dieing thing again have to go to my dads man they do these little things man smehow they know man they do these little things my brain quits for a while but I dont die wild hey right huhm right on thanks again wolf2.s
Tue Feb 8 '11 12:12:58 pm Set this message as last read

Randell Mulligan
Dublin, CA
Plays: Guitar (50 years)
926 posts total | IP Logged
R.I.P. Gary Moore! I'm not much youger than he is/was. GottahaveJoe: Take time after you've learned awyawm to make it yours! Emotional content can make all the difference in how it sounds, not how exact you are. Just a suggestion.
Tue Feb 8 '11 2:14:31 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....Listen to me man okay joe and Iam being dead serious.I really am that old and everything is true.I dont know that you tune into the wolf that much alot of girls and friend with some i just been their on my dirtbike.You can`t tell this to anyone man okay especially not the ministry of natural resources all though they might be cool about it! I dont have schizophrenia hey man no word of a lie you may know or heard about something ,like what I do have nothing that effects my brain it,s a developed enhancement in the brain people in like buissnessman in important positions have them it,s called an ACRHINIM ! mmine is a exfelinemia mine is for build rotax engines of any kindbrand new with the enhancement of the brain to follow threw for speed and scuucees of only the wherabouts of the epheinmia achrinim thats why i am able to do all that man though the bush allover the country the reason why I have the schizophrenia diagnosis is because your suppose to take care of the achrinim man the enhanced portion of the brain man underlaw your suppose to provide nutrition for it so I take the risperdal man for real man ever hear of it Rotax gets me to build and desighn all types of engines from scratch man I mail them to them etc v twins you name it!actuallly i think it,s and exfoilan achrinim it,s called they told me that at the peterborough hospital when they started closing in on the achrinim laws I got the schizophrenia diagnosis from kingston psych but thats how im the machine I am they develop from perfect success anyways the mnr must be going wolfies unbelievable later wolf2.
Tue Feb 8 '11 3:12:19 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Valentine's Day, which accounts for 40% of fresh flower sales annually, is fast approaching.

If you're planning to order a bouquet from 1-800-Flowers -- the world's largest florist -- you should know where most of those flowers really come from.

At flower farms in Ecuador and Colombia -- the countries that export the most to the U.S. -- two-thirds of the workers are women. These women are routinely subjected to harassment and even rape from their male supervisors. They suffer eye infections and miscarriages from consistent contact with dangerous pesticides.

In the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, they're routinely forced to work 80-hour weeks with no overtime pay. Attempts to form a union are met with opposition by police and armed forces.

Many retailers -- such as Whole Foods and Stop & Shop -- have taken the important first step of offering Fair Trade flowers to consumers who want no part of these abuses. Fair Trade certified farms must adhere to strict standards for workers' rights, which prevents the abuses described above.

1-800-Flowers is the largest florist in the world. Yet they offer no Fair Trade flowers at all.

Tell 1-800-Flowers to join other major retailers in offering Fair Trade flowers.

1-800-Flowers uses a certifying agency called Florverde, which ensures that its flower farms measure up to certain environmental standards -- this is a good thing. But Florverde has almost no labor standards: A farm can be certified even if it uses forced labor.Indeed, Florverde is owned by the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, so it has a financial incentive to keep wages low and suppress workers' rights.

This is the week before Valentine's Day -- more people will purchase flowers during the next seven days than any other week this year. This is our best opportunity to demand a promise from 1-800-Flowers to join its competitors in offering Fair Trade flowers. So after you sign the petition, please share this email widely and post on Facebook -- do everything you can to pressure 1-800-Flowers to show a little respect for the women who toil in unbearable circumstances. The women without whom they'd have no flowers to sell.

Click the link below to tell 1-800-Flowers to make a promise this Valentine's Day to sell Fair Trade flowers:


Since this campaign began, the company has emailed to tell us that it will post more information on its website about the farms that supply their flowers. But this is a far cry from selling fair trade products -- and we have much more to do to make sure workers are protected. This is the week to do it.

Thanks for taking action,

Patrick and the team

Tue Feb 8 '11 5:45:50 pm Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged
@Michelle, was that a note meant for hubby???
Tue Feb 8 '11 6:32:01 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Nope, I always ask him not to buy me flowers for V Day. It's a racket! Doubling & tripling the price of flowers for a holiday is bull, so we never buy them for anyone around V. Day or Mother's Day. Throughout the year we do, but not those times. I buy flowers all year long for peeps I love, but I refuse to pay more than what their worth. Since you mentioned it, wouldn't you rather give your wife a piece of jewelery or something nice for the same price or a bit more than what you're going to pay for something that's gonna die in a week?

Tue Feb 8 '11 8:18:37 pm Set this message as last read

Donkey Hotay

3984 posts total | IP Logged
Michelle you are right but there would be no flowershops without the revenues from those special times of the year, very slow sales the other 48-50 weeks.
Wed Feb 9 '11 1:37:14 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

I LURV getting flowers from Mr Skippy on Valentine's Day. They are locally grown as far as I know, as he gets them at one of the local florists.

Mind you, last year he got me a cyclamen plant (with red flowers) and that sucker is still looking beautiful and healthy one year later - probably better value.

Joe - how's about some blue from the studio?? Looking forward to Jon's pics and vids.

Well the fires in the west are abating thank heavens. Turned it out was an off duty policeman using an angle grinder that sent out showers of sparks that caused the fire. FFS.

Wed Feb 9 '11 3:42:35 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

How many more people do you think would buy flowers on those holidays if they didn't double/triple the price? I'm just sayin'. Fair trade flowers and other things are something we never think about. We'd probably be appalled by the way we get half our stuff if we knew where it came from.

Anyways, RIP Captain Phil Harris - 1 year ago today.

Song of the day - God Is Crying

Wed Feb 9 '11 4:29:42 am Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
yes he is..and he's pissed too
Wed Feb 9 '11 4:56:30 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...hey Tony keeps haveing difficultys with my rotax factory man tony murphy hes in valyermo california hes the roatx parts cenetr hey and he gets engines for go karts dirtbike motorycles mountain climbing snowmobiles.My people at Rotax in austria their very conial man well they only understand and listen to me hey they even hate bombardier but believe it or not im the real owner of bombardier hey so I build develop engines for my ski-doos right and can-am I won privately now bought it again about 10 years ago anyways underlaw in their country you have their only allowed to connect hey with someone who is the right ype of austrian believ it or not im the only one the right type out of their country the air is even monitore their hey they know who their talking too may really have to do the old too much tony have my phone dicsonnected and have no phonetonys constantly phoneing me man the owner of the company man hes right out of it hey man!?like I mean their allowed to talk too siclians with austrian names etc anywaysI cant belive this dude phones me the owner of it to phone my company about his problems man I understand buddy has to eat man but maybe he just needs to readjust change himself a bit man.I really wish this dude would quit calling me you should see my can-am 4 wheelsr some of the engines i developed or them 800 cc v twin 4 cycles anyways man fouck I hope this dude dont come here man hey my steret life is my street life you know! more coffee wolfie.
Wed Feb 9 '11 5:44:04 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

Scubadaz- I've learned not to take most of what Sammy says as gospel. End of the year will probably end up being June-August I would imagine. Unless they are gonna hold off on the release so that Joe can tour solo some more in the Spring? Might be a better chance that Chad could join CF for at least some dates if they hold the record off for 10-12 months too. All I know for sure is that when it comes out, I will buy it!

In gear news, I liked my Bugera amp enough that I ordered a Bugera V55HD 55 watt head and a straight 4X12 Bugera cab to go with it. The V55 suggests pairing with a 2X12 cab, but the 4X12 was only about $80 more; hopefully it isn't TOO much!

It shipped out today, probably won't be here until Monday, so I'm stuck with one of my little combo amps in the meantime. The UPS man did just deliver my order of ammonium nitrate; I'm gonna mix up some exploding rifle targets!! Fun times!


Wed Feb 9 '11 8:51:59 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Well I certainly hope the second 'foot offering will be a whole lot better than the first! In fairness, CF1 isn't bad but for me it is (bandwise) less than the sum of it's parts where with a good band the output is MORE than the sum of it's parts. IMHO that is.
Wed Feb 9 '11 9:42:41 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...heyman ! their made be even necessarry to try to save money from my dissablity .Right now I got a headache hey it,s been the 1975400wr husqvarna i been rideing .anyways when i go visiting man girlfriend daughetr moms whatever i like to try to have some money to give them man maybe even bring a goodieor something with me.My cash is tight right now manitlle be about who knows maybe another 17 years before i can free flow cash again i own a variety store hey man but it,s up here it needs to catch up and things it runs threw kingston penitenatrie hey same a all my buissnes .Check this out man the lady from dissabilty like to be cool with me hey ,because she knows I own the province hey man so she gets my mom to say stuff or keeps coming here and talking to me me and her have been friends forever anyways I been soley living off my dissabilty odsp right and it,s just a wee 1053.00 dollars hey man The thing is is i ride the husky sometimes right years ago i put new front brake shoes on it but now she really I mean really needs new rear brake shoes looking at these in the manual this could go two ways 100-200.00 to get them remanufacture or it could be 700-900.00 depending on what they say when I take them in you really need good brakes man 400 2 stroke 1975 husky just a wee bit of power man anyways so heavy saveing now! wolf2.
Wed Feb 9 '11 9:44:12 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
I'd imagine the later the year the better since RHCP are touring in Summer, maybe chad can come back and do some more live stuff, They'll prob miss 'em for the live shows

Hope its a lil bit different too, Never really that mad about CF1

Also, I uploaded some of my Cali pics to my site... theres a bunch of Pics from the Oakland, Reno and L.a shows mixed in too... all found Here ....I'll get em on Facebook later prob...
Wed Feb 9 '11 10:44:53 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged
Scub- Thanks! I've heard about the issues with the early Bugera models, but I think they got that taken care of. I played the hell out of the 22 watt combo I had and didn't have any problems with it; I have high expectations for this one. I bought the pro coverage, so if there's a problem, I'll just take it back.

Wed Feb 9 '11 11:20:43 am Set this message as last read

Takfarinas ABDIOUENE
El-Kala, East
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
15 posts total | IP Logged

RIP Gary Moore




Wed Feb 9 '11 11:25:56 am Set this message as last read

Alan McKenna
Plays: Guitar (23 years)
6317 posts total | IP Logged
Nah, a TSL100 from '04 not a bad amp, only really use the clean channel on it, dont even have the Channel switcher hooked up anymore
Wed Feb 9 '11 12:11:12 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
great photos McKenna
Wed Feb 9 '11 12:28:18 pm Set this message as last read

Justin Kirk
Haddon Heights, New Jersey
Plays: Bass (16 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
hey joe I saw you on tour in 07 G3 great show at the house of blues
Wed Feb 9 '11 12:44:13 pm Set this message as last read

Tyler Morris
Newton, MA

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
Joe, do you give lessons? Please
Wed Feb 9 '11 1:56:37 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged

Edited Tue Feb 15 '11 3:32 pm
Wed Feb 9 '11 3:53:38 pm Set this message as last read


5 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Joe,

Just a thought regarding "Club Joe"; I'd kinda like to be able to meet Jeff and Galen and the rest of the guys as well next time around.

Oh, and if you're still open to suggestions for the next iteration of G3, I nominate Steve Stevens.

Thanks for all the great music, Sir!

Wed Feb 9 '11 9:39:22 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Mornin' peeps!

Thu Feb 10 '11 12:48:31 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
Thu Feb 10 '11 2:15:17 am Set this message as last read
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