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gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
JOE- Hey Joe! Hope you are having a good time with the rest of the foot locker gang!!!! I just wanted to say I have not seen my sister in over a year. Well, this was my lucky weekend. She came over to Idaho and I have spent everyday with her since Saturday! Its GREAT! We have had a LOT of talk about you! She still loves you! Thanks SO much Joe!!! Your awesome
Mon Feb 21 '11 7:40:55 pm Set this message as last read

Arie Nugraha Abdillah
Tasikmalaya, West Java
Plays: Guitar (17 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
i like you,. you are inspiration for me in playing guitar,. i also love that song "PREMONITION AND WHY"
Mon Feb 21 '11 10:28:15 pm Set this message as last read

Arie Nugraha Abdillah
Tasikmalaya, West Java
Plays: Guitar (17 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
Mon Feb 21 '11 10:31:03 pm Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged

Lol! You guys crack me up! Chickenlarious! You so funny!!

Should we be renaming this forum... Talk 2 wolfie?

Floods, cyclones, now a Massive earthquake in new Zealand.. What next? A new album from Justin Beiber?

Perhaps caused by the current solar storms? Apparently they are due to peak some time in 2012.. Hmmm... Suspiciously, this falls in the same year that Nostradamus has purportedly predicted a major catastrophic event!

So I think this all points to one thing...

Definitely a new Justin Beiber album in 2012...

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Feb 22 '11 1:41:45 am Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Lots of posts to catch up on:

Peace - congrats for your son

Grampy - congrats for grandbaby 2

Pip - Happy Pipday but I already said that

Joe - wassup mate? What are you up to? Any blue you cna share?

roo - one disaster after another - we were in Christchurch in September it's such a lovely place but right on a fault line so this time 65 + people have been killed. New Zealanders are family for Aussies so I feel for them.

So we are planning a holiday to the States in September/October - who'd like to place odds that Joe decides to tour Australia in - you guessed it - September/October???

Tue Feb 22 '11 1:47:45 am Set this message as last read

Strung Up
David Beattie
New Zealand
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
3 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Joe and all of Joes minions!!! im the new guy! just wanna thank you for your music man, i havnt been playing guitar so long (about 18 months) but ive been listening to your music forever, im sure you get it all the time but you inspired me to pick up the the age of 24 lol, yea a late bloomer but better late than never! already got your songs downpacked....yeah right =P gimmi a few hundred years.

anyway, look forward to seeing my first Satch concert in Wellington NZ hint hint...



Tue Feb 22 '11 3:39:08 am Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged
roo - beiber did just cut his hair... doe's that count?
Tue Feb 22 '11 3:51:52 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged
Thanx Castle Donks and Skippygoyle.
Tue Feb 22 '11 4:06:22 am Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged

Wanted to see what you thought of this young lady Joe:

Thanks Shane in Ohio

Tue Feb 22 '11 5:24:02 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
.....good morning!Today Im going to canadian tire In bancroft to buy 4 gallons of shell advance oil.Today is my cmha meeting hey joe he comes up from peterborugh then take me up north I just told him the oil thing .You might be wondering why he drive me hey here,s the truth I own Honda hey joe so I give the canadian mental health asociation a brand new honda van they use it for groups and thing sand he uses it to come up here to me and I go to my appointments or grocery shopping or to canadian tire for parts or oil.I told ron I hadnot been feeling up to snuff the last couple weks hey like he said maybe i,s from riding wolfie he said im not kidding that an-am you been rideing has the power in canada and yeah we can go for oil man because your bikes have so much power that probably even if you do add oil when you buy gas just to make sure because they have so much power I believe that if you did not have shell oil added they would explode. and I have to go to no frills for grocerys they have some things that are exspensive but on sale I need they have some good bread on sale for 99 cents this stone milled vienna bread and I plan of eating 2 so Im picking up a couple my friend yappa at honda desighns them for me like the honda van! anyways later wolf2.
Tue Feb 22 '11 6:55:20 am Set this message as last read

David Wholihan
Plays: Guitar (40 years)
6 posts total | IP Logged

Hey everyone!

Joe has some great guitar pedals out and I'm hoping for more. I'm guessing the next in line would be a Chorus and then a Flange. My question is, what should Joe name them? Maybe the webmaster can have a contest on the site and the winner gets a free pedal?!

I'll get things started. For a Chorus pedal, it could be called the "Crystal Chorus" for Crystal Planet or the "Cool #9 Chorus". For the Flange, how about the "Flavor Crystal Flange"?

What do you all think? Wholi

Tue Feb 22 '11 8:01:56 am Set this message as last read

death cube k

6054 posts total | IP Logged
the why harmonizer would be cool .. but pitch factor can already do that
Tue Feb 22 '11 11:04:08 am Set this message as last read

Ian Wise
Nampa, ID
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
394 posts total | IP Logged

I would be down for a pedal contest... Maybe Joe and Vox have finished up their work together, though. Joe seems like the type that will eventually seek a new kind of sound from his current signature pedals. He is very much a tone chaser, and I don't think he's going to let anything stand in his way when it comes to that! If the Big Bad Wah doesn't suit him anymore, then he will seek out someone to make a Bigger Badder Wah. I wouldn't be surprised if his current pedals have already had some tweaking done to them.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet that Joe's next pedal endorsement will be with someone other than Vox, and it will be a while before we see anything.

Like I said, a new pedal would be cool, Vox or otherwise. I don't know that he uses a Chorus pedal enough to not be happy with his Boss CE-5, and EHX seems to be kind of the go-to for the polyphonic octave effect, just as Digitech is the only maker (that I know of) of a Whammy pedal, but either one would be pretty sweet....
I was thinking of an Octave/Fuzz (Fulltone UO) kind of effect and naming it after Borg Sex!


Tue Feb 22 '11 1:15:21 pm Set this message as last read

Tommy Golden
West Babylon, NY
Plays: Guitar (48 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Hey Mackai Daddy- I have been listening alot to the Bucket as of late, so much so I ordered his Gibbie from Gibson. I love his quiet stuff and his antics with Les Claypool. My old drummer (RIP Rubes) would have loved his antics. Hey Joe, it nice to see you have progressed over the years man. Great stuff. Im just an old guitar player having fun playin, nice to see you are having fun. Love the Chixfeet.....Its nice MA is out doing refreshing stuff. ST
Tue Feb 22 '11 2:52:39 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
hey man did my thing! new plan I own canadian tire hey 2 stores privately plust the corporation were right sold out of Shell man so I called up their I own castrol hey and castrol is 21.99 a gallon isntead of 30 it,s realy proven as well Im low on oil at shell they cant make it fast enough so I forgot but I had canadian tire my store make sure the shelf was packed with castrol this is another specialty oil this is low ash keps your motor clean hey with lots of torque whic is another form of no pollution oil bought 4 , 4liters 100.00 even pretty well did some grocery shopping 80 bucks their had to buy another pocket folding scredriver set I keep them with me when I ride hey my shrink was primo! hes the only welll sort of the normal person I get to talk to is ron my cmha worker this whole town goes to the foodbank hey joe and I dont even though I do things for the people that go their I can not relate to them in anyway this is true man so when my worker omes up it really is sort of a shrink! anyways some places i rid to require screwdriver s and low ash minimums anyways talk to you later wolf2.
Tue Feb 22 '11 2:54:30 pm Set this message as last read

rick macivor
Singapore, SG
Plays: Guitar (16 years)
5 posts total | IP Logged
Roo - Too funny.
Tue Feb 22 '11 3:15:05 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
it was SO hard to see my sister go yet again. I havent cried that hard in so long. It was so fun to spend the weekend with her. She just wanted to be with me all day everyday it was so cute! She LOVED listening to Joe with me and having TONS of Joe talk. It was so cute. I love that she is still so into it. She has her picture from Joe on her wall at home. She saw mine and says "he said that on mine too oh my gosh!!!". So sad to see her cry because she didnt want to leave me. Hope I get to see her sooner than a year and half this time.
Tue Feb 22 '11 5:56:14 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

how old is yer sis now peanuthead?

Tue Feb 22 '11 8:17:13 pm Set this message as last read

gotta have Joe
Kayla Whitham
Butte, Mt
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
2241 posts total | IP Logged
she will be 10 on the 28th! Its so crazy!
Tue Feb 22 '11 8:27:37 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Gotta Have Joe- Glad you got to spend with your sis...hope you get to see her sooner next time.

Skippy- Thanks for the congrats for my son. He's got a tough match lined up with a 3 time state champ who has not lost a match in 2 years. Lots of the young men changed their weight class so they would not have to wrestle him....Not my kid ...he's gonna meet him head on & hope for the best . :-)

Edited Tue Feb 22 '11 10:30 pm

Tue Feb 22 '11 10:04:49 pm Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged

Bigbunny: lol

Hey, I just worked out that 2011 is the 20th anniversary of the "roo's Satriani Collection" web site!

I believe it was first published around 1991!


I'm old!!!



Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Feb 22 '11 10:48:57 pm Set this message as last read

Andrew Longhorn
iphone app: RooSatch
Plays: Guitar (34 years)
707 posts total | IP Logged

Maybe a 20th anniversary signed js5 giveaway to celebrate?


Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Tue Feb 22 '11 10:50:50 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...hey had to visit jenny my daughetr isabellas mother and isabella for a ride for gas for the ATk last night before I left I went to jennys and told her when I get back I need I ride for gas hey.Anyways jennys house of for sale with my real estate company royal lepage frank real estate .This is really the Hood here hey man like the whole town I dont want isabella growing up in the hood man if I can have it my way.This place is about I would say 40x worse the scarborough .I sabella is very smart hey they were awake when I cam back jennys sais to her come on we got to go to dads friends whic means dads friend at the gas station anyways is abella knows she might have schizophrenia man shes like is 20 dad 20 bucks worth shes like dad if you can ride a dirtbike like that I guess I wont mind haveing it when Im big!.Um jennys knows I really am jani lee hey I explained I use a siclian name and everything because my siclian father had a passion for me and my martial arts and brice is real busy running china so my aby come back siclian like isabella because my martial arts but the schizophrenia is chinese.Chinese schizophrenia is an 900 % health booster hey joe alot of my daughetrs have it it makes the nutrition even in the body , and puts nutrition into your mucle and fetilizese the brain spine and ribs anyways so she took me fro fuel dunoed ahe5 gallon can in the atk refiled my can were good isablla you know your way though the wilderness etc ille be fine dad anyways later wolf2 more coffee wolfie.
Wed Feb 23 '11 5:40:53 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...Just listen everyone,! their really is nothing wrong with my ATK cat pq he has lifetime shots from my girlfriend jen at lakefield veterinany hospital I took him in about his scruffy ur and loosing fur because I thought he may have had a skin problem they said thats just the way pq is it will probably grow back.Then the lady that runs disabilty was here told me to take him again so I said I have to box for the money to take took him to a different one same thing thats just the way he is loosing fur and scruffy .then rideing agin i toook him to another vet same thing just the way he is .Pq my ATK rideing buddy I put him inside my snowmobile jacket and take himrideing and visiting sometime i stop 90 kilometrs in the bush wilderness make a fire set pq down of of my jacket he collects fire wood with me and everything he doesnt have anything thats just the way he is everyone is their pq visit wolfie all 3 vet times i had to box to take him anyways were good wolf2.
Wed Feb 23 '11 7:10:27 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

roo, 20 years! Big congrats to you! I just want to say publicly that in the time I've "known" you, which goes back a few years, you have always carried yourself with class. We've all seen the 'LOOK WHAT I HAVE AND YOU DON'T' websites. I've never gotten that feeling from you. You should be very proud of your accomplishments and your collection. Here's to another 20+ years - for your site, and for Joe! Cheers!

P. Lily, congrats and best of luck to your youngin'!

Blastin' Mj's This Is It cd. Dunno why this cd makes me so happy, but it does. LOL! Iamsofakingwetodded!

Wed Feb 23 '11 9:00:53 am Set this message as last read
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