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carl hildabrant
Madison, Wisconsin

1 post total | IP Logged
Joe weve seen every rock band ya can Think of and let me tell ya Stugis SD has ben calling you for along time now not to mention doing a G3 type gig cuz every Biker that goes out there listens and knows amd loves youre music you More than even Kiss seeing how ya do have a couple of motercycle riding songs under yer belt but they wouold love and welcome you with open arms long in short and some of the big bike builders that I personally know when ya walk into there shop youre music is there creative tool tas well as mine and seeing you with orange county on a show with fender made that sturgis dream gig more of a reality for me,,just food for thought joe,,ive ben yer fan since 88 when i was going thru some bad times and the first time I heard ya back then late at nite id fall asleep in another world listing to youre music and drifted out of the bad times going on at the time so Thank You For Being you and the decision of picking that strat up to start with Brother! not to mention yer outstanding off springs like vai and many others that just wont admit it!lol Peace! Carl
Tue Jan 21 '14 5:10:33 pm Set this message as last read

Plays: Other (14 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
Hello Joe, do not forget to Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2014! I also agree with our friend when he suggests slight return of Vito Bratta in your company. It would be a phenomenal show. Happy 2014! Success in their tour!
Tue Jan 21 '14 10:58:58 pm Set this message as last read

Big Earl497
Big Earl
1 post total | IP Logged
Hi Joe, You gotta check out these boys on youtube: Sleepy Man Banjo Boys: Bluegrass virtuosity from ... New Jersey? I never figured bluegrass was so lively. Do you think you could do some music in bluegrass style?? It would be lovely you know!! Question: why do you scream your guitar in Andalusia and a few other songs?? I felt it was quite out of place but I'm no musician but you could explain why??
Wed Jan 22 '14 9:07:36 am Set this message as last read

Alexandre Caetano
Caldas da Rainha, Estremadura
Plays: Guitar (32 years)
764 posts total | IP Logged
Joe - Any news? :) Warm regards to all ;)
Wed Jan 22 '14 4:05:16 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

*waves to alexandre*

Wed Jan 22 '14 6:22:23 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
...hello! what`s going on .Im not doing too much man I was cramping up you know me right Im like 6 foot 4 inches 264 pounds and I been working out for nearly 30 years every other day or so .Theirs not too much happpneinhg have had to use the woodstove again -37 Celsius at nihht minus 20 in the day ,been doing my own laundry using bleach just the no name stuff no frills long underwear etc thermal clothing socks wool work socks what ever im just chillin here at the library beennny and erich are both in coe hill bennys sort of in his brand new trailer he suppose to be getting a pension sometime soon so hes waiting for the end of the month when it starts then he can get his propeane buy more food wha ever hes probably going to a trailer park in spring Listen to me man I been pumping IrON STEADY drinking protein couple times a day this moring though man the brown urine thing again a few times after it drained I almost died think it,s my liver man ive only had this problem since I been takeing the social assiatnce medicine so who knows serious joe it really was over 200,000 for those rides and trips did race though 2 man at 120 million hole bet 220 million winning return olav been stopping by with the bags of cash man I phone the bank the come pick it up at my place their was a different lady doing it for about 8 years plus the had the deposit machine going they said the assisatnest manger or security cars whatever 5 trillion 277 billion now the 200,000 for the trips was seriously from work under my welding licnec I only use CASH even General electric pays me cash I only work and race for cash only me pension cash that's all I use seriously exspendtdatures this month man several thousand locally Bancroft aspley proeting asa low dose vitamins tobbbacco plus living I sepnt around 6 thousand this month around 3400 in aspley in cash the rest in Bancroft and little rides I take one A.S.A. low tablet every moring for my hart at the same time I take a vitamin b12 , a vitamin e , a multy vita mine mineral , and vitamin c tablet then I take 5 milligrams of risperidone at 8 am the another 5 millligrams risperidone at 8 pm I been takeing vitamins for 30 years I been drinking protaeing for around well all together for about 20 years before I developed weider protein before anything happened like 15 years ago I use to drink protein from AMWAY man ever here of it guy sold it on my road man amways products it worked so about 20 years of drinking protein let ,me tell yo u man asa is exspensive 20 bucks each unless you get em on sale roughly 100 tablets for 20.00 plus 13% tak so one blotttle lasts 3 months you see then I have to pay all the little 2 bucks s for all my prescription every script has a 2 dollar fee at 6 pm at night after supppper I take my liptor for my liver problem 20 mg tablet arnolds cool man hes the best ranks right up their with me and sly know I double checked watching his movies on the web his foods alright gee well I know the ministry of healt told me that Arnold swarzneggger was measured at being able to blow of f 16 heads with one punch Im measured at 22 head the measurement only goes to 19 but if they could they said it would be 22 head I take asa low dose in place of aspirin no it,s not asprin man no way never but aspring here is about 50 .00 for 70 tablets the low dose this asa I been takeing it for about 10 years just picked up a unit of 4 packages of tobbbaccco viceroy 2 box ray kingsize tubes anda 20 pack of studio ciagrtttes I think asa is fine hopefully I know what im doing with it it,s for long term preventative therapay sureprvissed by you heart doctor aspin may make you heart stronger and need surgery fast I figure so I take asa for my geometry and lifestyle anyways little smoke outside foodland pasat sidesishs milk bread maybe then home walking threw my property ski-doo trail groomed by sno club later wolf2.
Thu Jan 23 '14 9:43:10 am Set this message as last read

Jason Ramsay
planet nowra, NSW
Plays: Guitar (48 years)
1207 posts total | IP Logged

Hi guys

been a long couple weeks after my dad passing from lung cancer, dont know if i can do this a second time round..

I was wondering ,are there any good free sites or sites that joe is ok with that has instrumental backing of his music ie to learn too?

I got a couple people wanting to jam with me , after 4 or so non years of playing

Thu Jan 23 '14 3:40:06 pm Set this message as last read

Neil McOmber
enfield, ct

Plays: Guitar (46 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged
HI Joe, Can you tell us why you tune your guitar down a 1/2 step?
Sat Jan 25 '14 6:39:57 am Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged

Hi Satchland, & Joe _

This post is just about Memories _ the T2JSinfonie BIRDS BELIEVES

New version with original tracks.

This project is a genuine daughter of this place _ so enjoy.

Sun Jan 26 '14 12:58:33 am Set this message as last read

Dream 3
jamie anderson
melbourne, victoria
Plays: Guitar
650 posts total | IP Logged
Hey Joe
Hope 2014 is being good to you and the family
Be good or good at it Champ !!
Sun Jan 26 '14 6:20:38 pm Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged

Good evening Joe, I may have jumped the gun and put a "ticket" into your web maintainers. I apologize if that is the case, my technical knowledge is limited. My request revolves around my resent purchase of your endorsed Marshall Amp. Out of ignorance I assumed your signature would not have been a machine signature but suppose you really don't have time to personally sign each one. I am by no means a player but really like to hear you play. I am a retired disabled vet with a proposal. My wife and I RV often and our schedules are fluid, if you could whittle out a couple of minutes from you schedule to meet with me and personally sign my amp I would sign whatever your lawyers or handlers or whatever they are called to not sell my amp that you sign for any type of profit but instead keep it for something I can hand down to my grandchildren. If this is something you could do I sure would appreciate it. If it's something you would rather not do for fear of setting a precedence or some other type of thing I completely understand that too. In either case thank you for your time.

Thank You...Mark

Sun Jan 26 '14 7:28:55 pm Set this message as last read

Bill Sheets

3 posts total | IP Logged
Great interview from your Facebook. The Sony ballads "beautiful guitar" one of my favorites. For some reason I get instantly attached to your slow stuff and yet some of your faster songs eventually become my favorites. There must be an emotional reason for that. Why do I never see you on Letterman? Seems like you would get along great with those musicians. Also, get with Lynch next 3G.

Posted using Talk2Joe - one of Roo's iPhone apps
Sun Jan 26 '14 10:00:24 pm Set this message as last read


4324 posts total | IP Logged
Let's say it was a Symphysodon Discus.
Mon Jan 27 '14 9:59:49 am Set this message as last read

T can Riff

1 post total | IP Logged
Hey Joe love the tee shirts, how about larger sizes. 3x, 4x?
Wed Jan 29 '14 6:11:11 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....How are you today!?. not too much happening here just chilin at the library,! I brought my mom into town for a walk for some fresh air she hasn't been out ast ll in weeks too cold. have to tighten the BELT man spending way too much money rdieing etc have to save cash again need to save money to make my yearly deposit give it too my mom right ,nah im not building a house I don't think so everything of mine runs perfectly fine don't neeed to buy new bike or snowmobile so who knows if I die first my mom can have the money ill eprobably live for a long time man many many years so were good seriously the health products killer exspensive man vitamins protein a.s.a low dose havey duty exspensive been working out until I hit full power then stop for a while then check to see if im low on power ,so spring is almost here ! next monmth man February then march march 20th is spring here feburay is usually nice her man it breaks then the weather usualy which is good minus 40 Celsius is too frosty seriously je man were old just listen my pension is a paid pension it,s really old agae pension threw onatrio dissabilty the other old people get social assiactance not real pensions seriously man that's how old I am and if im old enough for old age pension you could probably get it somehow aswell man.they forced me to take it1 which is cool that how I live I want to try to deposit atleast 6500.00 this years plus live smoke variety store cigartttes paid for cash buy everything cash aswell so that's that we may be able to talk more often now that the weather is getting betttre when no snow for sure mountain bike right man! just had to pick up my mail drug dental card depoit amount dentist this month 25th feb Bancroft drugstore every month that's that seriously man im sure you could get olda age security their if you figured out some way man every one is intitttled to it and you can still do everthing it,s free and clear man you can still play and work anyways hometime seriousruly bro free cahs I mean the do have old age pension their don't they I help you man because I don't think your nut,s really but weli am united states army your and friend from when I was a little boy it,s just they have stiff penaly their and the death penalty but seriously I am getting old in last months dirtbike magazine their was a picture of me from like the 60,s man being broke out by team Husaqvran a in black and white so that's that be cool man sometimes if you don't know or if you not sure ask seriously man and don't get tazed anyways talk to you next week later wolf2.seriously ridieng is exspensive I been running SHEL Bronze which is just regular now I have 6 tirilllion 966 billion or something from raceing for team aaen carried in a few sacgz their like hockey equipment bags my self but whats money I just have fun later wolf2.
Thu Jan 30 '14 9:37:28 am Set this message as last read

Josh Wells
Wattle grove, Wa
Plays: Drums (12 years)
2 posts total | IP Logged

Hey Was looking at the Yamaha stage custom orange swirl drum kit And was wondering how good it is I saw one at a music shop and looked like it was worth the money

I currently own a Yamaha gig maker (black) and that sound awesome But I also have a roland td-15kv which is good also



Fri Jan 31 '14 4:08:52 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

It's Super Bowl Sunday here in the states. Place yer bets!

I'm going to go with Seattle.

I could honestly give a rats ass who wins since the Steelers and 49'ers are out, but hey, lets just go with it.

Seattle or Denver?

Edited Sun Feb 2 '14 7:18 am

Sun Feb 2 '14 7:18:36 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

That's a tough one chelle, both are western teams and my dad would have had a hard time picking. Of course, he was a 49'ers fan from the beginning...I guess I'll go with Seattle just because. :) My days are so busy, I'll prolly look around some time tonight and ask "who won?" since I won't be watching :D

GO........WHOEVER! lol!

Sun Feb 2 '14 8:28:31 am Set this message as last read

Do The Stu
Austin Lewis, III
Costa Mesa, CA
United States
Plays: Bass (25 years)
4067 posts total | IP Logged

I'll be cheering for the Broncos. I've always been a Peyton Manning fan, so it's good to see him continuing to have success with a new team.

And a music-related reminder for everyone...Bruno Mars is doing the halftime show with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, so we'll get to see some of Chad Smith. That's probably the closest Satch will ever get to the Super Bowl, so...


Sun Feb 2 '14 12:20:34 pm Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

OH! That's cool Austin, I'll hafta try to catch the half time show if I can! Thanks for the info!

I do enjoy the commercials..... :D

Sun Feb 2 '14 12:30:02 pm Set this message as last read


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Sun Feb 2 '14 7:53:47 pm Set this message as last read

Dream 3
jamie anderson
melbourne, victoria
Plays: Guitar
650 posts total | IP Logged
R.I.P Philip Seymour Hoffman, the actor who portrayed Oakland Athletics manager Art Howe in the Academy Award-nominated movie Moneyball,
Sun Feb 2 '14 9:51:25 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
....Hello ,whatz up! not too mch happening here just in town picked up couple steaks gallon of milk with my mom today shes getting a movie here at the library seriously man I have to take stool softeners hey every couple months cant go to the bathroom man , saveing up money again got some of these cigartttes called Canadian goose from the native reserve these are Mohawk indian ciagertttes in seperates packs 2 of those bought 4 pouches players from general store that should last the month. had to pick up income tax books yesterday the government put them at the post office I phoned before they had them out then they put them out just before I got their our government is cuittting back on paper but im prehistoric man so I still need paper books and mail now im just waiting for my income tax slip from dissabilty got a new jacket it,s from a ride I did it was special order from here at the library to the new York store in Bancroft the red apple then I took it to my community care here to have one reflective stripe removed from the back and make it look old it,s brand new left a couple new sweat tops at community care they can have em this jacket I think I got for like it,s along coat thing like a work mans jacket balkc with reflective stripes around the sleasves and bottom it,s long enough to keep my bad leg warm .Havent been doing too much was in los angeles county their not that's long AGo I m a good friend of the police chief their I rode the formula mx ski-doo their that's that serious man I don't know why for the life of me my birth certificate sais 1976 hey man I mean I ordered my husqvrana from Sweden and 1974 a nd could ride it when I got it off the ship the guys at cycle salve now they look 200 years old ready to die when I bought my husky scotty was 18 years old now hes old and crippled so I don't have a clue whats really going on all I know is that me and u are still stron ansd astill in good shape no matter how old they tell us we are my work boots are still holding up I wear electric shopck proff full safety Kodiak made in Canada 4 pairs of laces I put in them the boots are still beautiful nearly 13 or 14 years old lleather of coure natural leather steel to electric shock proff I wear electric shock proff clothing because im a welder anyways talk to you later wolf2.
Tue Feb 4 '14 11:16:35 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Great interview by the one and only Het

Another nice GC spot - CSBM - wonky camera, but great tune. I don't think Chad ever looks at the drums when he's playing.

How's everyone's winter going? It's crazy here in the east. Just had 9 inches of snow yesterday, and tonight through tomorrow we're supposed to get a couple inches of every kind of precipitation there is...and it's all gonna freeze! Mother Nature is giving us all a good bitch slap this year! From droughts, to heatwaves, to record snowfall.

Edited Tue Feb 4 '14 8:42 pm

Tue Feb 4 '14 8:42:06 pm Set this message as last read

js black dog

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
223 posts total | IP Logged
Michelle- i was talking to friends and family in ontario and they say the snow that has fallen this year is "Not Of This Earth" so to speak! It has just dumped on them !! Now in the west (Alberta) its been up and down like crazy we just had 2 weeks of + weather all the snow melted was nice to work in ! Now we shut down work 2 days this week cause its -40 c out fucking cold! Anyways hope your well along with other people i have talked to here and there !! Besafe!
Wed Feb 5 '14 9:57:09 pm Set this message as last read
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