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dave schock
manheim, pa
46 posts total | IP Logged

To Iloveguitars:

Just because I may not play does not take away my right to an opinion, especially when it concerns what MY PERSONAL TASTES are. The fact that he can do something I cannot is why I have been a fan for so long. For me , Joe's older stuff is what I hold near and dear, and after 20-25 years it still holds up. An awful lot of his newer, I have to pick and choose. I can still listen to "War", loud, daily, and I guess I'm waiting for him to outdo that freakin' masterpiece!

That being said, I still stand by my opinion of Unstoppable Momentum. An Orwellian title. I can listen to what I like from that album in 15 minutes or less.

THAT being said, I can be an adult and amend my opinion on the new album. I forget that it takes a few listens to digest the material on a new album. After further digestion I have concluded that I do quite LIKE most of the album; 9/15 to be exact. The ones I like get better with each taste. The ones I don't like, do not. That simple.

Opinions Dude, and when it comes to music it is highly subjective. I know I offended your hero, but don't you think that for 20 some odd years maybe I saw Joe the same way, but lately he dropped a couple stinkers? I don't just blindly accept every thing that comes from him. Just because he's talented and gifted doesn't mean I have to LIKE it all. The red self-titled album; well done if you like blues; me, not. EOC; techno, not a favorite of ANYONE I know that likes Joe. SBM; it literally gives me a headache for some reason. Bottom line , Joe is only a human.

BTW, I do love the new Drummer and Bass, I never thought Jeff Campetelli could/would be replaced.

Tue Jul 28 '15 8:19:51 pm Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Pip, i do so love mah kitties. Cats are good people! I'm soo wanting another kitten, but three kitties make enough cat hair for this house. lol! Howz u?

Chee, I've listened to it in bits and pieces over the past few days. Hands down my fave is Butterfly & Zebra. Like I said, it must be the mood I'm in.

PeaceDeb, what in thee hell, man! Don't go doing stuff like that! You can stub your toe if you want attention! Seriously though, I hope you're on the mend and feeling better! xoxo

Toosh! As always, best withes to your daughter and your family.

XROB, robbiebob, how the hell are ya man! Alaska, for realz? From the hottest place to the coldest. What's up with that?

Glad to FINALLY see some familiar faces! It would be great if we could get the family back up in here! . . As for me, I'm always checking in, but there's never much action...except Wolf. lol! Going through some stuff right now myself. My niece was killed in June, and they want to charge her killer with a misdemeanor. Anyone else who would have done the same thing he did would have been locked up immediately. It's really true. It's all about who ya know.It ain't over till it's over. My family will never be the same. As for me personally, my kneecaps have seemed to forget where they live and keep moving to placed they're not supposed to be. I'm having a knee scope done Thursday to clean out a torn lateral meniscus and cut something else thats making my knee cap go the wrong way. My other knee is just being a selfish bitch and don't want to be left out of all the fun, so it decided to dislocate and stay that way for 8 hours Wed. night. The knee that I'm having surgery on was dislocated for a day and a half. Meniscus cartilage is getting in the way and holding them out of place. Talk about good times! Hell yeah! They're ripping through here like mad. All within the span of a month. When shit goes sideways, it goes sideways!

Anyways, good to see some old friends. xo to all y'all!

Edited Tue Jul 28 '15 9:03 pm

Tue Jul 28 '15 9:02:46 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Well I do quite love Engines of Creation.... but then again.... every once in a while I'm in the mood for Wood Stock Jam too. :)

Still have not given Shockwave Supernova a proper listen I-pod would not sync but finally figured that out so a listen is next on the agenda

Michelle- Aww thanx <3 . I think I am going to be okay hit me out of left field...strange thing was thru the whole thing I was like ...calm. No impending dooom feeling... no chest pain just a little nagging pain behind my left shoulder blade & extreme exhaustion . I thank God I went to the hospital instead of home to bed. Yeah glad to be here... really really glad.

Edited Tue Jul 28 '15 9:29 pm

Tue Jul 28 '15 9:24:19 pm Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged

Peace Lilly - my word, sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling much better and they have a program to get you back in tip top in no time. Lots of beautiful mellow tunes on the new album should help

Michelle - you're up to three? I must have missed one. Get another7, it'll be fine :) Sorry to hear about the knee/s. That sounds a mega pain in the.... hopefully Docs can sort that for you. I can't quite take to Zebra, and have no idea why as everyone else seems to love it. I possibly haven't listened to the album enough yet lol

Wed Jul 29 '15 4:12:49 am Set this message as last read

Two Shay

2755 posts total | IP Logged

Cheers Conch

Hope you manage to get your knees sorted out! How can you have a knees up when they've got a mind of their own?

Wed Jul 29 '15 8:50:18 am Set this message as last read


8476 posts total | IP Logged

Toosh, knees up ain't the problem. lol!

Pip, yep, the last one is 3 years old. Better get in the loop there, son! :-)

PeaceDeb, very glad you had the sense to go to the hospital. Angels guided you that day for sure.

Wed Jul 29 '15 9:16:25 am Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged

my fellow T2Jers, is 'Butterfly and Zebra' a lyric from 'Little Wing' by Hendrix? I think it is... doesn't Jimmy go on to sing 'moon beam and fairy tales, gone with the wind'

am I correct??

edit: Michelle I have 4 cats. 2 are 4.5 years. one will turn 4 in November & the youngest 3 years in December. yes, this house is full of cat hair o_O

Edited Wed Jul 29 '15 10:56 am

Wed Jul 29 '15 10:54:08 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged

BigBunny, glad to hear you got your problem solved and are happily listening!! Joe continues to amaze eh? And what's a little cat hair amongst friends, lol!

Peace Lily Deb, Geez Loueeze, so sorry for what happened, but glad to hear it was sorta "mild", if those things ever are and that you went right to the hospital. I hope you are well on your way to getting and feeling better and I agree....stress is a huge factor, so follow yer name and peace out! Hugs!

Cappy, glad to hear your daughter is doing "okay", though I bet everyone keeps a close watch on could you help that! I hear that grandkids are your reward for parenthood, lol! I know that *I* was a delightful grandchild, never gave my gramma a second of trouble!! *looks right, looks left, coughs* so yeah....and thanks for the good wishes for Chris too, he's hanging in. He has developed a heart condition, so we are in the process of testing and finding more out about that, but goes on.

Go4itnaturalpath I agree. I've often talked with my son and compared Joe and his ability to compose music to that of Mozart. Aren't we lucky to be alive at the same time to enjoy his massive talent!!

Chelle, u know u always have my virtual hugs and good vibes through the cosmos....u must take care of yerself missie, especially with all that has happened lately. Beeg hugs! Oh, and you know you can NEVER have too many kitties! Besides, yer boys are so mellow, isn't it about time to get a youngster up in there to shake things up? :D

Wed Jul 29 '15 11:12:29 am Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged


THANKS JOE I love the new album ...

Wed Jul 29 '15 11:30:37 am Set this message as last read

Robert Scott
Anchorage, AK
Plays: Guitar (33 years)
69 posts total | IP Logged

Michelle!! Was so happy to see your post! But, damn. Those knees! Hope they get back to working order ASAP.

I could not possibly be happier to be out of Arkansas! I loved Colorado, but Alaska is truly amazing. The summer is crazy, all light all the time - and about 70 degrees! And if you like to ski (like me) then it's year-round good times. I'm home!!

We should have an un-list reunion one day. I'll make more T-Shirts!!

BTW, Joe, Crazy Joey was rocking my freaking ears off this morning! LOVE IT!!

I guess Joe stopped posting here a couple years back?? I blame wolf.

Wed Jul 29 '15 12:25:36 pm Set this message as last read

Jeremiah Pickett
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
United States
Plays: Guitar (11 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged
Then I shall respect your opinions. I apologize. I probably went overboard after reading it. Again I apologize for that.
Wed Jul 29 '15 1:36:46 pm Set this message as last read

Jeremiah Pickett
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
United States
Plays: Guitar (11 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged
I'm guessing my post didn't go through. I was simply apologizing to brownbow for going overboard about his opinion. Again I apologize.
Wed Jul 29 '15 1:40:01 pm Set this message as last read

Jeremiah Pickett
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
United States
Plays: Guitar (11 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged
Never mind. I didn't go to the next page to see it.
Wed Jul 29 '15 1:49:00 pm Set this message as last read

Jeremiah Pickett
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
United States
Plays: Guitar (11 years)
7 posts total | IP Logged
I do understand what you said though. You want more songs that show his full guitar playing potential, songs that you can feel when you hear them. Since blues is not a part of your interests, you couldn't really get into what he was playing. But if there was more shredding and fast tapping, you would get into it because it is something you like more.
Wed Jul 29 '15 2:05:07 pm Set this message as last read


143 posts total | IP Logged
Hello all! Peace Lily, hope you are ok and take care to not have another attack!

As far as the album goes, I like it pretty well... one thing I am definitely reminded of is how relatively diverse (while staying in the same genre) some of Joe's music is (even across a pseudo-concept album)

My instant favorites on this one are:
If There Is No Heaven
All of My Life
Shockwave Supernova
Lost In a Memory
On Peregrine Wings

The others are enjoyable too, just need a few more listens to settle in. Funny to see other Joe fans' preferences as I sometimes find others that like songs I'm not as partial to, and vice-versa.. Yet we all agree on the artist. What a daunting task he has, putting out music with continued appeal over such a long career... no one-hit wonder here! LOL :)

Edited Wed Jul 29 '15 9:05 pm
Wed Jul 29 '15 9:01:27 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Whazzzzzz up!1 How are ye3ah today Joe? Not too much happpening here just finallly gettting alitttle break from the heat man for 3 days I had 36degrees celsius on my theormometer at home man before humidity so it was just below 50 degrees celsius alltogether had the air conditioner going stayed in tuesday had a cmha meeting had to go to Bancroft man needed some pure proteine for the old bod shopppers drug mart had to make a deposit at the scoita bank over the bank quoata for the year the working middle sclass hIgh quota was 4000.0 for the year I deposited 4200 in less then a year doing some rideing man atk 4906 raceing 10000 from ge 20 thousand for 2 races in buissness accounts at the royal thats it man no cmha meeting for 4 weeks man their short stafffed and hes on holidays that good I need time to feel!! my shrink anyways doing some working out reading dirtbike just came to town for a pack of tailor mades old shell check the mail disssabilty drug dental and depoist slip was their now to hunters general store for couple tunbds of tobbbacco its a long weekend man monfdays a holidya you won nbe able to get into town couple weeks it will slow down a bit every one getting the kiddies ready for back to school next wee bra later wolf2 have a care! wolife hi michiy wolfie.
Thu Jul 30 '15 7:07:52 am Set this message as last read

Phil W...
... from South West UK
Pip55 on twitter
Plays: Guitar
877 posts total | IP Logged
I am feeling some live N.O.T.E, and think that would be quite the opening song on tour. Just heard Joe drop the solo 'just like that' suggesting it's been practiced lol
Thu Jul 30 '15 7:28:14 am Set this message as last read

Joan Jove
Mollet del Valles, Barcelona
Plays: Guitar (44 years)
488 posts total | IP Logged

Shockwave Supernova 3rd listening today

And yes, I imagine "Butterfly and Zebra" is another tribute to Joe's guitar hero, Jimi

BTW, I'm going to see Joe next 2nd Oct, wow!

Thu Jul 30 '15 1:49:01 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
Shockwave video is the best ever done to me..kinda like the "Paris" video but better..
Fri Jul 31 '15 2:06:00 am Set this message as last read

TN Joe

16 posts total | IP Logged
If Shockwave Supernova is Joe's alter ego, I want the old Joe back ! Still love ya' Jooooooooo !!
Fri Jul 31 '15 8:42:47 am Set this message as last read

Freddy Garza
McMinnville, OR
Plays: Other (57 years)
565 posts total | IP Logged
downloaded my copy today, listening to it at the moment. I have decided that I need take a road trip to really listen to it. However, I'm not going to wait for the road trip. lol
Fri Jul 31 '15 12:01:06 pm Set this message as last read

js black dog

Plays: Guitar (2024 years)
223 posts total | IP Logged

TBONE - thanks for the wish's and yez great presant from joe! Hope u and chris are well!

Pip- thanks man ! Well i love the whole album

BUT crazy joey has a really good flow i love it!

Got my record/cd and signed poster today !!!

Fri Jul 31 '15 12:23:56 pm Set this message as last read


2 posts total | IP Logged
I want to declare that Shockwave:Supernova is the best song I have every listened in my life. Joe Satriani you are distinguished above and beyond even Mozart. One day doctors will discover and define such a thing as the 'Joe Satriani' effect. Like the Mozart Effect. I've been waiting for Shockwave:Supernova my whole life. Thankyou Joe, and other artists and supporters for allowing Joe to unleash the best work of music in all of humanity. God bless you.
Fri Jul 31 '15 2:38:05 pm Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
Enjoying the new album very much.
Fri Jul 31 '15 8:40:07 pm Set this message as last read

Dusty Sharp
Denver, CO
United States
Plays: Guitar (19 years)
4 posts total | IP Logged


I hope on the US leg of your tour you make Red Rocks in Colorado a stop! Seems to me it's the perfect venue for you. It's the best sounding place I've been, I'd love to see you Vai and Malmsteen there. Otherwise I'll settle for anywhere in Colorado. Maybe this tour I'll have the dough for the VIP package. :)

New album is the best since the last one, loving my vinyl copy and signed poster!

Edited Sat Aug 1 '15 10:04 am

Sat Aug 1 '15 10:02:28 am Set this message as last read
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