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6365 posts total | IP Logged
You Rubina.... Hey satch how are yeah today.Im getting better man you watching any enduro races on televeision man i needed 8 prescriptions just to be able to come to town today .I rode the I nternational six day enduro in the united states hey joe first I had to ride threw the wilderness to it then the race is timed threw the bush with checkpoints timed checkpoints I won man it,s always in Dirtbike magazine theire thing is different theough I raced in the EUROPEAN powerplnat MAXIMUM phsyic maximum motorcyle leveel 10 positive adult racer I won man 225,000 IN CASH u.S DOLLLAR THEY already brought the cash its already in the royal bank before that I did a race on my formula mx for AAEN performance america I won he brought the fulll amount 220 million its already in the bank monday deposit aaen qwedneday isde international six dat enduro friday of last week for the bank was 135,000 110,000 general electric for weldinegi fabriction 25 ,000 cash this al cash for my own loggging buisness the bank here is only open monday wdnedsay and friday was so sick man couldnt even make it to the doctos last niught early evening aapoint already had 10 prescriptions man 2 bucks each dissablty but 8 right away 2 are on hold because i have some of them still lipito risperidonse needed pain muscle peniclin anti depresseants etc thids is true hey joe my old brother went back with his new girlfriend for now hes liveing in peterbought dennnis kirk was around apsley came to talk to my mom about loooseing my buisness becuase no catalouges and i only use cash and money orders their supposse to be developing a way to get my buissnesss back and working with my mom serious man they drove all the way here from rush city minnnesota anyways gensearl store couple tubs daily mail the call it Viceroy moow maybe couple pouches players the foodland bricks of chee green peper hom tbone staek tonight for supper next week brother wolife2.
Wed Aug 19 '15 10:10:29 am Set this message as last read


910 posts total | IP Logged

Tracie (cheese101) - I thought it was a nice little find >=;)

edit: I hope the tour comes to OZ, I'm loving the new album too \m/

Edited Thu Aug 20 '15 6:25 am

Thu Aug 20 '15 6:24:33 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged
Two Shay - Just read your post and hope and pray all is well with your you and your loved ones but your post has me concerned . :/ prayers sent out regardless.
Thu Aug 20 '15 7:02:56 pm Set this message as last read

Cliff Jacquart
The Netherlands
Plays: Guitar (35 years)
1 post total | IP Logged

Hi Joe,

Looking forward to finally see and listen to you and your band live!! Got tickets for Heerlen (NL). I would be honoured if you want to sign my Pre JS series Ibanez 540 Radius, is that possible? (of course everybody wants this, but I just thought, why not ask :-)) Anyway, love your music, and while playing guitar at a (very) amateur level, you have been great inspiration for me, thank you! Can't wait to see you live!

Regards, Cliff

Fri Aug 21 '15 4:04:59 am Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged

I love the new album! Can't stop listening to it.

Peregrine Wings grabbed me immediately, of course. But the rest of the album took a couple passes before it really grabbed me. (For context, Unstoppable, Black Swans and Colossal hooked me right away.) And then it hit me one day as I realized that I had various melodies from the album on constant repeat in my head for the past couple days. (The best earworm!)

Cataclysmic is my favorite so far, that song sends me into an alternate state.

Really looking forward to hearing these songs live.

I hope Joe made recordings from the Unstoppable Momentum tour. I would love to have a live album based on the UM & Shockwave tours!

Fri Aug 21 '15 9:12:33 am Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged

This comment is perhaps 3 years late (or a decade early!) but I'll mention it anyway, on the outside chance that requests here make it to Joe's to-do list. :-)

I would love to see a remastered reissue of Unstoppable Momentum. I'm not a dynamic range obsessor, but I know what clipping and over-compression sound like.

Everyone has their own opinion about where music goes from sounding satisfyingly loud and thick (you want tot turn it up) to sounding like mashed potatoes (congested and tiring- you want to turn it down).

When I listen to Unstoppable Momentun, I want to turn it down. Unless Im in my noisy car, I want to turn it turn. The music and playing are brilliant but the recording doesn't do it justice, especially Vinnie's drumming. There a lot of songs on the album that are supposed to sound thick and loud, I get that. But too often the sound is congested. The crescendo at the end of the title song is the worst example I think. The music needs to expand but it just hits the wall.

IMO previous albums (Black Swans and before) all sound good. But UM really needs to be fixed.

If this would ever be considered, I hope it happens!

Fri Aug 21 '15 10:19:54 am Set this message as last read


4 posts total | IP Logged
Ack! Accidental post, sorry!

Edited Fri Aug 21 '15 10:23 am
Fri Aug 21 '15 10:22:54 am Set this message as last read


5 posts total | IP Logged

I was listening to 'Goodbye Supernova' earlier today (for about the two dozenth time), and found myself getting quite emotional; the song is so poignant and bittersweet, as I perceive it, that I felt as though I was saying a final farewell to something myself (I know not what), and it really moved me. It's just sublime, and I love it.

And let me take the opportunity to say that I, for one, would love for you to release an album filled with the introspective, ballady kinds of songs that you do so well, a la 'Goodbye Supernova', 'A Love Eternal', 'The Meaning of Love', and indeed 'Lost In A Memory'.

Thanks Joe. See you on the road!

Mike Marunchak Chicago IL

Fri Aug 21 '15 3:32:02 pm Set this message as last read

jason smith
Norfolk, VA
1 post total | IP Logged
Hey Joe. first posting of mine, of any kind any where. I 've ben a fan since I won you're cassette "surfing with..." off of the radio. I travel a lot for my work these days & you have ben the sound track of my life in a lot of ways over the years. Recently I've ben following you're tour dates and it looks like as usual they're all over seas, very little US dates . Is this a trend?
Fri Aug 21 '15 11:02:11 pm Set this message as last read

John Wooley
Middleburg, Florida
Plays: Guitar
1128 posts total | IP Logged
It would appear Tony McAlpine is sick and doctors are saying cancer in his stomach..pray for this man and his family if you could please??
Tue Aug 25 '15 1:53:45 am Set this message as last read

Mico Dabs
1 post total | IP Logged

Hi Joe!

Been thrilled with your sounds for years since my teens when I first discovered 'Surfing With The Alien'.

In the gym, thrashing my race bike or just chilling at home, your sounds have been part of my life over the years.

As a symbol of my appreciation, would you permit me to put your logo on my race bikes?

There is no commercial aspect to this, I am a privateer with no sponsors.

Thanks for reading, keep banging them out!!!!


Tue Aug 25 '15 3:38:34 am Set this message as last read


3965 posts total | IP Logged
Cappy, what's going on friend?
Tue Aug 25 '15 7:46:18 pm Set this message as last read


84 posts total | IP Logged
Wed Aug 26 '15 9:43:06 pm Set this message as last read


Hackensack, NJ
United States
Plays: Guitar (15 years)
316 posts total | IP Logged

How's it going it all?! After a very disappointing realization that my special edition Shockwave Supernova package won't be coming in the mail because Topspin Media screwed up my order and decided to refund it than just send it to me, I've been enjoying the album for the past month, vthrough the power of Spotify! Anyway, I've been listening to it a lot and I really love the amount of diversity on this album. I enjoy each song, but for some reason the album wasn't hitting me as hard as I felt it should. I was thinking, "Hmmm, what is the problem?" So I did a little presto chango, rearrango, and blam! The album flows SOOOOOO much better now. Seeing as I never had to do this to one of Satch's albums it kinda caught off guard of how it sounded afterward. Usually I just trust the judgement of the man who created the music in the first place. I feel that his first-hand experience with the emotional themes is always best to know how the album should really sound. I wouldn't change a thing for any of his other albums But for this album I took matters into my own hands. If anybody is curious, my Shockwave remix list is right here.

1.A Phase I'm Going Through

2.In My Pocket

3.On Peregrine Wings

4.Shockwave Supernova

5.If There Is No Heaven


7.Crazy Joey

8.Scarborough Stomp

9.San Francisco Blue

10.Keep On Movin'

11.Stars Race Acroos The Sky

12.Butterfly And Zebra

13. All Of My Life

14.Lost In A Memory

15.Goodbye Supernova

To me this flows better from one song to the next, rather than the almost jarring song selection on the original. I went at it with a Black Swans/Crystal Planet point of view. When it comes to flow, Black Swans And Wormhole Wizards works so well. The way it starts out powerful and smoothly melds to each different song, even though each song is vastly different from the other. And Crystal Planet for it's very subtle constant emotional theme. Hence the reason everybody feels that Crystal Planet is a concept album in disguise.

The way I have the album set up is, it starts out fun and lighthearted, but has a strong groove. That characteristic Satch Groove. Then it picks up and is more heavy-handed emotionally, while still retaining the groove. Then after the hard hitters, it mellows out with Crazy Joey, letting you know, "OK the dark, brooding clouds have passed." The it begins to brighten back up with songs like Scarborough Stomp, San Francisco Blue, etc.

I began to realize, the way I have it set up is a metaphor on a humans lifetime. One starts out ready to go into the world, free as a bird. Then bad things happen to you, as they do to all of us, and you try to weather the storm(Cataclysmic). And when you finally get past that, things finally start looking up(Keep On Movin') and you live the rest of your life with the knowledge you gained to overcome obstacles(All Of My Life). You look back at everything you've done(Lost In A Memory) and wonder if you're happy with it. And finally Goodbye Supernova.

Let me know what you guys think about this. Anyway, cheers!

Edited Wed Aug 26 '15 10:49 pm

Wed Aug 26 '15 10:46:20 pm Set this message as last read


1 post total | IP Logged

Hey Joe!

Ive been a huge fan since I was twelve years old, and you were the reason that I started playing guitar. I'm really looking forward to the new Shockwave Supernova tour (your stop in Belgium)!

I'd like to use this platform to ask a question; As said, I've been aspiring to play your songs since I first started to play. Since a few years, I've been real happy thanks to the invention of Rocksmith; I'm sure you're familiar with it. (For those who aren't familiar; it's kind of like a music game where you plug a real guitar into a PS4/Xbox/PC and can learn songs via scrolling tab, which can be slowed down, among other things) One of the on-disc songs for this program is Satch Boogie, and this availability has really helped me a lot to learn how to play it!

Since you're familiar with Rocksmith and open to collaborating, I was wondering if there aren't any plans in the making to get more songs on there? They release weekly DLC, and every week I am sitting there hoping for more of your songs! I've put your whole discography into their request app...So I was wondering, have you been contacted for more songs? Or is there an other reason why there aren't more of your songs in this game?

Thu Aug 27 '15 2:01:46 am Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
Hello ,how are yeah? dont know man some litttle rides litttle races local litttle 20 thousand 30 thousand 40 thousand things can-am mx2125 ATK406 I dont know why hey joe but the canadian mental health association doesnt think I eat enough man1.Well I had myself weighed at my doctor the other week and he wants me to loodse 10 pounds I weigh 210 pounds but like not! fat its pretty wewell all muscles right I excersie man Now im doing this thing, with cheese again well from hunting man i get like a bubbbleing corrosie eating sound in my stomach well I use a shotgun hey joe im very excsperience best hunter in north america I hunt shoot and eat Ring neck pheasants their faster then ,lightning!.Now when you use a shotgun man out of the shell the,cartidehe fires a group of like pelllets what would look like steel or lead BBs anyways I take mine out of my meat then cook it but i wouldnot have the corrosibe thingmif I left them in cooked it and spat it out 1 the bbbs when I eateing it so i do A cheese thing man bricks bras of cheese after it passes bowl movements sickenss etc .i eat 2 bricks old cheddar and one brick marble cheddar chees to sort of line medince protect my stomach kill pain and to keep my digestion good so i had a raincheck for one I bought 4 gibe one old cheddar to my brother benny I need one marble 2 olds thats that aLITTTl well sort of good size pack of ceneter pork chopes man 6 packs and ordereds my Janes pub style battter sole fish filllets from the butch for next weeek! Its gettting cold here man well I have my woodstove going got the firewwod for coehill bullletin board thing remeber 225 .00 a busch cord 2 and a half trucload each busch ord 4 bush cord delievered the guy turned out to be nad old friend for mine the wwood man which was cool yeah it,s pheasant pneichilia it,s callled the chees thing well you have to develop your own medince for eating upland game birds my father old senior of me and arnold did the same thing my method is from andre man arnold swarzneggger from when I was a lityttle boy you talk about hunt pheasant this guy was so good old frank buscmea senior youse to take him with him!! thats it drugstore one more prescription sandoz risepridone then home next week brother wolf2.Hello ruby hello michellewolfie2.
Thu Aug 27 '15 6:52:04 am Set this message as last read

Tomb raider117
Gabe Brown
Saline, Louisiana
United states
Plays: Guitar (9 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Hi Joe, your music has inspired me to keep playing guitar. I am not very good. And I wanted to know when is the next time you will be in the U.S.
Sat Aug 29 '15 6:14:40 am Set this message as last read

Thomas Steuer
Plays: Drums (45 years)
1 post total | IP Logged
Hi Joe, I am a photo and graphic artist and run a new project, called " Art through music ". I've made some pictures to two of your songs and would like to share this with you. May be you can use some of the images at one of your shows. Was just wondering if you like it and if nothing else I am a great cook, could always cook the catering during a tour ;-) best wishes Tom
Sun Aug 30 '15 1:06:56 am Set this message as last read

Hector Perez
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Plays: Guitar (33 years)
1 post total | IP Logged

Greetings Mr. Satriani. I really love your work. I like the music you make since to me it's a unique style of instrumental music for me is a mix of classical, jazz and a distortion in the sound that is captivating music. I am consider myself a lucky person because although I have never taken guitar lessons I've learned I've done for myself. I've never had an expensive guitar. I would like to someday play with one of its your line of lefty guitars. They are what are expensive but I'm gathering for that. I searched for a long time references JS1200L guitar I like the red color and think it would be a good guitarist. Do not misunderstand my words please. Never touch quisas will wait for an audience but I would like to play well for my son who has five old. That's my passion to play for. Just I have a little problem and I find that red handed guitar left really made it impossible. For a long time I have looked and I have also had the opportunity to write to Ibanez but I said that I no longer do.

Please if you see the JS1200L please can you tell me would be grateful. Excuse my audacity to ask is who is busy with many things. Thank lefty guitarist HECTOR PEREZ

Sun Aug 30 '15 1:56:13 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged

Hey all,

Nice to see some posts here, nothing like a new album and tour eh? Well, we won't have a tour here in Oz until late 2016 but, as always, I'll live vicariously through all your gig reports. I just love SS. Lost In a Moment and GS got me first, very emotional - the way Joe does it, you know? I lost an aunt and uncle in the last 6 months and these two songs are really special when I think of them. I think Marco's rhythm on LIAM is just divine. It's like a heartbeat. Peace and Chell, I hope you are both better or recovering. Chell - I'm so sorry to read that about your niece. Condolences. Cheese - so good to see your posts, as always. I trust Chris and you little Mom are good too. Pip - hi!!! Love your covers, the fastest in the west. Toosh - big hugs to you and your family. All - be good and enjoy the new music.

Mon Aug 31 '15 11:21:15 pm Set this message as last read


2103 posts total | IP Logged
BigBunny - well spotted! How romantic!
Austin - I really want to see your full write up please?
Mon Aug 31 '15 11:33:34 pm Set this message as last read


6365 posts total | IP Logged
OUI ,! Oui MOSSIEUR.hOW ARE YEAH ! not too much happpening here cam to town to get a pack of smokes check the mail and get some movies .well doing some sort of serioius work man little ridieing little raceing last nice this real old police officer came by I know yep well i had my 1975 400 wr Husqvrana at the royal bank here in town I won 80 ,000 man I had the money bag starppped to me a bag of empty Sachs bermany two cycle oil empty botttle and my 5 gallon gas can on the back its cool man we came back toattaly legal its sort of good though that he done that I just give hime my licnce and ownerships for everything I own man you see the ownership for my husqvrana is at the peterborugh onrtario proviincial police station in peterbough with a us army borders crossing licne and the 125 can am is regsietr at the same station under the canadian bike regiastry from 1974 its good though man their cant be no problem with the bank this way yes he was rdieing yes he did do all the races yes he did put the money in the bank and hes been toatttaly legal for 15 years so were good doing some hunting yesterday antelope took it too foodland to get ground into burger give the foodbank the money to pay for it they just give me apack of burger when mom goes for the ministry of natural resources had to cut up one lat dont know maybe 35 fofot or 40 foot tree yesterday in my back yard then I went to work man cut two treess for alady cleaned ita ll up then went down to the old hardwares hes a sach dealer now sachs industrial chainsaw euipment bought a case of 1 liter botttle sof oil fillle up the oil injection ski-doo 125 250 dumped some in the tank of the atk406 and my can thats it did this was when I got back from work and the race no ,longer going to dentist in bancroft I sent em a letter cancelling my appointment for sept22 because we have a dental hygeine clinic and dentist here now in aspley I sent the lettter to cancel to make sure the did not try to bill for it,odsp wouldnt be happpy kept my stamp receipt were fgood my legas still feel husqvarnaed and formula mx and 406 but I am here noodle legs or not well check out my movies have a smoke platers true all natural from the shlle man good price 12 bucks their almost 16 or over at the general store the genral store sells me roll your own toabbbcoo cheaper then anywhere though boughta case of pouches of players tobbabc the other day so 2 or 3 cartons thats it onward and upward home time have a good day wolfie 2 will talk next week joe wolfie.
Thu Sep 3 '15 7:17:19 am Set this message as last read

Idar Hoftaniska
Oslo, Oslo
Plays: Guitar (24 years)
1 post total | IP Logged

Hey Joe!

The first Song | heard from you was Why, and it completely blew my mind! I am now totally hooked on instrumental rock and I am trying to inspire young People to listen to music without lyrics because the words Can be Confusing. Checked out your new album Shockwave supernova on Spotify. Keep up the good work!

Warm Regards, Idar

Thu Sep 3 '15 11:03:46 pm Set this message as last read

dénis mansuy
st pierre, Moka
ile maurice
Plays: Guitar (30 years)
5 posts total | IP Logged
hello joe, çan u write me on fb, on Md Spirit
Fri Sep 4 '15 8:51:10 am Set this message as last read

Peace Lily
Debora Aylett
Irrigon, Oregon
United states
1510 posts total | IP Logged

Last night I could not sleep at all. My father-in-law past away last Friday and today is the memorial. Dreading it . The family is estranged none of my husbands siblings get along and generally is is just a bunch of ugly-ness when the have to be in the same room together. Praying they can put their bs aside and be civil and honor their fathers life. sigh.

So since I could not sleep I put my ear-buds on and listened to the Flying in a blue dream album and part of Strange Beautiful Music I listened till my heart became less heavy and some hope crept back to me.

Thankful for the music Joe. Sometimes I don't know what I would do with out it. <3

Sat Sep 5 '15 9:08:45 am Set this message as last read
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