{JS} Road Discography Gear Interact The Vault
proxo Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Nov 26 '03
7:26 pm
Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome

guitarman821 Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Oct 14 '03
3:10 pm

Request for LIVE DVD!!!

The show was amazing. I saw things that i never would see be done. Anyways the show was great, probably the best show of the year. It was also a nice lineup. Thats why I would like to request for it to be put on DVD.

sir_schultz Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Oct 14 '03
1:43 pm
This was the fifth or sixth time I've seen Joe, and he brought his A-game (as he always does) to the Dodge. He played what was essentially a greatest hits set, including some stuff from the Extremist I hadn't heard in a good while. Vai was absolutely mindblowing, he is simply superhuman. He played part of Fire Garden Suite, which I always considered a cool song that I'd never hear live. Like others mentioned, Vai's band was insane, one hell of an all-star group. Yngwie was quite a contrast to Vai & Satch, but impressive in his own right. If anything, he helped to show just amazing those guys are. However, that contrast really adds to the show when you see the difference in the supporting bands and the guitarists themselves; you can really appreciate the talents and tastes of each. The jam session at the end was a blast, despite Yngwie's lateness. Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity to view 2 of the greatest guitarists in human history, along with one other cult legend. Thanks Satch!

rockinrobyn Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Oct 13 '03
1:58 pm

Joe, I have to say, over the last several years I have gone to your shows. The first was at Mesa Ampitheatre 5-6 years back, then in 2002 and just saw your show at the Dodge Theatre. I have to say, WOW, being born a rocker I have never seen a show as well as this one turned out. It was way worth every damn dime that I paid for the tickets..........I met you in Phoenix at the State Fair Grounds. I have an autographed Dollar bill that you signed that day at the KUPD Radio Booth. You have done nothing but get better and better. What they say is true, things get better with AGE!~!!!!!!!!! Always will be a rocker till I am buried and probably even after that the ground will shake!!!! I love you guys, I have every CD with you and Steve...Now Malmsteen,,,, Oh MY Gosh, Did not think it was possible for you guys to get better because you were already so damn good!!!!! I have seen you at Celebrity Theatre New Years Eve a few years back as well.....I still cant believe it!!!!!!! You are the worlds best gutarist's of all time!!! Take Care and cannot wait until the next show!!!!

Love Ya,

Rockin Robyn, Phoenix AZ

maasman Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Mon Oct 13 '03
10:29 am
The show was realy good. I am only giving it a 7, because the sets were a little to0 short. It is hard to compare the 3 guitarists, because they are masters in their own style. Nice to sit in an air condidtioned building to watch a show for a change. Each person did a 45 minute set, with a 30 minute jam at the end. they should have stretched each set to an hour. Oh, well. All in all, if you like 3 1/2 hours of guitar by your favorite axemen, this is worth checking out. For 40.00 it was worth it. Sure Yngwie screwed around alot with picks & guitars, but it kepts the energy up I thought, also he had to find ways to stall, to comensate for anything that might still be wrong with his hand. (Thats my take) As far as the sound goes, it probably depended where you were siting. We were on the far right side (facing stage) 15 rows back, & I had the opposite experience JCLiester did. Yngwie was a little muddy, but Vai was clean. During the big jam, I could hardly hear Yngwie, but Vai & Joe were loud & clean. No ones right or wrong, that's just how it is at a small venue. It was great to see Yngwie shredding again, considering he was sidelined for awhile. Looked like his hand may have still been bothering him a little bit, but by no means did it slow him down However he tried a little too hard to show boat at the end, but it's been awhile for him & his stage actions have to match his aggressive in your face style. He closed with Far beyond the sun, which is my favorite. He missed a couple fast trills in the song, but he's not 22 any more either. I have not seen him since the Rising Force tour in June of 85, when oddly enough, Billy Sheehan & Tallas opened at Centenial hall in Mesa. Still blows me away Vai I have see 3 time before, & he was still as versitile as ever, & the routine he did with all the band members was incredible, one of the most unique things I have ever seen. The man can do anything. To have Billy Sheehan with him was a like 2 for one for your money. McAlpine is no slouch either, I saw him at a club in Minneapolis back in '90. He needed a bigger roll in Steves performance, he's been a solo artist for a number of years. Satriani was great, but I am more into Malmsteen & Vai. However, I now have a better appreciation for him, now that I have seen him live.

timmah Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sun Oct 12 '03
10:21 am

Joe was nearly perfect. Vai was great. What's up with Malmsteen? I don't think Yngwie get's it. House sound was junk below about 250MHz. Couldn't understand a single note from any of the bass players; kinda important when the artist is a guitar player occupying the upper 1/3 of the audible spectrum!

I look forward to seeing a set where Joe can strech-out and play a bunch of tunes.

From house center, Timmah

56sunburst Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Oct 11 '03
7:22 am

Having just moved back to Phoenix from the East Coast, this was the first opportunity for me to see a show downtown at the phabulous Dodge Theatre . . . I was wondering early which act of the 4 (YJM, Steve, JS, and the jam) would be my favorite . . . Hell, there is no way possible. The whole show is phantastic.

I only wish Yngwie's sound had been a bit better mix - his vocals were almost impossible to hear over the roar of the Marshall stack. Of course, this was the first night of the tour. I don't mind loud Marshall stacks, even at my age :-) especially not when they are powered by a real live guitar god.

Also, it was really difficult to understand who the band members were - again a problem with the clarity of the house PA mix - Joe was fine (of course I know JS and his bands and music inside out so that is a given) but I could not understand a word Steve or Yngwie said when they introduced the bands. Imagine my surprise - I knew Vai had a great bass player working with him, as I watched them together all through his set. The next morning I woke up and realized I was seeing Billy Sheehan! (Actually the surprise made the show that much more special). And that takes nothing away from Matt Bissonette, he is a great bassist too and a fitting replacement for the one and only Stu Hamm.

Overall a special concert in a special year 2003. Go Cubs (I'm from Chicago)

- Just another guitarist from Arizona

pudge2003 Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Oct 11 '03
12:51 pm
This was my first time seeing Joe, and it was nothing short of phenomenal! Joe was really "on", playing all of his best songs. I've never seen anything so amazing in my life as Joe's playing- every progression a diamond and every solo gold. The whole G3 show was the most defining musical experience of my life. I would like to thank the three guitarists and their bands for such an awesome experience in music.

zworykin Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Fri Oct 10 '03
2:28 pm

I must say, Malmsteen seemed like an odd choice for a G3 show. His set was pretty good--the man is talented--but he must have thrown nearly 50 picks into the crowd. A tech had to keep replacing the picks on his mic stand every minute or so. It was ridiculous. Also, the new guitar every song, sometimes even during a song... it was just a bit odd. I understand that that's just the way he is, though, so it's not that big a deal. Vai completely stole the show. Whispering a Prayer was absolutely incredible, as was FTLOG and everything else he played. And I've definitely never seen anything like the four guys standing up there working each other's frets. Totally insane. Satch... Satch was the reason I came to this show, no doubt about it. And I wasn't disappointed. I don't even really have anything to say about his set, as it was the typical amazing Satriani we all expect. Awesome. The group jam, though... that's where Malmsteen was out of place. I'm sure he'll get more into the swing of things as the tour goes on, but he just didn't seem to understand the point of the jam. The three of them came together for a nice synchronous jam during Little Wing, but after about 10 seconds Malmsteen was suddenly running across the stage soloing over the other two. His solos were longer than Joe's or Steve's, and he seemed reluctant to end them. As I said, I'm sure he'll become more of a "team player" as the tour progresses, but I was definitely a bit disappointed with his behavior in the group jam. Had he behaved himself, I'd have given the show a 9 or a 10 instead of an 8.

Oh, forgot to mention the sound. I was sitting in the center section, row 32, seat 6. In other words, I was sitting dead center with my back against the front of the little 'booth' where the sound boards are. Best seats in the house, as I see it ;) Absolutely perfect sound for all three sets. Vai seemed a bit low in the jam session, but that was the only minor issue I detected all night.

gemars Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 10 '03
1:53 pm

Fantastic show. I was 4th row orchestra pit center isle and the sound mix was PERFECT. Yngwie was fun, with the legendary shred antics, guitar throwing, string breaking, etc. I caught a pick, and will keep it with my collection. While he impressed me with his solo act, I was irritated later when he joined Joe and Steve at the end.... more later.

Steve was Steve. The ultimate showman, while his music is not my favorite (Joe's is) he is the best showman with the facial expressions, his lithe slinky movement on stage and his fluid guitar style. At the Meet & Greet (I WON!!!) he was the BEST, sitting and chatting until we'd all had time to BS with him. A very gracious man, he impressed me as a star who truely does care about the fans.

And Joe.... I could sti and listen to him play for HOURS,,,ok, so I do....I could Watch him play for hours..... He seemed to the the Master, the Teacher, director of the acton. I have no quibbles about his performance and enjoyed his diversion when Yngwie was delayed.

As for the finally, Steve told us that was THE FIRST TIME THE THREE OF THEM HAD EVER PLAYED TOGETHER, so excuse the rough spots. Steve and Joe have a telepathic link and it shows. Yngwie, however, appeared to show NO RESPECT for the other 2 VIRTUOSOS on stage, shredding over Steve's vocals on Little Wing, eliciting a look between Steve and Joe. Several times Steve had to flee to escape being struck by Yngwie's guitar flinging, etc.

At the Meet & Greet, Steve and Joe were humble, gracious, and pleasant, while there was barely enough room for anything else in the room once Yngwie's ego arrived.

Icing on the cake was meeting Nick Sterling at the After Show event. I've caught him twice and STRONGLY encourage Satriani/Vaii/EVH fans to check him out!

jamon Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 10 '03
12:34 pm

This was a show I'll never forget. We were toward the back, a little to the left and the sound was pretty well mixed for Yngwie, better for Steve and Joe. Yngwie blew everyone's socks off, and ears out.

Steve's set was absolutely awesome, amazing,perfect. I will have to invent some words to try to do it justice. Opening, sitting down, with the 3 neck guitar...brilliant version of Whispering a Prayer and finishing with For the Love of God. I was blown away.

Joe was Kick-ass great too. Satch boogie and a lot of favorites. I guess all I can suggest would be for Joe to play a little longer by himself before bringing out the others. (I was hoping for Raspberry Jam but that's just me).

Fantastic show!!!!

pioxen Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 2 Posted:
Fri Oct 10 '03
9:07 am

What can you say... very rusty. Malmsteem was more concerned with having picks to throw than playing for his audience. Steve Vai was definately the show stopper... Very good performance. Joe was rusty especially on cool #9. Lot of mistakes and thought seriously of walking out. Sounded like he had just woke up, thrown the guitar on, and didn't bother to warm up prior to performance.

Will have to seriously consider paying for next show if I go.

jcleister Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 6 Posted:
Fri Oct 10 '03
8:37 am
Much of the show was great, as expected. However, during Vai's set, you could hardly hear him over the band. ( I was 4 rows back, 5 seats left of center.) Very dissapointed that the sound isn't checked better. Satriani's volume was better, Malmsteen's sound was just right. When all 3 played together, you could hear zero from Vai. It looked like a great show, but...

migal Thu Oct 09 '03
Dodge Theatre, Phoenix,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Oct 10 '03
3:12 am

Definitely nice to see them in the Dodge Theatre this time. The old Celebrity was "in the round." You'd only see half the show.

Quick notes:

Yngwie was pretty funny. I won't spoil it, but he does some pretty crazy stuff and keeps his guitar tech very busy, basically requiring a re-tuned strat after each tune. I'm surprised they survived, really. By far my favorite part of his set was a very SRVesque blues number. Unfortunately, Yngwie's band was too loud in the mix and it was almost impossible to hear anything he did on the d string or lower.

Vai's set was amazing. It didn't have the extended Sheehan/Vai craziness of the last G3, but other stuff made up for it. Expect to hear new music, which is pretty straight forward rock and quite good. It left lots of room for him and his supporting cast to go ballistic. We also heard a killer rendition of Whispering a Prayer and of course, FTLOG. Steve starts the show with a gargantuan triple-neck axe, sitting down. He finishes the tune dancing around with the thing, which didn't look easy, and Dave comes over to play one of the necks for him. And talk about playing each other's necks, at one point, Tony, Steve, Billy and Dave were all reaching around each other, playing the other guy's neck. It was an absolute kick. Never seen anything like it and it may have been the best part of the show. It was great, seeing Tony up there. He and Dave both got plenty of chances to rip it up. During one song, Steve went into a very fast chicken-scratch routine and Dave and Tony busted into some harmonic soloing over the top. Steve's playing was terrific. He seemed to be sweeping more than I remember, but he did it well. No glasses and hats this time. But, man, great set and Steve's always a showman.

Joe was Joe. Really. What else can be said? He was as good as I've heard him. Thankfully, his mix was far better than Yngwie's and slightly better than Steve's. His axe was so much louder than the rest of the band, you had to be paying attention to realize the band was there sometimes, which was perfect, as far as we were concerned. He was really on his game and it was nice to hear that guitar way out front like that. Sadly, as with all G3 shows, there isn't nearly enough Joe. I was stunned not to hear Surfing or Crush of Love. And I've come to the conclusion that'll I never be lucky enough to hear Hordes of Locusts live. But, it's not like I had a problem with the songs he chose to play. It's just that I had about thirty more I wanted to hear. And if you're looking for something off his most recent, like Sleepwalk, sorry. Heck, I don't think I even remember hearing anything from Engines. Guess I'll just have to hook up next time he hits the road solo.

The three at the end -- Joe said the first one was going to be a surprise and he wasn't kidding. Let me preface by saying we might have heard a little more and a little less than later shows will involve. We tuned into an improvisation Joe called, "The Waiting for Yngwie Blues," because Yngwie was nowhere to be found when his name was called. Steve actually came out before Yngwie. Once it got going, it was fun, as usual, but you could tell the three hadn't done much work together. Steve and Joe, of course, play like they're mentally connected. But, it took a while for them to get Yngwie into the typical G3 groove. It's almost like Yngwie wasn't sure how many bars he should shred before passing onto Steve. It looked like they were inventing it on the fly. But, it was still a blast. And pretty funny. I mean, Steve was actually laughing at one point. Yngwie started going nuts, running around all over the stage and sort of accidentally bumped into Steve a little harder than I think Steve was expecting.

Without further ado, expect: Rockin' the Free World, Joe on Vocals (yes, the Neil Young song) Little Wing, Steve on Vocals Voodoo Child, Yngwie on Vocals

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