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spanishphrygian Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon May 10 '04
3:42 pm
This was the best show ever!

sean3 Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Dec 16 '03
4:21 pm
that was my first G3 and it was awsome it was the best show ever. keep'em coming

bigriv34 Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
7:50 pm
Joe's performance was par, although I've seen him play much clearer and with more emotion in previous shows. Steve Vai was the best performance of the evening. As I have read in other reviews the sound techs were God Awful!!!! I was sitting in the very back on the far left (stage right) and it was way too loud that far away. At any rate it was still worth every penny but my memories of the 97 G3 tour will stay atop my list of "Greatest Gigs Of All Time". Oh forgot, some goofy lookin poindexter in front of me on the way in says "looks like a winger concert!!" It was all I could do to keep from kicking his ass!! I said to his buddy "Dude you should of given his ticket to someone with a little bit more RESPECT for authentic talent!!!!" Wow man that pissed me off! At any rate a must see show for all satch fans!!!

afshredfan Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Fri Oct 31 '03
1:00 pm

The playing by all 3 was magnificent, however the soundmen for all 3 of them should be fired. The volume was way too loud for such a small venue and the balances were all screwed up. When you're as good as these 3 guys are, you don't need massive volume to drive it home. You really need to take a critical look at the ages of your fan base. Most of the people I saw at the show were in their late 30's...most of us are getting a bit old to have the volume that high!

The addition of Yngwie Malmsteen to the line-up this year added a lot of energy and excitement to the show. Great job to Yngwie. I can't believe the whiners on this review site. Imagine everyone complaining about Pete Townshend or Ted Nugent smashing his guitar or about any other rock guitarist having had a few drinks before getting on stage! Get a life. Yngwie gave a rock show with better guitar playing than you'll ever do. If you thought his solos were repetative, you really weren't listening....might be repeative because he hit every note possible at a speed that should be illegal. Steve Vai gets the most unusual sounds out of his guitars and plays with a lot of feeling and really seems to have fun with his songs. His backup band was the best of the three as well. Joe....what can I say....exceptional musician all around. Thanks for sponsoring this awesome display of talent. I really enjoyed seeing the three of you playing together. I'll remember it for a long time to come. Thanks again.

bluebuffalo Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 24 '03
3:40 pm
I'm giving it a 10 only because for me Joe Satriani, is it. He is the only musician that does it for me and has been doing it since Not of this Earth.But the sound was just a BIG PILE OF DUNG.. Maybe it's where I was sitting "balcony" or the venue, but for the Jam's at the end I could not hear a single lyric, I guess Matt and or Billy were playing bass, Would of loved to hear them actually singing. I'll leave it at that. and move on to what I acually could hear and judge. I've seen joe 6 times now, Let me tell you all, your in for a treat with the song selection on this tour, Joe was absolutely on, the man can do no wrong in my eyes, Galen was his usual casual self really reliable on keeping the rythm. I'm not sure about Matt, I did hear some rumbling coming from his bass but not much else. (still missing STU's stage presence), Jeff was his usual self. I'm already looking forward to the next tour Satch tour, hopefully it will be a different venue, I hadn't seen Ingwie before the guy can shred his tail off, the keyboard player was pretty good to, got to tell it to him, caught him backstage. Steve did an incredible job. especially on his 1st slow song "I know your not far" I heard what sounded like a whale song coming out of what he was playing, which was really cool. Again the sound where I was sitting , was just bad I could hear plenty of guitar not much else, I am happy that I got to see Joe play again, I'll always go see Joe as long as I'm able. Kokopelli is my wife so she gave me and my daughter the backstage passes. There was alot of people there. Joe signed all my cd covers and pictures from our previous meeting him, did a special autograph to my other daighter, singed a picture Happy birthday Clari, for her, as before Joe you are an Fine Human, and we are blessed to have you share your GIFT of music will all of us. As we were leaving we stopped to take a picture of the tour buses, and got Steve to sign my daughters t-shirt and posters, Steve your kind words about her t-shirt which was nothing special had her walking on cloud nine, You guys made her night. It was her 1st concert and she got to meet you all. A big thank you from a proud parent and true true fan of Joe & Steve. Hurry back Joe & Steve.

burned_corpse Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Oct 23 '03
11:51 am
I thoght the show was the best thing on earth.

fretboss Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 5 Posted:
Wed Oct 22 '03
2:06 pm
Tough venue. Seats were very expensive, especially when including the ridiculous $7+ handling fee. Very few balcony seats (the cheapest at around $40) I got seats on the floor for $50. The high end was pushing $95. The sound men should have worked a little harder in dialing in the sound. Bass very muddy and inaudible at times. Vocals inaudible. Keyboards on Yngwie's band mixed poorly. Yngwie was up first. Not a bad show....just not mixed that well. He was the loudest. Lots of people wearing earplugs. I don't do that. Vai was next. Guitar was mixed better. HE had the best sounding band of the night. You could tell immediately that the caliber of musicians was much higher than the other acts. Vai had some great moves. I was impressed. Satriani was last. Had a good show with good solos...the bank lacked the sparkle though. The jam at the end was entertaining, but I'm surprised that "the world's greatest guitarists" do not emphasize dynamics in their playing. This show would go a long ways with some dynamics. The guitars were competing against each other at full volume. Vocals could not be heard. I guess I was expecting more....especially after playing the G3 CD countless number of times.

malhavok Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Oct 22 '03
9:37 am

Yngwie: What can I say. He was way into it. However, last thing I need to see is a 300 pound swedish guy in tight leather pants playing guitar with his fat ass. It seemed a little over the top. His playing was pretty sloppy. Of all the players Yngwie spent the most time on stage alone. His band would leave stage frequently leaving him to masturbatorily wank around for five minutes or so which was very off putting. He would swing the guitar all over but it seemed so contrived and clumsy. He really seemed like he was trying to put on a good show but it was so poorly executed. He would hold his guitar out and fly it all over the place trying to be wild and crazy with it but it looked like he just didn't know any moves to do such. He also isn't kicking as high as he used to. He threw out tons of picks. His gimp had a hard time keeping up with stocking the mic stand with more picks. He also threw his guitar at his gimp about five times during his set. Yes, literally threw it at him. Once over his own head backward. A few times after he threw his guitar away and was waiting for his gimp to bring a new one, his band would be playing sans Yngwie. They were super tight and locked in together. However, soon enough, he would start playing and things would fall apart. I don't know if I caught him on an off night or what, but his band were better off without him. He was just so sloppy and uneven. He seemed to play for a really long time.

Vai: They had it planned out. They didn't even dim the house lights and out walks Vai on stage like he's not coming out to play but just skimming across the stage. When people see him and start cheering, he looks up and acts like he didn't expect people to notice him up there. After that he sits in a big fluffy red chair and the tech brings out his triple neck Jem. He plays for a while by himself, which is amazing, but like Yngwie doing it, was just a little self indulgent and frankly, boring. Once his band joined him the sparks were flying as they ripped through their set. Vai is a true entertainer. Everything is well choreographed to give maximum bang. Tony McAlpine was way underused, I thought. A few times he got to come out and totally shred against Vai. Trading licks or harmonizing them. No doubt Tony is a monster player in his own right. Of course, what would a Vai set be without some sort of all band spectacle and this one was no different. That nights menu included the four band members, Vai, McAlpine, Sheehan, Wiener all lining up at the front of the stage trading licks and adding harmonies to one another in turn and eventually fretting only each others instruments and just being amazing spectacles of showmanship. Then his set ended. I don't know if it was because I was enjoying it so much but he seemed to play less than half the time Yngwie did. Very disappointing. Vai played songs I've never heard him do live before (I've seen him five times) and did not play some old standbys. Quite cool really. "The Reaper" from Bill & Ted and "Juice" from Alien Love Secrets stand out. Disappointingly absent was "The Attitude Song". Billy Sheehan was incredibly underused. It was kind of odd that Vai was spending the money to have him there as he pretty much filled the typical bass player role most of the time.

Satch: Joe was typical Joe. He came out and did his thing. Well executed set without too much showmanship. Flawless playing, not a lot of action. Still, it's Joe! He also pulled out some unusual songs for a Satch set. This was also the fifth or sixth time I've seen Joe so it was cool to hear some different tunes. "Crushing Day" and "Midnight" off Surfing and "Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing" from Blue Dream were a few of the songs I haven't heard him do live typically. Of course, old standbys like "Flying In A Blue Dream" and "Summer Song" had to come out. Joe played for a suitably long time.

G3 Jam: Was actually a little disappointing though Yngwie was a lot more palatable in that situation. They did four tunes and all of them shined throughout. Yngwie threw a pick that hit my buddy in the eye. My buddy commented that he wished he had a donut to throw back at the Momsteen. Yngwie's pick throwing was fairly innacurate overall. He would often attempt to throw picks that would just land right in front of the stage and half dozen or so actually just landed right on stage because he didn't throw them far enough. One he actually threw back behind the amps... At one point during the last song, Billy Sheehan sneaks out and stands behind Yngwie while he's doing the swedish shredder thang. Billy sort of looks over Yngwie's shoulder mocking like he's trying to see what the portly man is playing. Then when he sees, he's like, "Oh, OK" and proceeds to just shred like a mad fool on his bass completely showing Yngwie up. Playing easily as fast and five times cleaner and did I mention absolutely shredding on bass?

Overall the show was great and I had a great time and enjoyed the whole thing. There it is!

kiteflyer Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 5 Posted:
Wed Oct 22 '03
3:45 am
the sound was terrible ! malmsteen came out first and i was expecting to hear this excellent sound like on his cd's and it just sounded like a fuzz box with a white noise background honestly it was offensive to our ears. but of course his style and speed was excellent. next came vai and he sounded a lot better but nothing like how he sounded at konocti harbour resort at the last G3. but his style and innovation was apparent. last was satriani and his sound was a little better than vai but still was not up to par for $85 tickets. we waited for all three to come out and play one song and it just did not sound right so we left with disappointment. and finally the seating was terrible, little dinky chairs strapped together with plastic zip strips people were tripping over us spilling their beer on us stepping on our feet it smelled like beer and sweat. the parking wasn't any better a smelly grease pit and the elevator not shut by someone made us have to climb an endless flight of stairs. we were really expecting a lot more from the g3 show. honestly i'd like a refund. if this was a product at the store it would be returned. i dont believe i will attend another.

moochie777 Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Tue Oct 21 '03
11:56 am
I was not impressed by Yngwie's performance. It lacked the "fire" of his previous tours. He was much more enjoyable when playing at the end of show jam session with Steve, and Joe. Steve Vai was GREAT. He performed unusual pieces for the G3 tour which I thought was pleasing, engaging, and just downright amazing. Steve never ceases to amaze me with his playfulness, and his spirit which he brings to each and every performance I have witnessed. I think Steve stole the show that evening. Joe Satriani played Crushing Day!!!! I loved it. I think they were all driven to JUST PLAY GUITAR this tour. Joe was focused, intense, and sounded great. I loved his introduction to how he writes songs, and how songs come into existense for him. His playing of "The Power Cosmic" was out of this world. I think Joe Satriani is the consumate teacher. He knows very well that his audience is comprised mainly of musicians, and is always pleased to show people exaclty what, and how he does it!!! I first say him at "The Bayou" in Georgetown, DC in the mid-late 80's. He was teaching that night, just as he was teaching and playing his heart out all these years later in Portland, Oregon. I will always love these guy's with all of my heart. They have been personally friendly and kind to me with every backstage meeting, and have always deliverd what was promised... GUITAR HEAVEN!!!! Right On Guy's!!!

canuckdrummer Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Tue Oct 21 '03
10:12 am
Having been to two previous G3 tours and numerous other Satch gigs in the past, I have to say I was a tad disappointed in this one. Not in Joe's performance, nor in Steve's, but in the inclusion of Yngwie to the tour. I like shred as much as anyone, but Good Lord, did that man play anything resembling a melody, or display anything even approaching taste? From the pants to the hair to the idiotic "I'm a rock star" moves, he was a joke, plain and simple. He played the same run over and over and over!! I understand people being excited to see him; I don't deny his influence in the 80's, but he should have stayed there. I have never seen such a boring, one-dimensional instrumentalist in my life. And as far as the jam goes, does he think he's too good to play rhythm behind anyone else? What's up with him soloing over Steve during "Voodoo Chile"? Having said that, I enjoyed Steve; his band was outstanding (very cool to see Sheehan and Macalpine), and Joe's set was fantastic (great song song selection!). Overall, 2/3 of a great show. Please add a third "musician" next time...

spyder210pig Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Oct 20 '03
3:59 am

Wow! This was a blast. First, the sound was damn good considering the venue. Nice intimate performance. I didn't expect Malmsteen to open, but man did he open. He was the quintessential decadant, arrogant, over-stuffed, european, 80s metal head and that's exactly what I love about him. Yngwie, don't change a thing! Your stage presence and energy is matched only by your skill. I understand the classical thing that you do even though many do not. The highlight for me was seeing you sing and play Voodoo Chile. I think many misunderstood that Joe and Steve have done this so many times together, they get a kick out of handing a lot of the spotlight off to the "other" guy. I think it was a cool and classy thing to do.

Steve Vai...what can I say? Total class, great stage theatrics. I appreciate a guy that dresses well, acts appropriately, loves his woman, and delivers totally unique guitar performances. I had a feeling he'd steal the show, and he did. I plan to check out a lot more of his work after this. By the way, hats off to Tony MacAlpine. I have followed his work for years and he is absolutely capable of doing anything anyone else did...guitar and keyboard. Steve is a saint for having you in there. The "shoot out" between Tony and Steve had me roaring.

Joe Satriani is absolutely...well...Joe. Humble, happy, and oh yeah plays a hell of a guitar. I have followed for years and will continue. I do think that his band was not great. Good, not great. They all needed a serious wardrobe makeover. with no real sets or lighting the grey and black sweats and t-shirts weren't much to look at. That may sound dopey, but it's part of the presentation. End result: greatest thing I've ever been to and I hate to say it's passed. I look forward to more and desperately hope that there is a DVD of this tour!!!

dtrox Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sun Oct 19 '03
10:24 pm

I give the show a 9 out of 10. The venue was unusual, but the sound got better with each player. I would have preferred just G2, as I didn't care much for Malmsteen, Steve and Joe would be a GREAT show in itself. Malmsteen went on too long, and Steve seemed a little short, but Joe's set was killer. He played awesome as usual, and the songs he chose ran the gamut of his career. It is too bad they allowed Malmsteen to play way too loud and and shred us to death, before some better music came on. Also, he should be told to stop the Spinal Tap antics during the encore portion of the show. I personally wouldn't want one of his pics. He appeared to be gearing up for a WWF stint.

Steve Vai seems to enjoy playing and I have always found his style appealing. Anyone who toured with Zappa at 19, is a decorated veteran of Rock and he will always have a little of that influence. I still think he is very underated as a player and wonder why is is not more well known. Anyway, a very good set, albeit too short.

Joe was is great form, and as always seems humble and appreciative towards the audience. There were many young people in attendance, and if this was their first time, they got a real treat. He is so good good, that I wonder why he is not mentioned more when people discuss the best guitarists, etc. Next time, how about Jeff Beck with Joe and Steve. Now that would be something! Thanks G3, DTRocks-Tualatin

dschott Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
6:45 pm

All I can say is WOW! Gets a 9 only because the Portland Art Museum has a lousy sound stage, and the seating was a bit cramped- along with single floor level. If you are short, you didn't get to see much. But, what an honor being in the room with these three guys. Malmsteen was fast, harsh, and downright crazy. Vai, what a feeling to finally see you live. The song you dedicated to your wife was awsome. As for Joe, this guy is leaps and bounds above every guitarist on earth. Simply beautiful, and simply amazing.

The best part: I took my Ibanez hoping (100 to 1 chance) that I would run into Joe outside. Walked out, found a tour bus, and thought, maybe here. Fiance ran and got the guitar, and while we are standing there, Joe pops out of the bus. I seriously think I died. He signed it, we shook hands, and I have now completed one of the top ten things to do in my life- Meet Joe Satriani in person.

You are the master Joe, and thank you so much for taking the time out to visit Portland again. I will catch you at every event possible. Your class is surpassed by none!

Derek Schott, Albany OR

oman Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
3:53 pm

This is my second G3 show. I attended the 1996 show in Minneapolis (when they filmed the G3 video). All three guitarists were obviously superb in their abilities, there's no doubt about that. I came with an open mind about Yngwie's music since I had never heard it before. I left irritated by his on-stage antics and his melody-less tunes. It was all shred and no melody. I'm sure others won't agree with that statement but that's what I felt. One last gripe...the volume was way toooo loud. I still don't understand why they don't turn it down from "11" to about "7" so we can hear all the musicians. Enough complaining. I did have a very good time otherwise. My 7th time seeing Joe and it never gets old. He's fun to watch and I can follow a melody through his tunes. 3rd time seeing Vai. I loved his playing and presence as well. Lastly, I felt sorry for Yngwie's roadie who had to keep restocking the guitar picks all evening. It was a bit of a distraction, especially during the final jam. Anyone else agree?

School Teacher Lebanon, OR

redfridge Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
3:43 pm
Such and incredible show....Thank you so much for gracing portland with your talent. Shock and Awe is all I am able to say about this show. Stunning and the most talented men I have ever seen grace the neck of a guitar. Malmsteen....wow, glad you had him on the bill this year...thanks for the pick. Sound quality was perfect. I appreciate the smaller venue, It made for an intimate showing. I would highly recommend catching 2 shows if you are lucky enough. Worth every penny. Thanks again guys, you are what keeps me hopeful for the future of music. And I thank you once again for your talent, you all are redefining how a guitar should be played. Keep a smile on.... Drew P.S. How can I obtain some autographed pictures? I didnt want to crowd your bus.

slapgup Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
2:47 pm
Make that "11". Totally insane performances from all 3. Yngwie was an inspired choice and added lots of energy to the show. He wasn't drunk or bein a dick but as someone sid on Vai's forum- he just loves to play. The jams were crazy too- Voodoo Child was like non stop soloing. The sound was great 85% of the time back in my crappy uncomfortable little chair way in the back. I guess I lucked out! Loved every minute of it also-- and I relived the whole thing on my 4 hr drive home this morning cuz I taped the whole thing- cool! Joe, Steve, Yngwie- you guys totally rock!!!

paaskanama Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
2:46 pm

I spent well over $100 to get me to my first G3 experience and bring a friend for her first Satch encounter. JS' set floored me as usual. He played "Why" on the last tour and OPENED with it this time. I love that song and was grateful and overjoyed to hear it again. My primary goal was seeing Steve Vai for the first time after having been a fan a few years in the making. Loved "Juice," but it was all a wash in my ears (19th row on the floor.) "Whispering A Prayer" was fantastic and the opening jams (new songs?) with hints of compositions past kept ME hooked and evoked some cheers from the old-skool fanbase. Yngwie - well, THAT was a first for me. Never listened to him before and came with an open mind. He has the stage presence to trump any performer and a wardrobe that must evoke calls from Cher's stagehands, asking for tips. Yngwie can SHRED. However, he can't calm himself when need be. Almost every time Joe went to the mic (or even Billy when he came out for "La Grange") Yngwie was busy filling any and all moments of silence. When Joe's rig went amiss (during the 2nd Hendrix tune, I believe), Vai looked concerned and went to check Joe's rig for him (while Satch was lost in oblivion). Yngwie was busy playing (over Joe's section) and I just got the overall feeling that he REALLY didn't fit in or had made any effort during the tour thus far to step down from his own platform to really meld with the guys on stage. The stage setup of the jam was almost constantly Joe & Steve, stage left - Yngwie, stage right. If he ever switches to a low-carb diet in the near future, a side of humble pie would serve as just desserts.

Satch's setlist - * Why * Crushing Day * Crystal Planet * Starry Night * Midnight * Flying In A Blue Dream * The Power Cosmic (excerpt) * The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing * Always With Me... * Summer Song *

Thanks Joe and Steve! Come back soon!

thefireman Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
9:04 am

Great Show! YM is as good as he thinks he is. Great entertainer. VAI and co. were very tight, excellent set. Joe kicked serious ass. The master! The Jams were fantastic. 4 songs! Rockin' in a free world was my fave!!! Loved the venue and the overall sound was pretty good.

Thanks for putting on a great show fellas!

TheFireman--- Bend, Oregon

harvo Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
8:56 am
Absolutely AWESOME! We had a GREAT time! For once, I was not disappointed with the intensity of the crowd. I have to disagree with anyone who says any of these bands are not good. We loved every minute of it! I've been trying to get my two best friends to see Joe up close for about 6 years and we finally made it. In my opinion, there is nothing in the world that compares to what we witnessed last night. We can't thank you enough Joe, Steve, Yngwie, all band members and crew for bringing us this tour. Good God, you guys were freaking incredible!

clausen Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
8:38 am

Good show - not the best venue. Portland Art Museum is smallish with no areas for smoking, and no re-entry allowed. Many fans were upset by the fact the we were locked in for more than 3 hours with no place to smoke a cig or other. The seating was tight, the place was crowded and the sound was not that great. Next time I hope the show will be scheduled at a better venue such as the Keller or Roseland.

Always good to see Joe, and Steve was excellent. Malmsteen was okay but a bit too wild and frisky on stage (how about a low fat diet dude). The G3 tour is a great thing - however my ears are still ringing the next day. Way loud. The 3 together on stage was good but a bit overbearing, not the best part of the show for sure.

My first G3 show - enjoyed it, but will prefer a Joe solo show anytime. Or maybe a G2 show with Steve.

robmance Thu Oct 16 '03
Portland Art Museum, Portland,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Oct 17 '03
12:22 pm

This show was by far the best I have seen in many years,Joe,steve and Malmsteen were awesome.After the show I was able to meet and talk with Joe,and to be honest, he is the most polite and conciderate individual I have met.Thanks Joe see you next year you are the greatest Guitarest...........

Rob Mance Salem,Oregon

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