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painintheanal Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Feb 07 '04
7:40 pm
amazing show!

g3maniac Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Wed Jan 07 '04
1:39 pm
I was particularly excited about seeing Yngwie with G3 on this tour. I went to the show wth a couple of my buddies, and we all agreed that Yngwie probably wasn't too sober. I thought he should have refunded some of the fans' money (he did, however, throw out a lot of guitar picks). Satriani, using his new Peavey amps, cut through the mix and sounded unbelievable. I was at his show in '02 (with Dreamtheater) and he was drowned out by the rythym section. His tone was incredible as well as his playing--thanks Joe! Steve worked hard and delivered an "as usual" stellar performance. During the jam, Steve's Ibanez Jem really cut through the other guitars (specially when Schon was playing). I got to meet the boys at the "Meet and Greet" (and yes Yngwie was still drinking). I have a ton of respect for Yngwie and consider him still one of my favorite guitarists. But seeing him blow a couple of solos made me think that perhaps he wait till after the concert to get hammered (like us). All in all it was a great show by great guitarists that truly appreciate their fans. Thanks.

pwdiamond Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Mon Dec 01 '03
7:44 am

The G3 Tour rolled into its second night in New York City with a tour de force performance that had the crowd on their feet for the entire night. Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani displayed every conceivable manner of guitar virtuosity, and the G3 team also had a couple of surprise guests on hand to lay down some additional licks.

I’ve looked forward to seeing Yngwie Malmsteen for 20 years and his performance did not disappoint. The set was highlighted by Yngwie’s lightning-fast fret board work on Trilogy Suite and Red House, a tribute to Jimi Hendrix complete with playing behind the head and with his teeth. Yngwie also provided some entertaining stage antics, including swinging his guitar around his head, frequent tosses of his axe to his tech for retuning and punting picks into the crowd. While Yngwie is capable of some extremely melodic and soulful playing, he has not overcome his propensity to allow his musicality to be overshadowed by guitar pyrotechnics. Nowhere was this more evident than in his performance of Icarus’ Dream Suite Op. 1, which was totally devoid of the emotional intensity he achieved on the Rising Force studio recording. My hope is that his exposure to Steve and Joe on this tour will be a positive influence in this direction.

I’m somewhat ashamed to admit that my only previous exposure to Steve Vai was the 1996 G3 tour and his work with David Lee Roth, and I was completely blown away by his performance on this night. Steve opened his set with a dynamite solo piece on his three-necked guitar, and exhibited nearly flawless musicianship throughout his set. Steve had a killer supporting cast, featuring the incredible Billy Sheehan on bass and Tony MacAlpine on guitar and keyboards. It would have been nice to see Billy and Tony turned loose a bit more, but I guess you can’t have everything.

Joe Satriani’s set featured the vintage Satch groove punctuated by stunning guitar licks. Satch’s set list was a virtual greatest hits, which may have disappointed some fans that have seen him many times. However, there certainly could be no gripes with the quality of his playing or his obvious enthusiasm on this night. His songs included Midnight, Always With Me Always With You, Flying in a Blue Dream, The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing, and Starry Night (the only song from his most recent album, Strange Beautiful Music). However, the highlight of the set was when Dream Theater guitarist John Petrucci matched Satch note for note in Summer Song (except for the closing lead which Satch played on his own).

To cap the evening, Satch and Petrucci were joined on stage by Yngwie, Steve and surprise guest Neil Schon of Journey, who is a very good guitarist but seemed out of his league among this elite group. The five guitarists used Jimi Hendrix’s Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) and Little Wing, and Neil Young’s Rockin’ in the Free World as the basis for their jam session with Yngwie, Steve and Satch, respectively, each taking a turn on vocals. Yngwie’s frequent trips backstage to get his guitar retuned were a slight distraction during the jam session, but I thought he did a good job of blending his unique style with Satch, Petrucci and Vai, who seemed to be very much on the same page as they unleashed mind-blowing riffs.

Overall, this was a terrific show for fans of guitar-driven rock, and any criticisms cited above were minor. However, the one significant disappointment with the show was the sound quality. I’ve been to plenty of loud concerts in my time (including Metallica, Black Sabbath and Judas Priest multiple times) and am not opposed to loud concerts, but I felt that on this night the bands sacrificed the sound quality for greater volume. Frequently, guitar licks were drowned out by the backing players (or the other guitarists, in the case of the jam session), and this is truly a shame when the quality of the playing is this high. The sound quality was also an issue on the 1996 G3 tour, and I hope it will be addressed on future G3 tours. Yngwie, Steve and Joe, thanks for a rockin’ night (I can’t wait for the DVD) and lets do it again soon!

everythingzen777 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Nov 24 '03
12:44 pm

Wow this years G3 was AWESOME . didnt really enjoy Yngwie that much the only reason why i enjoy his music is because i play classical guitar but, when it comes to playing guitar with soul that is a whole differnt story. .Vai was AWESOME , this was my first time seeing him perform and it wont be my last , he had great eye contact with the audience, VERY soulful and sentual. Joe, he never missed a beat ,i loved the hat he was wearing , i come to think of joe as an alien in a human suit ,vai as an angel, and Yngwie as mozart resurected i was suprised that John Petrucci from dream theatre performed with joe ,that was an interesting duet. all and all this show was great. Hopefully i can go to next years G3, Hmmmm, i wonder who is going to play with Joe and Steve next year . I Guess we have to wait and see :)



yngvai Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Nov 17 '03
2:12 pm
One of the best shows I've seen. Orchestra Row R. YNGWIE: My seventh time seeing him (each time with a different singer) and he put on the same quality performance as every other show of his that I've attended. I've seen him in a club with less than 50 people, and I've seen him in front of thousands - he always plays with the same level of high showmanship. Yeah, he's flashy. Yeah, he plays ultra fast arpeggio after arpeggio. Yeah, he's the embodiment of an era past its prime (but thankfully not gone). That's his style. Like it or not, we know this is about Yngwie going in. As Satch once said in an interview, "Thank God for Yngwie Malmsteen." I love some of the antics (picks being thrown and kicked, guitars being swung about and tossed blindly for a roadie to catch) others not so much (the indulgent feedback section that he ALWAYS does, rubbing the guitar on his ass, ripping off the strings, and playing with the knobs fiddling with the feedback until it hits a shrill whine). Complaining about Yngwie playing too fast, too many runs, or exhibiting too much arrogant confidence is like going to a Sonic Youth show and complaining there's too much distortion. It's part of what their performance is all about. I, too, wish Yngwie would expand his horizons (maybe take a lesson or two from Al DiMeola?) - but it's obvious that he has no plans to do so. Again, good or bad, we know this going in. As to his song selections; "Evil Eye" was a great opener, especially for those in attendance who are only familiar with his pre-1985 material; very happy that he played a track from his concerto; but Yngwie, please, you've GOT to take "Red House" out of the playlist. It's been in there for way too long, and it's time to play another cover. How about surprising us with a non-Hendrix non-Blackmore tune? (and not one that you've already done on "Inspiration") VAI: Beautiful performance. Different vibe in his opening on this G3 tour by easing into things on the triple-neck rather than ripping right into "Shyboy" on the last tour. Neither is better than the other, I was just happy to see a different approach to opening. Excellent back-up musicians. I was pleasantly surprised that he allowed MacAlpine a little time to play. Loved when the four guitarists started fretting each others' guitars (which prompted a buddy at the show to say, "Looks like a guitar circle-jerk!"). FtLoG was as flawless as other reviews have indicated. My only complaint is the same main one I have about Yngwie's performance - too much self indulgence with feedback. SATCH: Best tone of them all. Best overall sound of them all. I've only seen him on the G3 shows (I've been to three) and I keep missing him when he comes around here. I MUST rectify that. 45 minutes just ain't enough time. Happy to see Petrucci show up. HUGE response when he walked out. "Summer Song" prompted the question from two guys in front of me, "Isn't that an Eric Johnson tune?" I assured them that it wasn't. THE JAM: Schon was a nice surprise, although the sound of his axe was a little iffy. ALL of them played unselfishly well (and that includes Yngwie) but 5 guitarists trading leads was almost too over the top even for a shredlover like me. Almost. Not quite. ;-) "Rockin' In A Free World" was a great choice, but two Hendrix tunes was one too many. I love Hendrix, too; but mix it up a little, guys! If this comes out on DVD picking it up is a no-brainer for me. Next G3, how about Zakk Wylde, Al DiMeola, Marty Friedman, Ron Thal or Frank Bruno for the opening slot? Heck, just give it to Tony MacAlpine (as long as he promises to play nothing from "Eyes of the World"!)

xorcyst Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Mon Nov 17 '03
6:45 am
Joe's sound and playing were phenomenal, awesome tone from an awesome player. I'm quite impressed that he would share the spotlight with Petrucci for Summer Song, says alot about his character. Vai was a guitar deity, first time seeing him and I can't believe it's taken me this long. For the Love of God was euphoric, each note was graceful and so accurate to the record. Seeing Steve trade off with Tony McAlpine was another sheer joy. Great band and great show. As for Yngwie...well...3rd time seeing him, 1st time was about 15 years ago, and he has not matured one iota. His playing is superhuman and I still buy his records but live, quite frankly he's an annoying ego-maniacal idiot. He needs to grow up and stop the stupid childish guitar antics, especially when others are trying to play!! You're not the headliner dude. He's got great songs that are completely lost live because he just plays the same arpeggios and scales. Steve Vai's Juice sums it up best for Y.M. "Shut up, we know you can play"

sunandmoon Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 6 Posted:
Fri Nov 14 '03
1:39 pm

i've been a long time fan of joe satriani and excellent guitar-based music in general. i have seen satriani probably 8 times. the best being joe's halloween gig in san jose, ca in 1998 in support of the 'crystal planet' tour. either that gig or the time i saw him on 'the flying in a blue dream' tour, while i was still in high school, in 1989 at the place theater in albany. anyway, i hope you'll bear with me while i rant and make a few raves.

my overall feeling about this past tuesday night's show can be summed up as fair. there were good parts of all three guitarists' shows, all had highlights and low points. yngwie malmsteen had many decent parts. during parts of many songs there were times that i thought he'd embellish on some some bits, i'd be like 'yeah, i like what he's doing,' but then he would just go into a guitar frenzy full of mindless soloing that just was boring after a while. it seemed like he was jerking off, via the fretboard and i'm not into that.

steve vai was next. i certainly enjoyed the 'pat metheny-ish/steve reich counterpoint' echo, mulit-layer guitar intro. very creative. this was the first time i saw vai live. having tony macalpine and billy sheehan seemed to add some 'celebrity' to the gig, but macalpine was underutalized, as usual and sheehan's tone was not good, judging from my point of view. i was hoping for 'blue powder,' or 'the attitude' song, but got 'for the love of god,' instead. slight disappointment there. vai also seemed to got out of his way to 'wank' sort of doing a modern-day pete townshend.

in general, joe's gig was pretty solid. but personally, i was disappointed that joe only played ONE new song: starry night. since i didn't get to see any of the 'strange beautiful music' tour, i was expecting to hear more newer material. i got the feeling that satriani felt like he was playing to a brand new audience, unfamiliar with his catalog. i think live, he's overplayed 'satch boogie,' 'always with you, always with me,' and 'summer song.' maybe it's me, but i'm tired of hearing the same live tunes over and over.

i'd also have to say that nobody has come close to doing a respectful cover of voodoo child (slight return) since stevie ray vaughan, and although last night's version was good, it pales in comparison.

espo3 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Nov 14 '03
1:28 pm
I have been to all four US G3 tours and this one by far was the best. this time i had first row seats to the right of the stage directly in front of Yngwie. What a rush to be that close and see the lightning in his fingers as he tore it up.Yngwie was his blistering self and Joe was fantastic as usual especially after being joined by John Petrucci. Just another guitar bonus. However, i have to say Steve stole the show. In the last G3 tour i thought Steve's set left you wanting to here some more of his classics. This time the set selection was perfect. Something old something new something slow and alot of pure and crisp speed and technique. Steves band was great. Billy Sheehan fits in perfectly. Another guitar treat was to see Tony McAlpine (another blistering guitar player in his own right) on Gutar and keys with Steve. Just one suprise after another. The encore was simply amazing. It was not just G3 but G5 with the addition of John and Neil Schon who came out for the encore set. I dont know why Tony McAlpine and Billy Sheehan did not play in the encore set? Either way there was alot of guitar testosterone up there. All five guitarist trading leads.Beutiful music to any guitar crazed fan's ear. I don't know how Joe is going to top this one. I know! Steve has played as a guest on one of Al DiMeola's recent recordings. Maybe he can convinse Al to put together an fusionistic electric set and join Joe and Steve in a future G3. Then Al could invite John McLaughlin and Paco deLucia to join as special guests (the original guitar Trio) and Joe and Steve could invite Yngwie and Eddie Van Halen as there special guests and....... Oh well! Just Flying on a Blue Dream.

vin5150 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Nov 14 '03
5:31 am
Great show boys! Satch never ceases to amaze me. I've seen him about a half dozen times, and each time I come away just as impressed. Glad to see Yngwie, although his ego seems to get in the way of his talent. Vai was of course stellar, and what a supporting cast! I was a little disappointed that Billy Sheehan didn't sing or come out for the encore. On the last G3, 'Shyboy' and 'Le Grange' benefitted from his vocals. All in all the show was great. Petrucci is a perfect fit for Satch and Vai, as was evidenced on the last G3 tour. Good to see Neil Schon - I give him credit for playing alongside all of the hotshots. Thanks for a great show gentlemen - how about a DVD of this tour?

pep14 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Fri Nov 14 '03
5:19 am

some Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 5 Posted:
Thu Nov 13 '03
11:37 pm
I compared this performance to the one that took place last year at the Town Hall and i was extremely frustated. I thought that when Steve Vai played the quality of the sound was quite good. But when Joe played it sounded at best poor. I don't know the reason but I found it mostly noisy.

guitarlove Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Nov 13 '03
4:57 pm
Just got to say Thank You to Joe Satriani for doing this G3 tour for so many years. It is a beautiful thing to have the privilege of seeing a concert of our favorite guitarists playing crazy beautiful inspirational music. Joe/Steve/Yngwie...super heros of guitar. I think it is so great to have 3 different styles. Yngwie was great! His playing, his style, his classical influences, the speed,...it was all there and in true Yngwie fashion. Steve...=Excellence. Vai was perfect, his band was tight, a true virtuouso. Joe was perfect, he is one with the guitar and played with heart, soul, and genuinely looks like he is having the greatest time in the world. Joe was inspirational! Satch rules! The only low point of the night was durning the last jam where Yngwie did not seem to want to be part of the group. Now don't get me wrong Yngwie kicked major a$$ and I loved every minute of his set. Yngwie is so amazing that it make you want to strive to be a better player and lock yourself in a room for hours. Joe, thanks again and for inviting Yngwie for G3 2003.

davec35 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Nov 13 '03
3:00 pm
An unreal time at the Beacon in NY last night when John Patrucci and Neal Schon joined the boys!! I've seen 4 G3s and Vai was the best I've ever seen him! Petrucci played the first half of Summer Song note for note with Joe and it was something to see. What a gift to see the way those two guys play together! Neal Schon seemed to have some sound trouble, but that guy can play. Would absolutely love to see Neil get a chance to showcase some of his own material on a future G3...G4 or G5 tour! Everyone seemed to be "on" last night and it was just a total rip-fest. Anyone there last night would have to agree that it was a treat!

pickit Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Thu Nov 13 '03
12:42 pm
Let me start off by saying I was totally stoked to see 3 of the best guitar players alive all in one night. Now for the good and the bad. Malmsteen came out and basically tore the roof off!!! There is still nobody that can come near to his combination of chops, tone, improvisation, and showmanship. His acoustic playing was brilliant (for those of you that say he only plays one speed) and he even did a track from his Concerto for electric guitar with a taped backing track. I don't get why people are dissing him for entertaining while he shreds. Do people forget that Vai does his share of dancing around, windmilling his whammy bar, and using his tongue on the strings for false harmonics. I guess their biased. Vai was good but a little subdued. He's got a lot of material to choose from he should pull out some more surprises for the set. He stole the show in 2001 G3. Joe had great tone and the overall mix was the best for his set but he really needs to change the set list. It was still cool to hear him play Midnight. And yes I've seen him on tour from Surfing through Crystal Planet and G3 2001 & 2003. I also think he should get a band that will challenge him in concert. Bring back Stu Hamm & Jonathan Mover or players of that caliber. Anyone that saw Joe on the Surfing tour (2x @ Bottom Line in NYC) or anytime that tour knows they were so locked into each other and were creating new stuff on the fly, totally deconstructing songs and then Joe would bring them all back together to finish the song. It was an exhilarating experience I wish he would get back to. The jam session just like in 2001 is a great idea but it ends up sounding like a big mess after everyone takes turns and they all decide to see who can play more at the same time. Fun for them but it sounded like crap to me.Final review: Malmsteen #1, Vai #2, Satriani #3.

hagios Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
8:31 pm
To put it succinctly: This show Rocked! Worth every single penny and more! Yngwie: put on a fantastic/entertaining show and whether or not he's your favorite style, most of us only dream of playing like that - again, Vai said it best, "a freak of nature!" Vai: Stole the show - awesome line-up of musicians, incredible guitar playing with a great mix of style, technique, feeling/emotion and rockin' energy! Great mix of interplay with his band and solo performance. Satriani: incredible! Smooth, cool ..... Satch! Awesome rendition of Starry Night! But the the first jam he did with John P simply made the night for me. The Jam at the end - superb!!! and each guitarist took turns soloing, I think Yngwie was very much a team player on this night and curteous to the others. I had an awesome, mind-blowing experience. It was too much to take in - I only wish the DVD was recorded this night (if anyone has a boot recording of this show let me know and maybe we can do a trade!). Next time come on over to the Albany/Schenectady/Troy area - by God's grace I'll be there with lots of friends!

tdbub45 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
11:45 am
WOW!!! thats the first word that comes to mind after that performance. Yngwie...meh, i had never seen him before and i plan on avoiding seeing him ever again. The guy can play fast, but i felt that everthing he played sounded the same, and beside the fact that he kept on trowing his guitar around and kicking his leg constantly. But luckily my faith was restored when vai came on stage with the triple neck guitar, thats also the first time ive seen vai and i was amazed at what he could play. Then came satch...incredible, hes always fun to watch and listen. Then having petrucci join him was just awsome summer song was fabulous. I just cant wait till these guys come around again

gaxx Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
11:37 am
Joe - Mystical and Awesome Steve - Passion & Warfare at it's best Yngwie - the Classical was Impressive. Otherwise, looked like an audition for Poison.

stuman Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
9:37 am
Synopsis: Vai was flawless... with each note, I felt emotion. His ten minute opening delivered stunning improvization, musicianship and lyrical quality; Satch - Killer, great to see the grand wizard in action and spot on, but I missed him having some time and harmonic freedom to stretch out a bit... to play more stuff outside of the box; Yngwie - well what to say... it was great to feel like a fourteen year old again and play air guitar to "Black Star" and the like, but... time to move on. The chops are still there, but we need him to do more; John Petrucci - surprise visit, breathtaking musicianship, we want more. Tony McAlpine - wish we got to see him in the final jam, or more duels with Vai, but the glimpse that we saw left us wanting more!; Billy Sheehan - gulp! fingers of liquid steel! scary to see, hear and witness. Next show, how about "Birds of Prey" w/ Senor Tony?!? Schon held his own in some areas, but at times had sound trouble and seemed as if he was trying to compete w/ Vai, Satch, Malmsteen and Petrucci in the notes per second race. Sometimes it is best to play to your strengths... and win the race through phrasing and voice. And who was the kid playing with Vai? note for note solo harmonizations? yoikes!! I could have had a better night... but only if it was the eighties again and I was going home w/ two of Yngwie's groupies!!

gokce Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
9:27 am
i have to say this is safely in the top 3 of all shows i have seen. the, by now, cliche G5 deal is true except malmsteen took up too much time, or it felt like it. he may be good technically but has no soul, especially going on before vai, that truely killed him. at the end, alumni petrucci came on as i hoped he would and bumped malmsteen off to his lonley corner to perform all the acts of 80s that he should have lost long ago. satch was obviously great and petrucci satch combo was great, dare i say better than the dream theater satch combo. the last songs by neil and hendrix were sweet but i wished they had couple more covers. thank you guys, petrucci see you in ny soon!!!! (awesome dream theater album, i recommend to all)

ramma1616 Tue Nov 11 '03
Beacon Theatre, New York,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Nov 12 '03
9:00 am


Yngwie Malmsteen - He was pretty good. Except, he seemed more concerned with show boating than actually playing. He played some of Hot On Your Heals, played Millennium.. A few others.. All I know is he kept swinging his guitar around his head, throwing it in the air and kicking picks.. Someone from the crowd called him a fat arse.. which I must admit, was pretty loud lol. I hope he didn't hear it. All and all, I give his performance a 6 outta 10

Steve Vai - The most amazing one at the show.. My head didn't stop bobbing through the whole thing. He used Flo for the night and his triple neck guitar. He played For The Love Of God, Whispering A Prayer, Juice, The Reaper and more. He simpley did perfect.. I was blown away by his performance and I am glade I was there to witness it. At one point.. Tony M., Billy S., Vai started playing off each others guitars.. It was pretty wicked. He recieves a 10 outta 10. Vai, you were perfect. Every note you played went directly into me. I definetly felt you on a higher level on November 11, 2003. I yelled out his name as soon as he came out.. I was the first to scream Vai's name.. OH YEAH! The crowd roared a moment after I yelled it.. Steve heard me I think!

Joe Satriani - He did pretty good. John Petrucci joined him on stage for Always With You, Always With Me and Summer song. Joe messed up once in Always With You, Always With Me.. but other than that, he did perfect. He also played Crystal Planet, The Extremist, and Flying In A Blue Dream. He did a great job! I was impressed extremley. He had the whole crowd going during The Extremist.. 8 outta 10.

John Petrucci - He did a great job. I thought his timing was great and his solo's were simpley amazing. I wish he was there for more than just the last 40 minutes. He gets a 8 outta 10 as well.

Jam Session - Vai, Satch, Yngwie, Petrucci, and Neil Schlon performed during this. I loved it.. They played Little Wing, Voodoo Child, and a Neil Young song(I can't remember its name for the life of me). The performance was flawless except for the fact that Malmsteen didn't play much of it.. Instead, he kept walking off stage and having something to drink. He played maybe 10 mins of the 30 minute Jam Session. I give the Jam Session a 9 outta 10.

At the End of the show, some kid tried to run onto the stage but a security was on him like white on rice and shoved him to the floor before he even got on.

An Amazing Show.. I was in Row E in the dead center. The show gets a 10 outta 10.

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