{JS} Road Discography Gear Interact The Vault
gary_scott Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat May 06 '06
6:44 pm
Awesome show!! Hard to beat Joe and Steve Vai in the same venue at the same time!!! Robert Fripp, I admit, was a bit of a change of pace - I'd never actually heard anything by him before, so I wasn't quite expecting what we got!! The jam at the end was just fantastic.

slickpotatohead Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sun Jul 17 '05
5:40 am
Wooooow!! Unfortunately missed Rob's set! Thats why theres a nine out of ten, but Satch and Vai................ speachless! PLEASE COME TO SCOTLAND AGAIN JOE!!

steerpike777 Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 1 Posted:
Tue Mar 22 '05
6:02 pm

gimpy13 Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Fri Jul 30 '04
3:05 am
The Clyde Auditorium (as it's known!) is a great venue for gigs, but I thought that the Steve Vai set sounded a bit better than Joe's. It was a good set made great because I finally got to see Joe play the amazing War. About time too, in my opinion!! Still struggling to know what the exact set was, but for a G3 show there was too many newies and not enough classics for me. The encores were good :- Ice 9; something from King Crimson; Murder and Rocking In The Free World. It still rankles me a tad that Joe doesn't play Scotland as often as I'd like - this was the first time since the Engines tour that I had seen him - and the Scots just go nuts for Joe. Anyway, as long as it's not too long before we see Joe again this will just have to do - a half set is better than no set!

eta Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jul 25 '04
4:11 am
WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So amazing! Vai kicked some serious ass! Great choice of songs 2! Satch man u out did ur self! The end was amazing. Everyone ended up running to the stage and i couldn't help myself but get up and run too! Never had i dreamed of that happening. I was an arms reach from satch and vai. Truely a drem come true. Thanks a lot guys! Can't wait to see you again!

big_mullet Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jul 18 '04
9:12 am
An absolute stormer, and not just the weather! (boom-boom-tiss. bad joke, i know) I missed Fripp's set due to my own ignorance, but when they say 7:30 it usually means thats when the doors open and not when the gig starts, right? ahh well from what ive read i cant say that im kicking my self too much. Me and my mate walked in just in time to see Steve with a triple neck. A TRIPLE NECK!!! Man that truely was a perfect start (well, at least my start) to a perfect gig. Unbelievable performances from all of the players involved, i know i said i missed Fripp, but his playing with G3 at the end was marvelous. All in all a truely astounding gig, my head was buzzing for quite some time afterwords (not a bad buzz i might add). Flying in a blue dream and Bangkok by Vai where my highlights of an impeccable show. Please dont wait another 4 years to come back, i promise the weather will be better!!! p.s i know this is a bit of a risque subject but would anyone happen to have taped the gig? if so or if you know someone that has a bootleg on offer please let me know!

alisonmcveigh Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Jul 01 '04
7:50 am

ericjohnsonjunior Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Mon Jun 28 '04
5:10 am
Let me start by saying I arrived at this concert with GREAT EXPECTATION after being at the exact same venue, on the exact same date four years ago to witness JOE SATRIANI playing ALL NIGHT with no support. It was one of the most memorable performances I had ever seen on stage. I had expected there to be back up when we arrived but Joe really kicked ass that night, it was so powerfull!!!!!! (meeting him in KFC on Argyle Street was also AMAZING! lol) Anyway, I was sat there with a few m8s who hadn't witnessed the Satch concert four years back m telling them how amazing it was. The last minute touches were being done on stage when I noticed a chap cutting about at the back left????? Then next thing the lights started going down?? It was like OK thats ROBERT FRIPP then. What a complete lack of theatre and drama. Mulling about on stage like that before the concert is VERY unproffesional. Anyway, everyone was kinda of mythed at what the deal was. A lot of people chanted abuse at Robert. Such things as "TAXI" "G2" " and I can get a better sound out of a Casio Synth!"......... lol Anyway, you obviously had the guys that were sitting there giving it "its a different style" Really though I think you would have preferred to see MALMSTEEN! Am I wrong?????? I had never seen STEVE VAI live before and it was very much like I had expected it to be. The THREE NECK guitar was good fun, and some of the tunes he played had my head nodding up and down, some really great moments. At times I feel that is music lacks melody, but that is just my opinion. The highlight of the night was for me JOE!!!!!!!! He came onto the stage with GREAT ENERGY and really looked like he was up for it! He rocked through some classics and some oldies, but his MUSIC has so much PASSION and MELODY and SOUL. His little licks and doodles go right through your body! HIGLIGHTS- ROBERT FRIPP LEAVING STAGE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. JOE SATRIANI. ROBERT FRIPP JAMMING AT THE END LIKE HE SHOULD! THANKS FOR A GR8 NIGHT. HOPE YOU COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

suede Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jun 27 '04
6:47 am
absolutely excellent satriani,vai and fripp played brilliant and made it a 10/10 show especially vai playing the 3 in 1 guitar thing

airdy Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 26 '04
2:54 pm
Well, what can I say. The show was the best night ever. It was a shame that the crowd didnt warm to old Bob Fripp. The potential was there, but I had to feel sorry for him. It takes a man with a lot of balls to appear on stage before two of the greatest guitar players ever! Steve and his band were on form right from the start. He truly showed what a master of the instrument he is. Joe was on a totally new level, both in terms of musicianship and showmanship. I only wish I had bought tickets for a couple of the other shows too! Ah well! Thanks to all, both artists and audience for an unforgettable night!

atomicpanda Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 26 '04
1:10 pm

amazing show!!!!

fantastic gig ! really really great fun. robert fripp was certainly different - not really my taste but if your into that kind of thing then great. then steve vai came on with that triple necked ibanez and you knew it was gonna be one hell of a night. i was really pleased when joe launched into war - i love that song and searching was stunning. the sheer atmosphere of the concert weighed out the fact that it was all seating - i hope if g3 come back next year it will be in the hall with standing not sitting. having seen 3 masters of the guitar at work, i now want to practice 12 hours a day (although 4 hours is the most i get realisticly!). VERY VERY VERY GOOD GIG !!!!!!!

newtattoo22 Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jun 26 '04
2:16 am

We missed Robert Fripp due to some nasty weather, evil traffic and having to park miles away due to some crusty old folky playing in the SECC. We also missed Steve Vai's triple-neck action But, needless to say what we did see was amazing. Billy Sheehan was an excellent choice for bass as they played brilliantly off each other and complimented each other perfectly. Tony MacAlpine did a splendid job multitasking on the keyboard -I must dig out his albums - and Dave was a solid player too. The drummer was fantastic, the breaking stick showed how much he was putting into it. The sound was great also, it usually is in the Armadillo, but I had read earlier reviews that it had been too loud. I have seen Stevie before there and at the Barras and he never disappoints. Even though there wasn't enough time for everyones' favourite tunes, what he played seemed perfect on the night, and a good mix of styles to show his versitality.

Satch played a blinder too. Another great choice of setlist, and 'I love The Rain', as well as being my favourite track from the last album, seemed highly appropriate. Joe seemed more animated as usual, but that's never a bad thing. Another faultless performance showing why he has a God-like following all over the known universe. Matt Bissonette was a solid 'replacement' for Stu. Not too flashy, but showing he can still play! Jeff Campitelli is an amazing drummer. One of the best in the business.

Matt and having worked with Stevie before too, was great for the G3 bits. Billy would have been excellent up there in G3land though, maybe next year we can see them both on stage. Imagine the 4neckplay in Stevie's set with him, Satch, Matt and Billy! That would be awesome. I have still not recovered from the happy thoughts that night provided. Thanks guys.

sablonneux Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
5:33 pm

Been a while since I've been at a gig, or indeed been listening to music much. After the show been digging out stuff hadn't listened to for ages and started rediscovering stuff like king crimson which i had listened to when it was first released but not since.

The gig itself was superb with at least a good dozen jaw dropping moments and i could have jumped on stage to join in once or twice (that would have cleared the auditorium fast) The acid test is that i've dug out the strat from under the bed now i've noted how one or two of the bits are played for real.

With no disregard for Robert I did find the intro session to be on the longish side and felt a shorter intro, then steve's set, then robert again, then joe might have given a better balance to the dynamics of the show.

The shows got me listening and wanting to play again (rookie bedroom strutter level!) which is the whole point of G3....

sandy wilson

astrangerbut Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
5:26 pm
Unfortunately missed all of Robert Fripp's set due to bloody traffic and was very dissapointed in having missed him.I think that's the key to a G3 night in that having the guitar represented in such diverse styles makes for a more complete evening.Just made it to my seat with literally seconds to spare when Steve took to the stage and although having seen G3 in Denver,its amazing how much vibe and dynamic is lost when watching a recording and being there in the flesh.I don't think I'll bother with the hyperbole but just add a big thank you to Steve for some beautiful guitar and as good a band as I'll ever hope to hear. Joe Satriani looks like he walked in off the street but offers guitar playing with no little technical abilty and hugely infectious grooves.I've been trying to think of a highlight in Joe's set but it was all of such a high standard, although what I considered the the track I least liked on the new album'Searching' was excellent on the night.Another song that Joe performed'War'from the Extremist was another I did'nt expect to hear but was as strong as anything in the set.Hearing all three guitarists jamming to Ice 9 was another highlight. I genuinely hope we don't have too long to wait until the next time.

reesh Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
4:01 pm
Well, having had to leave my last satch performance in london early due to a tube strike and lack of transport to get back to scotland, you can imagine that I had a lot of expectation pinned on this gig. What a night though. I had seen Steve Vai before at the astoria gig on dvd, but I had never had the privelege of being so close I could read the names under his tremolo... Robert Fripp came on first, and I must be honest and say I was more taken in by seeing steve in the wing waiting to come on. Don't get me wrong, I was impressed by his performance because I certainly cannot make my guitar or other instruments sound like a string orchestra. I felt sorry for him though because everyone around me was making fun of him and saying things like " I can't believe the other two brought him". I will come back to that though. Then Mr. Vai arrived on the scene, at which point I couldn't believe I was actually there. For his first two tracks I was near tears because I was overcome by the moment, and awestruck by his music. Then a short break came where I tried desperately to go and "mark my territory", get a teeshirt and get something to drink all in one, but I was unable to do so due to the exceptionally long queues to everything. Why do they only have one set of male toilets in there? Anyway, the on came Joe, which was utterly breathtaking. What an incredible tone from his guitar, and what a pleasure it was to hear gnaa and is there love in space? But I was utterly stupified when he played War and Flying in a Blue Dream. I was hoping for a bit of crushing day, but I was equally as satisfied, if not moreso. And then the moment came, all three on at the same time. There were the comments about Mr Fripp again, but didn't he just make them all eat their words with his addition to Ice 9? Holy excrement!. It was like in Star Wars 2 when yoda has his lightsabre duel with Christopher Lee. And what an amazing sight to see vai and satch onstage, with vai doing a take on satch's track. I ddn't know where to be looking, so much to see and take in. Wow. The only thing that saddens me is that neither of the two of them come to GB often enough, and when they do they rarely come to scotland, infact If Im not mistaken it's only been 3 Scotland visits in 9 years. Joe, you know we're better fans than the rest of the world. And now Im suffering from depression as the highlight of my year has passed... Thank you Joe for a wonderful evening, you are always welcome in Scotland.

chiefboomyahoo Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
4:39 am

i give this a 9 rating due to the fact Mr. Fripp was clearly searching for some aliens on the planets that Satch & Vai write about!!!! What was his set all about???? Anyway, great set by Vai and Satch stole the show!!! Always wanted to hear Vai's take on a Satch song and Vice Versa. Can anyone PM me and tell me what the finish was on the JS that wasn't the new Candy Apple Red one nor the natural se7en string one???? It looked like kinda a coffee finish.

Anyhoo, great gig even with the frippisms!

zappafrank Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
3:38 am

Eh, yeah! It doesnt get much better than this.

Thanks soo much to Robert, Steve and Joe for putting on the most amazing show I have ever seen, and probably will ever see (at least until the Royal Albert Hall Show next Tuesday).

Robert Fripps set was enjoyable for about 10 minutes. I would have enjoyed it more if this was what I was going to see. He was creating some really cool sounds. However I was so psyched up for Satch and Steve that I just wanted him to get on with it. He went off at the right time though and Steve came on almost immediately and what a feeling! All the guy had to do was look and smile and I was gripped/ I have been a fan of Joe and Steve for about 12 years now and have only seen Satch once so this was great to see Steve for the first time.

He was everything I imagined he would be. His band were awesome. A real eye opener. I was warned the sound would be rough and hard to hear, however there was no problems a tall. I heard all of Steves sweet notes from start to finish. His band as well. The only problem being that Sheehan's sound sometimes get lost. "Whispering A Prayer" and "Get the Hell Outta Here" were highlights for me.

Joe then came on and rocked the place from top to bottom. He really does have the groove. For me he is the ultimate player. While Steves set was incredible in terms of "stunt guitar" as Zappa would say, Satch won it for me musically. His feel for the instrument is unbelievable. "Flying in A Blue Dream" and "Gnaah" were highlights of a concert that rocked from start to finish.

The jam left me speechless thats all I can say.

I managed to get right to the front of the stage and right underneath where Satch was performing for the last part of "Rockin in the Free World".

After the show I had the privelage of meeting these musicians.

Ending with me walking Sheehan back to his bus. He actually asked me how the sound was, I was honoured.

Steve joked with us while signing autographs and Joe shook my hand, after I asked him!!

To say I was star struck afterwards is an understatement.

I managed to get autographs from Joe, Steve, Jeremy Colson (think I was possibly the only one), Tony MacAlpine, Billy Sheehan and Galen Henson (who seemed surprised that I aksed for his autograph).

Again I want to thank Steve, Joe and RObert for putting on what is the best show I have EVER seen and probably ever will.

See you in London next Tuesday!


beeblebrox Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
2:12 am
Steve Vai was amazing, his band really tight. After Steve a small break, many wondering how Satch could follow such an amazing display of guitar dexterity and prowess. Satch came on and the whole auditorium erupted and started bouncing in their seats. My 9 year old son Zakk was mesmerized but a little disappointed that Satch didn't play his Chromeboy. Great sound, great set list and great guys!

jambo1998 Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 25 '04
1:36 am

Wow, what can i say G3 were excellant. Robert Fripp started and played some weird music, not to everyone's taste (but to be fair he did redeem him self in the Ice 9 jam). Steve Vai came on with his band and was fantastic and esp 'for the love of god'. Joe Satriani hit the stage and rocked the place with 'is there love in space' and the classic 'always with me, always with you'. G3 hit the stage and where magnificent they started with 'Ice 9' and then played KC 'Red' which was fantastic. This is the best concert i've ever been to and highly recommend seeing these guys.

Thanks Guys

scouser Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
1:19 pm
Ahhh... what a feast for the ears! While not every member of the audience appreciated the inclusion of Mr Fripp, I for one did. I thought his inclusion in the G3 lineup was a masterstroke of genius, it might just have shown a few of the hecklers you don't have to burn the guitar neck to be a virtuoso. But they got the shock of their lives during Ice 9, ha ha, the old boy certainly gave them something to think about!!!! So yeah, good stuff for getting Frippy onboard. As for Mr Vai, I felt so sorry for him, he should have been tucked away in bed with a sore throat like that! But if he can play like that when he's feeling a bit crappy, well.... I think I'll leave that there. Incidentally, that was the first time I'd seen him 'in the flesh' and it didn't disappoint one bit. His band are the absolute business as well, that boy Weiner is one to watch for sure. As for Joe, well, I don't know where to start. The one thing that really sticks out for me though is his guitar tone, that new amp is a beast!!! It was a great set though, good to see some of the older stuff getting a workout. Hopefully with a whole load of young kids in the audience that'll be a new generation of people to be inspired by this fantastic bunch of musicians. Well done to you all for making it a great night for me and my long suffering girlfriend. And congratulations for no one in the audience stealing Joe's shades!!!! See you guys up in Scotland again soon, let's hope it isn't another 4 years and that the weather is better next time. Peace y'all

toffer Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
8:25 am
It was absolutely amazing, it was the first time i went to see G3 and it was the best show i have ever seen! The jam was superb!

chrismckean Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
7:39 am

Awesome gig. I can't bitch about any of it, I'm still in shock.

All 3 of these guys played a blinder.

Cheers guys and don't make it too long till the next one. I'll be there.

tornadoh Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
5:18 am

As a long standing fan of Satriani and Vai (I've lost count of the number of times I've seen them over the years although never forget meeting Joe in Edinburgh in Feb 1993) I thought that last night's gig was another memorable one for me and my family and friends whe attended the Armadillo gig at the SECC.

True, as others have said, Robert Fripp's opening set had a few people wondering if they had come to the right place as sound processing with a guitar is something that not many of the guitarists (and family and friends) present last night are necessairly familiar with. However, I was delighted that Robert showed everyone what he can do simply playing guitar "conventionally" during the jam at the end. Top show Robert.

Steve Vai and his superb band set the place on fire with beauties like "Answers", "Juice", "Get the hell out of here" and finally "For the Love of God" which I first heard him play live at the Seville Guitar Legends Festival in the early 90's. It is a classic and everyone expects him to play it and to play it well. He didn't disappoint last night.

Satch then skipped onto stage to the backdrop of a Robert Fripp soundscape and started with a tune from the new album before giving us a classsic "Satch Boogie" which he plays so well. I have warmed to the new album over the last three weeks or so and those that he played last night I thought were great. His sound wasn't just right in the first tune but by the time Satch Boogie started up he was ringing out loudly as the "star attraction" should.

A fantastic set ended with three tunes running together, "Is there Love in Space", "War" and finally the classic, my wife's fav Satch tune, "Flying in a Blue Dream"!

But wait! It's not over yet! The jam starts with the Satch classic "Ice 9" played awesomely by everyone, followed by KC's "Red" which was excellent. "Murder" and "Rockin in the Free World" completed a great evening which ended around 11.00pm having sat down to see Mr Fripp at 7.30pm prompt.

Value for money or what!

Just noticed they are doing Rome in July when I am there on hols so am now going to try and get tickets for that!

Rock on dudes!

givememychoice Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
3:58 am
What a gig by G2. First up was robert fripp. Now, i know he is a good technical guitarist, but he played wallpaper music and sat in the back corner in the dark...i didnt even notice him leave the stage (the music continued for 20seconds after he left) really disappointing. Why come on a g3 tour if you are going to be like that. From what satch said later, it seemed like fripp had probably been a legend to satch when growing up. Anyway, vai came out and made up for it. the vocals werent the loudest, but as he only used them for one song, it was finem. Satch was superb. Then the G2 section with background music from fripp who didnt get off his dark seat at the back. On Fripp's Online diary he puts "For anyone with the interest & a sense of humour" and then posts a link back to these reviews (from the 16th). He obviously things he is being big and arty. However, i think it shows why you shouldnt use drugs when young...it screws you up when you get old.

studio_chuck Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
2:55 am


So it was raining hard in Glasgow town that night. Entered the Armadillo very easliy and got to our seats. On the stage tech crew were making all the last minute checks on the gear, but whats this?. Mr Robert Fripp is on stage, beit tucked away in a corner. House lights on and a sense of something is gonna happen. From out of nowhere a sound angelic in tone eminated from Mr Fripp.

House lights down: Mr Fripp does his soundscapes and textural guitar while sitting on his stool. This stool he rarely gets up from except to leave the stage. The whole of the back of the stage ws coloured and textured by lighting. this worled well with the soundscapes that filled the stage.

Very well received. I was wondering how many people had really listened to Fripp before or like me was it their first adventure. Of course I had heard KC before but this was altogether more peaceful. I could the natives getting restless as I think they were expecting him to explode in to guitar freak out and widdle. Which he did do at the end of the show.

I thought that the choice of Fripp doing his soundscapes was good for this G3 tour. Satch and Vai, yes they can wail on the guitar but this was very different and I liked it.

Fripp's tones died away peacefully and stages lights up Mr Vai approaches the crowd. Gives a big wave. Mr Fripp disappears from his corner on the stage and Vai sits in a chair too at the front of the stage.

Enter the triple neck Jem: solo doodling on the 3neck and rest of band enters and does a good job of picking up the crowd and throwing them around. People around us were waiting for one song 'For the love of God' whichs he does and everyone can die happy. Altogether a good set. This is where i noticed something. Vai's bass player Mr Sheenan had a tone which seemed to get lost a bit. Now i dunno if it was where I was seated (right at the back of the stalls hard left) but we seemed to be caught in a bit of a bass trap. Those lower Mids and Lows were a bit murky. A small complaint I know but one worth mentioning. I had seen Satch in the same venue back in 2000 and that time i was close the stage and the sound seemd great. So I'm putting down to the venues bass trap.


Fripp back on stage and starts a tone off: Satch enters the stage in jeans and tshirt and black hat and shades. Fripp goes off and leaves Satch to do his thing. Songs come and go : Satch Boogie, Cool #9 Circles, some new stuff and then a jam. He puts 3 songs together 'Is there love in Space', duno the second one, "Flying in a Blue Dream'. Fripp joined them on stage for these and added Ethereal guitar which seemed to please Satch very much.

Shocker: no 'Summer Song' or 'Surfing with the alien' but i think the set he played was more dark and interesting without these 'hits'. I was pleased to hear the newer material and they seemed to enjoy it too.


So everyone is back on stage for the finale. Satch's 'Ice 9', Vai on someting i didnt recognise, and then homage to Fripp....KING CRIMSON. They all had the moments and seemed to be enjoying it and it went down well with audience too. Finshing off with 'Keep on Rockin' and that was that. Half the audience rushed the stage front and Vai had people pushing his trem arm for him while he widdled away. A great atmosphere.

A great night had by all, the only downside was the sound was a bit ropey in sections, but hey enough of my yackin', what'd ya say let's boogie.

studio_chuck: glasgow

chromeboy_y2k Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
2:16 am
Great gig. Really enjoyed the show. Fripp's set was very unusual - sounded like he was playing a keyboard rather than a guitar!! Vai was great - always looks like he is having so much fun!! Satriani was awesome - played a few songs from his newest album along with some of his older classics. I have been a big Satch fan for a long time and I was not disappointed at all. The end jam was great, Fripp showed what he can do and it was great to see Satriani and Vai having a good old jam!! Scott, Edinburgh.

weonlywonfiveone Wed Jun 23 '04
Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Thu Jun 24 '04
1:35 am
Great show, loved it. But Fripp's beggining was far too spacey - I just kept thinking he was going to burst into something which never came. Shame that, because he showed what he could really do at the end jams. Either way - A damn good show guys :-D

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