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isnideofgod Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Nov 14 '06
11:52 pm

wah_wah Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Apr 12 '06
2:16 pm
1st G3 gig i went 2 - absolutely amazing! havn't put my guitar down since!

jorgs Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 5 Posted:
Thu Jul 22 '04
2:32 am
I've followed Joe since about 1991 and have all his albums. I saw him do a solo concert in Sheffield in Dec '95 and was blown away. This G3 concert in Nottingham was a great disappointment. Main reason: the volume was far too high - the musical expertise of Joe (and also drums and bass) was almost wiped out by a ridiculously over the top wall of sound. Please, Joe - next time you tour give us a chance to hear and admire the best guitar playing in the world - we can hear an overblown amateur metal band anywhere. Sorry to be so harsh but it has to be said...

andyfromgrimsbyuk Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jul 10 '04
4:59 pm

This is I think the 3rd G3 I've been to and what can you say about Steve and Joe that has'nt been said already. They are just awesome live.

Firstly I can't say too much about Robert Fripp coz I did'nt like it so I went for a beer. He's had a lot of critiscism and equally a lot of praise but it just was'nt for me so I agree with a lot of people who say if you don't like what he's doing you don't have to watch, don't be an ignoramus and diss the guy while he's trying to entertain other people.

Steve came on and well, you got what we've all come to expect from him, sheer class axe-wielding lunacy. The guys a genius. The band was as tight as the proverbial ducks ass and the sound from where I was sitting (back row of the first tier, slap bang in the middle) was spot on. I've been to gigs where the guitar was'nt loud enough in the mix but there was no problem here. You could hear every bum note Steve made (only joking Steve). It was great to hear the new songs which I had'nt heard live before and also the old ones off Passion and Warfare. I particularly liked the track where they all play each others guitars, I think it's I'm outta here, I'm not sure and Whispering a Prayer was just mind blowing, could this song overtake For the Love of God as Steves' signature tune I wonder. The guitar duel with Tony McAlpine was incredible as well and the track off Fire Garden, I think it was Fire garden Suite, was spot on, although I would have loved to have heard The Crying Machine as this is one of my faves. All in all a fantastic show from Steve and his band and all this from a guy who had Laryngitis. I can't wait for Steve to tour solo so I can see a full show, an hour just is'nt enough. A massive THANK-YOU Steve and Co for a fantastic evening of guitar-twanging bliss. P.S Please don't leave it too long before you come back to the UK.

And then there was Joe, wow, wow, f--kin wow. He just keeps on getting better and better. He was on fire from the word go and played flawlessly through his whole set. The new album stuff was great to hear live and sounded so much heavier than in the studio. It's the first time I've heard Joe with his new guitars and amps and although it's hard to imagine his tone getting better than it was before, it has. The guitar cut through the backing musicians sound with crystal clarity from where I was, you could'nt ask for any better. Stand out tracks for me were Is There Love In Space and obviously the obligatory Flyin in a Blue Dream, the extended version of Always with Me was excellent as well. The band were great as well, Jeff Campitelli as solid as ever. Again I can't wait for a solo Joe tour as I'd love to hear all of the new album live. I wonder if Joe and Steve could do a G2 so we could hear more of them. The highlight though for me and my seven months pregnant girlfriend was getting to meet Joe after the show, which I owe Mikey a massive thankyou for. We got to talk to Joe for about ten minutes and I just could'nt believe I was standing next to the guy who I'd idolised for nearly twenty years now. It was certainly an honour to meet Joe and Jeff as well and rounded off what was altogether a fantastic evenings entertainment from the best two guitarists on the planet.

A humongous THANK YOU to Joe and Steve. May you keep on making records and may I keep on buying them. Amen.

P.S Joe, did you like my rendition of Love Thing or Marillion's Easter on that cd I gave you?

oggiejnr Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Thu Jul 08 '04
2:53 pm
Playing by all three was excellent and would love to see them all again. However, although not uncomfortably loud there was a lot of mixer distortion and from where I was sitting (top balcony front middle) Joe's pitch shifting parts were physically painful. Shame as I really like searching. Apart from that though great gig

chiggyman Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jul 03 '04
1:30 pm
Hey i have to say this concert was amazingly good. 13 year old satch and Vai fan here, first concert. Fripp really stood out at the beginning people even walked out they didnt come to see 30 minutes of Fripps very out of place style of music. Some of Vai's songs really rocked getting the whole place rumbling, lack of voice didnt stop him. I was liek right at the back i tried to run to the front row because plectrums/picks were flying everywhere but couldn't get one. Any remote chance of Satch or Vai sending me a pick/plectrum? Maybe im dreaming. Satch came in very strongly with satch boogie and so forth with out leaving many gaps for solos like Vai did. The G3 jam of "rockin' in a free world" and "ice 9" really was amazing, overall the concert was abig thumbs up. Good sound, strange mix of people but. Amazing!

wrinklyrocker Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Fri Jul 02 '04
8:45 am
Clapton is God! -- think again. Sorry but old slowhand can't hold a chord to Joe and Steve. Guitar playing has come an awful long way since London was daubed with the legend of EC. Joe and Steve are with the Gods but EC is condemned to mere mortality.It was an edifying, educational experience for me a veteran strummer struggling with fingers that move liked they're webbed.Even audience spotting was fun -- from embryonic shredders to bespectacled ancient geeks.....which brings me onto Mr Fripp.A huge talent with a pedigree as impressive as it is long. Unfortunately he was the wrong musician in the wrong place which was sad.Widdling with whale music, loops and samples wasn't the best of starts.

smithy Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Wed Jun 30 '04
4:10 pm
Amazing, yet again. I can't help smiling when I'm watching you guys doing your thing, it's just mind boggling to see the way you play. I missed most of Robert Fripp's set while I was parking the car but he sounded his usual weird and wonderful self. It was unusual seeing him sitting at the side twiddling away. We are all used to the way Steve and you use the stage and that was the way things went once Mr V got out there. He always blows me away with how ridiculously easy he makes playing his stuff look, when in fact, unless you have fingers as long as ET, and Steve, it's about as easy as quantum physics. But an awesome set from a not very well Steve, who had to keep going to blow his nose. Hope he recovers soon. Then there was yourself, Joe. Holy S...What did you do with your sound, cause it rocked and it got the place bouncing. You really looked like you were having a great time up there, playing through songs new and old. The new stuff is sounding great live and the old songs were too. I loved Always, with the ad-lib at the end, wow, it really fitted well with the rest of the tune, making it better, if thats even possible. Joe just oozes blues and gets so much out of his guitars, it has to be seen and heard to be truly believed. The jam was a bit different with the old King Crimson number, but it gave Joe and Steve a chance to show off in a major duel. Robert Fripp tried to lend a hand but was mainly left with rhythm duty. A fantastic gig and I hope we'll all be doing this again on Joe's solo tour, next year.

tomwalker Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Jun 30 '04
10:39 am
WOW! Wot was robert fripp all about! he sounded like one of those whale song meditation cds! He sat at the back of the stage on a stool in the corner and stayed there for the jam aswel . Then Mr Vai. The ground begins to shake in the chairs start to rumble and boom! the show really gets started! Vai was on top form even though he was ill. Tony Mc Alpine, Billy Sheehan, Dave Weiner and Jeremy the drumer, how mad was he! awsum!, were all amasing too! Vai's was the best set. The sound mix was the best. Then in walks GOD! SATCH! Ive been waiting 5yrs dor this moment and he blew me away! Although the only downside was his backing group: Matt Bisoinette,Galen Henderson and the amazing Jeff Campeteli wer too quite! But I didnt care I was in heaven! The Jam, WOW! ice 9 (a classic!), Red(a crap king crimson song) murder (vai song) and then the sing along Rocking in the free world! what song! Althoug it should have been called the G2 jam as fripp sat on his stool at the back and was blown away by satch and vai. Well, See You Again Next Year! Maybe with someone who can compete with the big boys: john petrucc (dream theater's awsum sweep picking fast picking tapping virtuoso); steve morse, richie kotzen, dave gilmor, mark knophler, Steve Hacket(tapping in 1972!) or steve howe (quality britsh guitarists)

will9244 Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Jun 30 '04
5:07 am
Excellent performances from Steve and Joe. Amazing what can be done with a guitar, a few pedals and some amps. Great to hear the new tracks from 'Is There Love in Space.' Also Satch Boogie, flying in a blue dream and War. You could really feel the place rock. Joe made full use of the stage and loved it. Steve and his band were awesome and the timing was spot on. Steve couldn't speak due to Laryngitis but that didn't affect his playing (get well soon). So thrilled to win the aftershow pass from the website and to meet and chat with Joe. It was my daughter's first concert and she really enjoyed herself, a few autographs and a couple of photos. Thank you, it was an excellent evening. Ah, mustn't forget Robert Fripp....

anotherdaniel Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
4:46 pm
This was the first time I went to see Steve and Joe live. I have lots of albums playing constantly, and even the original G3 '96 dvd and album. This was SO much better,. There in the flesh playing for YOU! I know what people mean about Robert not really fitting in and all that, but no need for harsh words, I thought it was brilliant persnally, I just wasn't there for that sort of thing. His set ended quietly, and I would have liked him to say at least something to the audience, but everyone game him a warm clap. The crowd was sat there, *whoooooeeeeeeeeeeee!* I knew straight away it was Steve, my heart pounded away. He ran onto stage as he usually does flaling away, and dived into Shyboy. Billy then announed Steve had pretty much lost his voice (he speaks with his guitar anyways) And then proceeded with the show. I loved everything he played. FTLOG was very interesting, a little introduction jamaround and then the first part of the melody was played on the keyboard by Tony MaAlpine. I loved it. I would have loved it even more if it were not for some schmuck hurling abuse for some deranged reason. I loved when he played 'Get the hell out of here' cause they threw in some 'Erotic Nightmares' and 'The Animal' (it was pretty much a Steve Vai Megamix ;) ) All in all it kicked ass and was moving at points. Plenty of Standing O's :-) Steve went offstage when his set ended, and everyone went out for a quick drink and a fag break while they moved drum kits, equipment etc. Everyone came bak to be seated. Then we heard some really kickass bluesy squaling. Who could that possibly be? Joe slinked onstage with a blueish spotlight. Cool #9 was in fact very cool, I loved the bass end to his guitar, it made the place rumble at times :-D THen into classics and new songs. The highlight of his set was definitely the trio of songs he announced. Is there love in Space, War and Flying in a Blue Dream, genius. *Everyone* was rocking out to War, there was even this cool metal head headbanging to most of his stuff. Would like to meet that guy one day. Another standing O point was Always with me, always with you. Beautiful. He also was compelled by some other-worldly contract of coolness to play 'Satch Boogie' man, did he play it \m/ (><) \m/ Joe put it best, no G3 is complete without the jam. Steve came back on in his funky green shirt and sunglasses. And we went into 'Ice 9' kickass track, everyone rocked to that. At this point, people who may have been disappointed by Mr. Fripp were hopefully very pleased with the stuff that came out of his guitar during the jam. At one pont I thought Daleks had invaded, mad mechanial whooshes cut through very well. Pure evil :-D The licks he traded were few and far between compared to Steve and Joe, but what he did do throughout that Jam, well I was taken aback. Brilliant solos and licks had me and the guys screaming his name for more. The choice of King Crimson's 'Red' deserves a Wayne's World GOOD CALL! Heavy and menacing as fc:uk and well played by all parties. Steve played his crazy song 'Murder' and then we went into 'Rockin in a Free World' which had all feet tapping away. Afterwards we went to the Hard Rock Cafe, had a bottle of Becks, sang Faith no More's cover of 'Easy' by the commodores on the karaoke and esaped immediately before a riot ensued. Went for a kebab, and met sir Steve and sir Joe \m/ (><) \m/ Have to say, the most well natured people I have met in a very long time :-) Robert was no-where to be seen and unfortunately I didn't meet any of the bands (theres always next time), except Jeff Campitelli, who prolaimed he had stories about the guys human ears should never hear. Rock and roll kicks ass. All in all, the best thing I have ever seen or experienced. I had tinnitus for hours after the gig. Loved it. Thanks muchly.

bolhar Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
2:03 pm
Awesome show, Steve and Joe were just spectacular. I was pleased to hear 'Answers', 'For the love of God' and my favourite 'Juice' from Steve. Joe played 11 songs in total, including 6 from ITLIS. Flying in a blue dream to finish his set was very fitting. Bit of a shame there was no summer song, friends, starry night and surfing, buy you cant have them all! I think joe as eager to show off his new stuff, so i'm not complaining! Fripp didnt really fit in with the concert though. He sounded like he was playing a synth or a keyboard. The crowd gave him a warm reception though. He would be more of a hit at a different style of concert. I think the people there last night wanted to see spectacularly technical guitar playing, and Fripp did not do that. Looknig into that screen too long done my head in! He did have a few good bits, and he did contribute a couple of solos to the G3 jam. He could have done so much more though. Bring back Prtrucci or Malmsteen.... All in all though, awesome show and look forward to seeing Joe and Steve again soon!

king_james Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
11:24 am

This was one of most impressive experiences I ever had being to a G3 concert. The first player Robert Fripp didn't really interact with the audience. When Steve Vai took main stage the floor, my seat was shaking. An impressive hour of Steve Vai's set was just mind blowing, its a novel for these guys to come from California just to play in the UK. The crowd exploded when he started to play 'Answers', others include 'Whispering A Prayer', 'For The Love Of God'. My favourite had to be 'I'm The Hell Outta Here' when all the guitarists with Vai were playing all the guitars together and each other's.

The Highlight of the night for me was Joe Satriani, mainly playing songs from his new album and some of his classics. At first, I wasn't sure with 'Is There Love In space' but when you here the album live it is much more dramatic. A very loud concert just what you'd expect from a G3. I did enjoy 'Satch Boogie,' and 'War', Satriani had a good mixture of songs. I loved it! The G3 jam was amazing, mainly 'Ice 9' and 'Rocking In The Free world'.

A wonderful night, I love to see Satriani again. Well worth every single penny.

jfo73 Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
9:31 am

dinodave Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
9:26 am
one word - wow - what an amazing show! the most insane guitar playing i have ever seen! I didnt think that Joe and Steve could get better but they continue to reach new levels of excellence, truly not of this world. Highlights of the night (other than the obvious amazing music) were Joe jumping of the drum riser landing straight into a solo in the G3 jam and Steve's hilarious attempts at speaking when he had lost his voice - also him not missing a note when hit in the back by a stray slippery drumstick! what a trooper! Im so happy that the G3 came to my town as Joe and Steve's music and performances were filled with such passion. A truly magical night not quickly forgotten.

the_crippler Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
8:08 am
G3? More like G2. No prizes for guessing which G paled in comparison to the other two. Aside from that, and being too loud to follow songs that you didn't already know, the gig was excellent. The songs from "Is There Love In Space" seemed to work very well live, but the highlight for me was War, which made the trip worth it on it's own.

bentheguitar Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
8:01 am
I enjoyed the set and it was the 1st time I had been to see G3 and I enjoyed all of the songs that Joe played during has set & I also enjoyed metting Joe at the after-show were he signed to two of my cd's.

sweeeet Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
6:20 am

I thought the sound level was fine - and I was 1 foot away from a speaker! Y'all r just getting old ;-)

Absolutely fabulous gig...everyone was on full form, Joe didn't miss a note! (I was watching closely ;-) )

teleman Mon Jun 28 '04
Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham,
Rank: Posted:
Tue Jun 29 '04
1:18 am
Would have been a great gig had it not been uncomfortably loud. Other than that Joe was in fine form (so was Steve!) and as always showed why he is renowned as the best there is.

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