{JS} Road Discography Gear Interact The Vault
nassim Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Aug 11 '04
2:05 am

trop cool le live in paris ! je sais que j'ai une reaction assez tardive ! mais je n'arrive pas a croire que j'ai parler avec satch et steve !!!!! j'ai meme pris des photos avec eux !!!!!! c vrai !!! je deconne pas ! oui joe satriani et steve vai !!!!! les masters of guitars ! . a tout les fans de paris contacter moi , je vais vous raconter cela en details !!! au moins un texto au : 06-74-14-23-29 .

a+ et n'oublier pas : satch rocks !

trigo Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Tue Jul 20 '04
10:14 am
Salut Satch, Vai et Robert Fripp.. le show etait magnifique.. sans acune doute.... et d´ailleurs, la seule raison pour avoir mis 9 .. c´est parce-que je n´etais pas assez prêt de la scene pour pouvoir regarder vos visages.. bon... d´abord.. Robert Fripp.. même si tout le monde a déjà dit.. que il est nul (plus ou moin) je vais dire.. que j´ai eu une experience un peu different.. Lorsque il est sorti pour commencer a faire de bruits bizarres.. bien sûre , j´ai pensé que ce n´avait pas eté une bonne idée, de lui avoir invité á jouer avec le meilleurs (satriani et mr Vai)..ca m´a trop soulé... 25.. presque 30 minutes..de bruit... mais bon.. on parlera de lui plus tard.. apres Vai..

dds Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jul 10 '04
6:19 am

Pas de mots quel show!!! c'était magnifique !!! Revenez vite les gars mais sans Fripp il y a des gars bien meilleurs que lui!! (Joe il faut que tu nous jous If i could fly)

Merci les artistes

paylote Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Mon Jul 05 '04
6:24 pm
Ce concert était fantastique. C'était EXCELLENT mis a part la session de Robert Fripp qui a quelque peu surprise le public qui je suppose ne s'attendait pas a ça. Quoi qu'il en soit à l'arrivée de Steve c'était transcendent sa session était formidable et celle de Joe n'en parlons meme pas c'était parfait. Quand au G3 ça a vraiment tout fait péter mis a part toujours la prestation de Robert qui fut mince mais bon ne le connaissant pas du tout je ne sait pas ce qu'il fait en temps normal donc...je ne juge pas. Les gars revenez quand vous voulez on sera là c'était extra et on en reveut beaucoup des comme ça. FANTASTIQUE !!!!!! Merci...

murderdolls Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jul 04 '04
10:52 am
Malgré la prestation pitoyable de Robert Fripp et son culot de se poster derrière Satch pendant le set de celui-ci le show était magnifique.Mais le meilleur était l'after avec les pass (donnés par Pia la femme de Steeve Vai) "meet & greet" collés sur les t-shirt. Ce sont sans nuls doute de grands hommes avec un coeur à la hauteur de leur Génie.Après quelques minutes d'attentes les 2 Maïtres nous sont apparus accompagnés de leurs talentueux musiciens. La rencontre était mémorable' pleine de leçons d'espoirs et de promesses. Merci en espérant avoir un jour un G3 avec John Lowery (anciennement John 5 chez Marilyn Manson) ou Kirk Hammet ou Ninio Z. histoire de blazer kelkez1 d'entre vous ma gratte est dédicacée par Satch et Vai...

xdark Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jul 03 '04
3:56 am

Very good show ! I' have been very disapointed with the public reaction about the Robert Fripp part. Steve Vai and his players have been incredible. Joe Satriani made a good show too. I would have been better if the other player could have light. The jam was very good. Robert Fripp shows he is a very good player. King Crimson' RED was incredible. Great Show


troupdog Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jul 03 '04
1:55 am
G3 '04 was fabulous in Paris. I would rate it a 10 except for the 30 minute wasted set from Robert Fripp. He just sat in a chair and made crazy symphonic noises with his guitar on some effects processor- and it never ended for 25 minutes straight! The crowd was really getting restless and then thankfully, Vai came out and burned up the stage. Maybe Fripp's equipment was hosed or something because his set was a total waste. Vai was great, Satch was great as usual. Fripp sounded great doing background on Is There Love in Space, and Flying in a Blue Dream and actually played some lead on a King Crimson song that they all three jammed to at the end. He still sat there in a chair though. It really was a G2 concert instead of the usual G3. Vai's band was incredible with Tony Mcalpine and Billy Sheehan. Was my favorite part just watching all them jam flawlessly.

chrishong Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jul 02 '04
1:31 pm


I went to the concert with a sense of respect and reservation for Robert Fripp after reading all your posts about how great the man is and hearing KC’s Red, Court of the Crimson King, Epitaph, Facts of Life, and Sometimes God Hides which I thought were quite good really. My seat unfortunately was far away from the stage high up in the left section of Palais De Congres – no big screen of the artists so they looked like as big as half of my thumb (I had no luck borrowing a pair of binoculars). The good news was that I could actually see Robert even though he was still seated on a stool behind his “Lunar Module” rack of equipment holding his sunburst Gibson Les Paul. The Parisian crowd unfortunately were loudly jeering and booing Robert to finish quickly which was very sad. I sat quietly trying to absorb the atmosphere and enjoy the “Soundscapes” BUT the bad news was that no matter how hard I tried and how patient I was I did NOT like it at all. What Robert played was ambient, swelling sounds, which one could call noise … no melody, no rhythm, … one could say no music, for 25 minutes. No wonder people are so negative to even proclaim that their “cat can play better”. Even if Steve or Joe played “music” like this no one in this crowd would buy their CD (like I stopped buying U2 when they went electropop) – I wonder what kind of audience goes to a concert of “Soundscapes”??? I could not hear much of Robert’s solos during the G3 Jam (probably poor mixing) but the parts that I could hear were thick bassy Synth lines can’t really be classified as “innovative” or “dangerous”. It’s impossible for me to accept some fans saying that Robert’s solos were better than Joe’s and Steve’s – not in Paris, and I don’t see how it is possible elsewhere! Anyway I am not trying put Robert down nor am I trying to rate their solos – I am only giving my review of G3’s performance in Paris hopefully G3 will read it and learn from it. I thought Robert did well backing Joe during his set and I could clearly hear and see Robert play the rhythm part of FIABD, but as the third guitarist in G3 any G3 fan would have certainly expected more of “the amazing Mr Robert Fripp”.

Steve then came on to the delight of the entire audience – smiling from ear to ear, endearing himself to the crowd. He was handed his monster triple neck Jem and proceeded to sit on a chair. I believe that both Steve and Joe are doing their absolute best to get the audience to accept Robert as part of the guitar trio and starting his set on a chair with his triple neck and playing guitar synth chords on his top most neck instead of blasting his way out on stage with all notes ringing as he usually does in G3 is Steve’s way of transitioning the audience slowly from Robert’s “Soundscapes”. Steve’s performance was awesome as always – his whammy bar wizardry, harmonic squeals, and trademark guitar tossing was electrifying though I thought that he licked his guitar with tongue to create an artificial harmonic too often, I counted more than six times hahahah! The sound was horrible during Steve’s set, too loud, especially in the high registers, and I couldn’t hear Billy Sheehan’s bass and Dave Weiner’s guitar work at all which was a crying shame. I only heard Billy’s bass on For The Love of God otherwise he was prancing about and furiously plucking his bass without any sound – his gear needs to be updated or the tour mixer replaced pronto!!! Even when Tony MacAlpine’s rhythm and solo runs with Steve didn’t shine because his tone was too bright and brittle. I thought Bangkok/Bullwhip was the best song during Steve’s set, the band played very tightly, Tony did well on keys, and Steve played like a man possessed every note and flurry was perfect!!! Steve also performed I Know You Were Here, Giant Balls Of Gold, Answers, Juice, Reaper, Get The Hell Out Of Here, and For The Love Of God. Steve always gives such great intros to all his band members – he did that again last night and even tried to sell Dave Weiner’s CD which I thought was extremely kind and generous of him!!! Steve said “Thank you” many times in French and won the audience when he said that he thought that Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Steve looked pretty worn out from all the touring at times but still put on a SUPERB SHOW – THANKS STEVE!!!

After intermission, Robert starts with a few low humms that tells us time to get back and for the show with JOE. In comes Joe with his new favourite Candy Red guitar (I sure miss his Chromeboy) shouts a warm friendly Hi! to everyone then cranks into Hands In The Air which got everyone cheering. Joe’s performance was so energetic, he was prancing around the stage, jumping on the spot, and running all around the while playing in perfect time and tune - Joe is improving his performance each time that I have seen him WHATTAPRO!!! He was having a great time and that got all of us in a great mood too. Everyone loved it when he moved on to a familiar tune Satch Boogie and Cool#9 which had a new long intro. The sound on Joe’s set was much better as I could hear Matt’s thumping basslines and Jeff solid drumming. This reminds me that Matt’s bass sound has loads more punch and bottom than Billy’s so the sound mix may not be as much the issue as Billy’s gear. Galen was not involved much and at times we couldn’t hear his playing but maybe because more prominence was given to Robert’s guitar sound. With Joe bobbing all over the place, Matt, Galen, and Jeff looked liked elderly old men and Robert slunk low behind his rack of equipment that we couldn’t see him. Joe’s band didn’t interact with the audience and Joe as much as Steve’s band did which was quite fine for everyone because we came to see Joe and HE REALLY ROCKED!!! He blues rock vibes was oozing from every pore and we FELT IT. He then performed Gnaahh, I Like The Rain (Joe’s voice sounded muffled), and Up In Flames which Joe said was his environmental message – all songs from his new album which were great. Then he slowed down a did a favourite Always With Me, Always With You which had a new ending which I thought was cool but way too fast tempo for the ending of such a beautiful song. I like the way he improvised Rubina live better. Joe and Jeff propelled the next song Searching which has that incredible whammy melody then lots of “jamming” with bass drums. Joe then finished his set with an AWESOME triology of Is There Love In Space, WAR, and Flying In A Blue Dream that seemed to melt into each other. It was great to see Joe perform WAR live and also great that Joe took time to announce the names of the songs he was performing while sometimes describing the song like WAR as “the worst thing that happens on this planet”. The lighting on Joe’s set was amazing and he really finishes of each song solidly with the stage going dark … in Steve’s set we seldom knew when he really finished his songs and the audience applauded even though the Steve had not really finished yet.

The JAM - it was pure adrenalin to see Joe and Steve on the same stage again but Robert was as usual on his stool behind his Lunar Module. Joe gives great respect to Mr Fripp and then Steve and Joe bows to each other before blasting off with Ice 9 with solos from Steve, Robert (whom we could hardly hear), and Joe. Then Joe paid homage to Mr Fripp and his “legendary band King Crimson” by playing Red which is one great solid heavy piece of riffing – Robert should have played one or two KC tunes instead of his comfounding Soundscapes – Joe and Steve blistered through and Robert did well too! Then Steve performed The Murder while Joe ran off the stage for a while and returned to finish with Rockin’ In The Free World which was a fitting end to an totally incredible evening of rock guitar played by its two finest proponents and a gentlemen whom I cannot hope to understand. No encore was possible because they started to pack at the end of Rockin’ In The Free World, which is really sad because the show did seem to end all too soon. No autographs, no photos with Joe, wish Joe had not planned such a tight schedule so he could have a meet the fans session before the show.


festones570 Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Fri Jul 02 '04
1:07 pm
Thanks for the great show and the terrific music. However, I was disappointed, as almost everyone in the audience, by Robert Fripp, it sounded more like some kind of elevator music than guitar, and, as someone said earlier on, it was a G2. It was also great to meet everyone and talk to them for a few but intense minutes; thank you Satch, Steve, Billy, Tony, Matt, Dave and Jeff, you are not only great musicians but also great people who are very nice to their fans. Yesterday, I mentioned to Steve Vai that maybe Tony MacAlpine should participate in G3 as a solo artist and he replied that it is not possible yet because, unfortunately, his music is not popular enough, but I think that it might help people to realize that he is such a great solo artist as everyone who has listened to Maximum Security or Chromaticity knows, which is also the case for Billy Sheehan as you can hear in his wonderful solo album Compression. Anyway, thank you guys.

sk8ter Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jul 02 '04
4:12 am
Quelle soirée !!! Je crois que ce concert monumental restera à jamais gravé dans ma mémoire !! Même si la prestation de Robert Fripp était quelque peu déconcertante, Steve Vai en arrivant sur scène (avec seulement 5min de préparation) a vite fait taire les quelques siffleurs. En commençant avec sa guitare à trois manche il donne le ton de ce qu'il va nous montrer par la suite... s'enchènent rythmes et riffs du tonerre et pour clore son show solo, après une bonne 50aine de minutes, une composition des plus belles. L'entracte entre Steve et Joe permet à certains de se dégourdir les jambes mais je dois avouer que pour ma part j'avais trop peur de rater ne serait-ce qu'une petite note de mon Dieu vivant : Mr Joe Satriani... ce moment que j'attendais tant arrive enfin.. coiffé de son bonnet et de lunettes rouges comme son ibanez magnifique Joe entre sur scène. Son set composé de plusieurs des compositions les plus célèbres et de certaines tirées du nouvel album "Is there love in space?" me fait frissonner à chaque note... A la fin de son set, une seule chose me trotte en tête : "Mais quand est-ce qu'il revient ? Pourquoi pas en solo..." S'en suit le G3 Jam où l'on pu apprécier une prestation de Robert Fripp plus "conventionnelle" et bien-sûr deux autres grands de la guitare se relayant à travers les solo, etc. On peut à l'occasion de ce G3 jam voir que ce ne sont vraiment pas seulement des compagnons de G3 mais aussi des amis. Pour résumé... OUAH !!!! Thanx so much !

slayx Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Jul 02 '04
3:56 am

This was a wonderfull show where Joe and Vai were an amazing show! Robert Fripp was boring and I haven't heard what he played when the G3 experience began! I have the impression that was a G2 and not a G3. Morever Robert played sit on a chair in a corner! It's deceived! In breif, if a next G3 was made, please take another guitarist than Robert Fripp! although is success with the King Crimson were amazing! Otherwise, I have meet Joe but we haven't got the time to speak because I wasn't the onlyone and it was the first time that I could see Joe in aftershow then I was impressed! This says, I had not made a mistake on the fact that Joe is a very nice person as Steve and I still know more why I like Joe and his musics for years! Thank You Joe!


gheyndo Thu Jul 01 '04
Palais de Congres, Paris,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Fri Jul 02 '04
3:27 am
Je ne regrette pas d'être venu car c'est un privilège de voir sur scène trois guitaristes avec un tel talent. Comme beaucoup d'autres, j'ai été quelque peu désorienté par la prestation de Robert Fripp. Il y a trente ans, je l'avais vu avec King Krimson et je souhaitais pouvoir remonter dans mes souvenirs. Je m'interroge encore sur ce qu'il a bien voulu faire...Ma fille, Clémence, a apprécié cette musique "climatique". Joe et Steve ont été remarquables, mais le son était beaucoup trop fort. Il est difficile d'apprécier vraiment une musique lorsque l'on craint d'avoir les oreilles qui siffleront trop le lendemain. Quoi qu'il en soit, je suis sans doute déjà trop "vieux". Mais je ne regrette pas d'avoir fait (aller-retour) 600 km depuis Bruxelles. Je me suis endormi à 4h du matin et j'espère ne pas m'assoupir à la réunion à laquelle je dois participer cet après midi. J'ai beaucoup apprécié le look et la prestation de Jeremy Colson.

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