{JS} Road Discography Gear Interact The Vault
morru9 Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jan 16 '07
6:35 pm

It Was Great:

Fripp I Dont What The Hell He Plays,

But I Know What Vai Play's:

I know you're here giant balls of gold answers reaper juice whispering a prayer bangkok/bullwhip get the hell out of here for the love of god (with Tony macalpine's intro)

Satriani Play The Same Songs Of All The Time

Ice 9 Cannot Be Failed

It Was Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Record Another CD But Here In Mexico

arturofeno Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Tue Feb 14 '06
5:00 pm

Ese concierto estuvo bueno, pero lo que no me gusto fue su forma de tocar las canciones, observe que alargeba muco sus solos y eso no me gusto, tambien esperaba otras canciones como summer song, surfing wih the alien, crystal planet entre otras. Vai estvo ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡EXELENTE¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ . Fripp estuvo bien, pero sabia que podia dar más.

Espero que regreses a México solo o con G3.

die_go Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Sat Aug 20 '05
5:18 pm
Fue un buen concierto pero el super maestro Joe pudo estar un poquito mejor, le faltaron algunos clasicos, en lo que refiere a Vai estubo genial y Robert Fripp estubo bien, espero que tarde en regresar ya sea con el G3 o Joe en solitario, solo una recomendacion, que en el proximo G3 que venga a Mexico Jhon Petrucci sea el tercer guitarrista.

liquid_snake88 Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Jan 05 '05
9:18 pm

El concierto estuvo increible, para mi el momento mas emotivo fue cuando steve vai toco for the love of god, fue lo maximo...

Quisiera preguntarles algo,, el concierto empezaba 8:30 pero yo llegue como 8:50 no recuerdo bien pero llegue justo cuando steve vai entraba al esenario y se sento y empezo a tocar la triple guitarra,,,,la pregunta es si robert fripp toco antes de steve vai? o steve vai abrio el concierto. Gracias por responder.

vicojazzman Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Dec 10 '04
2:39 pm

HEY!!!!!:: First of all, thax for the oportunity to xpress my self. Thanks for that unforgetable night. U 3 guys were exceptional. I was so excited!!! I have to confess that I moved from my seat in the row 19, to the 3th one with my friends. And JA,JA,JA SECURITY DIDN´T NOTICED!!! Well, first Fripp. He was good, but I expected more.I was amazed with his intro, a liitle bit long but with a lot of meaning. I cheer his style, being alone, playing so calm. He´s cool...

Vai was amazing, I almost cried. I never expect to be so close to him, but I did it. All the time, he was infront of me. I was like in heaven. Great Begining with I Know You´re Here, and monstruos final with For The Love of God. THANX SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME FEEL ALIVE. HHAAAAA!!!!! AND ALSO FOR THROWING YOUR PICKS, I GOT 2!!!!!!!!

Satch was great also, maybe I was tired of seating in the floor while the inter but I enjoy a lot his music Whatever, u r a great guy.THAX A LOT




quasy Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Dec 05 '04
11:34 am
wow! i couldn´t write before, but that doesn´t mean that the show wheren´t really great. that it was it the best night of all my life, the show was amazing. i just want to say thank you for that show, amazing, thank you

ehbg3live Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sun Dec 05 '04
10:21 am
Gran concierto el ofrecido por parte de Satch, Vai y Fripp (aunque un poco apagado) desde las sombras, pero buenos los tres al fin y al cabo, he tenido la suerte de asistir anteriormente a otros G3 y aunque este no ha sido el mejor (vease Satriani, Vai y Petrucci, a mi gusto), no hay que quitar el merito a una eminencia de la guitarra como lo es Fripp, recordemos que Fripp ya es una persona mucho mayor de edad que Satch y Vai, y quiza por eso la poca prescencia sobre el escenario, pero aun asi, buenos acompañamientos y no deja de ser un excelente guitarrista. Hey Joe, when you come alone to promote your new album, we're sure we be very gald to have you again in Mexico!!!!!!!!! Vai!!!!!! You need to come sinlge too!!!!! Excelsa la participación como solista de Vai, al lado de Sheenah y de McApline!!! Wow, nos deja con los ojos cuadriculados de esos musicos que tiene. Y pues esperemos que de menos!!! Jajaja, saquen un concierto en DVD algun dia de lo hecho en Mexico. P.D. Live in Astoria!!! Jajaja Mejor sería el titulo!! Made in México!!! Your friend: ehb"G3" live

realillusions Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Dec 04 '04
11:48 pm
Fue un show totalmente increible, y aqui todos han hablado mucho de Satch y de Steve... pero y Mr. Fripp?... creo que hay que mencionarlo un poquito mas y reconocer que hizo un estupendo trabajo ya que de este G3 es el que mas historia tiene como guitarrista, verlo tocar desde las sombras carmesinas, creando tan increibles atmosferas como solo el sabe hacerlo, fue genial aunque a la mayoria del publico no le agrado del todo su parte por no ser hombre de "show" tocando rapido y corriendo y saltando de un lado a otro y sin banda, ademas que fue demasiado corta su parte... el jam que hizo en las ultimas canciones de Satch, creandole las atmosferas fue increible... la cancion con la que Satch cerro su parte fue increible, se percibio todo el estilo de Fripp en esa cancion... y el jam... no tiene palabras... el cover de Red estuvo increible aunque... los solos de Vai y Satch no los senti oportunos ahi... y los solos que improviso Mr. Fripp en todo el jam se me hicieron mas originales y bonitos, demostrando que no todo en el rock es tocar rapido y atascado, y sin necesidad de estar parado enfrente del escenario... Señor Vai... sin palabras, su parte estuvo increible, que show armo con sheehan y macalpine... y su repertorio fue muy bueno, escogio canciones que pienso la mayoria queria escuchar y demostrando que toca tan bien como hace su show y locuras jeje... Satch igual, muy buenas canciones y show, gracias Satch por hacernos disfrutar de la guitarra distorsionada como solo ustedes pueden hacerlo, y ademas darte el tiempo de una firma de autografos en el SUTM que, estuvo del nabo la organizacion pero en fin... porque no llevaste a la firma a Vai aunque sea? =P POR FAVOR SACA UN DVD DE ESTE G3!!!! huy si como no, pero estaria bien... Nos vemos en el proximo tour!!

joshua_u Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Dec 04 '04
8:18 pm

puta es lo mejor que he visto despues de vai y joe solos juntos son mejor casi no lo puedo creer pero fue cierto. oigan y que pedo con el robert fripp que nadamas un pinche palomazo y ala verde pero bueno fue genial me valio que tuviera una pierna rota y al otro dia viajar a la ciudad de taxco, pero todo eppor ver a esos cabrones!!!!!!!!!!

oigan cabrones no mamen escriban en español, ya lei todo lo que pusieron pero no chinguen el concierta fue en mexico no en usa heee!!!

zappani Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Dec 04 '04
3:41 pm
Hi Joe, first of all, this show was just great. All the new songs like "Is there love in space?" or "Hands in the air" were amaizing, your style is unike, and very original. The power of your songs were really noticed, I hope you to come back, I will be waiting for you Joe. And also, i hope to hear alive here in Mexico "I Believe", thats just a perfect song, see you.

fisher23 Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Dec 04 '04
1:17 pm
Wow, excellent show guys! I caught one of Satch´s "plumillas" "Is there love in space?" and also touched Vai´s hand. Fripp´s intro to G3 was very unespected but great. Later, Vai was amazing, playing for us for about an hour; later on, Satriani, with his magic style and awesome, overwhelming... The G3 in México was the best thanks to Fripp, Vai and Satriani!

jpvel Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Dec 03 '04
2:27 pm
Joe you're my hero, awesome show. Steve gave a really great show, I loved all his songs almost as much as I love yours, everything was cool (especially the begining of cool no.9), I loved "up in fire" (or flames I don't remember very well the name, I have a really bad memory) I've never heard it before. Robert wasn't what I expected he plays really cool, but he's not much of a presence and his part of the show was sort of monotonous, besides the lights didn't pay too much attention to him (he looked like a ghost to me), I was kind of disappointed, but your show and steve's really compliment robert's. The Jam was really cool: the solo in the middle of "rockin' in the free world" was even better than the one with Yngwie, and the first song (which again I can't recall the name) was really good. It was worth every minute and cent I spent on it, believe me, I had to make a great sacrifice, I live in Querétaro, a city 3 hours from Mexico city and next day I had to do advanced maths test (by the way I got a really high score, the only reasonable explanation I find is that you inspired me) well I think that's all, loved your show and I just can't wait to have you back here at México (I agree with the guy that says you should play crushing day, it's my favorite song) ohh one more thing; thanks to this concert I have decided to take guitar lessons, I hope to play one day as good as you do. Joe you're the man!!!

juanrobertosanchez Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Dec 03 '04
12:51 pm
HELLO JOE SATRIANI,,, I am JUAN ROBERTO SANCHEZ from Aguascalientes, México,,, I never have the oportunity to see your show before,,, ¡¡¡IS REALLY GREAT!!!! (“Not of this earth”), but Robert Fripp doesn´t like me,,, I expected more of him,,, Steve Vai is a Show Men,,, but your show was amazing, when you start with “Hands in the Air” ohh,,, that´s was great to me,,, my favorite song is “Flying in an blue dream” I start to jump when you played this song, is the best song in the world, What effect pedal do you used in that song??? Is “e-bow” ???? and some songs are missed "love Thing", “Crystal Planet”, “Mind Storm”,,,, and also,., Why don´t you play “CRUSHING DAY”, I never hear in your Live´s Album??… is there a especial reason???,,, I hope you play that song in the future,, ok,, Joe,,,, please!!!!,,, thanks for coming up to México, I´ll be there in you future show in México, Can't wait to see you live again, Thank you so much… you’re a the best guitar player ever, I play the guitar to and I have over 200 Rock Instrumental original songs in my Computer,,, but with my own style,,, maybe in a few years you give me a chance to start your show in México,,, it will be important to me,,,,maybe,, maybe not,,, Who Knows??… I lightning could strike!!! See you Joe,,, thanks for the show again.

achenar Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Dec 01 '04
7:57 pm

I just can say it was really amazing. I had never heard Mr. Fripp before, but he really impressed me. At first I couldn't understand what he was doing, but suddenly I understood. That's the best and most beautiful use of delay I've heard. He had me mesmerized for the whole time. Also, I had never seen such a modest guy on stage. Impressive.

I loved Steve on last G3, and I loved him even more this time. I never thought that much energy could be shown on stage, but he did. Whispering a Prayer has become my favorite song of his.

Satch was incredible. I like his music more everytime I listen to him and watching someone with that much talent on stage is really inspiring.

Thanks a lot again for coming. Can't wait to see you live again.

pache Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Dec 01 '04
5:58 pm

Whatta grat nite!

Still don't know what happened to fripp's gig, that harmony connections with the guitar synth was tremendous, but more than 10 minutes of the same thing starts to feel lazy and boring, then Mr. Vai..... he played like the gods, when i noticed i was lots of tears where coming outta my eyes with Whispering a prayer, he really moved my deepest emotions, incredible execution of the instrument and as always... Outstanding live presence.

Joe, you really came to Rock Mexicans asses out, the JSX sounds like the same burns of hell !!!

What an incredible sound, i missed the chrome boys but you did really good, how the hell do you do to have so good physical shape?

Joe jumped and runed throug all the gig, i have never seen him display so much energy on stage.

and just have no words to describe the G3 jam,it was a really nice idea to play songs from each one's repertory.

dying_soul Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Dec 01 '04
4:57 pm
great show... Vai is a master on the guitar with songs like for the love of god,i'm the hell outta here, juice, etc.. satriani is a god on the guitar cool #9, flying in a blue dream, i like the rain etc...

dantrax Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 1 Posted:
Wed Dec 01 '04
2:02 pm
Thanks Joe for a wonderful night, all the show was great, i love always with you always with me, Vai and Fripp great masters, please come back again with the next G3

superalex Tue Nov 30 '04
Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Dec 01 '04
9:12 am
As always thanks for beeing flawless, accurate and the mosta amazing guitar player of the entire planet, thanks for such a masteclass, Rober Fripp was a little bit out of line, but because of the small amount of time his part took, we had more time to enjoy your magic, Vai excellent also, some songs a missed "If i could Fly" and "love Thing" but almost the whole new album wich i love, I wish Vai could play someday "Tender Surrender" live but that continue to be my wish only, thanks again for beeing my master and my menthor, "THE SATCH ROCKS AGAIN"

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