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bizzman Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun May 22 '05
12:25 pm
Travelled all the way from delhi to catch Satriani live in kolkata.....................wot a trip ..... I m still flying in a blue dream...........................I m inspired for life..... ...Satch kills..

samarpan Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu May 19 '05
10:48 pm
almost 5 days have passed by,but i'm still not out of the euphoria yet. still can't believe i've seen joe live in concert.is it true??yeah man.... it's true.i've seen the "GOD OF GUITAR" live.it's like dream comin true.i used to dream,one day i'll see joe rockin jus in front of my eyes & all of a sudden it happened!!how could i express my emotion man.i'm jus fallin short of words.it's one of my biggest achievements in life.experiencing joe's virtuosity standing in the front row,is jus out of this world man.i've been listenin to joe for quite a some time.and from the very first day i started worshippin him as my mentor.jus missed two songs tooooooooo much, "LOVE THING" & "CRYIN".wish he played those two songs.well joe jus wanna say one thing to u,plzzzzzzzzz be back soon & next time with G3,plzzzzz.we'll be in utopia forever n ever n ever..........KEEP ROCKIN.....

somsom Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu May 19 '05
10:36 pm

Joe's concert in Kolkata on May 15, 2005 was a sheer dream come true. There are heroes you grow up with, you idolize , revere and love. As far as instrumental rock (read guitar rock) is concerned, Joe's that hero for me. Is he the best? Frankly, I don't know. I'm sure, if you look hard enough, you will find a bunch of other great musicians who will thrill you and stun you to your death with the most exotic guitarwork. But I really don't want to look that hard because Satch works just fine for me. __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

Satch in my hometown was a tremendous experience for me. Getting to enjoy the music in the company of my friends and acquaintances, in the sweltering heat of the city's summer which has grown so familiar over the years, hearing the blinding legatos, fearsome feedbacks and shuddering harmonics, all on my hometown's 'terra cognito' - it was a simply 'over the top' experience for me. I'm not sure if Satch will ever return to Kolkata to thrill us again (Frankly, I was ashamed of the somewhat thin attendance that the show registered. But hey Satch, blame it just on poor publicity and a bit of bumbling management! The attendance roster or the ticket sales don't reflect the huge fan following you enjoy in this city. I'm sure there were twenty thousand die-hard fans out there that night who were never informed of the event. They came to know of it when it was too late! I pity them.) __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

But if Satch does return to my hometown, he'll surely spy my face again in the crowd, gazing up in revered bewilderment and pure awe, now to the stage and the next moment to the giant projection screen beside it, trying to suspend my disbelief into believing that the guy is really there on stage, in flesh, playing for me, for Kolkata, for India. __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

Satch, you excelled, as always. Tight security didn't let me in within 20 yards of you. My quest for an autograph was abortive. I couldn't even collect a single pick from the ones that you threw out to the crowds. But I was there with you all the time, trying hard to believe my luck of getting to see and hear you in person. I was kinda hoping that you'd perform Cryin', Big Bad Moon, Mind Storm and a few other songs. But no regrets. Whatever you did perform, was enough to thrill me. However, I had this strange feeling sometimes that there was something not quite right with the tone. They always sound so good on CDs or the radio. May be, it's the live ambience. __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/

Jeff and Mark were great as usual. Mark was made to play rock, and Jeff was pretty cool as the skinsmith. Thanks for the Surfin' tailpiece. It was great, one of my perennial favorites. So Satch, did you get to taste some spicy Tandoori and Teekha Chicken while you were in India. I know of a pretty good joint in Kolkata where you can get them. Is it hoping too much to dine with my favorite guitar player? I don't know. May be, I'm just flying in a blue dream.

hotguy_me007 Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed May 18 '05
10:13 am
the show was awesome.he kept the crowd of kolkata rocking.

debu Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed May 18 '05
1:40 am

Well...all of you Satch fans out there...read this...

I was at the venue right from the morning...coz...one of the main guys from Opium the organisers is a good friend of mine...and hence...I had a ALL ACCESS PASS...that allowed me to look at everything from very close quarters indeed...clicked loads of pics...looked at Joe's gear (FROM A DISTANCE THOUGH)...met Joe...spoke to him for some seconds(WHEN I WAS CURTLY TOLD TO LEAVE HIM ALONE)...met Matt...had a great pic with him...Matt was so warm and nice to speak too...no airs at all...So...that day became the biggest day of my life so far...

Its been many many years listening to Rock and Heavy Metal and many many years listening to Joe...collecting all his CDs/Tapes/DVDs/Literature etc etc...in a nutshell...I am almost a book on him...and hence this concert was a huge event for me...and what a time I had...I was there coz of Satch and I let go of all my Senior Management (I work for a MNC Banking company) inhibitions...

Wow...what a concert...yet there are reasons for me to be sad and upset...

First...Why were there no special ticket packages for Indian fans to buy which would have allowed some of Joe's most diehard fans to meet him...why weren't the aftershow pass winners allowed to meet him...are Indian fans any less deserving than the western ones...Yes...Joe is our Guitar God and he played like a dream...but...he played as if he was in a ONE BIG RUSH...we were left unsatisfied...the way he was whisked away in seconds after the show...it was as if Joe was in Iraq and not India...

And then...some people from the organisers acted as if they did us a big favour by getting Joe to play in India..well...that way...it is better we stay listening to Joe's CDs and watching his DVDs...we all want to be treated with respect...and we pay to watch concerts...we are CUSTOMERS...and hence...it will be good if the organisers and Joe's crew both realise that the fans needed to be treated with respect.

sahu Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue May 17 '05
2:56 pm

This was my first concert and it had to be the BEST guitarist in the world. Wow. People i dragged along with me, who i thought had no concept of Rock liked it so much. It was great. I mean the set up was fantastic. A cool breeze blowing and you playing.

I have seen a lot of your videos but never seen you with so much expression. A lot of people play guitar, but do they have the time look into the crowd and wave , between notes? Your last line was, "We gonna do this some other time".When you do come next, 1. Get along Steve vai too. 2. Sing "Going down" & "guitar wants to kill your mamma" 3. Please do play "Why". See you next time.

petraltt Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue May 17 '05
1:18 pm
wooowowow its a big night for me..... nerver thought to see joe live in concert,,, that was amazing......i have been in a haze since then,,, can't do anything. And after that the next morning face to face with the guitar god, at the airport while i was waiting for my flight.... suddenly they were there all of them..... the band, the crew.... wowowow autograph pix all those thing which i'll never forget in my life.... i am very lucky.... aaaaaaaaa ever since i can't think of anything else........... thank you joe

priyank Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue May 17 '05
8:16 am

It was a great night - plain and simple. It was great because of two reasons.

Reason 1 (about me): I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE JOE LIVE IN MY LIFE. Yet, I had a very, very , very exceptionally rare privilege of being in the concert - the first ever of its stature in Kolkata. I enjoyed each moment of it, being in the front row. I jumped, I swayed, I shouted. When Joe played wah after wah after wah, I found myself painting circles in the air. When Joe would happen along on the side of the stage closer to me, I found myself jumping. When Joe jammed on the chords, I found myself playing an imaginary guitar, though I cannot play a real one. When Joe asked for voices, I shouted at the highest Decibel level I could produce. It was a searing performance - I'd have loved to pay 3000 bucks instead of the 900 for the tickets. Needless to say, the music is still ringing in my ears.

Reason 2 (about Joe): I THINK JOE HAD A NICE TIME! Really. I confess to having seen no more than 6 videos of Joe in my life, but I believe he has never jumped, slid, hopped or sweat as much as he did in Kolkata. The east Indian summers are unforgiving - very high temperatures and very high humidity. It was uncomfortable for Indians - one can only imagine what Joe would have felt like. Yet, he gave a performance that is beyond all others in energy. He said twice that the night was hot. He briefly laughed 4 or 5 times - I could see 3 of his teeth. And it's fun to watch Joe smile at the crowd. He also said, "You guys know how to rock". And that's a BIGGG compliment, coming from "the God of Guitar".



rijoo Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue May 17 '05
3:53 am

Almost 48 hours have passed... i can still feel the glitter of the Crystal Planet, the majic of the Blue Dream, the heat of the Summer Song, the majesty of Stary Nights, the beauty of Moroccan Sunset... feelin Strange.. lookin into the sky and asking god, what goes on.. and still wondering.. Is There Love In Space..

You just left us speechless Joe..

15 minutes into the show.. the barricade broke.. we ran.. fearless.. to watch you closely.. i wudnt mind a beating up by police... i just had to..

Kolkata has always been neglected by organizers for artists of Joe's stature.. and I just cudnt belive it when i heard the news that JOE himself is coming here... one hour wait in a hot hot long queue.. nobody was tired.. the openin band brahma was not appreciated by any.. i hope they dont open for him anymore..

when you were playing starry nights.. a lot of us just laid back on the grass.. far away from the stage.. full view of the sky.. a cool breeze... it was heaven joe.. you ARE the GOD.. i would have this memory of you till i die.. i didnt get a pick.. was far away from you joe..

when you were talking.. it was so relaxing.. no aura of god... warm and friendly.. you said 'u ppl rock' :) .. I think you enjoyd playing here too.. :) you said you will be back.. we will be waiting.. joe.. I cudnt ask for more.. but please play 'extreemist' and 'crush of love'.. i think the police cut short the program by half an hour.. i will be there again when you come.. i just have to be..

Thanx Joe.. thanx from all the rock lovers of Kolkata

pisceangags Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue May 17 '05
3:39 am
well it was a dream come ttrue when i saw my god polying infront of me live, it was to hysterical and i think the best day in my life since i started listening to him

blackbox Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon May 16 '05
1:12 pm
Hey Joe last night you had cast a spell on Kolkata with your magic wand by the name of Ibanez.The last international rock band which performed here was Wishbone Ash,that was two decades ago in 1985. Yesterday's show will be engraved in my mind forever.The performance was absolutely out of this world.I had hoped that you would sing the song 'Lifestyle' form the album Is there Love in Space,well....maybe Next time. Do come back again with G3.

stratdune Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon May 16 '05
7:09 am
The show was indeed a dream come true. Kolkata is always neglected by rock artists visiting India, but now Joe you've seen how we rock. So next time come with G3. We had a blast, especially during Cool#9, Starry Night and Surfing with the Alien. Oh why didn't you sing "I believe"? It's way cooler than "Strange".

surya666 Sun May 15 '05
Salt Lake City Grounds, Calcutta,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon May 16 '05
12:06 pm

I lived my dream last night!... Blue dream?... yeah well blue red chrome all colors!.. Man What a show!.. I been listening to Satch for 9 yrs now. Truth be told the first tape i bought when i was too young to understand your music joe... but then my second buy ( surfing with the alien) changed my perpective in life. I still say that if I could play like you man...i wouldnt have asked for a thing in the world! I even won the aftershow passes man but the management sucked big time..they didnt even let me thru man...all i wanted was one of your picks and an autograph/photo. U are my guru. I have stood up for you like crazy, even had fight with ppl over who's the best guitar player in the world right now. the show was aesome.... all the while i was thinking that i was an alien surfer riding across your fretboard while each note you played was like a train of waves coming at me. I hope u send me an autograpth at least man....i'm your biggest fan. It was one of my achievements in life to see a live show of yours. I've reached a milestone in life. looking forward to see more of your shows..doono how or when but rest assured i'll be there. the setlist was amazing..I was just hoping u'd play love thing though.

I do hope u'll at least release a CD Live in kolkata or something. Always with me always with you was like nothing i've heard before on tape..it was amazing...as too was bamboo, is there love in space. all the tracks were great but 'always..' just stood out.joe, autograph please..please please please...depite winning aftershow passes i wasnt allowed to meet you man! please please! an ddo come back to kolkata again!

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