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frankshell Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Mar 06 '07
8:40 am
My first Joe live show - London Apollo - tremendous set list, very bluesy - outstanding

liammmm Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Sep 06 '06
9:26 am
it was my first concert ever as im only 14 yrs old but it was the best. Johnny a was very good and me and my dad enjoyed his set. when satriani came on the crowd went wild. my faveroute songs where surfin with the alian and a cool new way. an exellent show and i can't wait till he comes round again.

nickko Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jul 04 '06
2:36 am
This was the loudest gig and the best gig i have ever been to. Jeff was amazing on the drums and it felt like you where being beaten up every time jeff used the kick drum. But joe himself, he was fantastic. My favourite song of the night has to be circles, that song is top. But the whole performance was incredible, some of the notes he sustained went straight through your head. AMAZING!!!

chrisy24 Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jul 03 '06
7:07 am

I have seen Joe twice, Once was G3 two yrs ago, but this one was the best show I've ever been to.

Joe is an awesome guitar player and I have got his new CD too which is totally wicked and I love it but The Extremist is still my all time favorite album.

Have only been a fan of Joe's for 2 yrs but they have been 2 great yrs.

Joe u rock.

adamchap Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Wed Jun 21 '06
9:59 am

This show was brilliant! The opening couldn't have been better! That legendary sustained "c" closely followed by the signiature acoustic riff kicked the show off to a great start. Then satch comes on and widdles away for a bit before the bass and drums kick in for "flying in a blue dream". I believe this was followed by "the extremist" which was done very well.

The jam into "cool no9" was well.....cool....Dave Larue fit in really well with the band. He's the best bassist satch has had since Stu Hamm

The new songs were great and they reminded me how good your new album is Joe! Especially "super colossal", "red-shift riders" and "the meaning of love" which is now my favourite ballad at the moment. Those sustained notes over the pizzacato strings in the rhythm sectionare beautiful.

Jeff Campitelli, Dave Larue and Satch were, as always, on top form. Galen i couldn't really hear too much so I couldnt possibly say. However the set list was ideal except i think the atmosphere was on occassions lost due to excessive jamming around the middle of the show. But then Satch threw in some classic "surfing" tracks which brought it all back.

great encore too, Crowd Chant and Summer Song simply had to be played to complete a fantastic show

see u next time joe

roryo Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
3:48 am
The best gig I have ever been to and the best performance by joe that I have ever seen. The set list was awesome and perfect. I came over from Ireland for the gig and I have to say it was some of the best spent money ever. I bought the platinum package and got to meet joe after the show. He's a legend, he spent and hour and a half with us answering all our questions, getting pictures taken and signing stuff. I brought my white js1000 and got it signed. Got a picture taken with him holding my guitar...the thing dreams are made of. We got to see JonnyA's soundcheck too.....he was excellent by the way. And what can I say about the Manchester crowd...ye were incredible!! That Apollo is some venue and the sound was crystal!!! Anyway, thank you Joe for the music.

aradon Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
12:53 pm

WOW, what can I say? This was the first Satch gig I have been too and just, I’m speechless LOL

I don’t know where to start, well firstly I guess Johnny A, excellent warm-up do, really good musician got the crowd really in the mood.

When Satch came on, the atmosphere was just electric, the crowd went wild and from there it was just an awesome roller coaster ride of golden oldies and some of the newest songs from the new album, a real quality collection of tunes, I wasn’t disappointed, definitely EVERYTHING I expected and so much more, I was mesmerised.

The band was very good also; very solid performance although they seemed a little detached at times, but a good performance non-the less.

I was even lucky enough to get win a meet and greet pass too, so I also got to see Dave LaRue and Satch himself, I was so nervous I was shaking. Joe you’re my idol, you give me so much inspiration and your music does so much for me, if I’m feeling blue I just flick on some of your tunes and relax I have a track for every occasion and it was a real honour to shake your hand, thank you very much for signing my guitar and album sleeve, ill never forget those few moments.

I hope I get to meet you again and I look forward very much to your next show!!!

saltonian Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jun 18 '06
6:40 am
This was the best show I've seen Joe perform since the great Stu Hamm left the band. In my opinion, Joe needs a visual "foil" on stage, and Dave LaRue has that ability.As ever Jeff was excellent...he is a machine! Galen filled all the gaps. I was ten rows back, and I watched Galen closely, he is excellent! The show was LOUD...sustained guitar notes going straight through your head, and kick drum bruising your rib cage! 10/10...Hurry back!

ironmaidens10 Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jun 18 '06
2:09 am
joe satriani ,manchester.what can i say jonny a was a good opener he played his heart out,he covered his new album plus some covers from favourite artists.8.35pm the main man satriani took to the stage,opened with flying in a blue dream, then went on to play a mixture of old and new,redshift riders,a cool new way,one robots dream,the meaning of love, ice 9, mystical potato head groove thing,circles,surfing, cool 9,super colossal. plus crowd chant it was to me the highlight of the night it was perfected.then came summer song .what can i say this is my second time seeing joe it was amazing.i met jeff earlier he stood for photo then had to go.this to me was the best gig i have ever been to. the order of songs is not in order.plus these our what i can remember. keep up the good work joe.thanks again. d mcveigh/ stephen kerr.

ugmug Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
6:31 pm
superb joe as always jeff was fantastic galen looked bored dave is still finding himself in this setup great bass player.i think that jeff was inspired by animal in the muppets lol

donnygyuk Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
3:29 pm
My ears are still ringing from the concert. It was a fantastic performance from Joe. He was so energetic and blazing around the fretboard effortless. I think this is the fourth time I've seen him and it certainly won't be the last. Today opened up the UK tour.
I was lucky enough to own a Platinum ticket so I met Joe at the end of the concert. Last year I met Steve Vai so obviously it would top the experience if I met Joe too.
I had the opportunity to witness the sound check at the beginning so I turned up at 5. I collected my VIP pass, waited a while with a few people and had a quick tour on stage looking around the equipments. Got a t-shirt, photograph and a pleccy too. Next I saw the soundcheck for Jonny A. I must say he was fantastic. Very talented and diverse. I was disappointed Eric Johnson didn't tour with Satch in Europe although Joe told me at the end Eric had commitments, he's tried to persuade him to come along in the past. Joe's opening song was Flying in the blue dream and the gig went on from there mixing old songs with new. I'd say Joe's performance gets better everytime I see him play. The rest of the band seemed a little detached. The encore was great when Joe played Crowd Chant. Many people around me didn't join in the sing along. I assume they were blown away by Joe's playing.
After the concert, we got to meet Joe below the stage area. I was first to get a photoshot taken and autographs. I got him to sign my pass and Super Colossal Album. He spent roughly an hour and half with us talking and getting photos taken. Like Steve (Vai), he was very insightful and passionate with his music. A really nice guy and I hope to meet him again. Thanks for the great concert.

rockguitarwizard Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
11:00 am

what a brilliant show as always, i knew the gig would be good as ever, played a really cool mix of songs, theres bound to be some that he didnt play which such a large back catalogue to choose from, but he played more than enough of my favourites. Pity the crowd didnt stand up more later though, i was trying to get them up more during the last half of the show, even during the encore not many people stood up (whats wrong with these people?!)

Thanks Joe for an awesome night, youre always welcome in Manchester :-)

dave321 Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
5:38 am

I don't no if im the only person who thought this but i thought joe's band seem very detached on stage and didn't appear like a band who had been touring all year together. I felt the backing guitarist lacked enthusiasm, and the drummer, as good as he was had no presence of his own, it might as well have been a drum machine. The bass player was good he interacted abit but didnt really impress, as for Joe wat can i say....absolutly out of this world, even with all less than amazing backing band, he played like a god never failing to impress. All in all i feel like there was definatly a unfinished feel to the performance, and it lacked the excitment and interaction between the band member that you would see at a Steve Vai concert for example, with his band all the musicians in it all all amazing in there own right and they interact like a group of good mate which they are , joe's band seem like a group of session musician thrown in at the last minute. Don't get me wrong if i could i would go and watch him everynight of his tour, i just feel like he was totally let down by his backing band.

Dave K

g3ibanezjs Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
4:17 am
WOW!!!! That was the most amazing, fantastic and simply just breath taking show i've ever seen and probably will see (unless its Joe again). The show was great, it was Johnny A on first and i thought he was really great. Joe's setlist really fitted together well too. A mixture of all those brilliant and old classics, like, Satch Boogie, Surfin With The Alien, Summer Song and the amazing Flying in a Blue Dream. All these alongside the new Redshift Riders, Super Colossal and the best song out of the lot Crowd Chant. When Joe performed Crowd Chant, you could tell how much the crowd and I loved Joe and his performance. We all joined in and totally enjoyed ourselves. It really was amazing. Joe really did fit on the stage he gave off so much energy, it was just perfect. Even when the show had ended the atmosphere was still there and everyone with smiles on their faces. It wasnt over though there, I even got the privelige of meeting Joe and Dave at the end(unfortunately not Galen or Jeff). It was only for about 3-4 mins and not even that, (i really should buy one of those packages) because i had to go, but he signed my things and just made me really happy. I didnt really know what to say to him but he really is a great guy who does great performances. I'd just want to thank all the band for a great night and i'll be watching you again very soon. Thanks, see you soon .......James

njbeast Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
4:06 am

Oh My God………….From start to Finnish what a gig, what a night……. Where do I start…… Arrived at 5:00pm for the Meet and greet. Met Jon… “Sound Guy”. Got our pick’s, laminates, T shirts, Got to watch “Johnny A” warm up on stage and for his full sound check. Then came the onstage tour. Man being that close to all Joe’s gear was amazing all around Galen’s and Dave’s gear, round all the back area of Jeff’s gear them over to Joe’s rig…… A few picture’s with his guitars and stuff. Johnny A came back out with Mick Manning for a chat with us all. Great incite to Johnny’s rig and stuff….

We moved on and waited for the show to start. AND BANG we where off Joe came on….. Blasted us with Flying, Extremist, Red Shift Riders….. then came a few classic’s Cool #9, Ice 9, Circles, A few new one’s. One Roberts Dream…. Them Came Always With Me, Always With You…….And What a finish to the song. It was unbelievable every note Perfect…..

Then Came Surfing….

Then A quick Fine Min’s break….. Crowed Chant (Which I have to say we all went Crazy On) the Hole House was going for it…. Them Summer Song….. by that time I was off my seat and edging my was down to the fount….. By the end I could not control myself, jumping around hand in the air going crazy from start to Finnish.

The Show finished. The package people headed on down stairs to meet Joe….. Joe walked in and every body went crazy. We calmed down and Joe started talking to us. He said as he singed stuff we where free to ask any thing we wanted so as one by one we got our pictures took with him and our stuff singed we where all just chatting away to him. It was so calm and relaxed it was like having Joe round at my house with a few mates…..it was crazy……

Now because I have a few problems getting my G3 stuff delivered Galen had hooked me and my mates with after show passes as well. So after Joe had done with us he lead upstairs to the rest of the guys waiting in the theatre. Where Mick B allowed me to follow on to meet up with my mates who where waiting….. Having only being able to have 3 / 4 things singed down stairs. (Time restricted) I meet up with Joe again and he singed everything for me. In the end I have all my album covers (All), My 8 pick framed collection, All my DVD covers, My JS guitar, which Joe knottiest I have the Soul’s Of Distortion strap on.

We spent a lot of time just chatting over stuff, he answered all my questions and we had a joke and a laugh all the way though.

I recommend the Package to every one…….. There is so much more I could go on and say……. But I think you may have had enough of reading this now so I will end it there.

Joe I hope to see you back here soon……………

Stay Safe.

All My Love.

Dave Wren (njbeast)

P.S…… Sorry I must add……A Big Thank You To…..Galen Played fantastic, Jeff rocked it up and Dave For Rocking The Place To Bit’s Also Johnny A Was Great…

richo Fri Jun 16 '06
Apollo, Manchester,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 17 '06
12:01 pm
Hi everyone went to see Joe at the Apollo what can i say? it was just amazing watching Joe and the Band perform. Joe was incredible as always, he was realy enjoying himself on stage as were the rest of the band, it was a great set and it realy works well, Flying in a blue dream, Satchboogie, Summersong, all ways with me with you, Mystical potatoehead , all the old classics these were mixed with the new Super Colossal, Redshift Riders, One Robots Dream, The Meaning of Love. The sound was incredible, and the crowd were realy enjoying themselves and of course they were up for the Crowd Chant at the end of a night. Joe once again deliver the goods he has such a presence on stage his music is certainly Not of this earth, it stir your soul it takes you away to places you can only dream of it was a pleasure to be there can't wait to see you at the Symphony hall monday. I also want to say how much i enjoyed Johnny A the bit that i saw i arrived late i will be early for the Symphony hall to catch his full set, because the last bit i saw sounded pretty good. Once again Joe and the Lads thanks again for a truly great night............Richo "www.satchrome.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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