{JS} Road Discography Gear Interact The Vault
duffnotes Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Jul 06 '06
12:54 pm
FANTASTIC SHOW!!!!!!.johnny A was superb. first time ive been to a satch gig and its up there with the best of them. set list already given. Joe was simply amazing. highlight of the night was an utterly superb "one robots dream". joe is a master craftsman with a guitar. jeff, galen, and dave gave a great show as well. one question? whats with the chicken jeff? tell the story. p.s thanks to the roady who gave me a pick off the stage when we were looking at joe's effect setup on the stage foor after the gig.

sanjonoodle Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Jun 29 '06
12:05 pm

This was the 4th time I have seen Joe live and once again it did not disappoint. The show and song selection made it one of the best concerts I have seen him done and I loved the new material. I have also noticed that Joe is jamming alot more on stage rather than sticking to the confines of the songs structure and this is making for a very interesting inprov session.

The support act Johnny A was fantastic as well. I had heard of him through the Favoured Nations website and it was good to see him live.

I was also a member of the Platinum Club and getting on the stage after the soundcheck to look at the gear was a great experience for me. But defintently the highlight of the show was meeting Joe afterward, he took time to talk to us individually, signed what u wanted signed and posed for photos.. I was at the Steve Vai Evo Experience last year and I am extremely happy to say that both guys are truly nice and genuine guys that have so much time for their fans.

Has anyone recieved their platinum photos yet? I remember john saying it would be between 7-10 days and its now like the 11th day nd no photos. Its just i had alot of trouble getting my confirmation email for the original purchase, so i dont know if iv just missed this email as well. If anyone knows could u please help me out and email me at black_raven7@hotmail.com thanks

amstrad_dave Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 26 '06
6:13 am


This was one of the best Satch gigs- and I've seen him every time he's played in Scotland since the Extremist tour!

GRCH is not the best hall for a rock gig- suited Johnny A's bluesy country jazz perfectly- so much so I bought 2 of his CDs!. Enough of that though..

Joe was amazing on the night. Blistering set, some old faves, lots of stuff from Super Colossal (although sadly no Hands in the Air from SBM). Dave is a welcome addition to the band- great player.

I too was one of the 33 platinum attendees, and I'd recommend it to anyone. The whole experience was great fun, and I even got a kick out of recognising Mike Manning and Jose (Jeffs drum tech). Saw Jeff in the foyer but missed the chance to talk to him.

Joe is an absolute gem of a guy. He must have been knackered after the power put into the show, but he still had a warm smile and a handshake for everyone there. Chatted with each of us like he had all the time in the world, and posed for 2 photos each! I can't wait to see mine!

A big thanks to Jon for giving us the tour, and to all the techs and musicians for letting us impose, and of course a MASSIVE thanks to Joe for being the man he is. He is my hero (along with Stevie Ray Vaughan) and is still tops. An absolute star!

PS- has anyone who met Joe received the email link to the photographs? If so, could you email me it? Mine still hasn't come through :(

edduar Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: Posted:
Sat Jun 24 '06
2:57 pm
Saw JS @ Glasgow Show-he was awesome,not a lot of people rocked @ this show-but I head-banged ALL the way.He started with Flying In A Blue-Dream-a song I thought He'd have saved for the middle of the set,but anyhows,boy did he ROCK & deliver,he finsihed the encore with an extended Summer Song,my fave so I was happy & I hope Joe was too,thanks Joe for flyin the blue dream! Eduar

philmac Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Jun 22 '06
10:28 pm
A fantastic show. This was the first time I saw Joe live and the sound and set were excellent. Joe is a one-of talent. Dave Jeff and Galen provided excellent back up - special mention to Dave for the bass solo and some excellent playing during the slower songs. We were lucky enough to be in the second row stalls and initially I thought the crowd was a bit flat. Then I looked round and saw hundreds of awe-struck faces! Everyone was more animated at the encore and crowd chant was great. I went with my son, his friend and friend's Dad - a brilliant end to Father's Day.

slickpotatohead Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
3:27 pm

WOOOAAAAHH!!!! Why wasn't this filmed, it was heeaps better than any live dvd thats out!!


I was in awe the entire time, you manage to connect with my brain somehow, your music is beautiful. Joe you are incredible. Its so natural and organic, i love it to pieces, you're the best. I gotta meet you one day, just a handshake, you are my heero man.

Thank You


repscot Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
9:13 am
Eclectic, electrifying example of a guitar player at the very top of his creative powers. Only marred slightly by the fact that Dave La Rue was too low in the mix for the first few songs...otherwise sonic heaven. Thank you. My 3 kids got their first tour T shirts -- a proud moment in any father's life. Mind you..we lost the 20 month old in the large size. If you see him..he answers to Nathan;)

stonehead91 Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
8:39 am
FUCKIN AMAZIN A GOT A WAVE OF SATCH AT THE MIDDLE OF SUPER COLLASAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MET THE BASSIST AFTER THE SHOW WICH WIZ GREAT A WIZ THE ONE SHOUTIN ON YER SEL BIG MAN SO THATS ME IT WIZ BEST IVE EVR SEEN CROWD CHANT WIZ CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GR8 SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

davyboy Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
7:13 am
I was lucky enough to meet Joe after the show - and what a good show it was. Special mention for the sound guys who worked wonders to overcome the hard reflective surfaces in the concert hall - not really condusive for a good rock concert. As usual, Joe was technically brilliant, with the choice of music leaning towards the rock genre - would like to hear him play some of his bluesy stuff like SMF, Hill Groove, Starry Night, etc - just to provide a bit of contrast. Meeting Joe after the show was the icing on the cake, he must have been really tired but had smiles and kind words for everyone. He autographed everything put in front of him - including several Guitars. A complete professional and an unforgettable night. Just like to suggest Eric Sardinas for a G3 tour - Would make a terrific addition to the Clan.

gary_scott Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
5:47 pm
This was the best show with Joe I've ever had the pleasure to attend. To be honest, I'd listened to Super Colossal quite alot before I went to the concert, and while I love the album, the song One Robot's Dream never really spoke to me as much as it did when I heard Joe playing it live. It was just unbelievable. Crowd Chant, in the encore, was so much fun - the entire audience responded with the same zeal as is on the CD, if not more!<br> As always, Joe's embellishments were amazing - none more so than with Always With Me, Always With You...The improv after the main song was finished was so tasteful and did the song complete justice, as you'd expect.<br> It seems Joe's becoming a little more of a showman in recent years, hopping around the stage like a lunatic, obviously enjoying every moment of his performance, and he's quite right to - everybody there was enjoying it, too!!<br><hr><br> I was lucky enough to take part in the platinum package, which meant a meet and greet, autographs, and pictures, with Joe - and the man is a consummate gentleman. His music is the reason I started playing guitar, and I must say after meeting him, he's every bit what I'd hope he was like. Talked to everybody for a few minutes, shook hands with every person who went up to him, and even though I'm sure he must have been exhausted, continued smiling, laughing, and appreciating everybody - true class through and through. I'd just like to express my thanks to Joe and everybody involved for allowing me the opportunity I wished for for so many years.

shengus Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
2:51 pm

I thought it was a great gig. I thought the mix of classic Satch with the new album in the set was brilliant.

To be honest I'm such a huge fan that Joe could turn up and plod through a few numbers and I'd probably still be happy, but it looked like the band were having a lot of fun and I really think this was one of the better Satriani gigs I've been to. (I'm up to four or five by now :o)..

Meeting Joe at the end was brilliant. Although it was a slightly strange experience... We were talking in the car on the way through saying things like "This is basically an opportunity to make a complete tit out of yourself in front of one of your heros..." didn't turn out that way.

It's quite wierd when you meet someone who has (along with Ozzy and Vai) provided the soundtrack to most of your life, is a huge hero and a great inspiration, and with hindsight you'd want to have told him all this. What really happens is you say "Wow. Cool. Excellent set, can you sign this? thanks... Gonnae pose for a photo, excellent. right then. Cheerio"... Not that I'm complaining, was brilliant just to be able to say hello.

Anyway... It was a great gig, it was brilliant to meet Joe and say hello, nice surprise to hear "Driving at night" make it's way into the set. Apparently there is a funny story about that, but we didn't have time to hear it. (It was near midnight when we finally got to say hello. The venue was about to shut :o)...

Thought all the weejie's would have made more noise during crowd chant :-)

themagician Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
11:59 am
This was the fifth tour I've seen him on and as always, Joe was fantastic. The new stuff sounded amazing live especially all the improvistion throughout the songs. I was lucky enough to have been able to buy the meet and greet package. Saw Johnny A's sound check which was quite cool. Met Joe after the show and got 4 album covers 3 tickets (2 were my mates who didnt make it backstage) and my backstage laminate signed. An awesome experience and an awesome 2+ hours of superb music. Had to rush off after the photo's but I'm sure some of the other 32 people who bought the package enjoyed a good chat after all the formal photo's and stuff were taken care of. Next time i'm gonna book the next day off work and hang out till the very end!!

The setlist for those who are intersted: Flying In A Blue Dream, The Extremist, Redshift Riders, Cool #9, A Cool New Way, Satch Boogie, Super Colossal, Just Like Lightning, Ice Nine, One Robots Dream, Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing, The Meaning Of Love, Circles, Always With Me Always With You, Surfing With The Alien. ENCORE: Crowd Chant, Summer Song

I think there was another song between The Meaning of Love and Circles but I'm damned if I can remember which one it was. Might have been Made Of Tears. Anyway, if your headin out to see the show you wont be dissappointed!!

s2art Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
9:46 am

I came down a good 200 miles (also) from the North East. Was it worth it? Damn right it was worth it!

I loved every minute of it. I was lucky enough to have a VIP laminate and I have to thank John who looked for me when I missed the encore- he was really great- he kept the conversation going too when we were all shattered after the gig. And to Joe for the opportunity in the first place, he was a really nice guy. I thought I'd be okay when I met him, but I'll admit I got a bit nervous and jumbled my sentence!

Anyway- the show! I had heard of Johnny A and took the chance to buy his albums. The band were really tight and they had a real good sound. It was the perfect way to warm the crowd up.

Joe was awesome. I particularly enjoyed The Extremist and Always With Me, Always with You. Crowd Chant was so much fun, everybody was clapping, stamping their feet and singing along- it sounded just as it does on the CD! The only thing I'd say is that I'd have liked to hear some stuff from the midway-to-modern era- stuff from Crystal Planet and Strange Beautiful Music because it was mostly from Surfing With The Alien- but fair enough, that is the choice of the majority. He was on top form though, the band were as lively as ever.

The Meaning Of Love was great, and my cousin said that he didn't think Redshift Riders would sound right live- boy did Joe prove him wrong! IT SOUNDED BETTER!

It was an unforgettable experience and I will certainly go to see him on his next UK tour! God I hope it's soon.

Stuart Gibson

happilymarried Sun Jun 18 '06
Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jun 19 '06
6:55 am

What a BRILLIANT, FABULOUS, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, OUT OF THIS WORLD gig!! A perfect blend of the old, new and unusual!!

Jonny A was great - not to all the audiences taste judging by some of the comments I heard afterwards but a true master of his instrument and genuinely nice guy - had a chat with my wife in the lobby during the interval and signed a couple of bits...

Joe's set was mind blowing!! It's the first Satch gig that my wife'd been to and she spend most in the evening with a massive smile on her face! Galen, Dave and Jeff were magic... nice to see Galen given a microphone for Crowd Chant... punching the air with the best of 'em!!

The sound in city hall is immense. I travelled over 200 miles for this gig knowing that the sound would be better than in any of the other UK venues and it didn't dissappoint!! The only complaint I had was of the staff failing to stop all of the guys from the back trooping down the isles toward the front. We were in row M which is an extra leg room isle and I spent the whole of the first couple of songs asking people to move so my wife could see - not a problem for me coz I stand head and shoulders over most (sorry to the guys stood beind me!) but Sam's a short-ass!!

Great array of guitars used Joe... nice to see the 'new' shiny chromeboy and the great super collossal guitar. The tone for Super Collossal was awesome - Digitech Whammy and all and the brightness of the JSX head shined through!! Just Like Lightnin' sounded terrific!! Surfing blew me away... I never get tired of watching you perform that song live!!

I just wish I'd got in early enough for the platinum tickets!! I was kicking myself all night when I saw you lucky so-and-so's with the VIP laminates hanging around your necks!!

Thanks again for the best show I've ever seen!!

Rock On!!

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