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symphonyhall Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 4 Posted:
Tue Jan 01 '08
6:59 am
great concert as ever..would have been better if i was closer though i was right up at the top nearly at the back :( great music though!!

primrose Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Sep 05 '06
4:55 am
The first time I have ever seen Jo live, oh my God what a treat, he was smokin'.

lynncon63 Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Thu Aug 03 '06
2:25 am
Absolutely fantastic.Breathtaking,Awesome show. I was taken for my birthday,expecting the usual brilliance from the maestro,of course,only to be totaly blown away by the main man. what more can i say? except thanks to SATCH himself(not my cat,named satch,even tho its a she)and please dont ever stop doin your magic. And a big thanks to my hubby,MIK for a perfect day and making me the PROUD owner(only 1 in Birmingham) and now grimsby) of an original SUPER COLOSSAL sweat jacket,not bootleg rubbish sold outside ,it now has pride of place everywhere i go.i know im spoilt! be seeing you soon hopefully.luv LYNNE. Grimsby,UK

vinchente Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jul 04 '06
1:53 pm
Oh wow...after 20 years of following Joe, this, my 14th time seeing him, was the best.....I had a platinum package and finally got to meet him with my fiancee Lily (who said to Joe, 'He loves you more than he loves ME!') after the show. The seconds passed all too quickly, but I have finally shaken hands and spoken a few words with the man who is responsible for writing the songs that have been the soundtrack to my life for many years. And he played an absolute flipping blinder...wow. What a night.

hopp Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: Posted:
Thu Jun 29 '06
11:46 am
what can i say....it was SUPER COLOSSAL

jldguitar Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jun 25 '06
7:48 am

Once again, a perfect perfect performance from joe. the concert was just awesome! i had a chance to speak to joe after the concert. although, it wasn't the first time to do so, my body was still shaking like a 7 years old! but joe was so calm and friendly despite the two hours hard work! i introduced myself once again, as Joe has been to beijing once for a clinic show and certainly, i was there to meet him. haha! i am the current webmaster of Joe Satriani Forum of www.GuitarChina.com however, according to the language problems, although our forum managed to be the largest numbers of fans of joe with more than 100,000 people registered with us but we also seemed to be the least influencing forum around the globe. but our aim is to strive to be one of the most influencing Joe Satriani Forum!!! currently, we are organising the second Joe Satriani Song Cover Competition. There are hundreds of people have already signed up for this competition. we will also post the winner's tune on the offical site!!! check it out later!!!

ps: this is our site in english: http://www.guitarchina.com/news/e/index.htm

graywolf Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Thu Jun 22 '06
2:18 am
I did wonder if sitting up in the top balcony would detract from the show - no way! The sound was perfect! Johnny A was superb! And what a set of influences! The man deserves to be better known. Would like to see hime again - soon! Satch - well what ca n you say? Absolutely, undisputably a man on top form! Perfection in guitar playing. Like others have said, the rhythm guitar was far too back in the mix, but everyone played brilliantly. I felt that some of the extended intro's and endings were just a touch too long. Always with you ..... however I thought worked brilliantly, but there again, it is one of my favourite tracks. All the new stuff sounded great - his best album for a while. Looking forward to the next time.

petej Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Wed Jun 21 '06
10:53 am
This was the 4th time i have seen Joe live, the 1st in 92 for the Extrimist tour and this was the best yet. The sound was great (well done sound engineer) and the light show just enough. We have all got favourets that was'nt played, but the set was a good mix of old and new. Joe and the boys are obviously firing on all cylinders at the moment, it showed on stage and the crowd knew it with rousing cheers and thunderous applause after each number. Don't know when Joe will be coming back,(hope it's soon) but the symphony hall has got to be on his list, a great venue for his style of music where quality of sound and intamacy of a smaller venue suit him and his music (in my opinion). To those who have yet to see him on this tour, you are in for a treat, and keep out of the bar before the gig, get into your seats early and watch Johnny A , a great support and brilliant guitarist. Great sound and tone, and what skill . Magic. As a side note Joe Mc asked about somebody with a Rush 30 t shirt on. I had one of those on but don't know if it is me he is enquiring about . If it is then what concert did you hope i enjoyed. If it was Joe's , see above , if it was Rush's 30th anniversary tour, then apart from not playing Passage to Bangcock and Closer to the Heart and the usual NEC sound(crap) it was a peach.

doctorjon Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Wed Jun 21 '06
9:32 am
I've been to many concerts of all kinds of music at Symphony Hall - a brilliant venue in every respect - and was knocked out by the sound quality of this gig. The only criticism was that the rhythm guitarist was too far back in the mix for my taste - he was there but it was hard to pick out his licks and embellishments. Satch was amazing - such energy for a man of his advanced years (just a joke - I am a lot older) and such relaxed enjoyment that was communicated to the audience. I'm glad I took my 8x30's! Flawless performances by all four. I really also enjoyed Johnny A. The precision of his playing and quality of tone was inspiring. A big thank you to all who did the set up for this gig - a memorable experience.

proby1 Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Wed Jun 21 '06
5:45 am

Great show, venue and sound!!

This was my fourth Satch show, but my first since the "Joe Satriani" tour. It was a great gig, with the added bonus of having great venue sound.

In contrast with other reviews I think the extended jamming really shows off how good Joe actually is. I especially liked the extended outro to AWMAWY. True improvised soloing is the mark of a great (to me) and this is what sets Joe apart from the other guys.

All in all, the best gig i've been to for a long time. I won't leave it so long next time.

Also, I must mention Joe's shoes were really cool too.

actuary Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Wed Jun 21 '06
5:21 am

They say never meet your heros. Well Joe breaks this rule. I shelled out for one of the platinum tickets which gave me and the missus a tour of the set up (okay), a limited ed'n T-shirt and pick each (nice) and best of all a chance to meet Joe after the show.

If you saw the gig you'll agree that Joe put in a solid 2 hour concert and was at his very best, full of energy and passion for every note. I loved the extra intros and finishes, the flurry of fast fretwork and the huge divebombs. The world's best guitaist at the top of his game. Seen from three rows back it's now forever etched in my memory but PLEASE can someone release another multi-camera angle DVD (a la San Francisco) so we can watch Joe close up !

The post show meeting was excellent - despite two hours of hard work Joe was cool, relaxed and eager to listen and talk to his fans. They said he would sign an item or two but we all took advantage (some guy had EVERY Joe CD signed, without a hint of complaint from Joe !). Me ? Well I had my JS100 signed - not just a quick signature but a personal message, another sign of Joe's commitment to his fans. Plus a T shirt and several posters. Everyone backstage thought that they got value for money. Only drawback was we couldn't take photos, although we did get an official one which should be on the site soon for us all to download.

On an unrelated note, hi to Jay & friends from www.GuitarChina.com who were at the concert. These guys can play ! Thanks for the guitar tips dude ! And check out Jay's site (100,000 Chinese Joe fans and rising !).

Joe's back in the UK next year (hopefully, so he said). See you at the box office in 2007 guys !


backcrawler Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 8 Posted:
Wed Jun 21 '06
1:53 am
My heart literally soared when I heard the opening tape intro. for "Flying in a blue dream".......this one was going to be a good `un - I could feel it! (AND IT WAS......generally speaking!!). Up next "The Extremist", and then my first wish fulfilled - "Redshift riders", probably my favourite track from the latest album. Then my first disappointment, "Cool #9". This really brought the mood right down (may that was the idea), but the excitement and anticipation created from the first few tracks was now ebbing fast! (O.K. I`ve never got on with the album this particular track is on but I do think this maybe was a bad, well if not a bad, a poor choice here - the aforementioned anticipation and excitement literally drained out of the room at this point!). After this little faux pas so to speak tracks came thick and (like the playing) fast again...."Satch boogie", "Mystic".....all played with style and authority. I was particularly impressed with Jeff and Dave, Jeff providing some excellent fills which I thought added extra dimensions to the music and didn`t detract from the original studio recordings, and Dave impressed we with how well he handled his bass-playing duties, but more so because he looked as though he was thoroughly enjoying the whole experience........he looked like the cat that had got the cream (or the chicken that got the corn Jeff!!). As for Galen, if he`s gonna be there please turn him up! Surely he`s not that bad!! What I heard of him was fine, and I know rythym guitarists shouldn`t be overpowering in the mix but he was way down too low to actually enjoy any of his playing. The new album was well represented ("Meaning of love" particularly good I thought), but where was "Ten words" - my second favourite track off the album? Yeah O.K. I know, so many songs, so little time!. HOWEVER if extended workouts were axed (I`m thinking the abomination that destroyed "Circles" and the pointless addition to "Always with me"....) then other tracks would get a look in. Nothing from "Engines", "Planet", "Strange" or "Is there". Again I know the whole idea was to promote "Colossal" but with dropping the over indulgence then maybe we could get a medley of other stuff? The gig finished for me with the same mood as it started......."Crowd chant" warmed the cockles of my heart! Surely a whole tongue in cheek experience from it`s inception in the studio, the band looked as though they thought playing this was really enjoyable (and I though we in the crowd did `em proud as well). Extra special mention to Jeff during this number with his "windscreen wiper" drumstick shapes and even the chicken got another look in! Summer song ended it as it began, my mood now well upbeat and generally brimmimg over! Niggles aside this was probably the best I`ve seen Joe and the band, the situation being helped enormously by the very good quality sound in the Symphony hall compared to the awful racket on the "Engines" tour a few years ago when Joe appeared at the N.I.A (stand up the man on the mixing desk and take a bow!). Finally the long trek home to mid-Wales and fall into the pit at about half-past one. Worth it? You bet, and I`ll most likely see you there next time.

joeclone1 Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
4:28 pm

mike_muse_rage Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
1:07 pm

What can I say, my very first Satch gig and there's no denying it was fantastic. Despite the noticable lack of anything from Joe's last 9 years of recording, the set was great, making me appriciate just how good Super Colossal really is. Dave needed to be a little bit louder, as well as Galen, who was only audible when Joe wasn't playing. He also needed to smile a lot more, like the rest of the band! Jeff was perfect, and his chicken bit made the show!

As much as I loved the jams, I couldn't help feeling that they were too long, and compensating for the lack of material... Flying In A Blue Dream and The Extremist were highlights for me, as well as the wonderful new ending to Always With Me, Always With You, it really made the song. Oh, and Satch Boogie, my friend and I got Joe's pick after that one!

Overall, great gig, look forward to seeing you again soon, jsut mix it up a bit more next time will you?

Set List: Flying In A Blue Dream, The Extremist, Redshift Riders, Cool #9, A Cool New Way, Satch Boogie, Super Colossal, Just Like Lightnin', Ice 9, One Robot's Dream, The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing, The Meaning Of Love, Circles, Always With Me, Always With You, Surfing With The Alien. ENCORE: Crowd Chant, Summer Song

guinnesssho Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
12:07 pm
In a word... BRILLIANT.... didnt give it a 10 because Joe didnt play "Its So Good" from the new album, at least I think he didnt.... I was distracted a bit by the constant comings and goings of the purple coated sphincter police but everything else was perfect. It was great watching the crew break down the set after whilst waiting for the 'Meet and Greet', especially the crazy guy who hoyked himself up a tiny ladder with a tiny harness. I had my camera ready for the fall, but didnt happen (fortunately). Joe, if you read this, my sincerest apologies if I offended you when I asked why you cut off your hair all those years ago - you seemed to understend our strange English sense of humour. I didnt want to ask any music/guitar based questions because they get a bit samey. Glad to hear you're bringing G3 back to the UK next year, although when I asked who number 3 was going to be your reply that you were unsure of number 2 as well perturbed me... you must bring Steve !!!!!!!!. Great to meet you, great set, great venue (bring G3 there and not NIA or NEC). Johnny A was aslo a real nice guy who wouldnt shut up once you started chatting to him - Good album too (the newer one of the 2) ... If you didnt buy it... you must... See you all next year

michalhart Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
11:46 am

Koncert zaczal sie od Flying In A Blue Dream a dalej to pisze w kolejnosci "co mi sie przypomni"

The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing The Extremist Summer Song Satch Boogie Cool #9 Circles Always With Me, Always With You (w srodku piosenki zagral A Little Help From My Friends - swietnie wyszlo!) Led Zeppelinow - Whole Lotta Love (zajebista wersja!) Surfing With The Alien

Z nowej plyty (Super Colossal) :

Redshift Riders Super Colossal A Cool New Way One Robot's Dream Made of Tears Crowd Chant (swietny numer na koncerty)

Zreszta kawalki z nowej plyty swietnie sie sprawdzaja na koncertach! Na jednym z numerów wsadzil sobie kostke w zęby i gral w ten sposób! Oczywiscie byla prezentacja nowej gitary bialej z jego wizerunkiem

Brakowalo mi mojego ulubionego numeru Rubina... __________________________________________________________________

Brilliant show! I wasn't amazed with new album's stuff when I bought it but after the show I think some tracks were really needed like Crowd Chant or Super Colossal in Satriani's repertory especially on tour! It's a pity that Joe didn't play my favourite Rubina.

robinpetrucci Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
10:40 am

Firstly, having seen Joe at the NIA ( a good venue although the sound can get lost there) and the Academy, which is the biggest dump of a venue in the entire UK, what a pleasure it was to see him finally play in a venue deserving of his talent. Symphony Hall is regarded by those "in the know" as having the best acoustics of any hall in Europe and one of the best in the world.

The sound was excellent from where we were sat, front stalls, 10 or 12 rows from the front, right in the middle. Not too loud, about an 8/10 on the volume and you could hear every note (apart I thought from MPHGT, which sounded a bit muffled)

This was the 4th time seeing Joe and for me was not as good as the other 3 times. Clearly he has to play stuff off his new album, but I think it's his weakest in a long time and therefore could happily have done without hearing any songs off it tonight.

Because he didn't solo tour here when "Is There Love in Space" came out we didn't get to hear enough of that album. No Gnaah, or my favourite, If I Could Fly. Not enough off SBM either.

Of course, its all down to personal taste and lots of folks love Super Colossal and loved hearing all the tracks off it tonight. Just didn't quite do it for me.

So, do I rate this show as a 7. No, simply because even if beforehand he had announced that he would just be playing the whole SC album, twice, I would still have happily paid to go watch, as Joe is simply and unquestionably the greatest guitarist alive today and it's a pleasure and honour to watch him do his stuff.

Imagine being able to wake up in the morning, pick up a guitar and just play like that. Unreal.

Thanks Joe for another great night out. Hopefully, see you NEXT YEAR?

extrasolar Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
10:23 am

Well I can't really say much except wow, what a show! A great support act and the venue was spot on. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

As usual he played a lot of stuff from his new album and the usual great classics. He's much better on his solo tours, plays loooads more stuff. Can't wait to see him again.

Well done Joe and thank you. :)

killemall Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
8:02 am

Wow what a gig dude. Its my 3rd Satch gig and they just keep getting better! I love the new album and last night it was done absolute justice. It was my girfriends 1st gig and she still hasnt spoke to me yet as she is abosulutely gobsmacked.

Great venue,awesome sound and the support act got me in the right mood for the show. Cant wait for the next gig. Hats of to ya joe,you rule plain and simple.Ive been following you ever since i was 14(nearly 30 now,gutted) and im still totaly wrapped in your music. Thanks guys for another awesome night.

joemc Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
7:11 am

Fantastic! Couldn't have been better except perhaps to have played a couple of other favourites - I was mightily surprised there was nothing played from Love In Space, I would have enjoyed a live rendition of the megasolo that Searchin' is on the CD.

I loved the end-song enhancement to old favourites Circles and Always With Me (even over and above the already-recorded live performances of these tracks). And with no less than five tracks from Surfing..., it's not hard to tell that this is still his most popular album. Notwithstanding the strength of more recent albums, it's still my favourite.

And not to mention that my kids (17, 14 nd 10) all want to know when the next concert is!

As an aside, and this is the first Satch concert I've attended, there was an interesting mix of other-artist t-shirts at the concert. Forget the Vai shirts, that's to be expected, but It was interesting to see Journey, Styx and Rush t-shirts in attendance.

And to the guy in the Rush Thirty shirt, hope you enjoyed the show, boet!!

Thanks Joe and gang, your time was much appreciated.

Joe (yes that really is my name I'm not a weirdo poser) McLean

mark73 Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
6:29 am
Wow what a night. my first satch concert and it was awsome.
i was on cloud nine when the set kicked off with the intro to 'flying in a blue dream' being my fav track. from there on in till the end it was pure exellance. Johnny A supproting had a blinding set. and i was inpressed with his sound. When Joe and the band kicked of it was sit back, hold on and enjoy the ride.
Awsome night
thx joe

Oh Jeff like the whole chicken thing. do you do requests lol

afrojosh Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
3:37 am
WOW! The first Satch concert I have been to and how truly inspirational it was! The opener was 'Flying in a Blue Dream' which got everyone going and this was followed by fantastic renditions of 'The Extremist' and 'Redshift Riders'. Then came my favourite Satriani tune of them all - Cool #9. The band played a much extended intro for this, which seemed to suit the song perfectly, with Dave doing some pretty hefty bass workouts and these received much applause from the audience. The lighting throughout the concert was great as well, it really added to the how the songs were received. I think other crowd-pleasers would have to include 'Surfing...', 'Super Colossal', 'Crowd Chant' and 'Summer Song'. It was amazing to hear everyone joining in for Crowd Chant and I think Satch was quite impressed with us all! He comes over as being so humble to all of his fans - the energy and emotion he was able to pour into every note was a real experience. I recently attended a concert by a high profile guitarist (who will remain nameless) at the NEC who seemed as though he really couldn't be bothered and was just in it for the money. Joe, on the other hand, looked as though he could have gone on all night - I sincerely hope that I have his energy when I'm 50! TO GALEN, DAVE, JEFF AND JOE - THANKYOU! YOU'VE MADE A 16 YEAR OLD INCREDIBLY HAPPY!!!!

daveyk Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
2:29 am

What a great gig!! Venue and sound was superb - must use it again. Johnny A is a great talent and had lots of time after his set for CD autographing and making friends - nice to see more of him.

Joe was the best I have seen him in 15 years. Superbly confident and all over the neck. All the favourites were played great and the new tracks came across better than the CD. Surfing is still my favourite and probably always will be.

Thanks to Joe and the boys for a great nights entertainment.

sam_at2001 Mon Jun 19 '06
Symphony Hall, Birmingham,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Tue Jun 20 '06
1:17 am

I don't really have time to write a long review for the show, but I just wanted to add my comment. Joe really was at his best tonight, it makes me feel sick because nobody should be able to play guitar as well as he can. He's just a complete natural. The moment Joe came on for Flying in a Blue Dream, I had a really weird feeling -I'd been waiting so long for this concert, and for him to actually be standing there playing for us, it felt quite emotional. Crowd Chant just plain ruled, though my favourite had to be Surfing with the Alien =)

The sound was incredible and the venue was beautiful (makes a hell of a difference to the Academy which is a real dump). I had a platinum ticket which was awesome - Joe is so friendly and modest and seemed genuinely interested in what people were saying to him.

Joe, thank you for the inspiration.

Oh, and nobody miss Johnny A - he is amazing...the whole audience seemed to be stunned into silence at his beautiful tone and playing...he got a massive cheer at the end though!

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