{JS} Road Discography Gear Interact The Vault
tuvster Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Sep 01 '06
7:20 am

Well, What can i say. That is my first ever Joe Satriani concert, And it was FANTASTIC!!!!!!! it was the best thing i have ever went to in my life. I cannot believe i was at his concert, It felt surreal. As soon as i saw he was touring i looked at where he would be playing and i found: St. Davids Hall (Cardiff,Wales,GB) I started to save up money straight away. I wanted to take my friend as he loves this genre of music and i wanted to get him into Joe's music, I think i suceeded. Joe has and always will be "My Inspiration" Ive been playing guitar now. Ive been watching all of his tuition DVD's along with Steve Vai's, ive been trying my best. I am determined to learn guitar and one day to be able to play like Joe. My Dream has always been to play guitar with Joe. Next time Joe tours, Or a G3 concert comes up. I WILL save up and buy the tickets.

Jake Tovey, 13yr, England.

loll Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Mon Jul 24 '06
4:59 pm
Like a fine wine, Joe just keeps on getting better. He is now a seasoned master of his craft and St David's Hall is a venue that truly befits such a performer. What a glorious place to see one of your favourite artists at work. A thoroughly enjoyable show from start to finish, including Johnny A. Quality sound without excessive volume. Just right! A big thumbs up to the sound guys.

This was my umpteenth Joe show but the first for my 12 year old lad and his pal. Needless to say they were both amazed and delighted!

As is often the case at a Satch gig, it's the little extras that make the evening special for long-time fans: the many extended vamps during the set (the one at the close of AWMAWY was superb), the opening harmonic/hammering riff to Banana Mango and the inclusion of a few bars from Hordes Of Locusts just made the whole evening really special.

You know, Joe's performances are generally so flawless that I was secretly overjoyed when he stumbled a little in the middle of AWMAWY. Having spent many hours getting to the point where I can pretty much pull it off, it made me realise that Joe is, in fact, as human as the rest of us. :o) Actually, he had a few problems with Always when I saw him play last at that night club/bingo hall in Birmingham (Was it the Academy? What a dump that place was by comparison). Probably a coincidence, but it just shows that sometimes the most difficult tracks to pull off are often the ones that to the listener seem to be technically less demanding (I think Sleep Walk was another one that Joe said was pretty hard to get just right live). It also shows just how much effort goes into pulling off his show night after night. Professionalism of the highest calibre.

At first, the audience seemed a little quiet but I think it's the effect Joe has. He's mesmerising. You try to watch the other guys but you just keep getting drawn back to seeing what he's up to now. There was always a loud burst of applause along with hoots and whistles of approval after each track though. All in all, a truly fantastic show and, I think, the best Satch gig I have seen.

A big 'Thank you' then to Joe, Dave, Jeff, Galen and the entire crew that make a Satch show what it is - a truly joyous event. Next wish: A G3 with Steve Lukather and perhaps Nuno Bettencourt or Andy Timmons - at St David's Hall, of course. How cool would that be? 8-)

pip55 Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sun Jun 25 '06
6:22 am

Ho ho ho - two nights in a row. Having caught Bournemouth I had to go again (I do this a lot when it comes to Joe. Try and be 'sensible' and then go and see more than one show on the tour...

I thought I'd already posted a review for Cardiff but given it was 4am again before I hit the sack I think tiredness got the better of me... so I spilled a story in T2J, but somehow didn't hit "Add it" in here.

Another 10 out of 10 - tempted to give 11 for being so gracious with my parents!

I think the sounds was better thatn the Pavillion, Bournemouth - but regardless, both were excellent. First time at St Davids Hall for me and really impressed with the seating arrangements.

The band seemed a little more into it tonight, although Galen and Dave did seem to have a look of fear in their eyes when we all rushed to the front for the encore.

Another totally cool performance from everyone, beautiful and masterful playing from Sir Joe. Now PLEASE add in some more UK dates before you go home : )

The Set: Flying In A Blue Dream, The Extremist, Redshift Riders, Cool #9, A Cool New Way. Satch Boogie, Super Colossal, Just Like Lightnin', Ice 9, One Robot's Dream, The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing, The Meaning Of Love, Circles, Always With Me, Always With You, Surfing With The Alien

The Encore: Crowd Chant, Summer Song

olje Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: Posted:
Sun Jun 25 '06
5:16 am

Question: what kind of merchandise can you get on the Super Colossal tour??

Going to see Joe on Thuesday in Copenhagen - and I can hardly wait :-)

the_beatrix_kiddo Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 24 '06
7:12 am

WOW, what an experience. Everything from start to finish, from meeting John Iverson to shaking hands with Joe. Everything was electrifying.

I was one of the people who had forked out a bit to buy the platinum package and I must say I was glad I did that. I arrived at St David’s hall at about 5, met fellow platinum/diamond ticket holders and met John. John came across as a really chilled really nice guy and I knew he will make sure that the experience is a great one for us. We went in to watch Johnny A do the sound check and i must say that Johnny A bassist looked like BEN STILLER. Then that was followed by a walk on the stage, picture with JOE's guitar and a look at his pedal board. I have always wondered what sort of effects Joe used and finally i got to take pictures of his pedal board. And i saw the much talked about and the guitar that i want to buy and pass it down the generation...the CHROME BOY.

Afterwards we came out in what was like a foyer with bar at one end. There was stalls set up to sell JOE's merchandises. I was just hanging out there with my fellow platinum/diamond package people and lol out of nowhere comes Galen. I went over with Gavin (one of the fellow platinum ticket holder) and we talked to him for a while , shook his hand. He was genuinely a nice person who took some time off to come out have a walk around, and talk to fans.

Then came the gig. The seat i had was unbelievable. right up there on the stalls with Joes pedal board being about 5 meters from me . Lol my friends were very impressed with the seats i had managed to get them. LOl I just told them just wait for the show. I had never heard of Johnny A's music before but i must say i was impressed. LOL more so my friends were awestruck. LOL we had another moment there where it was suggested that, “doesn’t that bassist look like Ben Stiller ". Anyhow my friends went out and got Johnny’s album during the break. Johnny himself was out and about and i got him to sign the scratch plate of my FENDER.

Then came the moment that i think everyone had been waiting for. LOL the light went out and we could hear Joe but where was he. He came from the Left side of the stage and kicked off with " Flying in a blue dream ". And what a reception did he get. The whole crowd erupted. LOL from the seat I had it was so close. right in front of me. I was awestruck. Joe played most of the songs from the super colossal and some old time hits like 'the extremist', 'satch boogie', 'cool 9' 'always'. I have to say that the ending of 'Always with me, always with you ' was simply amazing.

When I went backstage during the show, I had a look a Joe's set list and that came in handy. After playing, 'Always' ( I think) Joe went backstage and I knew what was coming. The crowd was chanting him back on and i knew he will come back. LOL I took this opportunity to get right up to the stage and in front of his pedal board. And what a great move that was. LOL he came out and was soloing right in front of me. LOL so close that i could reach up and touch his chrome boy. I looked over to where Galen was and I was bowing to him, lol he recognised me from the meeting earlier on and pointed and gave a smile.

LOL the experience was mesmerising. I took over a 100 picture, took some video clip. At the venue they were announcing that no camera and stuff but they were really cool about it.

Anyway after all that, i went back to my friends and their jaws were on floor. They had never heard JOE's music before and well lol they wanted to buy everything on the stalls outside. Unfortunately Joe didn't have his albums on sale on stalls outside. But lol I was given about 8-10 items by my friend lol to get those signed.

Anyway i went back and met up with John Iverson again. We were waiting for Joe to come in the room to meet us. Joe took his time to come in the room and that allowed John to have a talk with us about his tour experience, how he got involved with Joe. I id managed to get the info that JOE IS PLANNING A G3 TOUR FOR THE UK NEXT YEAR. There was some hint dropped as to who is going to be the guest next year. John said something about Joe and the band coming across some Acoustic guitar players in San Francisco who apparently they were very impressed with. JOHN, if you are reading this I hope u get to move to Michigan and plant flowers that u talked about. LOL and don’t give up on that JS1000.

The night finished with a crescendo, Joe came in the room. He was very friendly and receptive and it was good to see that after such a grulling tour, a mesmerising performance and so late in night, Joe still had the same enthusiasm towards meeting his fans. Everybody got to meet, shake hand with Joe and take a photo. LOL Joe joked that he might write a song about having so many pictures taken of him by John. LOL John was quick to suggest a title " A thousand flashes". LOL guys look out for that one in future. During the meet and greet, Joe did say that there was a live album/ dvd in work now and it will be released in HD format in a few weeks.

LOL i was very much one of the last few peoples to meet Joe and I had so many things on me that I wanted signed. LOL Joe looked at everything in curiosity and apparently i had the sleeve cover of 'not of this earth' and i said this is how long I have been following your music. I asked him how has the uk tour been. Joe said he was surprised to meet so many fans and he said he always get a great welcome here. I asked him if he is coming back to uk in near future to do another tour and he said " oh defiantly". LOL G3 NEXT YEAR PEOPLE. Get ready. Joe signed all my stuff and I had so many !!!! I had my picture taken with him and the night finished with a warm handshake from Joe.

The whole experience was amazing. Oh i managed to get one of the pick Joe has been using in performance. Now i have slightly calmed down but yesterday I was ever so hyper.

LOL this is to be the start of something new. I am definitely going to see Joe again and again. G3 next year!! I cannot wait.

Thank you Joe, John, Galen...my fellow platinum members for this amazing experience.

All the pics are on web at


or if u cant go there go to webshots and look for the_beatrix_kiddo

skunkhour Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Sat Jun 24 '06
3:43 am

wow, second time ive seen joe live now and that just blew me away once again, the first time was in birmingham on the g3 tour, this tim we had such better seats and the show was just unbelievable, a week before i went to see the eagles with my parents, my dad was blown away by the sound there, but i said to him "you wait till we go to see satch, he will tear the roof off that place" lol you should have seen his face, never seen a 50 yr old guy so excited,lol, amazing show, jeff, galen, dave truly great perfromances, highlights have to be flying in a blue dream, feedback at the start of that song sends chills through my spine, the extremist, super collosal, well..... the whole show was an amazing highlight, the energy flying between the band and the audience was awesome, what a finale, great venue aswell, stunning sound, please come back and play at st davids again next time joe!! Anyway best show ive ever been to, I hop everyone enjoyed themselves, im sure you all did.

Thanks everyone.

wassyb Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 23 '06
3:22 pm
WOW.........Awesome well it was the first time that i have seen joe live (and i have been listening to him for 20 years ) and finally had an oppurtunity to see him and yeah joe it was worth the wait, from flying in a blue dream to summer song absolutely Amazing................. jeff.Galen and dave nice and tight and joe well you just blew us away would have liked to met you and the band but hey maybe oneday,keep on writing and playing joe you have inspired me to pick up my axe and start playing again you are truly the master that rocks.................back home im still flying in a blue dream...........................yeah Johnny A rocks also ..........

thekowalik Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 7 Posted:
Fri Jun 23 '06
12:56 pm
Great show. Not many recent songs played tho'.. to my knowledge none from strange beautiful music, or is there love in space, EOC, and only touching on the 1995 self titled with Cool #9, and summer song from Extremist.. and slightly in passing Crystal planet where Joe jammed the riff for a bit.. So whats up? Joe we your hard core fans want to hear this stuff.. Yeah Surfing is the stuff of ledgend..but you've composed so much great music over the years you must include it. I loved the performances of the new album..and quite rightly so you made it a major part of your set. So that was my highlight, and of course have totally sweet seats looking firectly down on the stage, YEAH.. I was the only person up there shouting out crowd chant.....though i say that Satch Boogie rocked !!!!

matsimpson Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Jun 23 '06
12:18 pm
Whoa! what an awesome show! Johnny A was way better than i expected, good going guys!

njbeast Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 23 '06
10:46 am

WOW..... What can I say another than what another amazing show..... Well I was sat in work on Thursday morning thinking man I can’t believe I have only been to one Joe show this tour..... So I went to my boss got half a days holiday and got Friday off as well, I called my mate, Rang the Venue and managed to get some late tickets that had been returned And Bang. My mate picked me up from work and then we where off... 3 hours later we where in Cardiff, check out the venues and picked up my tickets. Checked in to a hotel and went for something to eat. 7:30ish got into the show went for a beer and checked out Johnny A, Once again he was stunning. Made our way to our seats and WOW..... I must say again WOW we where right over the left hand side of the stage where Joe walks out from. It was out of this world I was right overlooking Joe’s guitars, amps and Mike Manning. The show started and once again from Start to Finnish it was Electrifying. Dave came over was rocking with us waving and jumping around. I think Joe didn’t realise we where there until towards the end of the show. When he did man did he play to us he was jumping, waving, pointing Words can not describe the feelings..... The end came Crowd Chant where Joe spent loads of it over playing to us..... them Summer Song. Even being at the front of the stage he still managed to spin round and give us a point and wave or two. The show ended and the crew where packing up, as I watched Mike (Joe’s Manager) walked out. I gave him a shout and he reached up and gave me two Back Stage Pass’s..... YES once again I was about to meet The Satch Man. We where in the suit, Mike came in had a chat with us. Then Dave came in we had a chat with him. Then Yep once again Joe walked in and he signed some stuff for me had a chat it was absolutely Amazing.

I cant Thank Everybody enough for how they treat all there fans. Unluckily we didn’t run in to Galen or Jeff. Maybe next time.

Thank You All So Much For Every Thing.

Keep On Rocking.

Dave Wren

sirchick Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 9 Posted:
Fri Jun 23 '06
8:58 am
The show was awesome as always Joe!!! Love Just like lightnin', cant get over the rythem on it, so cool!! Surfing with the Alien got every one going crazy in the end ! Dont think the security guards could do much when everyone ran up to the stage, but didnt matter was good atmosphere so nothing would of gone wrong ! Its a shame you and Johnny A couldnt do a sort of jam or something after your encore! Unless you did and i left and missed it but everyone was leaving so assumed you werent going to come back a second time! Well hope you enjoyed playing there though!! Was an awesome show, had an awesome view aswell! Set list was good but still no "Crushing Day", i dont think ill ever get to see you play it live! Any way must dash! Best come back to Wales next time you tour in the UK !!!

rhodderz Thu Jun 22 '06
St. Davids Hall, Cardiff,
Rank: 10 Posted:
Fri Jun 23 '06
1:32 am

1 word to describe the show ''Art'' I couldnt believe it as soon as the backing voices for Flying In A Blue Dream started i knew i was in for a roller coaster ride of pure guitat adrenaline. Jeff, Dave, Gaylen all on top form (could be because it was last british tour date) Mr Satriani exploded on everysong creating a forsefield of energy around himself that captivated everyone who was there. I had the Diamond package...oh my god i highly recommend it..not only do you get to see the 'stage life' but after the show you get to meet Joe. He is a very very nice guy always has a smile on his face and happy to sign everything and anything. Johnny A= best support act ive seen so far and ive been to alot of gigs. His melodic stylings with the guitar are just out of this world beeing able to play rhythm&lead, blues&jazz, fast&slow all at the same time..he was amazing. But thank you Joe Satriani & Crew for making this night one to remember in my book

Love&Respect Rhod

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