show review
(Richard Wallon)
Sat Apr 09 '16
UB Center for the Arts
Buffalo, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Apr 12, '16 6:09 am
Fantastic Meet & Greet with Joe made it a awesome experience my wife and I will never forget. It was great to actually meet him and have the backstage tour. It was worth every penny and was so happy with the VIP treatment. His staff was Ace and professional. Joe was real nice and really cool and had fun saying my nickname Slick Rick out loud as he signed all my old albums and chatted us up. What a great guy. Thank you Joe. It was so cool to walk the stage afterword and check out all the gear and his cool guitars. Show started with a Shockwave and he Surfed thru the night with all his greatest hits. His new music feels so matured and just beautiful to listen to. Words cannot describe the intense emotions I felt during many songs and my wife and I teared up many times. The show was a trip down memory lane as old memories of listening to his music while fishing with old "Friends" , to dancing with my wife on our wedding day saying our vows "Always with me, Always with you" ,and all the road trips I made while "Flying in a Blue Dream". I've been listening to Satriani for over 25 years and his music has been a soundtrack to many key memories of my life leading up to this night were it hit me like a supernova of nostalgic emotions. Joe was really crisp and tight that night, even playful, and he just tore up his guitars with the coolest expressions on his face. Shredding, banging, walking up and down the frets with his fingers like a wizard and he even applied tooth enamel for good measure. The chills run up my body just thinking of it days later. I sat on the end in the second row and he was jamming right in front of me most the night. I noticed most of the people in the front row were kinda subdued, perhaps overwhelmed, maybe to classy to show emotion. Not me, as I was easy to spot, as I playing air guitar right along with him and digging on every note with a bobbing head and many fists to the air. I swear he was playing just for me sometimes and whenever he looked my way I could tell he was feeding off my energy. His guitar playing melted my face and he rocked me to the bone. The back screen had the coolest space landscapes and images and the lighting was fantastic. Can't tell you how many times I just said "Wow". I've seen Joe twice before, but I'm telling you, this was the best Satch concert ever for me. And he clearly proved he is the best guitarist in the galaxy. Mike, Marco and Bryan are a perfect band to match Joe and they were tight and truly full of smiles. There fantastic musicians who jammed with Joe doing Led Zep riffs and even old Deep Purple. Joe congratulated Deep Purple on the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nomination and a hardcore fan out front yelled out "Your Next Joe !" He laughed and said thanks. Was surprised he had Big Bad Moon on the set list at the end and I just loved hearing it. Even though his voice wasn't to loud over his guitar,(I don't blame ya Ace) It was OK , as I sang along anyways. At the end as I was up to the stage yelling my thanks, he looked at me , put his fist to his heart , pointed at me and thanked me. A artist that truly cares for his fans. And I can see why he wears sunglasses on stage as there's always someone in front who makes a mistake and stupidly blinds you with his flash on his phone.( Um, that was me Joe, sorry, and I did mean it when I said you will be in the Hall of Fame next:) And Joe, I did find that guitar pick you shot at me after the lights went on. Good shot. Anyways, I'm getting everything I got that night framed, so I can put it on my walls. And every time I walk by them, I will remember that night, make a air guitar pose , smile , and say out loud. "The Slick Surfed with the Satch" Thanks Joe , This show meant so much to me and my wife and it was a magical night. Keep on Rockin' brotha..... I will forever listen...

(Alan Hancock)
Sat Apr 09 '16
UB Center for the Arts
Buffalo, NY, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Apr 10, '16 6:09 pm
Great show by Joe, Marco, Mike and Bryan! A good set list with his standards mixed in with several songs from Shockwave Supernova and some deep cuts for the bigger Satriani fans. At one point his orange guitar had a scratchy potentiometer which he commented on before he started playing. He played three songs with it even though his tech Mike Manning had another guitar ready to go. This was the 9th time I have seen him and this was the first time I actually cried during a concert. Like any concert ever! He started playing "Friends" and it connected with me like it never has before. Maybe it was a combination of the visuals and the music. I'm a sentimental person and am far away from some special people in my life so it really hit home. It was very special. If you are on the fence about seeing Joe this tour I highly recommend checking it out. Thank you for touching so many lives and making the world a better place.