show review
(Chris Cothran)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 3 Posted: Wed Aug 07, '02 9:56 am
The performance was over a 10 but Austin Music Hall should be turned into sauna. It was sooo hot inside that place that people were leaving as people were coming in. On top of not having AirConditioning in Texas....Absolutely no seats in the house.....Never again. I will just have to throw in Live At San Fran in the DVD player on that particular night at the AMH.

joe related accident Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 11, '01 10:23 am
I must say, that was the best show I have seen in a long time... (barring the fact that I don't get out much) My brother (cup o joe) and I were introduced to joe's music, via our father, and I'm only sorry he couldn't have come either. When I first arrived, I was a little confused for a moment, because the music I was hearing sounded a little harder than the joe I was used to... well, it turned out that it was Petrucci, and never having heard of him, or heard him play before that night, he seemed pretty good. His drummer was a riot though, back in the background being wild and crazy... anybody else see him toss up his drumstick and miss it on the way down? Steve Vai -and I quote from another review- IS NOT FROM THIS PLANET, I must agree... How you can play anything at all, much less play it well (which he did)while generally going insane onstage at the same time is beyond me! He pulls it off quite well I think, and playing For the Love of God was a nice touch also. His bass man, Billy Sheehan was also right up there with him, and he is such a character. My brother and I finally made it close to the front when most of the crowd left for the switch from steve vai to joe to get drinks, and eventually everyone was chanting for joe... everyone was waiting, some still chanting a little, and he just kind of mosies out onto the stage, no lights, no announcement, just walked out. I didn't even notice him at first, but I thought it was hilarious. He was, of course, excellent and he played some good songs all in all... It was a rest on the eyes to finally see someone that could stand still for more than two seconds, and everyone in the crowd was loving the music, really getting into it. When they all came back onto the stage to play again, Eric Johnson showed up (big surprise, he lives in austin ;) ) and the crowd went wild. IT seemed to me -and I wasn't truly that surprised about it- that Johnson hung back quite a bit, only really coming out to play a solo... one of which was extremely long, but still good. Sometimes I think he needs to pick his guitar more, and his nose less. I've got to admit, the poor guy did look pretty pale and skinny, I hope he is okay. They played some great songs, and all in all, this show deserved a ten.

Foofighter1 Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue May 29, '01 7:50 pm
Great show!!! I've seen some of the best guitar players perform live including Gambale and Holdsworth. I would prefer a Satch show any day, pure energy and pure fun. This was my third Satch concert (2 prior shows in New Orleans, one at The Saenger Theatre and one at The HOB). Just wish my honey could have been there (she's a huge Satch fan) as well. For G3 2001, me, wife, & 15-yr old son will be present at the Houston show. Driving from New Orleans, but wouldn't miss it! Can't wait for the new DVD!

(Mark Landry)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Feb 11, '01 2:37 pm
This was the best concert I have ever seen. The sound was just as good as the smaller clubs he plays and I was still able to get close enough to marvel at his incredible fretwork. I was thrilled to find out that he would be playing for about three hours with no opening band. The extra time on stage gave way to a lot of songs I had not heard him play before.

Time Meddler
(Ron Dubuque)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Dec 13, '00 10:22 am
I remember when Joe performed at the G3 concert and he blew me away. But this time he absolutely knocked my head off. I was front row with him right if front of me and saw every note that was played and totally fell into a hypnotic state when the first song started. Best damn concert I'll ever see in my life time, until I see him again.

(Logan Kubiak)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Nov 14, '00 6:48 am
Had to be the most amazing concert I've ever seen, and my first Satch concert. If all his concert are like this, then make every effort to go. Even my girlfriend, who is neither a fan of Joe or even this genre of music was blown away and enjoyed it.

SatchUrated Man
(Dwight Holcek)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Sep 29, '00 11:20 pm


I live in the San Antonio area and I have seen all of your shows in South Texas along with my friends and this is definitely the best show that I have seen you do! Like fine wine, you just keep getting better. It seemed like you played every single song and then you played another after another... Also, it seemed like you spiced up some of the riffs and added a little here and there, again. Are any of your shows the same? They are all progressively better and better. I look forward to your coming back to South Texas where you are always welcome with open arms!

-Dwight Holcek "SatchUrated Man"

mgadth Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Sep 15, '00 12:10 pm

I must say that this show was by far one of your best performances that I have been wittness to. No openning act, no one else jamming in between, and no group mix at the end... Just pure Joe! You were very focused and seemed to be at ease with the audience. This made for an exceptional performance! Now If my wife could ever forgive me for not taking her out to dinner for mothers day, the evening would have been a total success for myself as well as you!

Thanks for the inspiration and all of the wonderful music!

"Follow the strings of the guitar to the center of my soul" Darrell Brown

D. Brown

zaximus Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat May 20, '00 1:46 pm
What can I say? It was incredible. I loved every minute of it. The lights did a very good job at conveying the music. I loved watching Joe play and I knew he was having a good time being there which made me enjoy it even more. Stu rocked!!! Joe, thanks for playing "The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing." That made my night.

(Yari Mokriani)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed May 17, '00 8:35 pm
Had a blast at the show...took a friend, new to Satch. Got there about 3 hours early, because I had to be in the front. We got it. There was only one group of guys that beat us from Houston, and another group from Corpus showed up after us. We milled around till the doors finally opened. Those AMH employees were being punks. Joe blew away...the rest of the band was great. The whole show was a highlight. I managed 3 guitar picks which was weird. Funny how some people go insane when they toss 'em out. The guys from Corpus next to us got a pack of bass strings signed by Stu Hamm. The only bad thing about the show was this fat ass red neck biatch, who was annoying about a radius of about 30 people or so. She finally left, and everybody kinda cheered about that. But the show was great. Simply said. Didn't get to get our picture taken with any of the guys after the show. We hit IHOP and I guess we were gone too long. When we got back the tour bus had already gone unfortunately. Next time I plan on changing that. Cool show!

(Scott Leever)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed May 17, '00 7:59 am
Great Show. I own a recording studio, so therfore I now many of Austins local guitarist, I saw almost everyone at the show, And all that I saw where spellbound. Great Job, Scott

spongeworthiest Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Mon May 15, '00 12:04 pm
This was an excellent show with great sound and lights, but the venue was not the best [sorry, Austin :-)]. A show of this caliber deserves to be in a hall like the Aerial Theatre in Houston, where there is comfortable seating and no smoking. Still, it was worth the drive from Space City to see Satch and Company. The highlights for me were Crush of Love, Ceremony, and Crystal Planet. The biggest surprise was Clouds Race Across the Sky - Joe really brought that one to life! All in all, a great evening watching/listening to awesome musicians perform their craft! KV

dillage Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun May 14, '00 8:18 pm
I've been a fan since 1987 and been to every satch concert when here in San Antonio. I'm headed to Austin for the awesome are the best in the buisness!!

Louie Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun May 14, '00 7:42 pm
5/7/00 It hasn't happened yet. But I've been to four shows before this one. I know this will be great. I got to meet our man at the last one. I have every record. I'm driving in from Dallas. We didn't get a show this time. Thats OK its only a 3.5 hour drive. A small price to pay to see the greatest composer of all time. 5/14/00 Man it was a kick butt blow out. I got there early enough to get on the front row. Our hero rocked with the enthusiasym of a new comer even though hes an old pro. The audience was enthralled. Although Joe is the greatest, I think he loves to rock more than anyone. How do you explain to the world what it is like to see Joe and Stu standing side by side just cranking out that gigantic sound like there is no tomorrow? You tell someone about it and they think that you are just another rock fan out to see your hero, but it is not that way. If you go to see Joe and Company, you are going to see an amazing thing that you will see no where else. That is why Joes fans are the most loyal fans ever. To see him live and up close is nothing less than a treasure.

solari Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat May 13, '00 11:01 am
Wow. It was my first chance to see Joe, and lucking out and winning the aftershow passes made the whole thing a bit surreal. Got there really early (since I drove in from the Dallas/Ft Worth area, I didn't want to take any chances with traffic, etc), and stood in line and found a really good spot neat the front, just left of center. Our part of the crowd was cool about shifting around and letting the shorter folks get up front, and once people found out it was my first show, they were pulling ME to the front just to make sure I didn't miss anything (I didn't get a chance to thank everyone, so for the ones I missed, Thanks! and for the ones I didn't miss, Thanks again!) The show was great, Stu's solos were great (Beatles, Beethoven, and giddyup music...I'm sure the last was for us Texans ;-) Stu really plays up to the crowd, and I will no doubt check him out if he tours for his new CD. The aftershow was cool. Everything you hear about Joe being nice, taking the time to talk to his fans, etc is SO TRUE. He is a very patient and generous person. He took a few moments to point me in a direction for learning more about Pitch Axis Theory (I was really struggling with that, so thanks Joe), and everybody else got to have their moment, too. I was disappointed that Jeff and Eric (and where was Stu?) took off so soon (I was second or third talking to Joe, and when I was done they had wandered off), so if you guys read this: Thanks for the show! This will be my most memorable concert for quite some time, I'm sure.

(dan jones)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 9:35 pm
Joe, WASSSS UP! that is the best show I have seen by you yet. I drove all the way from Ft. Worth to see you play. I got two of your picks last night. i have never been that lucky at getting one. it sure would be good to see you in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area later. we miss you here. anyways best show yet. thanks for the kick ass show, and i hope to see you again soon, later!

(keith connors)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 5:11 pm
i could sit here and type a four page essay about how great the concert was, but honestly i can sum it up in just one word....WHOA! oh yeah, say no to boo, yes to stuuu!

(Robert Scott)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 3:39 pm
I'M SO-O-O GLAD I HAD EARPLUGS! I was front-row far left, leaning on the speaker ... and it was THUMPIN'! This was the 2nd Engines show I've seen, and I was amazed at how much difference there was between the two shows. I mean, the set was the same 26 songs, but there were so many little things thrown in and others done so different than last time (4-22, Chicago House of Blues). For instance, at the beginning of Summer Song - he started something that made me think he was going into 'Engines...' (Oh, how I wish he would have), but he was just teasing me (personally). Then he played the intro to Turkey Man before Rubina - that was nice. The light show was way different too (cool patterns for Devil's Slide and Cool #9 especially), and STU's solo was completely different including 'You Never Give Me Your Money' of the Beatles (No peanuts, but still great!). ======= I didn't get an after-show pass this time, so I went outside by the bus and waited with some of the other fans. I got to meet all 4 guys and got their signatures on my sign. Eric was nice enough to give me a pick - I didn't catch one from Joe during the show (very close) but I did catch one of Stu's picks. I also got Joe to pose for a picture with me and sign my guitar. Second one (and last) in as many shows - I guess I'll have to go out and buy another guitar before the next show (unless I win the contest, lol). ======= I don't have to say, it was a perfect night! Great show AGAIN Joe! Thank you.

Flint Dragon Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 9:29 am

Ahhh...I can't give this show a 10 just because last year's show in Houston was the best Satriani show I've been to (table seating, no smoking, big screens), but last night's Austin show was still amazing and fantastic! I brought my girlfriend and she's kinda short so standing room only isn't the best for her. But she enjoyed it very much which makes me happy since I figure, of all the music I listen to, Joe's is one that we can enjoy together. Nice t-shirts and if you buy two, you get the bonus CD for free.

btw, anyone else think that Eric looks like actor Robert Downey, Jr?!! hehe...

Z Pook Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 9:10 am
Once again Joe you've done it! You worked your magic by combining a fantastic display of technical brilliance with heart-pounding grooves that made us all want to put our collective hands in the air and move our feet. I can't say enough how grateful I am to live in one of the few priveleged cities that was a stop on this unforgettable tour, but also to have had the time to briefly meet with you at the in-store meet & greet earlier in the day. You made it readily obvious to all in attendance that you are not only polite and receptive but also genuinely appreciative of your loyal fan support. The show itself undoubtedly lived up to any die-hard fan's expectations by blending crowd favorite classics with exciting live interpretations of material from the new album. I think it goes without saying that you always surround yourself with an ensemble of talented musicians that are as unique in skill as you. Stu, Jeff, and Eric definitely help make the experience of a Joe Satriani concert rewarding beyond measure. As I compose this note of thanks I can't help but start thinking about the next show to come! See you then!

(Keith McGillicuddy)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 5:03 am

Dear Joe: I've been a fan since 1989. I saw you with some friends in Albuquerque, New Mexico during the Flying In A Blue Dream tour. Since then I have seen 2 shows in San Antonio, Texas to include G-3. No doubt in my mind you will again take us to the next level tonight. Been there; didn't get the t-shirt, but maybe this time I will. I'm taking my wife and three kids (12,15,16,)to the show as they are also fans who have not seen you live.

Thanks for keeping the music rockin in Austin,TX.

**********Saw the show it was awesome.


(Gil Murrow)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri May 12, '00 12:30 pm
Excellent show. Too many highlights to mention. The 'Turkey Man' intro with 'Rubina' to finish the show was icing on the cake. Thanks Joe, Eric, Stu and Jeff for your fantastic performance and taking the time to talk to your fans after the show.

(Reed Fry)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu May 11, '00 9:38 pm
HELL YEAH!!!!! I just got back from the concert and it was incredible! Not only was I able to meet Joe at a pre-show signing, but I was also able to get VIP passes (Thank You Koren)! Overall, a mind-blowing performance with a spectacular light show. You did it again, Satch. Thanks!

(freddy garza)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: Posted: Thu May 11, '00 4:00 pm
no I haven't seen the show yet. my turn is next thursday.(slowly but surely) anyway, i'm originally from Alamo way south of Austin. now i'm in portland or. I'm running out of patience but i can dream about tonite. hope you all have an ALIEN OF A GOOD TIME. LOL

(Mayank Gupta)
Thu May 11 '00
Austin Music Hall
Austin, TX, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun May 07, '00 12:50 pm
lookin forward to the most magical show of my life...i really can't wait. if i were to hear rubina and would make my life complete!! hopin to win those backstage passes!! Satriani is God