show review
(Desmond O'Sullivan)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Jul 27, '18 8:59 am
I love seeing Joe at this venue as it is so intimiate.

Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Mar 26, '01 8:43 am
I went to see joe the first night with my two brothers and I can quite honestly say that it was the most unbelievable night of my life.It was so good that I went the second night again and was lucky enough to get two tickets for me and my two brothers had gone the morning after the first gig as they live about 150 miles from Dublin.My friend never heard any of satriani's stuff but he said also it was an amazing expierience. As for the gig,my god where do I start.first of all Vicar street is a kick ass venue.It can hold about 500 satchaholics(all seated) about 400 on the bottom level and a balcony that can hold about 100.both nights I was on the bottom level right in front of Joe(which was nice). He kicked off with "time"(can't remember the order of every song) and every song was just in your face,it was awesome.Joe was just absolutley awesome.Some of the things he did with the guitar,my god he's good, and you can't really appreciate him until you see him live.stuart hamm was just amazing on the bass and the bass solo he did got the biggest ovation of the night,really amazing.highlights included "borg sex","rasberry jam delta v",etc.etc.etc. I got three picks over the 2 nights.One from eric cardieux,then on the second night after Joe played "rasberry jam delta v" he threw his pick into the crowd and I felt something hit my foot looked down and there it was.I was pretty happy to say the least. But the biggest highlight came on the second night when he came out and did "friends" and "surfin"(by the way three cheers to Joe for the nice statement before "friends" ,He said "its nice to come across so much water and still find friends to play in front of". But when he started "surfin" the place went mental and a lot of people went to the stage to get a better view,and I found myself right in front of him, and i could see his eyes through his sunglasses and he was so focused, so into it it was scary.But then with about a minute to go in the song I was so close to him that I reached out my right hand and touched his chrome guitar right beside the volume buttons and my hands were so sweaty that i watched my handprint dissapear on the chrome,wow.And as if that wasn't enough he shook my hand at the end of the night. absolutely amazing

(Adrian Lawler)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Dec 15, '00 6:21 am
Awesome gig, much better in the smaller Vicar Street venue than in the larger auditoium that is the Point Depot. I really felt like you got to know Joe because the distance that seperates you from the artist in the Point Depot wasn't there. I so glad to find that Joe Satriani is an extremely talented performer without any of the Holier than Thou bulls*** so prevalant among stars of his calibre. Keep it up Joe you're number 1.

suff Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Fri Dec 08, '00 2:15 am
I've seen Satch 2 times but this one is the BEST of them all he was very nice when I met him so as the band the set was just...GREAT!!!!!! old and new songs I can't wait for the next album!!! SO Come joe !! and hey Do'nt forget to come back !

starguitar Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Nov 15, '00 1:39 pm
4 what its now worth, definately the best concert of the summer..good venue , good vibe, ave beer, amazing musicians, beautiful songs...what more do u want ??????. hope joe returns cause i knew nuthin bout his songs b4 the concert..also EOC is joes best so far...

gareth h
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Sat Jul 29, '00 4:36 pm
Sorry i havent wrote earlier!I couldn't sign in. i was sitting at least a metre away from Satch, yes me, the one with the spiky hair!! i got his plec, and stu's, which i will keep and cherish for ever. ive got piles of pretty class pictures, and one in which hes lookin straight at me.It was the best moment of muy life!I don't believe i actually got to see him!I travelled 100 miles from Belfast aswell it cost me about £80 and for a 15 year old that's quite alot of money for me.I must have been the youngest there considering you had to be 18 to get in,but i wouldn't have missed this chance for the world.I now know what heaven is like!It couldn't have been better.Stu was class especially postman pat which got everyone up!Jeff+John where also brilliant.It was just FANTASTIC!!!! Biggest fan in N.Ireland at least!! Gareth Hunter You can mail me at

(I don't)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jul 16, '00 5:01 pm
Amazing live show. Intimate venue. Sitting about 10 yards from the greatest guitarist in the world. What more could you want? Yes I know..another beer leave it out. Playlist was excellent there was nothing short of brilliance as regards skill and pure entertainment. I am lazy so I won't tell you the rest. I will say that it was the coolest gig I've been to though.

(Jay O'Gorman)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 9 Posted: Tue Jun 27, '00 3:58 pm
I was seated at the right-hand side facing the stage, so I was in a good position to see The Great Bald One emerging from the shadows of the backstage during the opening bars of 'Time' to cooly greet the roaring crowd before launching into the aforementioned song's haunting melody. Faultless performance throughout the gig (as good as on 'Time Machine') with a perfect tone -- however it's a shame that the guitar was sometimes drowned-out by the bass and drums. I'd have also preferred if the venue weren't a seated one ( I really wanted to get-up and move to the man's muzik!!), but at least the small size of Vicar Street allowed for an intimate atmosphere ( and it was a cool--almost surreal--experience being less than 10 metres away from the only person in the world I truly idolize!). Stu's solo was amazing aswell -- I just felt sorry for Jeff and Eric not getting that much attention! Anyway, it was an unforgettable -- sometimes even transcendental -- gig, so COME BACK SOON ,SATCH!!

(Bill Austin)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jun 27, '00 5:45 am
WOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH! What a gig man, that was something else. I really enjoyed that! I'd have loved one of those plectrum's, but anyway. I had no idea Borg Sex was so good! Kudos on the new album man!!!! Where can I get the tab for Big Bad Moon?

(kevin canavan)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Jun 22, '00 4:31 pm
Hey satch fans ireland! wasn't this gig fucking brill? i was supposed to go on the second night but couldn't get a lift home, shiiiiiiit! i was really pissed off as you can tell, ah well there is always the next time, did anyone else notice he left out 4 songs off the set list? correct me if i'm wrong but he was supposed to play a train of angels/one big rush new blues and rubina.iloved devils slide, the crush of love, ice9 and just about everything else! even got my additional creations cd signed and shook the mans hand (how cool is that?) anyhew big shout out to motormouth (who i met in mcdonalds after the show) and mark downie and his bro, peter, good luck!

alan griffin
(alan griffin)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 11:24 pm
This was just SO cool.It was my first time seeing Joe,and i can safely say it was one of the coolest gigs i was ever at.The vibe was just really relaxed.The set list was cool(i especially enjoyed love thing,and then that bass solo!!!!!). Got to meet Joe and the band after the gig,thanks to the online competition.Joe explained where he gets the names for a few of the songs,which was really cool,too!

Saruman_at home Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 8:01 pm
Last time Joe was in Dublin it was at the point which is a huge place and i could barely see Joe.. excellent concert, this time it was in a small up close and personal place which was great as even though i was at the back on the second level i could see him as he was only about 30 feet or less away from me!! The songs were all my faves, he was great with the croud as always and it was a night to remember.. pity the score only goes as far as 10 as it deserves more!!

(John Leddy)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 9 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 5:02 pm
My second Satch concert and it was AMAZING.Cool venue,cool show,cool pints too.It was like being in a normal pub with Joe Satraini playing!The new tracks came across great live espc Borg Sex.Down,Down,Down was excellent as was every song.Stu's bass solo was mind blowing.Keep it up Satch.Wish I could be at the 2nd show.COME AGAIN SOON!!

(john finn)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 8 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 4:36 pm
wow, what a show, the last time i was at this venue the que was going around the block for a steve vai concert, well this time when i arrived there was no que at all..damn i said to my self must be cancelled, but ahead on in i went anyway, when i went in i could`nt believe it. The place was just like a normal bar with the whole floor covered in tables with people drinking was so different to steve vai where everyone was standing and being crushed up the front this was a far more civilised event...well show time came and out strolled joe and played his chrome boy but it was just so weird everyone sitting down and joe noodling away a few feet away on the stage. i have toi say that his heart did`nt really seem in it for some of the songs and he looked slightly bored "man, he was yawing!!" but it was an excellent show and made all the better for being so intimate because you could really study joe`s technique and his general aura....overall it was a great gig, made all the better because i could have a few beers and not have a 200 pound physco jumping on my back.

(Mark Downie)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 2:57 pm
Awesome!!! Couldn't have been any better. I was right at the front as close as it was possible to get (stage left). I caught a plectrum and met Joe outside after the show. Got Joe, Stu and Jeff to sign my ticket!!! Circles, Cool#9, Until we say goodbye and The Extremist were the highligths of the show for me anyway. Borg Sex was pretty cool too. In fact every song he played was fantastic. Cheers to Joe and the others for a super night of excellent music, and an awesome bass solo from Stu.

Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 8:39 am
just a peach

mphgthing Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jun 21, '00 6:56 am
I would have ranked this gig 12, if I was let. Satch is just incredible, and as for Stu's bass solo...out of this world! After seeing Vai a few months back, I thought Joe had his work cut out for him, but he was just indescribable, the man is a living legend. Jeff was awesome too, to even try to describe how good Stu was would only do him injustice and Eric was incredible as well (fantastic on Borg Sex in particular). But Joe is still the master....

wayno Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jun 13, '00 10:53 am
Dear joe,I have never been to a concert before,so seen as i am a big fan of yours i thought it would be best to see the master play. Go strutt your stuff can't wait to see you of luck. Wayno

(Stephen Rafferty)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: Posted: Sun May 21, '00 3:37 pm
I am afraid i am not a happy chappy, sure joe is the coolest , and it doesnt matter what he plays, its all cool , my dissapointment lies in the fact that i didnt get into the gig! I was soooo looking foward to see joe for the first time but vicar street is over 18s only, i am 16 so i was deeply dissapointed, if onyl joe would start playing in the north of ireland, the ulster hall is a great venue for him. Sorry joe! wish i had of been there , hope it was good, actually i know it was probably top class!

(John mc grath)
Tue Jun 20 '00
Vicar St.
Dublin, Dublin 8, IE
Rank: Posted: Fri Apr 23, '99 8:20 pm
Gentlemen....START YOUR ENGINES!!!!!and I get to meet the Satch, what more could I ask for?