show review
Nick Vai
(Nick Mitchell)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 04, '02 7:39 am
This show can be summed up in one word, outstanding. Petrucci was an incredible opening act. He blew me away with his sound and speed. Vai was, and is always, my favorite. He had this connection with the fans that was incredible. His beautiful performance of "Whispering a Prayer" was my single most favorite moment of the show. Vai's bassist was simply incredible also. Satch was amazing as he always is. His accuracy and sound was of course the best. When Steve Morse came out it was a big treat. Their rendition of "Voo-Doo Child" was awesome. This was the best show I have ever seen!

speedy1 Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Dec 17, '01 7:40 pm

(Norman Salveson)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Sat Oct 13, '01 9:34 pm
It was great to see Joe in Orlando again. I'm glad they decided to end the G3 tour here because I probably wasn't going to be able make it to the other shows. It looked like the guys on stage were really having a good time. John, Steve, Billy, and Joe were awesome! The place was packed and really hot!! I loved the closing cover tunes, it was a good selection. I had to rate this show as an 8 only because its still better to see Joe play an entire set like his last stop here (a 3hour show!). That last show definitely rated a 10! There was nothing like it, can't wait for another like it. But it was great to see the G3 tour end here.

Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Aug 05, '01 5:14 pm
I m so lucky!!!!!!!!!! I m from Brazil and I went to Disney World with my parents and my sister. When we went to Downtown Disney my sister read in front of HOB that G3 would play there a week after that day. I didn t think tuice. I bought two tickets (my sister and I). When the four of them were playing my sister started to feel bad, so I had to take her outside. But I came back there to see the rest (my parents were outside, so they took care of my sister). I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS SHOW. IT WAS JUST SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Darby Allen)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 31, '01 6:42 am
Joe, Steve and John played a fantastic gig at the House of Blues. The H.O.B was a great venue as it is limited to 2000 tickets, there are plenty of bars around the venue and the sound system is just awesome. As always Joe was on top form and made the last night of the G3 tour a great one. Steve Vai had all the girls wishing they were his guitar, just for one night, and John Petrucci was superb. Thanks for a great night Joe and may there be many more. Darby Allen. UK.

(Mike Gray)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 30, '01 8:37 am
G4 Awesome show! Petrucci was flawless, Steve Vai pulled some weird tongue feedback trick, and Satriani was, and is always, the best. That combined with the stellar final jam definitely made this a complete "10" show. Steve Morse showed up for the final jam to compliment the power trio. Great to see Billy Sheehan back, and Vai's drummer was simply amazing. Scored a Vai pick.

(Fidel Alejandres Rivas)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Sun Jul 29, '01 9:52 pm
DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!! DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!DOWN TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!

(Fernando Sagala)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 8 Posted: Sat Jul 28, '01 10:34 am
"Real the Best Guitar of The World" ... See you in Indonesia ...

boylegato Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 9 Posted: Thu Jul 26, '01 10:10 pm
Far better sound tonight than 2 nights ago. Again John Petriucci shows up like a true pro and puts on an amazing performance. And just like at Ruth Eckerd the crowd loved this guy. I was already familiar with John but he really won me over as a fan with these 2 shows. I'll be looking for him to record and release this stuff. Steve Vai, what a performance! The new material is excellent and I was hanging on every note. Great stage show and guitar mastery! Sheehan could stand to lose the distortion on the bass but still rocks the house and adds to the energy of Vai. Nice drum solo by Virgil thrown in as well. Joe, I can't believe the blasphemy that is about come out of my mouth but "I WALKED OUT ON YOU!!!". After a night of kick ass new music by your openers you hardly touched any of your own kick ass new music (which there is plenty of). That same old set, the same lack of enthusiasm as Ruth Eckerd. I still love ya buddy, but the whole band looked as unamused as I was. Luckily your co-stars Petriucci and Vai more than took up the slack and I'm sure you'll make it up to me next time around.

(caleb shelton)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 26, '01 4:35 pm

Ethn Hayabusa Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Thu Jul 26, '01 12:48 pm
best show ive ever seen.(joe by himself being second.) john petrucci's right hand was like a damn machine gun! the songs were phenomenal,especially since he wrote them in such a short period of time.what a great wah tone. favorites were the first two songs,the fourth(glasgow kiss?) had a great steve morse vibe.what does i.b.s stand for?love the 7string,wish vai would play one more often.speaking of vai,damn! he was great,as usual.saw this show in clearwater too,but i couldn't see a damn thing(row EE!),and i'm damn near blind!joe was flawless ,of course but i really kinda wish he would vary the set more.he was great ,but he played the same set at both shows,maybe its just cause ive seen him so many times,but id like to hear some machine,trundrumbalind,youre my world,etc.) ive heard summer song ALOT.but thats all right,its always a dream to see the man.what can i say about the jam?STEVE MORSE!i can die now.little wing is probably the highlight of my life now.especially with the harmony solo. i will be one happy mofugger if they release this on dvd.WOULD IT HELP IF I BEGGED???????!!!!!!!!PPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEE!!! steve morse was hilarious,trying to tap with the pick,looking over joe's shoulder,playing air whammy solos behind vai.after the show ,i got to talk to him for about 10 minutes,what a cool cat!i felt bad for vai though,after the show,he got swamped by a bunch of rude people,at one point everyone blocked him from his son.not cool of us at all.but,another time.10+thanks joe,steve,and john for the best show of all time.

edgemer Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 6 Posted: Thu Jul 26, '01 9:11 am
I guess I need to explain my ranking of the show as a 6. Musically it would be a 10. 11. All three sounded great. I don't need to elaborate on that as everyone else already has. The problem is the venue. HOB SUCKS! I hate that place and will not be back! It's my 4th time seeing a show there (2 G3's, a Vai, and Eric Johnson) and each time the expeience got worse. This venue sucks! Unless you are one of the lucky few to get one of the half-dozen seats (provided its not behind a pillar), expect to get really annoyed and tired of standing. And I don't have time to get there 5 hours early so I can wait in the hot sun for the doors to open and then run to the stage. Besides, as soon as I go take a piss, my spot will be gone. Maybe I'm getting old, but when I pay $60+ to see a show (for both my wife and I), I want a seat, not this general admission crap. And it would be nice to actually see the show. I didn't even get a glimpse of Joe till halfway through his second song and my wife said she saw Steve Vai's hair. I did see Stu and Billy plenty. Both are awesome, but I paid to see John, Steve, and Joe too. I know what you're saying...MOVE! Well, we did...several times. It didn't get better. And my complaint isn't with the drunken jerks playing air guitar in front of me the whole time or blowing smoke in my face. You get that at every show. Sorry for the bitch session, and I don't mean to sound like a whiner, but the bottom line is that this venue sucks! Joe, if you read this, PLEASE consider a different venue! I'm more than willing to see any of the "G's" again...but not at the House of Blues.

Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Wed Jul 25, '01 1:50 am
Wow! They need to invent a word for how great that experience was. John, whom I was not overly familiar with, blew me away. Super player and great songs. The violin sounding tune was cool. Steve Vai, long time fan first time seeing him. Great showman and just stunning watching his tecnique. I loved SkyScraper by DLR so seeing him and Sheehan together was way cool. Sheehan is by far the most energetic maniacal bassist I've seen. And Da Mastah, Joe!! I was lucky enough to be as close to the stage as you can get, but left side. John played right side, Vai played middle, so when they switched sets and they put Satchs mic and pedals RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME I was like OH HELL YEAH!! Best guess, 5 feet max from me to Joe anytime he was near the mic/pedals! Truly a master, God I love his songs and to see them played live and with such precision and feel is inspiring. I was grinning ear to ear when he started in on Flying in a Blue Dream, and Summersong was exquisite. Stu was very impressive and even managed to ask how I was doing.. rhetorically of course =) The jam at the end was beyond terrific. Steve Morse being there was cool, though there was a lot of confusion as to where he should be on stage, or a problem with finding his monitor at the beginning, but it all worked out. Joes drummer picked up Joes guitar while Satch played harmonica during one of the jam songs. Vai played on Petruccis guitar neck while Petrucci strummed at one point. Little Wing... what a treat!! Absolute stunning show and a huge THANK YOU to Joe and the gang for letting us experience it.

(mitch shepard)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 24, '01 6:51 pm
I had read just about all of the reviews on this site before I saw the G3 show. After the show, I had been struggling with what to say in my review. Well…here goes. This was by far the best concert I have ever seen in my life! (And I’ve seen a butt-load of concerts!). It was well worth the price of admission, the two-hour trip from Jacksonville to Orlando, and even worth standing in the rain waiting to get into the House of Blues! Now, unlike most of the visitors on this site, I am a drummer. But I absolutely love guitar. John Petrucci was amazing. As a HUGE Dream Theater fan I was really psyched about seeing him. Even with Mike Portnoy, (who’s autographed picture hangs on my wall like a family member) on drums, I found myself only glancing over at Mike, because Petrucci was just AWESOME! Steve Vai is the quintessential rock star! He is a true master of his instrument. He and Billy Sheehan really play well together. When they ran at each other and smashed their guitars together, I couldn’t help think: “That’s pretty fu**in’ cool!” Then Satch came out… what can I say about the master!!!??!!!?? He looks and sounds like he is just not of this earth. (Hey, that sounds like a good name for an album!) Joe rocked as usual, he is flawless, not a single note out of place! The best word to describe his playing is PERFECT! The end of the show was incredible when they all three started jamming. Oops, I forgot Steve Morse joined in as well. (Who could forget SM??) With the stage jammed full of virtuosos, all I could do was let my jaw drop, and get goose bumps. Oh, and as a side note, for the last jam song “Goin’ down”, Mike Portnoy and Virgil Donatti were both playing on the same kit! Those poor drums didn’t stand a chance.

(Frederic Moreau)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 24, '01 5:57 am
WOW, nuff said! :) Made the trip From France just for this show, and man, what a great idea I had! But I don't think it was a G3 concert, especially at the end, I think it was more like a G7!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 guitar gods+ 3 Bass gods :) Plus, I've been able to meet Steve Morse and Dave Larue after the show, really cool, for me, cause they are really cool guys! :) Too bad I could not wait for others to come out.Will try to catch SV and Billy in Paris next Nov though ;) My only regret: I don't think this can be topped! :)

Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Tue Jul 24, '01 12:05 pm
It was the Best Rock show EVER... Petrucci was really awesome and Glasgow Kiss.. Kicked Ass, Steve Vai was bigger than life itself...for the guys who have put reviews on the TONGUE effect,...doesn't work on mine, Billy Sheehan was the best stage act with Vai (Unbelievable bassist), I have never seen two musicians have so much fun on stage. Satriani was way COOL..the Chrome Guitar and the screaming guitar melodies were awesome, and Stu Hamm's hammer-ons on Always with me...Blew me Away! Drummers- Awesome, Unbelievable, Wild. FINAL JAM - Satch, Vai, STEVE MORSE, Petrucci (Missed Gilbert)...something which can only be experienced in person and not imagined. Overall the BEST concert, Hope to see them next year.

dw Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 9:56 pm
wow words cant describe how great the show was I saw a whole lot DT fans there,but I think the night belonged to Sheehan&Vai great music and they just didn't stand up on the stage and play. oh yea and I have never seen the HOB that packed .

alienfunk jr Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 6:34 pm
Words simply can't describe that show. I am so happy that I forgot my earplugs. Petrucci was a huge hit from the start, and a real out for this guy in the future. Vai, was usual....he works the crowd great. Joe was amazing..actually brought tears to my eyes. there was a point when I said to myself "Take me now, just doesn't get any better than this!" The end of the show shook the building...can't describe it...had to be there. Paid around $35 for the ripped them off! That's about $8.50 an hour for the best damn time of your life...not a bad deal, huh?

Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 2:16 pm
Thanks G3 crew for making a normally boring sunday into a night to remember. All of the musicians cranked killer tunes for 4 hours and my ears are still ringing.Thanks again guys!!!!

Flynn777 Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 1:39 pm
Why doesn't this go all the way to 11? This show was 4 hours of rock orgasm. Petrucci owns. Vai owns. Satch owns twice over. Morse comes out for a special treat at the end, with Stu Hamm, Dave LaRue, Billy Sheehan all on stage together, and Mike Portnoy cookin in the back... stick a fork in me, baby! Thank you forever guys for allowing us all such an amazing experience. And Joe, please, I'm begging, just sneak a quick peak...

(Lauri Benton)
Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 11:11 am
Ranking this a 10 is an understatement. Petrucci was fantastic, Vai was, well Vai, unbelieveable, and Joe simply took my breath away. I've seen Vai and Satch many times and this is one of the best shows yet. The Hendrix tunes were beyond description. The aftershow party upstairs was great and Stu, Steve, John and everybody else couldn't have been more gracious.

steve mccall Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 8:32 am
monster of a show. awesome,too bad joe didnt have time for his fans before or after the show though. steve vai & billy sheehan stole the show just amazing.they were the most fan friendly guys i've ever met.i've met joe before and i know he's super cool. peace

VanU2 Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 6:47 am
Awesome show! Joe played his best along with Vai and Petrucci. Steve Morse towards the end of the show was a real treat.

TheHaze Sun Jul 22 '01
House Of Blues
Orlando, FL, US
Rank: 10 Posted: Mon Jul 23, '01 2:55 am
No really! this show was a total 10. Discounting the few mixing glitches which just happen the sound was totally there. These guys were on fire - John really set the mood for the night and man was his tunes great! Can't wait to buy that album when he gets it out! It was my first time seeing Steve and I was floored; he's awesome! Could waste a lot bytes but simply put: Joe just wailed! THANKS FOR PLAYING RASBERRY... my favorite Satch tune. Would have loved to hear Stu do his solo bit though.